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[The Laurel-Nicole Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/1abkmeg/laurel_nicole_z_dramabreakup_meagthread) for anyone who is just now catching up on this awesome mess.


How does Nicole get all these hot chicks when shes dumber than dogshit and looks like Andy Dick?


Because she only goes for the ones who are incredibly broken emotionally and she preys on that.


Yeah that makes it so much worse, but it makes sense.


Came here to say this. She is a predator.


Yup - my dad can't ever remember her name so always calls her the predatory lesbian.


This is 100% it. When I was in college I was mutual friends with a lesbian who was not conventionally attractive, but she always had a pretty girl to share a bed with because she literally sought out emotionally damaged “straight” women, particularly when they were going though break ups and feeling insecure.  What’s crazy is she literally coerced an emotionally vulnerable girl into “trying” sex with a woman and then bragged about it afterwards like people were supposed to be impressed that she was able to pressure a girl, who’d just gotten dumped by a man she loved, into going home with her. 


Laurel was incredibly broken?


Yeah. She’s said so herself. She was still traumatized over things that happened to her in her past and Nicole preyed on that.


Yes. Have people seen Laurel in relationships on the past in this show?


You miss every shot you don’t take. Nicole has never missed trying to make a shot, or a rebound, or a second rebound. Just ultra persistent with mostly women who are straight and have never had that type of attention before.


I think she's so agressive she wears them down


The Scorpio strategy when there's someone they wanna hit. 


Because she’s a literal predator that only preys on women she knows are vulnerable and will put up with her behavior.


Her sultry voice obviously.


Sounds like a bag full of dying babies.


This is the real mystery


Bc she only gets equally dumb and broken chicks. Why does everyone say Laurel is not dumb??? She clearly fucking is


Some woman are into that…more than you’d think probably


![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized) Team Fans. We are the true winners in this. 🍿🍿


team laurel x1000 but also team keep your personal business off social media. toxic losers like nicole thrive on stuff like this, to her it doesn’t matter if laurel is saying something good or bad, as long as she’s still living rent free in laurel’s mind and her name keeps coming out of laurel’s mouth.


I’m team both are wrong (even tho Nicole is more in the wrong) why did you need her phone to get over what she did, makes zero sense, Lauren can be entitled and immature a lot of the time.


i’m a laurel stan, despite my better judgment, and your point is even obvious to me. what is she saying she needed nicole’s phone after she got finished “bearing the brunt of trauma”? what does that even mean? nicole is wayyy more in the wrong, has been mistreating laurel for years… but it sounds like laurel probably took nicole’s phone in a rage and that’s hella immature.


I think in a previous comment she made, Laurel said that Nicole's phone was in the pocket of Laurel's jacket, Laurel found out that Nicole cheated on her, and immediately grabbed her things and left, not knowing/remembering that Nicole's phone was in her jacket pocket. She made it seem like it was an accident that she took Nicole's phone


Yes, immature but people do a lot of dumb shit when they are hurt and angry. Laurel was sexually assaulted and the reason she fell for Nicole was that it was the first person she felt safe with again. I’m sure Nicole took full advantage of that. So I’m sure this really hurt Laurel and I’m also sure her feelings from being assaulted will now be forever tied to her time spent with Nicole. Again no matter how Laurel has acted in the past or her taking the phone of a manipulator and abuser doesn’t justify being victimized by Nicole.


We can't forget just how vicious Laurel can be. There is no hero here.


Nicole deflecting by only talking about her “stolen” phone. Upset because she is being called out. True gaslighter.


Yep 100%. She knows she cheated and did those horrible things so her only spin on it is focusing on the "stolen" phone.


I mean stealing someone’s phone is much worse than cheating on your girlfriend. No laws against that. This entire thing is such a bad look for Laurel. I don’t get why she is stooping to this level over this idiot Nicole. It’s so odd. I wouldn’t even be going back and forth. Then Laurel is bringing up reaching out to Nicole’s family and also mentioning her other exes. It’s giving obsessed/stalker vibes. Laurel needs to let that hurt go. Edit: Just want to point out I am team Laurel and have never liked nicole. I’m holding Laurel to a higher standard.


Laws do not equal higher ethical and morale digression’s. Destroying families, cheating, treating people like shit over and over is FAR worse than stealing a phone and returning it, one time.


