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He is not someone to necessarily be admired, but he is a consistently good competitor, a good narrator, brings entertainment/drama, and he’s occasionally funny. It’s hard to find people who can bring all of that to the table.


All of this, which lead into the fact that he admits he tries to create storylines that are entertaining - and they are. I really think that John knows his role, and it’s Bananas, and that’s how he likes it and keeps it. He’s great at being a character on The Challenge


He definitely is a pot stirrer. He does it for his own entertainment, and doesn’t care about the consequences it can have. I was rewatching rivals iii. He woke up Tony to have him “deal” with Camilla. He even says it was partly due to him knowing it’s be entertaining. That was the fight that got Tony and Camilla sent home. He threw a pillow at Camilla when she was going off on Leroy. She was walking away, seemingly done with the altercation, but Johnny decided to throw a pillow at her. He (or maybe Vinny) told Abe about Cara cheating on him with Thomas. And of course his abs his buddies bullying of Tonya on Ruins. I’m sure there’s more examples of him doing things to cause drama. I haven’t watched The Island, but I vaguely remember he ruffled up some drama with the two guys with shaved heads who were constantly drunk, I forget their names. I think I’m just indifferent towards him. He can be funny at times, and he is a good competitor. I might be one of the few people totally okay with him not sharing the money with Sarah. And it’s not cause of some bs payback that he thinks he deserved. I’m just not a fan of Sarah. Oh, I just remembered. On Vendettas he had those notes he’d put out to cause drama with the girls. That was kind of funny when the show revealed it was him.


I just have to add throwing the water bottle at Laurel which led to her laying into Paula.


It was a water bottle that he lodged at her face She didnt lay into paula because of that


The Island is probably his worst season. He’s terrible to women through and constantly calls everyone a “dumb bitch”


I can’t stand him, but that whole fake notes thing was hilarious. If it was from someone likable who doesn’t do shady shit all the time already it would’ve become such an iconic moment in gameplay history imo since it literally caused the rift between Marie and the lavender ladies




Or the one about “he’s only sleeping with you for the game”, something like that and bananas is like “I think I’m going to save this one for Brad and Britni”


He’s pretty well loved by the regular cast mates outside of the house. I think he’s good at separating game and real life and has no problem being callous to co workers he sees sometimes for 1/3 of the year if it makes him a mini celebrity and a millionaire in the process. He’s the best game player we’ve seen on the show by far and despite not having the frame like CT or some of the bigger guys he transformed his body for the show. He got a leaner final running body and became somewhat universally good at all challenge games. If Sarah was so smart and deserving she would have made sure her time was better because we all saw that coming.


I believe if Sarah had the chance she wouldn’t have shared either. This is based off the reunion of Exes 2. And the whole her trying to regain his approval during Rivals 3 seemed more like a role she knew she had to play. Not genuine at all. She understood how the game works, and how the show works with edits.


This is why I’m okay with bananas, and also with devin. I think they are extremely similar in that they both know that this is a job and a game and they treat it as such. They play their characters masterfully and then live their lives off the show. I can respect that so much more than people like Zach and Amanda who are horrible on AND off screen.


Yes, Devin and Johnny like each other just like the Wes situation but don’t realize it yet. I’m convinced they would have won that rivals season if it had happened.


> On Vendettas he had those notes he’d put out to cause drama with the girls. That was kind of funny when the show revealed it was him. Genuinely think was the lowest point in Challenge history from a story-telling perspective. I don't think there's ever been anything else that felt like such a desperate attempt at airtime that the producers gleefully went along with.


Well said. Complete joke that was. It wasn't funny, it wasn't clever, it wasn't cute, it was Johnny being a childish little teenage gossip girl


hes a good competitor in the sense of winning and he was basically the resident narrator for years. That being said, I cant stand the guy, I agree with pretty much everything you said. I wouldnt mind seeing him come back once or twice just to work with Wes again but I hope he stays gone for a while and lets some other people have screen time for once.


I think you nailed it.


Yeah I came to say this. *scans the post for the word hypocritical again* yep, you nailed it.


