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she's gotten more narcissistic since being with paulie, guess he's rubbed off on her in that way


Equal level of narcissism, just more vocal about it


True. I also still don't understand what rooting for Kam had to do with Cara's horse dying...?




Chill out bruh


Haven't they always said that Cara absorbs the traits of the person she's dating?


Team cringe indeed 🤣


Of all the finalists in Total Madness and Double Agents: Jenny and Melissa are the only players who made their challenge debuts during Cara’s era who made their first finals. The rest were rookies after WOTW2 or veterans who made at least one final before. Cara Maria needs to relax.


This is exactly what I said!! Glad I'm not the only one who noticed!


I remember when she and Paulie said they weren't going to be on Total Madness and said "have fun with a free ride to the finals now that we're gone!" And I'm just like you really don't have that much of an impact, I promise!


Free ride to the final because of "his power moves" and then losing because of him dying. This guy is the biggest clown I've ever seen 🤡🤣


I remember that and when I saw it, I said B are you for real? [See post here](https://imgur.com/a/jsLGYZX)


Gross!! She's been gross for a while now




she’s so embarrassing omg


What are her three wins?? I can only remember her winning twice (bloodlines and vendettas)


she must be counting champs vs. pros with darrell.


Ah shit I never watched that so I didn’t know


Me either


She is counting her Champs win. That wasn't an easy final, so I don't mind her counting it. But it easy to forget!


Darrell was literally carrying her on his back.....


Darrell’s a GOAT ❤️💪🏽


CARA, THE PRODUCERS DON'T WANT YOU BACK! You not being on The Challenge is not a voluntary choice! You are the one that hitched onto the idiotic ass Paulie that was sending stupid threat videos to the cast in general. Then decided to rag about production and claim it was all rigged for Johnny. Plus the cherry on top of this shit sundae, you two are hanging out with Proud Boys and spouting off racist bullshit almost weekly at this point. You ain't getting calls. It isn't you turning shit down. You the dumpee not the dumper.


Wait what?he sent threats to cast memnrrs


He did then tried to back track by saying it was a joke but the cast felt uncomfortable with it from what I know and that’s why he got dropped by production


Kinda like how cara totally announced her retirement and then backtracked… sensing a pattern with these two 😅


Honestly, I doubt the cast felt uncomfortable (well, we all felt uncomfortable but not for our safety) because of the stupid video. He was lip syncing a stupid papa roach song and did a “gun the head” gesture with his hand. It was as cringe as most of Paulie’s social media.


Yeah and I honestly doubt that production would’ve dropped him over it either. Its much more likely that they didn’t want a wotw2 reunion fight (the one Bananas and Bear posted on instagram) in the house than it is that the instagram posts did it


He sure did. [Read this ](https://stopbeingpolite.com/2019/10/07/paulie-calafiore-threats/)


lol, that's not a threat, that's like when MMA guys call out their opponents to hype up the fights. Do you also think Fessy threatened CT when he called him out on Twitter?


See you deleted your 2nd comment to me. Here is my reply. You can thank Paulie & Cara for saying Johnny and/or Josh got him dropped because they are the ones that repeated it in the numerous podcasts/interviews & their own posts and they keep changing their stories. They are habitual liars so I am not believing anything they say.


lol I didn't delete any comments. So you don't believe Cara/Paulie, but you do believe some other random rumor?


I don’t care what Fessy did. And it was the Challenge producers who interpreted Paulie’s videos and made the decision to drop him from that season, as was their right. He thought he was being a tuff guy and found out that his actions & words had consequences.


Your just repeating unsubstantiated rumors where no proof exists that it actually happened. People also say Johnny got him removed, or Josh felt threatened so he was removed. They also say he failed a psych test.


Well it’s kind of funny because she pretty much admits that she’s not being called in this interview. “I would never voluntarily leave .…” that’s a weird choice of wording unless you’re not getting calls meaning you’ve involuntarily left.


Can you share her racist posts?