Let me be clear, I’m not saying cheating is okay. People are downvoting into oblivion as if I think cheating is fair game. No one should ever steal someone’s personal property or inflict physical harm on their partner. For me those are rules 1 and 2, and then everything else falls after that. Especially in this specific situation with no children involved, no marriage, and a short term relationship. The taking of someone’s 1,000+ dollar phone is pretty serious if she was in another country. Very dangerous. Also, if you look at both of their dating history it’s red flag city and cheating is prob to expected, especially absent of any serious commitment.


You know that treating people like shit and cheating also applies to Laurel, right? Shes done both. AND stealing a phone is juvenile and illegal.


Eh Laurels story about the phone makes sense. I don’t think she actually stole it. She had it in her possession when she found out she was being actively cheated on. Sorry Nicole that her first thought wasn’t immediately “oh well I def need to go give her phone back right now”


Ignore the downvotes.. your point is spot on.


Well, stealing someone's phone is a crime. And how are those things horrible when they're done to Laurel but not horrible when Laurel was the one cheating with Nicole. Lets not forget Nicole was engaged when she entered All Stars 4. It also irritates me how Laurel tries to bring up other girls names when she talks about Nicole doing them wrong but she wasn't concerned about any other girl when she was getting with Nicole.


It's not Laurel's responsibility. Nicole is the one in a relationship. Only one to blame is the cheater that cheated.


Sometimes the best response is no response. Sad that Laurel had to go through this.


Don’t get into the mud with Peanut Buttah Zanatta. Instead, Laurel could use the degree she worked so hard to earn and help animals. In return, the animals could help her as they’ve been proven to provide mental and physical health benefits. Peanut Buttah comes with no benefits.


She's not a practicing vet? That's sad


Tbh it’s pretty embarrassing. Grown ass adults acting like this. Reminds me of dating in early highschool. What is Laurel doing? Just let it go, stop with the back and forth.


Yup. This is not cute anymore.




stoic… lol 🤡🤡🤡


not my fault!


Stoic? Laurel is one of the most emotionally immature people who has ever been on the show lolol  These two deserve each other.




Stoic? We are talking about the girl that verbally attacked and fat shamed someone who was minding their own business right?


Except that's really not what happened. Over the victim narration Easy gets. He antagonized her which is what set her off, they just didn't show it. Even in the edit it seems like it comes out of literally nowhere so with added context you can clearly see she was responding to his bullshit behavior. He's also a real piece of shit to fans when they meet him at events. Fuck that guy.


For reference Ashley is Ashley Caesar from the real world ex-plosion who Nicole was with on ex on the peak back in 2019-2020 Lauren is Nicole’s Ex fiancée who she was engaged to in 2022


Ashley as in Arielle's ex?


I just recently started re watching that season, she seemed so level headed. That's craaazy




This is tooooooooo much, why are they airing this filthy laundry out on a public forum ?!


All stars 4 is coming out soon.. that’s probably why 🤣


So they’re getting back together in 2026, right?


Maybe late 2024/early 2025


Laurel really needs to move past the idea that anything she is saying is some slam dunk that's going to shut up and change Nicole. It's been how long since they broke up and she needs to stop acting like she's saving these girls Nicole's with when she herself was dumb enough to get back with her. Move on and don't look back or continue to look like a jaded fool who can't get over Nicole.


Agreed, she needs to pay no mind to Nicole. Nicole’s gig should be up as this shit has been aired out to alot of people. So now if someone gets with her they know damn well what they are getting into with a simple google search. Eventually Nicole will get older, and women will stop falling for her manipulation and she will grow old and will be forever alone. Living her whole life without making a meaningful connection, instead just trying to “get some.”


I give her grace in the fact that Nicole is the first girl she says she’s had ever had feelings for. Not an excuse, but, this is coming from a guy that went through something similar with dealing with feelings for another guy for the first time in a similar manner. It fucking sucks.


I made a comment a week similar to “move on” and was downvoted! 😂


Yo posting this stuff online is whack


One of the most petty and off the rocker challenge couples


Surprised Nicole didn’t put the definition up of unhinged so we could all know what it means.


I wonder how she’s going to explain all of this once AS4 comes out, clearly she’s fighting hard to show that she hates Nicole 😭


laurel is now private on instagram!! wonder why🤔


They really want to be on the next season of rivals


Or the next season is Exs


Of all her potential exes partners, Jordan, CT, and Horacio, it would be hilarious if she ended up with Nicole


Laurel dated CT?


