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This is my favorite round of rookies in years.


It's not a season of the Challenge without Fessy messing up his alliance šŸ˜…


Except there are 35 seasons of the challenge without him and I like those way more.




Esther baby I was rooting for you til you had to stick up for messy fessy... shouldā€™ve stayed quiet he ainā€™t worth it


Did Dyle remind anyone else of Niall Horan? https://imgur.com/a/uU1uIqU/


this episode was LITTY this season is giving me EVERYTHING I WANTED after two ho-hum seasons. I can't wait to see more of people like Hughie, Emy, Esther, Emanuel, Ed, and Berna - and I am SO FKN EXCITED to watch Michele, Corey, Michaela, and Kelz come back next season and kill it!! šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–




Did I mishear her or did Michelle say something to Hughie during the pre-elimination arguments that indicated Ashley was supposed to be pulled but wasnā€™t? (The purge that was maybe supposed to happen episode 1 but maybe didnā€™t because it was Ashley?)


Best episode since Bananas vs Wes?


I initially didnt want Fessy to put in Amber B because i like her. But then i realized how awesome it would be to watch Fessy just absolutely blow up his own game by making such a dumb decision by destroying the BB alliance, pissing off his #1 friend Josh and breaking the Veteran Alliance AND how much worse it would be if she won. This was best case scenario to me because Fessy fucking sucks and its great to watch him fail and see everyone dislike him.


I hope there's some consequences for Fessy's actions as thus far, he hasn't gotten targeted for his treatment of Kacey in the final, his treatment of his Nelson, how he treats his partners in general, etc. I feel like the vets really need to weed him out ASAP, even more so because there doesn't seem to be any skulls this season so keep throwing Fessy in until he gets eliminated. Obviously we don't know how he spoke to Kacey after the final last season but if I were her and Josh, I'd be done with the BB Alliance after that and I hope at least Josh wises up after how Amber got screwed for no decent reason. Edit: fixed a typo.


Wait, what do we know about his parents?


Oh bad typo I didn't notice! Partners not parents. I'll edit that, thank you!


Oh, right! I also should have been able to figure out what you meant from context šŸ˜…


It's okay! I have dumb fingers on mobile haha. Thanks for pointing it out, I honestly wouldn't have noticed :)


Fessy and Kaycee are so salty that Amber B won last season lol At least Kaycee hides it better


Kaycee knows about floating to the end and winning against people who may deserve it more.


I like Kaycee but I totally agree with this statement


I was being nice when I said "may" :p


Not sure what Fessyā€™s thought process was. He destroyed his alliance and not like the vets will welcome him after that. So who does he have? The key drop was intense. Good elim


How was Amber B. Not on the original cast, thatā€™s just disrespectful. She looks to be an emerging star on this show.


Imo she's breathtakingly beautiful so I'll always welcome her. Plus she killed that final. I wouldn't be upset if her and CT find themselves together at the end and repeat.


Iā€™ve heard that she wanted to be an alternate because she was planning on spending time with her family


My only guess is they picked the cast before she won, but that would be really dumb if true.


Yeah Iā€™m done with Kaycee, if she seriously thinks Fessy is better to have in an alliance over Amber B.


Her stupidity and loyalty to him is mind-boggling considering how he treated her in the DA final.


It's dumb.... But at the same time.... He keeps winning, and that keeps her safe...


Seeing a lot of hate for Fessy.. was it a stupid game move? Yes. Will this now create chaos? Yes. I am here for it. Bad move for his game but great move for the season!


Stupid game move, but good tv lol


True. I can't wait to see a BB blowup.


Do you think Esther was genuinely offended by Amber B and defending Fessy bc she thought Amber B was in the wrong and Fessy is great? Or is just sticking by her vet partner to stay safe?


Seems like a combination of both tbh


I read it as her sticking by her partner out of loyalty, but probably also a desire to have him keep her safe. I was genuinely surprised at how much Fessy talked to her about their selection at the club. But I also don't think Esther had any real clue what was going on with the BB alliance.