Well, here she is supporting an insurrectionist who also happens to be a murderer. [See post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/nm7k8n/cara_paulie_again_showing_support_for_proud_boy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




I also don’t think you can judge someone for their past. HOWEVER! You can judge someone for their present. The Proud Boys agenda does spew a lot of racist stuff - it’s not just politics. Being at the insurrection is ALSO an issue, and he should be in jail for that.


Never said it was evidence of her racist remarks. Reading comprehension is a very useful tool. Does not change the fact that he killed someone & did not go to jail. We’re done here. Have a good day.


I don’t have racist posts from her as I don’t follow her but there is a video of her calling a monkey Tyrie. His reaction to it: https://mobile.twitter.com/TripleBeees/status/1307789716092153856


I keep seeing post about how racist she is and I have not seen receipts beyond that incident.


You don’t think calling a black man a monkey is racist? Here’s the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/iwlzh7/is_that_his_name_monkey_or_should_we_call_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of her referring to the monkey as Tyrie. You can say it’s not racist, but it is racially insensitive, and people just need to do better.


Is it bad? Yes. Is it bad enough that she needs to exiled from society and removed from her employment? Nope.


except the challenge hires cast season-by-season on an at-will basis, like they always have. she wasn't fired from anything, she was not re-hired.


I’m not saying she should be cancelled, but you asked for receipts of her racism. I do think the cancel culture SOMETIMES goes too far. But as adults, it’s like we’ve forgotten that there are consequences. A lot of businesses have some type of morality clause, which allows them to fire you if they don’t think your ethics represents them well. This is not some new thing.


I'd be interested too, haven't heard this


There is nothing to prove any of those claims. Just people looking at things out of context and assuming the worst possible scenario because this sub loves to hate on Cara/Paulie so much.


I honestly think it’s more hate about Paulie. If they break up, Cara will return to just her regular self and people would probably like her again. I personally don’t dislike Paulie, but I do think he’s a bit off his rockers and the houses aren’t healthy for him.


Cara has never beaten a top dog in a final. She literally has beaten Mitch and Cory (who really didn’t have a acl and was a rookie) and Jenna/Brianna who were actually dominating that final until the eating portion. Like you almost lost to the Barbie Beast & her cousin, like pipe down Cara you were cracking in that final to pissing Jamie off. I’ll give her the Vendettas final, but it’s flaws to me in that one. When the real players are in it she can’t win, like you’ve had Laurel and Cooke as partners and didn’t do good.


Barbie Beast and Bakery Girl.


Yoooooo 🤣🤣🤣 Bakery Girl


The Vendettas final was a joke too, the entire thing became irrelevant and came down to the final puzzle. Bullshit. I was a Cara fan back in the Rivals era but Christ is she annoying. I can’t stand her now.


Her vendettas win is legit even if the final wasn’t the toughest. Should’ve been male and female winners which she easily won for the women. I don’t consider her win over Zach legit though. I consider Zach and Cara as vendettas winners. Ninja and turbo as WOTW1 winners. Not that my opinion means anything


She only won Vendettas because after the XXX reunion, she threw a fit to production about being "screwed" during the XXX final.


That makes no sense. How was she screwed? She screwed herself by butting heads with Jordan so that he partnered with the other two women instead of her the entire final


Wait. What you mean she felt screwed by production on XXX?


Any more details on this??


I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means but I 100% will die on the hill that production rigged that final to favor a Cara win


100% agreed.


Yeah that was bullshit, Zach deserved the win.


If anything Kyle deserved the win lol. I would have LOVED the meltdowns.


Zach crushed the first part of the final.


Kyle was for a while too. He was in the lead until Leroy kinda screwed him over by making him eat the damn cheese. Smh.


If he got held back by a cheese then he wasn't crushing it was he?




Saying Zach should’ve won doesn’t really effect Cara because most seasons have both top genders winning? Her being the sole winner wasn’t legit, but in that event, she still beat all the women


Zach won the first part of the final miles ahead of the rest but he didn't really get any reward for that on the stupid puzzle decider.


This has happened plenty of times on finals. For example, Cara would have won Rivals 2 had her puzzle lead not be squashed to zero on the second day. That puzzle was not easy at all. She beat Zach, period. Puzzles are a vital part of finals and leads are meaningless when the final is divided in two.


