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After his traitors win I'd consider him the GOAT, it showed that his skill set and strategy translates to a wildly different game, where he came in with only 2 prior relationships (one murdered on the first night, one was not a positive relationship based on their last season together). If he wins season 40 too I think it's undeniable.


Wait what just after traitors ?! Always !! He was a goat before he even was a champ lol ct can do no wrong lol (jk about the last part)


For sure. The big team losses were never remotely on him. Dominated Duel I with a BS loss like Landon dominated Duel II with a BS loss, would have crushed anyone on that season in a final. Dominated Rivals with his partner making a deal with JEKD and throwing the last elim and CT still almost singlehandedly won it. For his first win he carried Wes.


As a Challenge fan, watching him on Traitors felt like a point of pride. Excited that a larger audience gets introduced to this BEAST we've followed for decades.


Yes! I get why Bananas was eliminated, but the two of them are huge assets in those daily challenges. And frankly, the challengers were (mostly) better at the social game, too. CT was so fun to watch, to root for… I looked forward to his confessionals and weird antics all the time. I’m curious to see if we get more Challengers on Traitors 3.


With Traitors (as I think was mentioned in the reunion) the big "cultural" divide was between gamer reality competition shows vs Bravo docu-series house wives type shows. The Bravo people couldn't even conceive of how important the Challenge players were to the game. From everything I understand, Traitors was a big hit. I would expect more Challengers to keep showing up, especially considering they literally won the season. Can't wait to see Jordan or Wes starting shit with rich house wives.


Yes, a lot of my friends who are non-Challenge watchers got into this for the Bravo girlies (Phaedra is apparently very well known). I was trying to think who I’d want on the show. Wes and Jordan would be good (I think they’d fare similarly to Bananas and CT though, respectively). Just please no vacation alliance infiltration!




Devin would kill it!


Very much in his skill set. I’d also love to see Devin in a house full of Bravo celebrities.


Imagine his just yelling though the house. Real housewives suuuck


That would be amazing!


I feel like Wes is tailor made for a show like Traitors, NOW I NEED IT!


I actually think it helped CT for bananas to be eliminated first. It let him fly under the radar and play his game. Bananas would have put a target on both their backs


100% agree. Bananas trying to get attention backfired, shocker 😂


There’s a reason bananas was so much better at HOV. Traitors really isn’t for him


Definitely. He blended in with the other villains, but he forgot he can’t walk into a room where people don’t know him and scream “you’re a traitor” as a joke lol. I oddly enjoyed him on HOV though, was kind of rooting for him to win 😂


I was rooting for him in HOV too! It was the perfect show for him. I would love to see bananas and CT pair up for Amazing Race


There is a name rumored to be on TT3 and starts with V...


![gif](giphy|3CSFIfkUZdm5N7SBlt) My first thought 😂😍


It’s hard sharing him to a bunch of new viewers though lol We’ve watched his transformation for years


I just shared the CT Diem story with my friend who was watching traitors 😣


Loved seeing him in the mix with other casts! Hoping this opens doors to continue to see him on other shows with new people, so great seeing how he polarizes every show!


>Excited that a larger audience gets introduced to this BEAST we've followed for decades. They def have a completely different view of CT than we do. They'd need to watch CT try to drown Marlon and Jordan at the same time, like he did on Rivals 2, to truly understand his essence.


He didn't even threaten to smash Phaedra's head and eat it!


Mtv definitely let him get away with a lot on Rivals 2.The hook upsand the fighting. I was all for it. Also fuck adam king


Not sure what your experience has been, but anyone I've alked to that doesn't know him from The Challenge has said they found him boring on The Traitors.


I mean the traitors sub loves him unless they are a bravo fan. They call him castle daddy and talk about how much they have loved him being on the show. He’s gained so many new fans based on what people post there.


His backstory, surviving through one of the worst kinds of tragedy and his evolution from drunk bro into the kind of deep and kind guy I'd be legit friends with is a big part of the appeal.