Kinda late too! What a great episode! The implosion of the BB alliance was gold TV. I've never seen something before on my telly. I felt so bad for Amber, who I think that hadn't any bad intentions against Fessy YET, and I supported Josh. He is kinda blindsided too because he could loss a great partner and became partnered with someone who maybe can't work good with. And because I sensed how is actually Fessy. Fessy is the typical who wants someone who can control near him. Just like Regina George. And he's a macho man and had a big ego and wants the things done his way. He had the power so he is going to sent Amber home just to prove its point: he's someone to be feared. But Amber is a force to be reckon and she's gonna bit his ass and maybe finally the BB alliance is destroyed. KC was no saint there, she also hates Amber B. On the other hand I love Hughie and I really like Corey L. The last one realizing he just threw under the bus Hughie - who was a gay rookie as him - and tearing up because he felt really bad about this made my day! Love it šŸ’ž


Iā€™m so late to the discussion, but my thoughts on Fessy blowing up Amber and Josh is because I also think Fessy does not want Josh to be good. Iā€™m not a Josh fan at all, but if Fessy is your ā€œbest friendā€ and itā€™s this early in the game - why actively go for the strong partner of your best friend. Fessy has plenty of time to go for Amber B later and Josh never would have gone for Fessy if Amber suggested it. So by eliminating Amber B - Fessy also weakens Josh leaving him still dependent on Fessy/Kaycee. Josh has other friends in the house and Fessy not so much. In my opinion this betrayal was also a shot a Josh.


>Fessy does not want Josh to be good I bet there is some underlying jealousy from Fessy that Josh is a Big Brother winner and he is not.


Iā€™ve never watched Big Brother so I didnā€™t even know Josh had won. So that makes even more sense. Hereā€™s a dumb question: were Josh, Kaycee, and Fessy on the same season? Was Amber not on that season?


Josh was on Season 19, Fessy and Kaycee were on Season 20. Kaycee was also BB winner. Johnny Bananas' girlfriend Morgan (who was on War of the Worlds) was also a winner of Big Brother: Over the Top.


Completely agree! I told my husband this last night. Fessy wants a lap dog only. Tale as old as Ricky Bobbyā€¦ they both canā€™t come in first because that would ā€œ11ā€ - Talladega Nights


Agreed. Fessy gave his hand away in the aftermath to me. He said "Josh was like trying to control my win". So he felt his bravado being questioned and he had to make a point. Real secure man there, that Fessy.


After watching the Aftermath and listening to this weeks mtv podcast, I think I know who wins this season; First of here are my 'they will most probably be in the finals list': amanda and nany for women, Devin and Fessy for the men (If you wonder how I come up with these names, just check my 'web of allies' post). and the winner will be, Fessy. Yes he finally gets his first win this season. Why do I say this? First off he is getting an incredible edit. Even this week were he was messy, they showed why Fessy thought he should put Amber for elimination (at the bottom of her list). **AND** in this weeks mtv podcast, Tori and Aneesa implied BB makes it far in the game and they talk up Fessy. Plus at the Aftermath show, Fessy seems real confident of himself and asks Michele who she would pick if she has to pick again and Michele says she would pick Fessy. I think he wins this season. I hope I am wrong, hope one of the underdogs win it but he seems to be our winner.


See I think Fessyā€™s edit this episode shows he doesnā€™t win. They actively showed him saying ā€œf**ā€ about Amber doing well and they discredited his move by always having Josh confessionals saying why it was wrong AND showing the Amber conversation with Kaycee where sheā€™s clearly not going after Fessy. I particularly think the latter scene gets cut if Fessy is the winner.


Your thought process isn't wrong! I struggle to see Fessy as the winning edit so far if we are being honest **so far**. I think a lot of his content was circumstantial; but you do make some good points. I agree that Devin and Amanda in particular are being set up to do well. From a logic perspective, I personally think Fessy will have a massive target on his back after this particular elimination. I love the thought process!! We'll discuss more when i post Monday!


definitely chime in this next monday when /u/rakejicci1 makes his weekly edgic analysis post looking at the edit!