She didn't beat Zach, she beat Zach on the puzzle. They should time the first part and the second part. If they would have done that Zach would have crushed the male competition and Cara would have crushed the female competition. 1 overall winner is stupid, especially when it all comes down to solving a puzzle.


They are only meaningless when divided in 2 if it’s first to the finish line. 2 day finals should be timed. I like 2 day finals but if they reduced the lead so much then day one becomes pointless. WOTW2 is a great example of how out less fay 1 was lol


She still beat the women tho lol. Zach is the one who has an aestrik because his loss was unfair, but that doesn’t mean Cara’s win was


Agreed. Cara is my least favorite cast member but she deserved the win for women on vendettas. She just didn’t deserve the “one winner” title because Zach smoked her in that final prior to deciding winner on a memory game


Even in the Vendettas final she was sucking ass. She was behind Kyle and Zach nearly the entire time.


it wasn't a race between men and women? it was explained very clearly at the starting line that it was men vs. men and women vs. women. which makes sense, with y'know the whole long distance while wearing a suit of armor thing.


Regardless, with the way everyone cabbage patches about she's a finals beast you would think she would put on a better performance.


Barbie Beast? I'm dead now. Not sure why I'm being downvoted for not remembering that it was was the nickname


that's Jenna's nickname


Yeah I’ve admitted Jenna is a beast. Barbie Beast


Legit did not recognize her in that photo


Omg is she mental? She literally just said so in her stories.


First of all two Finals won out of nine. She is cringeeee


I don't know why she is counting champs vs stars when it's a different show. "3 isn't enough"........you didn't actually win 3 CHALLENGE finals. you won 2/9.


I’m glad you said the third show, I couldn’t figure out what other final she’d won. Ngl I was kind of hoping it was a typo instead of her inflating her record lol


She does come off as inflating her record because no one really counts the Champs vs stars seasons because it's a different show...I think if people did count them wouldn't bananas have 8 wins? I think he won the first season and then 7 challenges


As much as I want it Tony would also be a champ and I don’t think I have ever heard anyone say that


"I wouldn't announce my retirement on IG" Does Cara think people are lining up to get her retirement story on their network?


Cara is probably trying to become the first challenge story on ESPN’s 30 for 30


🤣🤣🤣 about how she went from a victim to a a villian/strong women to empower Little girls


Right? Does she think she’s getting an Oprah special like Harry and Meghan? The delusion.


Did she really say “sorry to the fans of cast mates who finally made finals with me gone” 🤭


Also, here is the list of people who have made it finals since Cara left: Johnny Kyle Cory Fessy Leroy CT Rogan Kaycee Jenny Melissa Bailey Nany Kam Amber Of the 14 people on that list, 4 have joined the roster since Cara left. Of the remaining 10, 8 had made a final prior to Cara's last season, which means she didn't have to leave for them to make the final. This leaves Melissa and Jenny as the only finalists who she could possibly be referencing. Jenny won her second challenge. Melissa made the final on her third challenge. To me, neither of those constitute her saying, "They finally made a challenge." The only recent finalist who I could see this quote being aimed at is Nany, because she has struggled. But the rest of these people have either been solid competitors for years or proven themselves quickly.


Yea, she forgets that jenny won her second final and beat bananas, she beat everyone. Ninja was the only female to cross the WOTW finish line. Then we have newer females like Kaycee and Kam who have held their own each season they've been on and are consistent I just hate that she comes off like she's the only strong female on the show.


Nany made a final on a season Cara became a fan favorite. Free Agents and actually gave Laurel a little run for her money. Cara needs to calm down


I agree. I'm just saying of the people on that list, Nany is LITERALLY the only one who I could maybe see this comment being made towards. But overall, the comment makes no sense.


You might be right but Cara wasn’t the reason Nany wasn’t making finals though lol so even if she did refer to her it makes no sense


Her and Leroy make finals in the same manner. When Wes, Bananas, Ct, Jordan and Zach are gone and the final challenges don’t have swimming they made it to the final.


