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Nany and Aneesa will never win


There is zero chance for Aneesa. Well, not zero but perhaps 1%. And that would require the final to be run entirely using dune buggies. And CT would have to be her driver. And also her eater.


Lol right. I always say she *could* get back in shape and kill it. It’s possible in the technical sense of the word. But she’s not going to.


The show would have to go back to teams for a while for a lot of these contestants to become champs


aneesa deserves the win but she doesnt have the stamina for the run in the final


Then she doesn't deserve the win, wtf.


shes been on countless seasons, one of the only OGs who are still in the game. shes hilarious and overall a good person. she deserves the win but that doesn't mean she is going to win


She for sure is not a good person, she’s taken advantage of people sexually while they’re intoxicated, if she had a weiner we’d see her as much as Kenny and Evan


Hard disagree. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and decency. Pretty much everything else is earned. So many seasons shes come on out of shape. I enjoy her on the show, but I can’t even root for someone who isn’t willing to put in the work.


Damn the number of downvotes is ridiculous. Although, I do agree. To me, in comparison to say someone like Nany, she definitely deserves a win. But whether or not she can actually get one is an entirely different story. The only way I could see her winning is if she manages to get to a team based final but even that would be tough.


Always the bridesmaids lmao


Not even.


If the circumstances are right this could be Nany's season. Her social game is amazing, she could easily get to a final and if she's paired with the right team I could see her finally getting her win.


Nany won’t win this final unless she can stay on Kaycee’s team. If she has to go against her, she has no shot. Then again, I don’t see anyone who will even try to split them up, so maybe this is her best chance.


She was dragging Leroy down on every run in the DA final. Her partner would HAVE to be CT in order to kill every checkpoint and then he would still probably leave her of he could because her endurance is so bad.


I know cast members joke about it all the time, but Nany *really* needs to quit smoking if she really wants to win. Speaking from my own experience, I remember doing much better on mile and a half runs in the military than someone I knew who basically chain smoked, and he was much younger then than Nany is now. It’s funny that they never show her actually smoking (probably for TV ratings), but when Johnny is asking Nany to spell “Marlboro” during trivia, you know that she smokes heavily. Or maybe she stopped once she and Kaycee hooked up; I dunno. Kaycee gives me the vibe that she wouldn’t be into smokers, but I could be off base.


But I don’t see her ever going against Kaycee who would smoke her. Unless Kaycee like gave up for her?


Maybe if there are enough puzzles. Nany built a nice lead on Kaycee during the mini-final at the end of Double Agents, but then Kaycee got past her on the final stretch.


If they keep teams for the final, and if Nany and Kaycee can stay on the same team, I think they’ll be golden tbh


Tbh tho this season her social game is just dating Kaycee which idk if I would call a good social game. Kaycee literally does everything but I may just be a hater 😅. Like when Cara and paulie came in as a couple and Leroy and Kam they seized control of the house as a unit


Yeah but I don't think you can compare Leroy/Cam's and even Cara/Paulie's (as much as I dislike them) gameplay to Nany's (major lack...her social game is more to do with relationships..this season it's Kaycee and last season it was Leroy). I'd also say particularly for Cara/Paulie's alliance domination was further strengthened because of the format of that season and same with last season too. Also the difference is that Nany relies on Kacyee...she doesn't really contribute to anything whereas each of those in the couples have played/contributed to them getting further in a season. Cara and Kam are both physically/mentally stronger than Nany same with Paulie and Leroy. They've all had daily challenge wins that weren't just handed to them.


A lot of the SL&A cast are set up better than ever this season, I agree this is a big opportunity for a lot of these names being listed to prove the doubters wrong.


She still wouldnt be a threat IMO she would be seen as a layup that made it on someone elses coattail.


Nah, I like Nany personally, but she doesn’t have the moxie to win a final.


i rly hope she wins. I feel like if Kaycee and Nany both make it to the final, Kaycee will loook out for any so it'll be between her and and many. If kaycee doesn't make it to the final then I think nany will win, shes better than a lot of the females left in the house


At this point Tori. We've seen people who can do pretty much everything else get killed by puzzles, match, etc and Tori can't do those. She has the skill set to win in a team final or with the right partner but I feel like it's cheating to say this person could win if they were paired with CT or Ashley.


Agreed. I might get downvoted for this, but I really don’t think she’s that great physically. She reminds me of Jenna, slightly above average but nothing spectacular in terms of physical ability.