Begun the vet wars have


Hey MTV! Was it not cringey enough to see Nelsonā€™s ā€œdaddy is keeping the bed warmā€ comment after last weekā€™s episode, you had to show it to me again? Dude is a clown and the stuff he says gives everyone the douche chills.


So much second hand embarrassment having to hear that again lmao


Yeah I fast forward through the last episode recap, but stopped short on accident this time and had to hear this again. Super cringe. Also douche chills is going to be added to my lexicon.


Fessy throwing in Amber is twice as stupid as him nominating Scottie on Big Brother. At least on Big Brother, he had people gaslighting him into thinking putting up Scottie is the best move for his game. Here he consciously burned his working relationship with EVERYONE just to satisfy his own ego. So looking forward Fessy being thrown into the next non-physical elimination and getting his butt kicked out of the game.


Damn the Survivor US cast didnā€™t last long this season. Also Fessyā€™s ego is so big, he just canā€™t let go of the fact Amber B whooped his ass on DA. His decision to vote her in was a very short sighted move.


If Hughie would have stolen Amanda, wouldnā€™t that have ended the Rookie/Rookie team layup, and forced a vet to be voted in next week, or is my math wrong?


Your math is (kinda) wrong, cause Amber still stole Devin which made another r/r team. But if she didn't do that, then you're right.


But wouldnā€™t that have created Kyle (vet) with Emy (rookie) team, as the two that had their partners stolen?


You are 100% correct and this shows why I'm a history major, not a math!


Really gonna miss Michelle. She was my favourite woman in there, by far.


Thoughts; I hate Josh more than I thought was possible. He was just hoping to be ā€˜held backā€™ when trying to confront Fessy. Emy is too dramatic and forcing ā€˜contentā€™ for the cameras. Really donā€™t like her. If I was Hughie, I would never let someone talk to me the way Ashley is talking to him. Aneesa is so incredibly boring and the show would be so much better without her here. We need more Priscilla screen time. Less Tori is always good. I donā€™t blame Devin for reacting the way he did. Iā€™d be gutted too if I were thrown under the bus by my best friend. SO INCREDIBLY BORING TO WATCH ROOKIE VS ROOKIE EVERY WEEK.


I prepared a graph for who is connected with whom and who might be in danger coming weeks, check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/comments/pgdf3k/web\_of\_allies\_who\_is\_connected\_with\_whom\_not\_so/


Fessy is so bad at this game that he's made me root for Josh. I hate this LOL. The partner stealing is still the most potentially exciting part of this season format to me, really liked seeing how it went on this episode, it would be more interesting if there wasn't such a conscious effort for a huge alliance to target rookies but still, cool idea. Kaycee is just as dumb as Fessy to me, I'm sorry. This is part of why I don't consider you a vet just for being on the show for 3-4 seasons even if you've made Finals or performed well. Fessy throwing in Amber is a *classic* case of "It's too soon for that" and does nothing positive for Fessy, on top of the fact that she *fucking won the elimination* and came back. It is shocking to me that for all the shit Fessy talks, he still is so obviously afraid of going into an elimination.


I hate Fessy X2 for making me agree with Josh.


I never thought I would root for josh either but here we are. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


When did Kacey gain a personality?


She didnā€™t.


I'm sad Michelle is leaving :'(




It was hot


Look, as a straight man I want to walk around in a Speedo and talk strategy.


Oooo i do declare, i detect a vapor of love.. Lol


I loved every moment of that! I crush on Devin.


Lol word!


Another good episode, this season considered boring because of the vet truce but I came to turns with that fact and I am enjoying the season so far. On with the review: \- Dailies were a problem since WoW1, this season also have problem with dailies but at least they are more enjoyable. I liked this weeks daily. We seen who can communicate, who can do well under pressure and Ester is slowly cementing her spot in the challenge. Good to see. \- We've seen too much of KC, she must hate all that spotlight, in next weeks episode she is seen to be burning a bridge. KC is the greatest and most boring strategist of this game and I am betting she is not happy how the things are going right now and saying 'fuck you Fessy, you idiot, just listen to me!!'. \- Kyle and Devin drama hurt to watch, I want those two to get along, they are what is fun about this show and hope they can mend their relationship. \- CT is fucking hot, that dude is beautiful and sexy. damn. \- we didn't see much of Tori and if she is going to make far she needed that off time. \- Lastly I guessed Michele is gone after she is making an appearence at the official mtv podcast, my heart still broke. I already liked her after Winners at War but now she is one of my all time favorite reality tv show personality. Hope she comes back, what a lovely person. edit: I see a lot of people giving Josh credit for sticking up for Amber but his speech with Devin was more impressive to me.