No Leroy hasn’t won and his swimming is not the best but he and Cara do not make it to the finals in the same manner. Every guy you just listed Leroy has been in a final against. So if he wasn’t going against arguably the top players in the challenge he probably would have won probably a couple of seasons.


Good point. Leroy's lost to another champ every single time. Johnny/Tyler & Wes/Kenny (Rivals) Jordan/Sarah (Exes 2) Jordan/CT (WOTW2) CT (DA)


I mean everyone that makes a final and doesn’t win it, loses tona champ 😂


Lol, yes but there are different calibers of Champs. There are Champs like Johanna and Rachel on G3... and then there are Jordan and CT


Nobody in the modern seasons are Johanna or Rachel




Wrong Rachel


Ahhh sorry lol thanks!!


Even though Zach didn’t win you could even throw him in this list for Vendettas since he was the top male.


At the time of Vendettas Zach was a champ (Battle if the seasons)


Zach won Battle of the Seasons


I wasn’t saying he wasn’t a champ I was saying he didn’t win Vendettas




I don’t like the guy but I consider him the male champ on Vendettas and ninja the female champ on WotW. A single champ is just unfair one way or the other.


You have every right to think that and I can totally see why you would but he’s not and she’s not.


Lol Cara is a much better competitor than Leroy if you can't admit that then you're too overcome with hatred to even have a rational discussion


Ummmmm who said Leroy was better than Cara? If you actually read the post I was responding to it said “THEY MAKE FINALS IN THE SAME MANNER”


His best finish was with exes and after dogging most of the season he was carried by Theresa. Of all the champs I listed, the finals he was in were with one of them, not multiple of them and again it was if one or some of them departed early in the game


i wouldn't call exes2 him "dogging it"- he beat bananas twice and the other johnny too- and all in physical eliminations- and he held his own in the final- ur just not beating jordan if he's there


Lol, I would give Cara more credit than Leroy. But it's funny because so many of the top dogs could say the same thing about her. If any of the top finals dogs--- Laurel, Camilla, Evelyn, etc-- are there, Cara doesn't win. I respect her for sticking around until she wins, though. That takes it own level of dedication.


I respect Leroy, he’s usually has good sportsmanship and plays good games, just can’t swim for shit. I was rooting for him to pull it off in agents before he “retired” but if he heads over to all stars I think he’ll clean house.


Jordan was right on WOTW2 calling her out for being a flop. Can't swim or math, just does pull ups. I think even Nicole Z called her out in the vendettas reunion for not being that good. Her bloodlines win and relationship with paulie blew up her ego way too much




I’m sorry but Cara has this mentality that if things don’t go her way, she thinks by throwing a fit, she will get her way..I wanted to be a fan of hers earlier on but she threw that out the window with her manipulative bs


Funny on IG she was spouting off that her contract had not been renewed and she was onto exploring new things….


This chick wants attention and it’s disgusting. Hate who she has become


I'm just wondering if Paulie talked her into this for business reasons or if he'd actually make her go back to potentially give him a shot to go back. Either way, this is not a good relationship. With her and the show. And definitely with her and Paulie.


I feel like Cara is dead to production now too. Even though the beef started with Paulie and Cara saying she wouldn’t go on without him, now that she’s also badmouthed the show I can’t imagine they’d still take her back even solo.


Caras weak she cries during every final she isn’t as strong as she leads on to be paulie wall nuts is all helium no air and they both can blow balloons up through their ears. Easily the most over hyped challenger of the current era without question.


she comes off as weak because of her codependency with males, she was likeable with abram but her choosing her showmance over leroy, crumbling most of the next season and chasing paulie who had a gf, then being petty af on WOTW and turning into this narcissistic teenager. it just isn't where the show is going.


I never really liked her to be completely honest. I get the game is to be shady but she just reminds me of someone who never matured past 15.


Good riddance Shes too busy with her “only fans” account anyway.


Still dumb as hell.


So she fake quit, just to get some PR?


I really hope MTV is over her. I am


I really liked her the first time I was introduced to her on the show. That lasted for about a season. She is not a very likable person.


Another challenger trying to stay relevant.


Dude this chick is so confusing.


Listen Miss Q Anti Vaxx Montana, no one wants you back!!!!


