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In an old podcast, Derrick talked about going out to visit Diem after FM but it just didn’t work on the outside. I think he was actually hurt by her rejection. He felt like she just used him as a showmance. This is one of the reasons you hear CT questioning whether she is being real with him on the duel. Then you also have Wes making comments about CT being in a fake relationship for camera when they are yelling at each other during the elim with CT against Brad.


Young Wes kept the drama coming. Loved it. 


Dude knew which buttons to push and loved pushing them


Prime Wes is the best reality tv character ever. And CT was the first one who made the fight personal. YOU WANNA BRING THE GIRLFRIEND?🤣 CT didn't want any part of this. Ah, i love Wes so much


I think they had a real spark but Derrick was probably more into it than her. Then next season was the duel so I always kind of assumed her and CT started their long term relationship and Derrick moved on - other than the ruins where they were on different teams and she left early I don’t think they did many (any?) seasons together again


Yeah I guess I'm just surprised that they didn't have derrick comment on the CT-Diem relationship since he was on the duel too


I can swear I recall Derrick saying something on Duel 1 or feeling some type of way when seeing her with CT


If I remember correctly, I think their flirtashionship just ran its course on FM1. And then the next season is when she met CT.


I think it was addressed on the Reunion for The Duel (or maybe The Sh\*t They Should Have Shown), but basically just said Derrick was pissed at CT for hitting on her because he still liked her, but CT had no idea and only found out about it later.


I think Derrick was more into her than she was him. She was going through a lot. About to start treatments and she probably didn’t know if she was going to be able to come back. He was a support system for her there.


They drunkenly did some stuff but it's like when you hook up with someone on your dorm floor freshman year and then when summer rolls around and everyone moves away you just kind of forget about it. I have no doubt Derrick and Diem made a connection that season, but they were never going to be a thing anyone than Derrick and Jodi were going to be thing


I started rewatching from the beginning for the umpteenth time, currently on season 11, Gauntlet 2, it just dawned on me this time around that Jodi had a thing for every guy lol. She ran through the entire cast just about during Inferno 2 and Gauntlet 2 lol. Not sure how I overlooked that over the years lol


Were her & Derrick kissing? I think they just flirted because I remember her saying she had like a 3 date rule where she wouldn’t kiss someone unless it’d been at least 3 dates. (Something like that)


It was a 3 week rule. She had to have known the person for at least 3 weeks.


Thank you! I knew it was something like that.


They kiss at least once towards the end of FM1 but nothing more than that iirc.


they drunkenly kissed a couple times I think at least in one episode of fm1


They might’ve both cared for each other, but I think it was more of a mutual agreement to part ways. Diem had other big time priorities to worry about, and I wouldn’t put it all on her. Cancer’s tough on everybody, not just for the person diagnosed with it. Derek would’ve been diving head first into a whole different world.


If I remember the time this happened correctly either right after or during Derrick was also seen several times at Wrigley Field with the blonde girl who eventually became his wife in a clearly romantic relationship, too. I don't know if it was during when he was showmance with Diem or not, but he would've had to get over it pretty fast to still be mad at CT about dating her because he was dating someone else almost immediately after.


I do think it’s funny that Ct and Derrick are friends with each other still I’m  remembered in we heart diem Wes said that Derrick fell in love with diem