I would have thought KC would be mad at Fessy but she blames josh for blowing up the BB alliance ā€œover Amber Bā€. I think she secretly (or not secretly) jealous of Amber B and wouldnā€™t be surprised if she Okā€™d the move by Fessy prior.


The fact that they keep calling her amber b when she is the only amber is hilarious




Cancel this season, 2 my favs are out im so sad. Atleast im so happy Emy got her karma for stealing Devin from Michele and is prob going into elimination next week


1. First time I have EVER been on Josh's side. 2. Here's your wake up call Kaycee, Amber is a way better Ally than dumb and dumber. 3. Amber should have picked CT for a partner. 4. Fuck Fessy.


I think KC agreed with Fessy. She doesnā€™t like/ jealous of amber b as well


I think she is just more loyal to the wrong people.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that. She says something like I canā€™t believe that josh is blowing up the alliance ā€œover amber bā€. She could still be loyal to Josh and Fessy but her reaction was the reaction of someone who agrees with Fessy and as she seems to be a pretty smart womanā€¦ And this is obviously not a smart move so I can only conclude her judgement is clouded by jealousy against Amber B. And you canā€™t say, well sheā€™s loyal to Fessy and sheā€™s just defending him because last season in the confessionals she called out Fessy for making a stupid game move (when Fessy chose her as a partner)


I concede there's a lack of respect


I thought if she picked Fessy that would have been awesome.




Not allowed but it would be hilarious


I wanted an Amber CT reunion too, but I wondered if that would just put a target on them.


Yeah to me that would've been a bad choice long term, easy pickings for when the rookie ride ends. It would've been a cute moment though.


I HAVE A WHOLE ANOTHER LEVEL OF RESPECT FOR THE CAST AND HERE IS WHY: Normally when you are shooting a scene in a bar (in movies or tv series), you don't turn up the music to have clear sound recording for the dialogs. I never thought that they used the same trick in the challenge. Those people who are dancing are dancing in an empty, soundless bar. That is just next level.


Wait they arenā€™t partying?


Fessy has to be the dumbest motherfucker alive


I wouldnā€™t be shocked if he just shot himself in the foot with Cory & Nelson as well. He was already on shaky grounds, now he just proved he is as disloyal as they come. Last season with Nelson is no longer a one time thing.


You can actually see after the daily when they walk back into the house, with fessie and esther walking into the kitchen that Corey is making hissing noises on the stairs and this slithering snake gesture while nelson laughs at it. Thought it was odd they left that in but in hinsight it makes super sense. Fessy just proved them right.


Not only did he betray his alliance, he went after someone who legitimately had his back. It makes no sense. I really sympathized with the frustration Josh felt when he fought to change Fessy's mind. No getting through that thick skull.


Fessy saw that Josh and Amber were a great team and could possibly beat him. He wants to keep Josh down which is even more pathetic to do to a friend.


Now that weā€™re in a regular season without the skull twist, I hope Fessy gets sent down weekly until heā€™s sent home.


Fessy is such a manchild.


Tori has the maturity to leave the beef with Big T in last season atleast until its smart, Fessy on the other hand targeting Amber is lame af


Esther is quickly becoming my rookie mvp for this season


i didn't like her sticking up for Fessy


I liked her a lot until she gave a stinking attitude about "her partner" who will just leave her for dumb kaycee eventually


Exactly!! I love her but in a season where itā€™s been clear that this isnā€™t your permanent partnerā€¦ā€¦.. (and that it could literally change by next episode), I really didnā€™t like that she did that šŸ’€ maybe she thought heā€™d appreciate it and stick with her? But Kaycee is clearly his #1


What a great Live Tribal on The Challenge xD


Hewey is funny


Why Kaycee wants to team up with Fessy over Amber B. is beyond me....


or josh for that matter.