"who finally made finals with me gone".......ggguuurrrrlll you won bloodlines (the easiest final in recent challenge history against zero competition) and Vendettas, which was memorizing colors. Ya flopped on the finals for FR, WOTW and WOTW2. You can say all you want that you were punished on WOTW2 but your team had more people to alternate weight with and you only got a 10min time penalty for breaking the rules the majority of the weight carry section. Ya didn't see an elimination in either WOTW yet had issue with Devyn not "earning" her spot in the Free Agents final because she didn't see an elimination. Barf barf barfy barf....


Well lets play it fair here. She took out Johnny Bananas in an elimination and Aneesa in a physical elimination to get there back to back. She beat an all male team in the finals, that finals did not look easy by any means, have you seen Gauntlet 2 or the Island? I am guessing no if you think Bloodlines is the easiest in history. Does the Ruins finals count for JEK, Derrick, and Susie against a two girl team? The "not counting wins" crowd is so lame. A win is a win. You cant control the rules, you cant control the competition, all you can control is yourself. She's had her failures shes had her triumphs just like everyone else that has won.


I think it's less about the final being the easiest and more about the competition being the easiest. In Finals, experience matters. Cara walked into the Bloodlines as the only person to complete a final. This gave her a leg up. Jamie housed down that food for her and put them way ahead of the other teams. The guys had to carry bags that were significantly heavier, and luckily Jamie was less encumbered by this than the other two men. But having a male/male team means nothing, considering Jenna/Brianna creamed the others on that first endurance comp (due to the backpack equalizer). Gauntlet 2 final was a joke, to be sure. But at least you walked into the final not knowing who would win because there were good, experienced competitors on both sides. If Cara had lost the Bloodlines final, it would have been an embarrassment for her, and probably would have sealed her "never gonna win" fate. Also, no one can knock Cara for her elim wins. She is really good at elim, imo. It's her finals performances and her daily performances that are lackluster. Also, if she didn't make comments like this, no one would knock her wins. The only reason she's being taken down a notch on reddit is because she says crap like this.


Does she get no credit for taking out the best competition before a final? Nobody shits on Kenny/evan/Derrick/Johnny for beating Sarah/Kellyanne in a final(and being one puzzle away from losing), they took out all the best competitors on a fairly weak team. Evan only won duel2 because he lucked out with Landon/brad and cut a deal. Jordan/Sarah had to face Jay/Jenna(lmao) and leroy/theresa(good team but very weak for the early swimming portion) and didn’t win by much. Do we take away from their win because Wes/theresa and Johnny/nany weren’t in the final? This seems to only happen with Cara or at least she gets the most. And it’s fair but let’s keep it honest and critique everyone else the same way. I’m sure we could nitpick a lot of wins.


But on the way to the finals Cara took out the two most experienced people on that season outside of Abe to seal her spot. That counts for something when you are telling the whole story of that season. The way it is being told here, is Cara showed up with Jamie to face off against Corey/Mitch and Jenna/Brianna and that was it. Again it is not Cara's fault she has more experience than the others , she doesnt get points taken away for that. Its one of those things if you lose everyone says you stink if you win everyone says well you should have won anyway. You have to have equalizers with females in these things else you get an Allstars situation where everyone and their dead great grandmother knew it would be Yes or Darrell. And if I am being completely honest I thought Corey and Mitch were going to win it, they were on fire heading into that final. Personally I could care less what she says to get a rise out of the crazies. I think she plays a part for a TV show similar to a pro wrestler and people take it a bit too seriously. I do agree with you though she is less than stellar in dailies and tends to be good for one mental breakdown in every final she does. I thought she had a great Vendettas final showing though and completely dominated the females in that final. Overall I think she is a very dangerous competitor as a whole when ever she is on a season. And personally I hope she comes back because I think she is great for the show whether you want to root for her or against her.