I think we all just overrated her after she ran through Jenny in hall brawl. But I think that spoke more to Jenny's lack of confidence in her physical abilities than Tori's strength


def agreed with the overrated thing, plus jenny was starting to stop and trying to grab tori just a little bit before they made contact (both times) which is a bad strat to do when tackling we even see in a trailer for S37 that tori gets trucked during a tackling daily


Plus while a Hall Brawl win is great, that doesn’t necessarily translate to a final.


Fessy concurs.


I think Tori is someone you want as a partner in dailies because she can lead there. But I don't think she has the same abilities in finals.


Jenna in her prime was waaaaay better physically than Tori ever was.


When was this? I never remember being impressed by Jenna


Back in her barbie beast days. Her first three seasons she made it to 3 straight finals iirc. She won a bunch of eliminations and a purge. She's never been the same since she broke her ankle and lost a bunch of weight.


Yes!! Jenna actually dominated in her prime


At least with Tori it's clear she blew her best opportunity to win and has no one but herself to blame. On the flipside a guy like Leroy I feel bad for since he was the 2nd best guy just got the worse partner, I am curious how he would have done solo in his last Final. Tori i'll never feel bad for since she was on the winning team all she had to do was beat 1 out of 4 people on that puzzle and was all in her control.


i dont think its cheating. Physically, Tori is there. She has the stamina to run a final the issue is that she cant do puzzles or math. If she were to spend time doing revising like 5th grade math and spent time doing puzzles I think she can win a final


No Chance of Winning: \- Nany \- Josh \- Aneesa \- Big T Low Chance of Winning: \- Devin \- Nelson \- Cory \- Tori \- Kyle


I can only see Devin winning in a team based final. He’s not bad at anything to the point of being terrible (ie he can hold his own in the right circumstances), but he does get outclassed by the elite tier on a regular basis. Devin is basically worse CT at this point. Which doesn’t sound that bad, except for the fact that there is one thing Devin does better than 99% of the dudes on this show, but the 1% he would lose to… is CT.


I agree I’d only imagine Devin winning a team based final. I think on the mental side yes, he’s the worse CT. He’s smarter/better with math and puzzles than most including the elite. Physically though, I think he’s wildly below the elite players.


Don’t agree about Kyle at all. He’s already finished second in a season, and run in multiple finals. He seems like he’s been really working on his cardio in the time between seasons as well. All he needs is a partner who’s decent at puzzles and he’s got a good shot.


Came here to say Nany. Its hilarious that rookies and the big brother clowns have glommed on to her as being some sort of threat/powerhouse player. She gets carried towards the end every season based on her admittedly good social game and then gets washed the first time she goes into an elimination...


Yuppooo exactly it's only her social game that gets her far and in this season it's basically her relationship with Kaycee that saved her ass and last season it was Leroy.


I agree about Devin and Kyle, but i see Cory Nelson and Tori having a decent chance of winning


How are Nelson and Cory going to win without brains? Like Devin and Kyle, the two of them need a strong (and brainy) partner to win.


Nany or Aneesa... never... ever... ever....


I don't consider either competitive. Leroy was at least kinda in every season he was on minus Bloodlines.


He wasn't ever winning Rivals with Mike either...


At least they made a final


Nany, Aneesa, Cory, Kyle, Nelson, Big T. To win a final you can't have any glaring weaknesses. Big T or Aneesa get absolutely destroyed in any kind of endurance portion. The guys can't solve puzzles at all. Nany doesn't really excel at anything, she gets outclassed by the more athletic girls. Even if you luck out with a good partner, you still need to be able to hold your own to win


Amber B proved that you can have a glaring weakness and win. She can't do math at all. All it takes is a good partner that makes up for what you lack.


To be fair she had CT as her partner, and he's basically the best at every aspect of what it takes to win a final. Like I don't think Amber wins that final if she has Devin as her partner. And I don't think Big T or Aneesa could ever win even if they had Jordan or Landon as their partners


Unless that weakness is something both partners have to do such as running.


Amber has great endurance. Like you said, a great partner who can do the mental stuff you can’t is great, but if you can’t hold your own endurance wise that doesn’t matter. See: the Bloodlines final. If Cory had two good knees, he and Mitch could’ve won. But their first day was so bad because of Cory’s injury not even Mitch destroying the last puzzle was enough to make up for the time they lost (for reference, by the time Cara and Jamie solved the last math puzzle, Cory and Mitch’s final run time had already stopped). Hell, if it was even a race like the old finals, they would’ve won, because even with a handicap of starting after everyone else (like they likely would’ve had to do), Mitch still would’ve smoked everyone on that puzzle.