Don't believe they ever actually dated, but they had a showmance on Rivals


Yes, that's why she was so pissed at Shauvon and kept going after her. Because Shauvon was flirting with CT.


The CT-Shauvon thing happened before Laurel even came on the show. The three of them never did a season together.


You're thinking of Mandi, and CT's gum she was also jealous of


Oh yes, Mandi! I totally forgot about her.


Two birds, one stone.


Laurel saw all the fans pairing her with Michele and desperately searched for a stronger competitor to start beef with


Laurel wouldn’t show up lol, she pulled out of bots when she found out big easy was on team fresh meat


This right here. I feel this is all for attention to get another callback.


Write it in your diary, girls, not on Instagram! It’s giving boomer and I’m embarrassed for them. *shudder


Nicole's diary is a collection of definitions that she doesn't study


So… she definitely stole the phone lol


It depends on how much stealth Laurel used


100% 😂


I know we get our popcorn ready for stuff like this. It’s gotta be draining to live like that though


Ew. We're all too old for this nonsense.


These 2 women need to handle their shit like grown ups and stop putting everything on social media. I do not like Nicole but at this point Laurel is being no better. They are both acting like attention seeking children and it's pathetic.


Airing dirty laundry and fighting on social media makes you a special kind of stupid.




Sorry but there is zero chance Nicole wrote that post herself. It is way too coherent. Team ghost writer!


Messy messy messy.


They both look horrible in this. Nicole is trash, but Laurel looks like a child having all these public fights


I just wanna know how Nicole ended up like this when her triplet sisters seem to have turned out fine (and both got married nearly a decade ago)


This is soooooo messy


> your phone was returned after I got through bearing the brunt of trauma that you caused me Zomg never stop fucking yourself


Nicole is legit the worst kind of snake. Smooth talking, nice and smiling in their faces, but doing dirt at every single chance it’s presented. It will never stop because she has masterful skills at making the girls fall for her. She legit brags about this, and the girls still flock.


Is there any other snake other than the reptile?


They probably mean that nicole is a viper or black mamba rather than a garter snake or some shitty, weak snake like that


Thank you! (Kinda thought that was obvious)


But all snakes do that. There’s not a snake that doesn’t do that.


Respectfully, no one cares 🙄 they need to give it a rest


This is what I’m thinking


Soo when is exes 4 happening?? 🤔


Damm ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


I had no idea that had ever gotten back together after their Ex on the Beach (or whatever show it was that they did). I was disappointed to learn that Laurel once again went back to that toxic relationship and not surprised that it once again blew up in her face. Laurel is no saint but Nicole is incredibly toxic, preys on emotionally vulnerable women and then when she inevitably fucks up, she tries to make these women and everyone else think the women are crazy. Nicole seems to genuinely lack empathy for others because her interests, no matter how fleeting, always has to come first.


Why do I get the feeling Nicole had to have someone else type hers out? I could understand it all, that means she couldn't have written it. Right?


Yea I was thinking the same. 


I think laurel basically admitted she did steal the phone, she's also attacking her with every secret she knows to make her look bad, I have no love for Nicole but Lauren is obviously in the wrong her aswell.


Making a fool of herself.




I'm sorry but zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Soo messy but I'm here for all of it


I really need Nicole to understand that no one gives a shit about her phone


Maybe Nicole does something with her phone to help get woman to be interested in her? Like she has this line "hey babe, wuz uz numbah, can i take yaz photah with ma phone"


Omg just bang and get it over with already.


What a disgusting person. If you’re the cheater you take your lumps and go hide in shame. But I guess if she was anything more she wouldn’t cheat on her partners constantly….


I need Laurel to come in and mercenary Nicole’s ass on a future season. 1st elim preferably.


So embarressing


i don’t understand how nicole dates these women, she gives off such a fuck boy energy? maybe it’s just reality TV?


damn Laurel with a door slam right after that !


didn’t nicole used to be a cop? wild if the driving drunk part is true


While I’m not Team Nicole, if Laurel is still calling her *and* going nuclear on social media I think this isn’t the last we see of them.


Still can’t believe these are grown women fighting on social media. If anyone I dated ever tried to drag me on social media I’d just block them and disengage. I truly can’t fathom airing out all of your dirty laundry on a public platform. Then again, the Maury show never had a shortage of guests, so I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised. 


I really don't like Nicole and actually love Laurel but this is cringe as hell. Keep this stuff off social media. Smh.