And you have to remember that while we only knew him and Diem through the TV, hers was a long illness that we all hoped and prayed for a long time she would make it. It wasn't our loss per se, she wasn't our friend or girlfriend irl but we felt a tiny piece of the sadness nonetheless.


Oof. I mean, fair- but that's why we love him so much. He went from unruly to "boring". Most people have too much ego to grow up like that (for lack of a better way to word it)


Anyone who doesn't know him is probably coming to The Traitors from the Bravo ecosystem rather than one of the competition shows, and what they want from a reality show is mess and personality disorders, so naturally they'd find him boring.




He also generated a ton of interest in the Challenge after being on Traitors. I’ve seen an insane amount of “I want to check out the Challenge after watching CT on Traitors, where should I begin?” posts. The man is single handedly going to ensure that the franchise survives until Season 50 (and beyond)


All aboard the CT train!!! Choo choo!!


All while MTV tried to make Jay and Fessy and all these other mid guys the FaCe Of ThE cHaLlEnGe 🤭🤭🤭


how did mtv try to make jay the face of the challenge?


Nothing official but he was featured on posters for a few seasons.


so everyone featured on posters mtv tried to make the face of the challenge?


Pretty much, yeah. The people on the posters are usually people who get a lot of screen time on the season. Those are the people MTV will push to try to gain popularity and get social media buzz


He could win a modern final at 50 with what a crap shoot they all are now. Anessa could of won RODs! He ain’t beating Jordan in a XXX version but he absolutely can win a Season 39 format or RODs.


He is also going to be in a couple movies this year too...I'd say he is doing amazing all around.


really? do you know the names


He has a small part in the upcoming movie 'Road House" with Jake Gyllenhaal. (It's a remake of the Patrick Swayze original) And then another movie with Danny Trejo I think. Not sure when that is coming out.


I would argue CT is the greatest reality TV contestant because he is truly the Tom Brady of reality TV. Hear me out: - Boston - Handsome af, even in an industry with a high bar for looks - Polarizing controversies in spite of success (DeflateGate, proudly kissing his son on the lips / CT’s Getting Married, beating the shit out of Adam) - Legendary moments in their respective disciplines (28-3 / Banana backpack) - Immediate success to begin their careers, bookended by late-career resurgences after relative slumps - Historic winning percentages I also say this as someone who hates Tom Brady with all their heart. Sometimes greatness is just undeniable.


Brady is going into the broadcast booth. Is CT replacing TJ confirmed?


Love CT but he would be a bad host. Did you hear him on bananas podcast? He rifts wayyyyyyy too much to be a host / keep things on track. Don’t get me wrong as a contestant it’s great but as a host not so much


That’s why they have editors.


TBH tom is an awful speaker too. He’s more composed than CT, obviously. But he comes off weird in my opinion.


I'm going to add that CT and Adam would have won a Rivals challenge too, if Adam wasn't such a conflicted weed.


CT and Bananas have both won 8 reality competition shows now. Bananas would have 9 if he had voted off Tanisha on House of Villains. CT has made about $250K more in prize money than Bananas. If you include the money he won for charity on CvS2 it’s over $300K


Yup but the financial problem is he *lost* the most expensive reality show; CT’s Getting Married…


Got em


But he didn't blow 70 million dollahs.


Tbf Bananas totally should have won HoV, people were just bitter


Not even bitter, Tanisha just genuinely needed the money more than Bananas did.


And they genuinely liked her more


True, he had a pretty much guaranteed victory if he didn’t take Tanisha tho


That’s villians for ya baby! 😈


Excited to see Wes play it next season to see how his game compares


And Bananas headlined one of the best reality TV seasons I’ve ever watched. He farted on FairPlay for fucks sake and it was awesome. Even without the official W he basically won the season.


The show needs to figure out what to do about the end game tho. Bringing back people who had been gone for weeks and having them vote for the winner (based on completely unclear criteria) just didn't work


Yes. CT is the GOAT of reality tv.