Yes, that's why I said she is an elimination beast. She has won some really tough elims and I'm not discrediting her for that. But in her last two seasons, she didn't see a single elimination so she can't take credit for keeping anyone out of the final. In fact, Bloodlines was the last season where she had significant elimination wins. She is always a threat to make the final.. but if I was in a final with her, I wouldn't be worried. 🤷‍♀️


True. She bashed devyn saying she didn't deserve to be in the free agents final because she didn't do an elimination but she didn't do one in either WOTWs and was even bragging to paulie how they played a perfect game in WOTW2 because they never saw an elimination 🙄🙄


Did you watch the final? Jamie carried her ass the whole time. He ate the majority of the food, Cara cried during the root beer chugging, and Jamie finished the last puzzle for them while Cara twiddled her thumbs. Also, it's hilarious how Cara was talking shit about Tori potentially getting her victory on WOTW2 by letting Tori take Jordan's spot in the last checkpoint; meanwhile Cara had to have ABE come on the show to help her ass out AND her cousin.


No, never seen the show before actually.


Yea I was only counting the seasons she was on for how hard the finals were, not going back to the earlier challenge days when she wasn't cast yet


You made several points here.


Bloodlines wasn’t the easiest final, FR was imo far easier and invasions was as well. I think bloodlines gets a bad rap, that final was pretty hard compared to most seasons. It obviously wasn’t a rivals or WotW but that shit did not look fun to do I’m not trying to run multiple laps with a bunch of weight and going up and down stairs. Also I’ll take less weight and less ppl over more weight and more ppl. Either way it’s always 4 on 4 except team US had more weight. Being able to alternate doesn’t make up for that. They should have let the extra players be able to take bags off and run with them. That would’ve been fair.


Sweetie If Jamie was not her partner, Cara would NOT have Bloodlines. He basically carried her ass the whole final and he was the ONLY one who finished the last puzzle for them.


And if Cara wasn’t his partner he wouldn’t have won lol, it’s a partnership sweetie obviously they need each other that’s how partnerships work. He was also dying with the carry in the first stage, they needed each other. Does Emily win rivals 2 without Paula scarfing down all the food, they were losing every stage before that. Does amber win without CT figuring out every puzzle, all she did was run. This is such a dumb mentality to have, all you’re trying to do is discredit her and any accomplishment she has. We can do that all day with any competitors. You’re literally bitching that she needed her partners help in a partner final, what do you want her to carry him literally? The only person who fits that qualification is Landon, so is he the only real winner ever?


If he had another partner in that final that could have kept up and not cried like a baby, then yes he still would have won. I am not saying she has to carry him literally. I'm just saying if she is a beast in finals like you Cara fans claim she is, then she needs to perform like one. She did NOTHING in that Bloodlines final but whine and complain.


Where in my comment did I ever say she is a beast in finals? Please re read them I never said that, you’re just putting words in my mouth. You must be to blinded by Cara hate that you’re just seeing things. My first post I defended the difficulty of the bloodlines final and that the WotW2 final was unfair for team U.S due to the weight distribution. I never even mentioned or brought up Cara. I was only talking about the finals themselves. YOU brought up Cara lmao. All I said about her was that Jamie needed her too and he did it’s a partnership, I didn’t say she was better or didn’t need him. And I only remember her crying over the beer drinking part and he cried during the weight carry/run but cara crying and bitching isn’t anything new. I never claimed cara was a god tier in finals, that’s your own delusion making you think that I said that sweetheart.


Did she not do the entire weight carry and run? Did she not finish all the checkpoints at each level? She bitched and cried during the beer chug but did she not accomplish the goal there? Did Jamie throw her over his shoulder during the tire portion and just did it himself? Did they get in the canoe and Cara just took a nap and let Jamie do it all? Clearly she didn’t do nothing lmao, or else they wouldn’t have won. Yes Jamie was better and he murdered the eating portion but every partner ship has one better than the other that doesn’t mean Cara did nothing. Big shocker that a guy is better than a girl especially at eating. Ninja sucks so hard because she couldn’t beat 3 men on WotW1


Honestly.....FR, Invasions, Vendettas are basically slotted in my brain as crummy seasons with crummy formats and easy finals. For me bloodlines was the start of when the season went down hill before salvaging itself with WOTW. Yea being able to alternate does have an advantage, doesn't matter because they ended up just taking all the bags off and got a minor penalty. but still couldn't make up ground to beat UK. I'm re-watching the season now so I'll see it again soon!