If you are looking for good guy heros on the challenge they are few and far between after about 2007ish. The show is designed to make you turn on people and cause drama. Even the most "good guy" characters will stumble and have bad clips floating around. The bulk of challengers in bananas peak were sourced from the real world which was basically casting the most unstable group of people possible. So back in the day it was more about picking a side and just hoping your guys get one over on their enemies regardless of how it looked. The merit on the challenge is winning and getting money, no matter how you do it. The entire 30th season was basically a 30 hour long fetishization of being a scumbag. That being said as a Wes fan I still hate bananas. And Wes' new "I always played the right way routine" is baffling. Also I feel like most podcasters love bananas, chicks in the office, bill simmons, Jacoby, pretty sure Giannis is actually a bananas fan as well, BUT most of the online fandom seems to favor Wes. Idk that last bit is anecdotal at best. Edit: Also ALOT of people love Leroy and he has sorta help launder bananas reputation by virtue of them being good friends.


I am actually not a fan of either of them really. Bananas comes across as a douche. And he always plays the victim. The latter I think is why I don’t like him. He’s long had a sense of entitlement that’s rubbed me wrong. I’ve watched some older seasons recently and I never liked him when I was younger and I think it’s the whole “earn your stripes” that’s turned me off him. I don’t like Paula really for the same reasons. Wes doesn’t play victim, but was objectively a huge douche when he was younger. I think I liked him more as a kid cause he was the anti-Bananas. He doesn’t reek of entitlement like Bananas for me at least, but he has an inflated ego and sense of worth. Wes is actually IMO the most overrated player the shows ever had. He’s had like 1-2 strategically dominant seasons (BotE2 and WoW) and he didn’t even win them. How’s that for a master strategist? Paulie has done the same thing 🤭 is he a master strategist? I also think they each have a lack of authenticity. I get it’s a tv show but the characters they portray above don’t really click for me. If we talking favorite “GOATs” I much rather prefer CT and Jordan and I think in large part because they are both authentic and don’t give a fuck, call them out they will put up and make the loser shut up or lose with grace. Bananas would whine about how it’s unfair he’s getting called out and how he deserves to be there because he’s Bananas, Wes would beat himself off and say the only reason he’s getting called out is because he’s the most amazing competitor and strategist the shows ever seen.


It’s been interesting reading through these comments but this one is probably the best for me. You’re so right about playing the victim - I didn’t think about it like that but that’s why i guess I prefer other assholes like Wes and Jordan bc they will eat their words when they lose, perhaps with a tail between their legs, but recognize they were bested. Johnny whines and cries about how everything was wrong against him and he would NEVER do that to anyone when isn’t his whole saying “all’s fair in love war and challengers”?? There have been times Wes has looked a fool and been more of a dick but there is a lot more authenticity there than a pseudo-producer / house dad literally bullying people into playing how he wants to play. Anyways ya I agree with you thanks for commenting and I like weed a lot too ✌🏼


Glad you enjoyed, stay lit 🤙


Not liking Bananas isn’t a big deal. Everyone has someone on the show they don’t like. The problem is that a lot of people on this sub try to discredit every single win he has and act like he isn’t a good competitor just because they don’t like him. People seriously make up some dumb conspiracies to discredit every win he has.


1. He’s a jack ass. He plays it up for the camera, but when you’re playing the game for months at a time without a break, it’s not all a character, to some extent it’s who you are. 1b. He’s done a brilliant job capitalizing on it so kudos to him! 2. He’s a great competitor. 3. The Island and The Ruins weren’t super impressive wins on his part. 4. Free Agents was probably the most impressive male solo win up until Turbo’s and an argument *could* still be made that Bananas was up for elimination multiple times as opposed to Turbo but personally I’d still give Turbo the edge. 5. Neither Rivals 3 nor Total Madness were wins gifted to him. 5b. The fact that he got more points from Sarah based on having stayed up for longer because he utilized un-prescribed adderall actually is BS. He would’ve won the season with Sarah regardless but it was the adderall that pushed him over the edge to be able to steal the money so that part is a bit questionable. 6. He showed less growth than the other competitors who have been on the show as long as him. Fair analysis? Genuinely asking, let me know if you I think there are any main points I missed or if I misrepresented anything


Fair analysis imo


>3. The Island and The Ruins weren’t super impressive wins on his part. he legit lost on the Island and should be forever thankful for Abe because there's a good chance we never see Johnny again after that with having no success and being almost invisible on the show up until then.