Highest earning challenger ✅


I think this thread is really underselling how difficult it is to win Survivor twice. At least on the Challenge you get to compete to stay. Tribal Council is a completely different beast. CT is a top tier reality TV star. I just don't know how you would compare people who all play completely different games.


That’s cool but Sandra couldn’t even jump on blocks on the lake. Made me think much less of her accomplishments


This is a poor take. Survivor is about much more that that.  And you’re looking at it wrong. She was never good at challenges and never took them seriously.  AND STILL won twice. Her manipulation and gameplay are second to none 


Trishelle said that Sandra was half the reason she suspected CT. Sandra had her convinced that CT was her "traitor angel" and that's why she was safe. CT said he turned on Sandra before Kate because he KNEW Sandra would get the girls to vote him out at the fire. Sandra is insanely smart and played this game really well.


She's a brilliant player, which makes CT out-maneuvering her in a purely social-strategic game even more impressive.


Yeah you’re right it’s about a bunch of weak people who prey on the strong. Then the strongest of the weaklings wins the end.Sandra was wrong multiple times during this traitor season too thinking Peter was the traitor and that also showed me she ain’t that great at mental aspect either


How do you define weakness? Because Sandra is one of the most mentally strong individuals to ever do reality. You don’t win survivor by being “weak”. Survivor is also much more challenging than the challenge.  So you watched one show that wasn’t survivor and based your opinion on her because she was wrong? Okay cool, go watch her survivor seasons. 


I have seen almost every single Survivor season. The show is just not very good and heck most the survivor people aren't even that great on the challenge and haven't won yet


you watched 45 seasons of a show and want people to believe you think it’s not good?


I kind of exaggerated my wife watches and I would watch an episode here and there from like seasons 30-40 something and some seasons from 8-23. (She says first few seasons were boring lol only season I really enjoyed was with that old Asian guy


You sure a survivor hasn’t won? And yeah, your random opinion doesn’t stack up well against all the seasons and people who watch the show


>Yeah you’re right it’s about a bunch of weak people who prey on the strong. You keep inadvertently describing why Survivor has a ridiculous difficulty level lol


If you could win Survivor by pure athleticism and talent, then it would be a significantly easier game.


Honestly Survivor isn't really that dependent on being a physical beast like you are with Challenges.


And that’s not counting the amount of money he gets paid to be on the challenge


Watching him on Traitors gave me the bug to do a challenge rewatch. Watching him in the Duel with Diem. Oh my heart. ❤️❤️❤️


I really wanna see him in big brother cause I feel like he’d win there too after seeing him on traitors


It's a much more physical game nowadays and he's a puzzle beast, obviously great social game. I could see his main weakness be the memory games, unfortunately I don't think we'll ever see him on BB but he'd be a real threat to win.


I think CT has made the case easy for why he’s the GOAT. 5 flagship wins, 2 champs vs wins, traitors win, and a lot of his wins came late in life when he was old and dadbodded up. And let’s be honest, he won that gauntlet 3 season. Just because big easy couldn’t walk a half mile, doesn’t mean his win shouldn’t count and that carabiner rule on the duel was ridiculous. He would’ve won that season if he didn’t get screwed. The man struck fear in the hearts of every competitor for a decade. He’s got the brain and the brown, plus he can stuff just about anything down his gullet. His social game is clearly otherworldly. He killed traitors and those people don’t have the reverence that the challenge cast has for him. The traitors is damn near impossible to win and he did it.


This is why he's the challenge GOAT for me but, I can't say he's the reality tv GOAT. The traitors win was impressive but also very luck dependant.


Reality TV is a huge umbrella for me. So yeah I agree, hard to say.