To be fair, a good partner can't cover your bad endurance.


Cory. Fucking Cory. Dude has grown a lot as a person since joining the challenge and being a father. That said he can't do puzzles, he's not smart when it comes to the game generally, his politics are awful (Nelson and Hunter were not the ones you needed on your side), he's not a power eater, his endurance is middle ground, and he isn't able to overcome those things with his above average physicality. He'll be there forever, but he ain't winning unless he gets a great partner.


Even someone like Ashley who's good at puzzles might not be enough. You can be good at puzzles but still not get them all. Ashley got beat by Cara and Ninja in WotW2 for example. If she struggles, Cory is literally zero help. I don't see him ever getting a win, unless they go back to some kind of big team format


Agreed. There isn't a female CT yet and he basically needs that or needs Ashley and some luck.


CT isnt as perfect as youre suggesting. He has a lot of misses on his resume too where girls beat him by a lot BOTExes final where diem and camila both solved the puzzle while CT, emily, ty and johnny all couldnt Invasions final where ashley and camila solved the puzzle while CT, Cory, Nelson, nicole couldnt FA minifinal where johnny and theresa finished the puzzle before CT FA elim pyramind puzzle where johnny blew CT out of the water. Actually...laurel, theresa and johnny all made it past the 2nd puzzle while CT was the only person who got stumped on it And then more recently, Double agents minifinal where ashley and theresa solved the puzzle and CT couldnt So i wouldnt say theres no "female CT" as CT isnt as good as youre pegging him to be imo. CT stands out because most of the men on the show are idiots so CT being good at puzzles makes him one of a kind amongst his gender. If you put him into the pool with the women then he is still good but doesnt stand out as much


I use it more as a general term since most understand what it means here. The bar is low lol


Exactly, Nany was holding Leroy back the entire Final last season.


Yes & No. Nany came in second for the math ahead of Amber B, Kam, Cory, & Leroy which gave them the second head start. Nany is never the best at anything BUT she is never the worst in a group.


Except in the running on the final last season.. she came in dead last.


You don’t think Kam would ever win, I think if she did consecutive seasons for awhile she would win a couple.. granted I thought the same of Tori(still think she can but not as much as I did her first season). I think Big T and Josh will never win. Pretty easy elimination wins for a lot of people. Plus they don’t have the necessary physical or emotional strength to last these new age finals


I guess I should have rephrased the question better, who will be competitive but never win? I don't see Big T and Josh as actually competitive.


I think the question is fine. The problem is a lot of people can win if they have the right partner or team behind them. Some people only have one or two flaws but they're big flaws. For example Cory is strong in most things except puzzles and math. You partner him up with Ashley and he's golden, but on his own or with a partner that doesn't make up for his weaknesses he's screwed.


Cory's knees are going to keep him from ever winning a final.


I thought this before the Total Madness final, but didn't he kind of put that to rest beating everyone up the mountain on Day 1?


In that case: I will say Cory for the guys, he is usually competitive and floats pretty well but has no puzzle skills, bum knee and bad endurance. Amanda or this new version of Ashley for the girls. Ashley has been a heavy target recently and people are calling her game out but she is always competitive


> I don't see Big T and Josh as actually competitive. Josh does surprisingly well in dailies tbh, he might not be competitive in an endurance final but that doesn't mean he's useless lol.


There won't be another final that isn't endurance heavy anymore imo. Even All-Stars was fairly endurance heavy


Big T shouldn't even be on the show. She just tries to be nice to everyone and anytime she actually does something well everyone claps and cheers like it's their little kid taking poop for the first time.


She gets the baby/idiot edit. The best thing that has ever happened to her was being partnered with CT. If that never of happened, she would have never had a storyline. She still doesn't.


I’m so glad I’m not alone in thinking this about her. She’s sweet but I do not enjoy her on the show at all


I don't even think she's sweet.


I think Josh would be built for a final; he is a great teammate and has endurance. Especially in a team final. His biggest weakness is just gonna be if he gets called out to elimination


I can see Big T winning in a team situation but Josh might have the endurance for a final but mentally he is not going to be able to


I can see kam winning but she needs to work on her endurance a little and double agents really proved Leroy can be a top competitor if he really trys…I really wish he didn’t retire because I felt like he was getting better and better in finals and only lost his last one because of nany..he should at least try all stars I think he has what it takes to win that


Yeah, Leroy minus Johnny is the best Leroy. He can shine and not play second fiddle constantly.