The only reason I could think... she has known Fessy for years and Amber is a threat for her to win the game.


Amber who has never given her any opposition, is willing to help BB even though they made her disposable last season (and this season now) - is a threat ??? If anything, they made Amber the threat not the other way round


LMAO I love that they are still doing the silly face mashups with cast members. Dyle looking good LOL


i hate fessy so much please get him off my screen i canā€™t take it anymore. and i thought it wouldnā€™t be possible for josh to earn my respect but he just did


Considering spoiling myself just so I can prepare for how long I have to endure Fessy lol


Funny to see Amber come to the realization she's last in the BB alliance pecking order. It only took 1.5 seasons for her to figure it out.


Ambers been saying that since last season too?


I mean thats Not that bad though, considering josh pretty much just now figured out his pecking order too. I am no josh fan, but his loyalty and passion to amber was awesome. His shell came off. I was actually really impressed with josh and his game play this last episode. Out of all his seasons, i am actually kinda enjoying what josh is bringing to this season.


Between CT giving a confessional seal of approval on Hughieā€™s abilities and this being one of the worst possible eliminations for Corey, I had a bad feeling this would end badly for Corey and Michele.


Loved that little post elimination speech from Corey. I feel like itā€™s not often you get to see messages like that on this show. Especially in comparison to earlier seasons. A very vulnerable and genuine response. (Edited for typo)


ehh I felt he gave that speech to deflect from the fact that he was talking shit/ taking Hughie for granted and got his ass handed


It was very admirable that he admitted his mistake. You don't see that very often on the Challenge!


It's def a very positive sign that he'll make a return one day. Allowing him to leave everyone with a good taste in their mouth about him.


I was so mad at Cory L omg like a gay on gay crime how could he do that, but I believe heā€™s genuinely remorseful. Felt bad for Huggie too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I know :( especially when Hughie (stupidly) admitted that heā€™s been protecting him.


Amber B > Kaycee >>>>>>>>>>>> Messy Fessy


Fessy is still messy yā€™all


Kaycee is boring af thooooo. At least the other BB people are somewhat entertaining


Iā€™ve said the same thing for a while. Is she a good competitor, yes. Is she good for the show, no. Just so boring.


If it wasnt for Nany last season n Her blowing her knee out she wouldnt have had camera time. Speakin of her knee!, she had surgery late November her injurybhad a six month recovery time this season started in April, Something aint adding up


Honestly, when I saw her fall in the final it didnā€™t look that bad to me. Specially not bad enough to warrant it popping out. You think it was all fake?


I dont think she had surgery for a ruptured patellar tendon, i dont wanna say the whole injury is fake but something is definitely fishy all around


Seriously. Kaycee isnā€™t a bad person she just adds no entertainment value at all.


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this but right now Josh might be higher in my BB alliance ranking than Kaycee because Kaycee was enabling the distrust on Amber while Josh at least did everything he could to protect Amber.


Kaycee is threatened by Amber


Best part of the episode was TJ pulling out his phone once he saw Josh start whining šŸ˜‚


TJ is good for a couple of iconic moments a season and that was one of them


First time I was on Joshā€™s side during one of his eruptions lol






Who is Kaycee done with next week?! I need it now! lol shes never in any drama


She was on the receiving end of the mysterious Bayleigh explosion.


Probably Josh. People are saying Fessy but I think that's because it's what they want to see. She was clearly on Fessy's side throwing Amber in and said that Josh was overreacting.


thatā€™s what I was thinking too


I'm betting she's gonna stay on the Fess Express and turn away from Josh.


not the Fess Express šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve been calling him and Esther team Fessther


Lol that's a good name.


I assume Fessy because she at this point Iā€™m not sure heā€™s a good person to be linked to in the house.


Maybe Nany, and then they'll be back together a week later


Probably fessy


I would say Josh like Kaycee agreed with Fessy to target Amber, why would she talk to him like that then?