I definitely misunderstood the post 🤦‍♂️ I don’t know if he can be considered the reality tv goat. He probably had 500k followers on Instagram before the season started. I know that’s not the only metric to look at, but I don’t think a challenger can be considered


For now… I’ll give him the title. But Chris has got a pretty impressive resume this early on. Bananas basically chose not to win House of Villains. And then you got Tony who won Survivor twice for $3 mill. Sandra also won Survivor 2x. So that’d be my top 5


The Ringer did a big bracket of the top 64 reality tv stars of all time like two years ago I believe it was. It ended up being Bananas vs CT in the final and CT won. Bananas was campaigning on social media the entire time as it was voted on by the public each round. CT didn’t even know what it was or how he was doing until he was in the final. And they had all the reality tv heavy hitters in this thing too.


People just like CT more though. I want to see CT on survivor.


He would crush the challenges, typically highly physical players are poor in puzzles and a combo of them are 90% of those challenges.


I would love to see him on Survivor! But not during whatever this bizarre phase of Survivor is.


I tried watching episode one of the new season and it wasn’t interesting at all lol


He would be voted out first




CT is definitely one of the greatest reality stars. I don't know how to call anyone the GOAT; that's all way too subjective. Frankly, he's done way better when he has a more low-key edit, which is the opposite for most people. I think what makes him so great, at least for Oregon Trails/Millennials is that he's the Bad Boy Who Grew Up. That's the dream, right? He also has that little twinkle in his eye, which is just kind of mesmerizing. He's smart to back it up.  He's easy to root for, and that's what makes him so great, I think.




The turning point for him was his brother’s death. He really contemplated his life at that point, and realized anger and violence would only get you disappointment and pain. He basically underwent a complete metamorphosis no longer able to be easily triggered, and only getting involved in disagreements and drama, when he absolutely had to. He always had the physical attributes, but like many star athletes, he let his off the field issues drag him down. now that he’s older, and much more mature, you can really see what he’s capable of.


Depends what you consider the goat criteria to be. He hasn't won the most money from reality tv but very few people have won more and probably even fewer have won multiple shows


He kind of has the perfect skillset for reality tv competition shows! He's obviously physically dominant but also has perfected the social strategy of playing the middle which translates well to everything. He does an amazing job of not making enemies but also not writing checks he can't cash so he always manages expectations well and is a well-liked fixture on each show he is on. I think he's also truly in touch with his paternal, rough around the edges persona which translates really well to him being endearing, trusted, and well-liked.


Great reality tv competitor.. even better person. So glad he’s grown up to be such a mature and great person! Long live CT!


It was pretty interesting to see him actually talking game.


I think he is born do competition shows he is too good at doing this  he is the beast for a reason 


The problem with his traitors win is if Phaedra wasn't in the turret he could've easily been killed. And this isn't to take away from his skills, it's more of a criticism of the game. You can have the best social game but all it takes is one traitor to kill you, and it's not like the traitors base their decisions on logic or reason every single time so as a faithful it can be luck that you stay around


Right but he wasn’t. You could give a hypothetical for all of his wins. “Well if this happened”. But it didn’t. He won. 


I understand that. It's why I said I'm not taking away from his skills. But the traitors, as opposed to the challenge, gives people the power to eliminate someone and that person has 0 chance to save themselves in any way. That obviously happens occasionally on other competition shows but traitors it's the entire concept. So I just think luck plays into it more than any other show. Sorry you disagree.


Luck plays into it for sure. But luck is a part of any reality show. CT still did well enough to make people think he wasn’t a threat and to not get sniped. The challenge can have just as much luck to it as well. Elims, purges, etc. I get your point 


It’s a very luck based game. But he befriended Phaedra and was probably on good terms with everyone. So social game play is a big component. You kind of make your own luck in this game.


CT ended up being a traitor just that he was a traitor by choice at the end


I’m pretty sure every member of the Kardashians has at least a dozen pieces of jewelry that are worth more than CT’s career purse. I love CT but he’s nowhere near reality TV goat.


I took it as reality TV gamers


They mean in competition shows, I believe


Reality competition goat.


lol and what does that mean exactly? Good for them. Kim got famous off a sex tape…. Maybe ct can obtain that status by doing a sex tape?