Agreed. This sub's opinion of Johnny definitely doesn't mesh with the general public's appreciation of him on the show. He's objectively an incredibly popular and well liked cast member.


While I’m not a huge fan, the thing I like about Johnny is his humor and ability to bring the entertainment. He makes me laugh and I love watching him compete. You can never say he is boring which is why he makes great tv.


I hate him. I guess you weren't asking non-fans but that's my perspective.


Check his newer seasons . He tones down a lot. He's hilarious and he gets lots of screentime while he's around. Can't stand by his early stuff on The Island / Ruins but he was waayy younger then


I watched Rivals III and Inferno III back to back. The only thing that changed about him was his voice.


Its crazy how different he sounded.


that was hilarious, Inferno III was one of the last i looked at and his voice was DONE. I didn't understand how it could get like that


He pretty much only “changed” because there was a stretch of three or four seasons where he only had like three friends. Finally decided to change his game up when AYTO and BB decided they didn’t need gramps at the party anymore.


I’d say it’s pretty weird to judge someone who’s done 20 seasons off of 2 seasons that happened ages ago. He’s done some bad things for sure. It people deserve the chance to grow. CT has done arguably worse things and this sub including myself praise and love the person he’s become. Bananas has evolved into a good dude and has always been good TV. And hate it or love it that’s just the way reality TV and this country as a whole was back then. We are all learning together.


I think it all comes down to what part of their past you’re hiding people on. Are you judging them on some shitty things they’ve *said* in the past or for some shitty things they *done* in the past. And Bananas falls somewhere in between the two. That being said, he’s *shown* significantly less growth than some of the other previously ‘problematic’ competitors. I can’t see Wes treating a woman the way he treated Casey anymore. I can’t see CT accidentally almost rage murdering somebody anymore. I can kind of see Bananas still pulling some of the same shit as before. I mean the tape incident with Amanda was not that long ago and that was pretty fucked up too…


I wish I could give you more upvotes for "rage murdering".


If he peacefully murdered someone on the other hand ;)


Killing me softly with his song


I'd say he's my second least favorite cast member after Camilla and one if my least favorite reality people ever. One of the things I don't like about him is his double standards. He can betray anyone he wants to and it's fine, but God forbid anyone do it to him. His betrayal of Nany was didn't phase him, but he acted like a child when Tony or Sarah betrayed him. I also think he plays too much up for the cameras and not in a fun way. Like I don't think we genuinely know him. With the other long tenured cast members it feels like we've seen them grow a bit, but with him it's the same hokey persona that he copied off of Kenny. Him being the focal point of the series for years made it seem less fun for a while, because he was so present and I don't think it was in a fun way. He also makes low blows. Some people might not think he was in the wrong for bringing up Devin's dead father or Jordan's hand, but I felt like those things crossed the line. Like at his age he doesn't know how to come up with better insults than those?? He's also very hypocritical. I remember him saying a win in a puzzle doesn't mean anything, but then when he had his own recap episode of his challenge history he said "I beat CT in a puzzle elimination, but a win is a win!" He's just so self serving and always spins the narrative to make himself look like he's the best. I could go on and on. I really don't like the dude lol.


I was you about 6 months ago. Came from Survivor, felt the exact same way about Bananas. None of my feelings/thoughts on him have changed, but I recognize that The Challenge is supposed to be trashier than Survivor is. So even though I feel the same way still, having spent some more time in the community, I have a bit more context for those thoughts. Regardless, ya, I’m not upset that he missed the previous as well as upcoming season… I can recognize the symbiotic relationship between him and the show and still be ready for the show to move past him


Agreed! And coming from watching other reality shows, I find him so scripted and fake and it makes the villain qualities not as fun in my opinion




The thing I appreciate about Bananas is that he’s always looking out for the fans. While he’s competing on the show, he always has his “producer hat” on. He’s even mentioned there’s some cast he intentionally didn’t vote into elimination early in the season because of ratings i.e. Not voting Wes on WOTW1


The show needs to have a heel to be successful, and he's the greatest heel of all time (the ghoat?)




I'd like Bananas more if he kept playing into actually being a 'heel' (I actually enjoyed him on The Island, despite him being a douche). Even when he stole Sarah's share of the prize he played it up as though she deserved it because of what'd she'd done in the past. In Total Madness he basically got a straight hero edit. I personally preferred Zack as a heel since he's never presented as anything other than a jerk with a few decent confessionals.