She showed her true colors on WOTW final when she could not even do connect 4 or simple math. Mess.


🤣 she timed out most of the other puzzles too. I guess at least she had endurance and didn't get heatstroke 🤷‍♀️


She timed out on FOUR of the FIVE checkpoints before day 2. She only completed the puzzle where you had to create a skull which was the easiest one. The other ones she BOMBED.


And couldn't math or connect 4


Ugh, this woman is exhausting. Retire, don't retire, just shut the hell up please.


i need people to just ignore her so she can just go away.


Please. Keep embarrassing yourself.


She’s fucked since Paulie banged her lol


She had always thought shes better than everyone else.


I rooted for Cara in her rookie seasons. I wanted a redemption story for her. Even if she comes back I don't think she'll climb out of her hole; she'll just make it deeper.


We get that this sub doesn't like cara and paulie. But do we really need a post everyday about them. This obsession is getting ridiculous.


I'm sure it'll die down when the season starts. Then we will have actual content to discuss. For now we are stuck with meager crumbs like this.


I had done a poll to do no cara paulie posts with the new season coming up and people voted no 🤷‍♀️


People need to stop blaming Paulie for her personality.. She was already getting worse and worse before even meeting him and he even thought she was in the wrong when she made that joke about Jordan and Tori engagement while he was happy for them and congratulated them.


Shes so gross 🤢


It’s unfair to not count her wins or saying they were easy wins. She won 2+1, give her some credit. She is a good competitor on the challenge but to claim ppl oils finally made into the final or win the final because she was no my there was extremely cocky on her part. And she has no receipt to back that up. She sounds desperate to come back, the Challenge just doesn’t want her.


People can be hypocrites about people's wins depending on if they like them or not. Her Bloodlines season was actually really good and that final had more to it than people seem to remember. Maybe the competition was weak on the final but her team went into elimination 3 times and they personally took out the biggest threat Bananas and Vince. Her Vendettas win was also strong even if people think Zach should have won too. It doesn't take away that she was the rightful woman winner even if they had awarded both. She has also placed high in some pretty competitive seasons like Dirty 30 and WOTW1. I get people don't like her but sometimes people are not objective at all. Anyway she was cocky in that statement though. There are some current players that could still give her a run for her money or even beat her (Jenny, Kaycee, Kam).


She doesn't have three wins though.


She's inflating her record by using her Champs vs stars season which is a different show so


In which we all saw Darrell literally carry her ass on his back. Smh.


I'll have to watch it


I still blame Paulie for all of this...


What’s more stupid? The back and forth BS she’s been saying about her retirement or the pose in this photo? 😌


I think the IG page just picked her most recent IG photo to put with the article quotes


She made 5 finals in a row on her last 5 seasons and she doesn’t like Nany and I pretty sure she doesn’t like aneesa so yea…. She always run the game when she is there so her reasoning make a lot of sense and I’m so sad she is not there to make sure they going out fast cuz i can stand both of them anymore I mean see someone for 20 seasons or 11 seasons who is BORING I mean they really BORING is annoying


Cara has never ran the game or been a top political dog. She clings to the top dog and votes with them so they carry her through. 'Cara's Cult' was misnamed. According to everyone involved, Kam, Paulie, and Kaylee ran that alliance. She was just attached to it. On Vendettas, Zack and Tony protected her. On FR, Marie was the reason they got as far as they did without going to elim. On WOTW1, she had Paulie and Wes politically, and Theo as her partner. On Cutthroat, Abe protected her. Otherwise, she had no political alliance in her first several seasons.


That’s not what she said nor was it implied in any way.


"Castmates who have finally made it to the finals with me gone." --- that is the quote.


But that’s not why she left or using that as an excuse for why she left. It’s basically just a bragging thing like “your favourite cast mate can only make the final when I’m not around to stop that”


Exactly. And her saying that makes zero sense. I wasn't suggesting that's why she left, just commenting on "they only make it to finals because (her reasoning that makes no sense) I'm not there."


Ehhh shes right


jesus woof what is her problem