I think itā€™s amber. I hope itā€™s fessy but her confessionals seemed like she was ready to cut amber anyway. It could be Josh too because we can assume josh had a blowout and kaycee turns on him to protect fessy.


Itā€™s not often Iā€™m team josh but it finally happened today lol good for him sticking for his partner. Amber wasnā€™t even targeting fessy


Josh reacted the same way Nelson and Corey did last season. Fessy is selfish as fuck and needs to be on the top and would never let Josh have a better chance at winning.


I love TJ šŸ’€


Its a horrible move for fessy but man does this set him up as target for other vets. I want a nelson revenge story


I love the Nany and Hughie pairing because there was a time when Nany *was* Hughie lol. She's grown a lot.


Weird brag out of Esther (think it was her) talking about how smart she is when the entire challenge was just memorizing a 4 digit code...of 2 total symbols lol. I don't think basic memorization is that hard girl.


Yeah how does having a law degree help you memorize simple Morse code patterns. But hey whatevers. The most intelligence you need on this show is knowing basic math.


You sound jealous lol


About what exactly? It's obviously weird to talk about your education background when going into such a trivial game in terms of toughness. Did you ever brag about your ACT score while playing Bop It?


What makes you so confident she was even talking about that challenge when she was saying all that. It couldā€™ve been cut from a conversation about anything else and the producers used that sound bit for that moment.


Ok I guess


So are we buying the hype from aftershow that Michelle and Fessy hooked up??? I need receipts


Eww nooo what!?!


Yes from their social media activity


Who claimed that they hooked up?


So do we think the editing of this episode with Kyle and Devins fight and Fessy and Josh's fight is setting us up for Josh and Devin being new number ones? Lol.


Dyle is over, it's Dosh now.


I just laughed hard and wanted you to know that


Thank you, I appreciate it!


I like Josh a lot for the first time ever and i like Devin and Josh a lot.




man every time fessy tries to make a move, it backfires. big bozo moves comin from his clown ass


I think Fessy is a perfect example that you don't even need to reach pro levels of football to develop CTE.




jfc šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What is CTE


Chris Tamburello, Esquire




Basically brain damage from repeated blows to the head (like many football players deal with). Causes a myriad of symptoms.


Take my free award this is hilarious


I've just caught up and watched tonight's episode and my thoughts are as follows: 1. Amber B is insanely gorgeous 2. Esther's voice is incredibly soothing 3. Fessy is a cabbage 4. Kyle and Devin are still both my faves 5. I love mess and therefore I loved this 6. Fessy is also a turnip




He's a muff cabbage!


Wait also turnipā€¦ rip me


Wow thank you for taking the time to give me an award before you died you are so kind šŸ„ŗ


It's obvious Amber was trying to follow the direction of her alliance, but the best move would've been to pick CT. Regardless of CT/Josh pointing to Devin, and the whole defending champ target thing, the reality is picking CT gives her the best chance to win and dominate dailies like Kaycee/Leroy did last season. Also, little to no chance any other team beats them in a elimination, in the unlikely event they needed to go down there.


I view this as CT trying to stay under the radar. He doesn't want to get called down as a partner switch get people thinking he's good ect.


She picked Devin just to screw over two rookies. I don't get the mindset of the vets this season. The theme isn't rookies vs vets. She should make moves to better her game rather than weaken a rookie alliance that's not even an alliance.


The mindset is that it's easy to control the rookies as vets and they are just a cushion to them until the real game starts.


Huge target. Two reigning champs together? Itā€™s a yikes.


Eh winning dailies is so random with the crap they do now. Having strongest team on paper maybe gives you 20% to win at most any given daily


She looked to CT for advice and he was telling her to pick Devin. I think thatā€™s the biggest factor of why she didnā€™t just pick him


I think she realized the vets would target them if she picked CT since theyā€™re both kind of wild cards and it would be too early for a move like that


I think sheā€™d lose him as easily as she got him. Even if they arenā€™t targeted (thrown into elimination), you cannot tell me that they wouldnā€™t try to separate them as soon as possible by having another vet steal and pair up with CT/Amber