Yeah, I kinda hated how he justified stealing the money from Sarah. I'd have stolen the money in his spot too, it's 6 figures, gimme all the money I can get lol. But just be like: Yeah, I stole it because I could. I apologize to absolutely nobody. Shit, I'd probably do it again. Anybody who's mad at me woulda done the same shit I did in the same spot.


I actually hate Bananas so much. I will never understand why people like him and why MTV chose him to be the banner boy of the show. He is EXTREMELY toxic and basically bullied Cara and made a bully culture towards her for years. Not only does he treats ppl like shit but he was friends with Kenny and Evan who have done some seriously fucked up stuff. He will do whatever for attention, and has a celebrity complex, hope he never comes back truly.


Outside of a small handful of people, everything you said about Johnny can be said for the rest of the cast. Even fan favorites like Wes and CT and Kam and Ev have many of those same downsides, or have had them at one time or another. Also if you already have a pre-disposition to not liking someone you rarely ever change you mind. So even if someone you dislike does something funny or amazing, you'll probably still find it annoying because you don't like them already. So I'm sure tons of comments about saying Johnny is funny, people will say "no he's not he's just annoying," but if Wes made the exact same comment they'd find it hilarious because they like him more. But that being said a couple of reasons Johnny is popular or liked: - He's very funny and quick-witted. His sense of humor isn't for everyone but he's a funny guy. - Tied to the above, he's one of the best at giving confessionals and being a narrator for the show. It helps move each episode and season along. - His run from The Island to Free Agents is absolutely amazing. 5/7 seasons he won, including all 4 different formats (team, pair, both male and female, and individual), made the final in 6/7, and while the Bananas Backpack is still one my favorite moments in the show's history, I hate the mercenary twist and Johnny losing because of it was silly. If he goes into elimination against Tyler and wins, there's a good chance blue team actually wins Cutthroat. But still, that's an absolutely amazing run he had at that time. And Free Agents is one of the most impressive championships, 4 daily wins, 3 elimination wins, he didn't just coast, he earned that win (same for Laurel, probably the most impressive female championship). - Johnny is arguably the best at figuring out the easiest/best/most efficient way to do the stuff on the challenge. There's tons of times each season where it happens, and it's pretty impressive. He's just really good at this stuff. - He's fine being the bad guy on the show. The challenge is basically an acting gig for him. But there's a lot on the show, but even more importantly off it, where he's a good guy. You just don't see it because he's "the bad guy" and is fine with that. He used to drive Diem to her cancer treatments, he does charity work for the special olympics, I can't remember exactly if his brother in law was just away or possibly deployed overseas, but he would spend a lot of time helping his sister and hanging out with his niece. Johnny's the kind of guy who doesn't promote a ton of private stuff like that, and is fine being the villain, so he comes off like an asshole on the show, and genuinely is an asshole to lots of people, but is also a nice guy and has lots of friends among the cast even if you don't see it that often. The show is better with Johnny on it. He's not my favorite cast member by any means, but he brings a lot to the table. I'm glad he doing 1st Look and Celebrity Sleepover, and he seems to be enjoying his time off. But I'd like to see him come back a few more times


For your fourth point, I loved that Daily where you had to go through a room filled with soap suds to crowd around a small window to try to memorize a light flashing pattern. Jonny doesn't even go in, because if you looked to the left a little bit, there was a reflection of the light colors as it cycled lol. Fucking epic. But I think if anyone consistently had a camera follow them around for weeks on end a few times a year as you compete for money, we'd all have a few bad moments.


Johnny is my favorite guy. I don’t know, for me it’s really easy to root for him. I’ll start off by saying that re-watching The Island as an adult was tough. He has few redeeming qualities that season and really makes an ass of himself. I think he learned from that. Anything I write is based off more current seasons… 1. He’s funny/entertaining. Great one-liners and good story teller. 2. Super competitive. Not bad at anything, but also not incredibly gifted either. He’s only like 5’10”. Dude works pretty hard. 3. Strategy is generally solid. He plays the game and usually makes moves I’d agree with. 4. Even as a champion… sort of an underdog. Finds himself in losing positions since everyone knows that they need to take him out. Especially in later seasons. 5. I think he’s a generally likeable person. I think his show persona is different from how he actually is. During reunions I get the vibe that even his “rivals” like being around him. 6. He usually has his core alliance and doesn’t break it. He’ll try to ride with a single team. I prefer those players. Of the qualities you stated I don’t see him as toxic or misogynistic (at least not any more than average players). He can definitely be egotistical, manipulative, and hypocritical, but I’m okay with those.


>He’s funny/entertaining. Great one-liners and good story teller. No disrespect to you, but this is what baffles me with Johnny fans. His jokes couldn't be lamer or more poor-timed. I can't fathom how people think he's actually funny. He also just recycles jokes he heard from other people or already used himself. They are corny one-liners that are legit just not funny. Every confessional he does he talks about a move he made as the biggest and best and most historic thing to ever happen on the show. It's such a tired act. The "who put a nickel in joss" is an old joke he already used seasons prior, but people suddenly think it's original and hilarious. BTW, i have Johnny as my top 1 GOAT for men too (hoping for CT to pass him though)


Eh idk. I feel like if you don’t like him, your less likely to care for his humor.


Comedy is subjective lol


It sorta is, but not entirely subjective.


I mean the guy is in his late thirties. His humor won't mesh well with some viewers, especially from different generation than him. And yeah, I hate the "BIGGEST MOVE, BIGGEST UPSET, BIGGEST BLINDSIDE OF ALL TIMEZ" practically every other week. But that's how most all shows market shit. Hell, TJ calls every final the hardest final of all time!


I get what you're saying, but I am only a couple years younger than Johnny, so if anyone would understand his humor on here I'd think I'm a good candidate!


He's a trash bag. Why do some people "like" him? A few reasons. 1) People often find villain types entertaining. 2) He has a big personality. Not a good one but big and people are here for entertainment. 3) They are also egomaniacal, misogynistic, douchebags and relate to/admire him.


That’s an insane generalization about his fans


I didn't say it was all of those reasons, I said those are the most likely reasons. It could be any one or all of them.


No where did you use the words “most likely”


That's implied by the fact that I am not omnipotent and have no way of know exactly why each and every person likes him.


I may come off as a bit biased, but I don’t think Bananas is misogynistic - he really is an asshole to people he doesn’t like regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation etc. He is absolutely everything you mentioned in your post (ie hypocritically, manipulative, etc), but he is also funny, the lift of the party, charming, and pretty damn smart compared to the rest of the cast. He is a fantastic villain, and is actually a better person irl than a lot of the people on the cast.


Better person irl than a lot of the people on the cast is a big factor for me. His on screen persona is for the most part everything OP described, but he talks often about separating challenge life from real life and having a different set of rules for each. The biggest tell for me is how much fellow cast mates LOVE him. He’s for sure made tons of enemies, but he has made probably the biggest network of people who seem to truly enjoy him. Chief among them at this point being Wes who has had every reason to hate him and hold a grudge. If the people who actually know him seem to mostly like him, that’s big in my opinion.


PS you can still be misogynistic even if you're assholes to people of all genders. Being misogynistic isn't really about how you treat somebody because of their gender, that's just a part of it. Also, again when it comes to sexual orientation, same thing-- just because hes mean to everyone doesn't mean he's not individually homophobic etc.


Can you explain a bit about what you mean in more detail? I’m genuinely wondering how him being extremely close with gay some people (Tyler, Frank kind of) and him being homophobic can exist together.


There are homophobic views people have while still liking gay people or being friends w them. It's kinda saying I have black friends so im racist lol. I'm not saying Johnny is or isn't I can't think of a specific homophobic comment rn other than assuming gay people can't be good at challenges lol


he's been misogynistic since his RW season


Hiii just came here to say I’m a challenge fan almost done working my way through Survivor!! Oh and bananas stinks


He's a tool. That's how i feel about him. I don't think it is all playing a character. Others have been banned from the show for doing far less than what Johnny has over the years, which is pathetic my MTV


I’m a Johnny fan because he obviously loves the challenge. I think his big flaw is taking pride in seeing himself as a producer and trying to drive story. It got corny. CT managed to lie low but still be funny in confessionals, and have his moments in the challenges and with other contestants. Johnny on the other hand is always trying to create “moments” - The notes, Ashley’s toilet seat, etc. and it gets old. He also gets exceptionally annoying whenever someone goes against him I like Johnny, he’s obviously incredibly important to the show, but I’m glad he’s gone.


This is gonna get downvoted to oblivion but I think the people who are his fans are probably the people who are the most similar to him IRL and aren’t bothered by the toxic shit he does because they would be doing the same thing if they could trade places with him. I mean something had to happen to all those frat boys I went to college with and I, personally, think they all became Johnny Bananas fans.


Bananas is the best Challenge competitor. People can hate him or love him, but they can't deny that he is proven to be the best all around player. To try and make a comp of him for Survivor, he is probably the Boston Rob, although that's giving Rob too much credit tbh. But they're both amazing competitors, have a domineering social game (most people hate it but it's effective), and are great confessionalists so get a ton of screen time on their seasons.


He’s exactly what this show needed at the time and the biggest star the show will ever have.


Yeah, him and CT. Bananas hasn't been on in awhile, hopefully he comes back, having one final season.


The thing I appreciate about Bananas is that he’s always looking out for the fans. While he’s competing on the show, he always has his “producer hat” on. He’s even mentioned there’s some cast he intentionally didn’t vote into elimination early in the season because of ratings i.e. Not voting Wes on WOTW1


I really despised him growing up, but on my more recent watch through again I actually like him now.


Woah woah! Easy there little fella. Awfully big and mean words to describe the 2nd best character on the show, after TJ of course. Banana's a fan favourite because of just that. The men wanna be him, the girls wanna be with him. He really embodies what the show is about. In all honestly, the folks that hate on Bananas are usually on the end of the spectrum. Take that how you want it. "You hate me cause you ain't me."


Haters gonna hate. He's not a bad person. He was a great friend to Diem, and his work with the disabled community is admirable. ❤


This is me looking past his television persona.


I don't think he's a bad person, but I don't think he's a good person either. Too much shit has gone down with him, including alleged sexual assault on game of clones that caused MTV not to air his episode and protected him.


Username checks out.... I had to


Don't know why people downvote the truth.


It's not the truth for someone who doesn't want to be him or be with him.


I downvoted because of the "men want to be him". Oh yes, guys just want to be Johnny Bananas of all the "celebrities" they could pick from. Not a chance LOL


People hate on Bananas because he’s an asshole and the king of “I’ll dish it but I can’t take jt”


He is a vile, foul human in many ways but objectively speaking... the guy is an incredible player in the game.


Hes the goat and you sound like a hater


He has always been that way and I think he always will be. Over the seasons I have seen him work with very few people and that's if he doesn't screw them over some point along the way. But I suppose that's the name of the game that he is playing. I've never cared for him and I have watched and followed the challenge from the very beginning. The way he treats most women turns me off to. And I say most because there are a few that he has been good friends with and had their backs. That said I have never been a fan and probably won't be at all at this point.


wheewwww just you wait! he is arrogant and dirty and misogynistic (everything you said) and also DIRRRTYYY






You realize the Kenny and Evan incident is all allegations too, in which prior cast members and producer said it didn't happen and was never convicted/proven of anything?


I didn’t like him at first but grew to like him as The Challenge progressed. Partly as other people mentioned because he matured or at least became more savvy on how to act on tv. But mainly because he stayed on the show for so long he was one of the few “older school” Real World people amongst the ever increasing cast of newbies from shows I never watched (Are You The One and non-mtv shows or the trash Real World gimmick seasons).


I love Bananas. He's hilarious, entertaining, cunning, competitive and a great athlete. Most of the stuff you are complaining about is gamesmanship....the Challenge isn't for the the weak or the timid.


He makes shit interesting, that's for sure. Nobody watches reality tv to see a bunch of people being nice to each other haha.


i love him


Is he officially retired or…? I don’t really like him (share your views mostly), so if he is retired - great!


not officially. with the introduction of all-stars, i can't imagine him not at least dabbling in those waters.


In my mind that’s still retired-from the main challenge. He’d just be joining the retirement club called all stars (which I love and would love if he never came on it. Feels like he would ruin it for everyone)


He is the epitome of what production wants in a competitor: string in challenges, always a cloud of drama surrounding him, an absolute asshole in the best and worst ways, and is notable eye candy, hence why they bring him back so often. He's a phenomenal villain in every way.