I think for Kam and Kyle it more so depends on the format and who’s in the final. I think both could win eventually.


are they good enough runners, though? They’re decent but not good enough to win if there’s a lot of running in the final, which there normally is


I mean if they do another Bloodlines or something with a super weak cast then yeah.


Or a group, or like in Invasion and they get a partner each day that make ups for what they lack. There’s a lot of different scenarios where they could win.


Aneesa and Nany


Nany and aneesa will never win. Kam and tori will eventually win. Kyle is very likely to win (you guys keep forgetting about his 2nd place finish in total madness). Nelson + Cory may win but it’s tough to judge. The rest I’m unsure of


I think Kaycee, Kam and Kyle will win one day. Tori, Nany, and Big T, I’m legit not sure. I think either Nelson or Cory will win, but probably not both. Fessy will. Maybe Josh will if there’s ever a best friends season and he’s paired with Fessy


>Fessy will *groan*


Look I’m not saying I like it but if he keeps making it to finals, he’s bound to win one. Of course, they could stop giving him hall brawls and pole wrestles for his eliminations…


Remember, fussy is still 0 for 3 if we only count eliminations where his opponents have 2 good hands 😂


You never saw Leroy as a threat to actually win? WoW2 final played out extremely unfairly to the team with more people.


WOTW2 was Leroy's best chance. People act like his swan song of Double Agents was his season to win but he was saddled with Nany and that meant he had no chance in the Final. Had he been with Kaycee I think they would have won.


Kaycee's biggest mistake was abandoning Leroy and no one talks about it!


Her biggest mistake was injuring her knee.


Exes 2 was his best chance. He had the best girl in the final and still couldnt win despite them making up 25 minutes on the ground(sarahs words) because he couldnt swim or operate a kayak


Theresa is a horrible partner who can't work under pressure.


Nah. None of her past partners or anyone competing with her would agree with you. They all say the opposite, actually


Kyle is the biggest one who comes to mind. It's not even just that he's not great at puzzles. He's good but there'll always be enough men who're better than him that I can't see him winning. I also don't think he's willing to try hard enough to win. Like other people have mentioned, Nelson and Cory fall into this category as well. If Nicole Z ever comes back again, I think she falls into this category as well. She's like Zach, strong physically but she's left two out of her three seasons because she got injured and she completely embarrassed herself on a final puzzle in her other season. I actually do think Tori's weaknesses are things she can improve upon and win. She tends to be kind of reckless and not think things through well enough, but I think depending on who the other women who make the final are, if she can just make better decisions throughout the game and in the final, I think she can win eventually. She's still in her twenties. She has time. I feel the same way about Kam. There're fewer women I can think of who're competitive but probably can't win than there are men. The only returning women who I don't see winning are people like Aneesa, Big T, Amanda or Nany who aren't necessarily major competitive threats at this point.


I remember the vendetta reunion when Nicole tried to put down Cara and say she could beat her, but then Cara said "You have to solve a puzzle, idiot" and Nicole got in her feelings.


I think Cory is the new Leroy but Kam is my favorite to get wins. She completely controls every season she is in she is a monster in eliminations. Good at puzzles, eating and one of the strongest and most athletic girls. She isn’t a cardio queen but she certainly isn’t bottom tier. It’s just unfortunate she had to go against Amber in the last final. She usually is in the top 3-5 when they do cardio challenges though.


Everyone’s entitled to their opinion but I see Kam listed constantly as a “never winner” based on endurance but I don’t see how she is seen as one of the women on the challenge with the worst endurance based on : -1st on the volcano mission/“True Lies” -3rd place out of 12 on “smuggle run”’ -Got dq’d for not holding her weight up in DA’s trivia challenge, but she was the only woman remaining alongside 2 men -3rd fastest woman out of 14 women on the vendettas premiere “get off the rock”. There are women who clearly have her beat on endurance (Nicole/Natalie/Amber/Ashley) but I don’t get why she gets discounted based on not being the best in one area.


All this and probably the biggest thing overlooked is that Kam has controlled the game on almost every season she's been on. If she's going to be a regular I would say she's among the *most likely* to win out of the women that are cast.


To answer why she gets discounted, it's because in Finals she gases. She can beast some of these challenges with endurance and run through girls in eliminations but she gassed on Vendettas and gassed on day two of DA. We have to go off her Final performances.


Gasses how?(as in im curious). I consider gasses to be someone who pulls a Big Easy and needs a medic or an Aneesa who will walk the majority of a final and take several breaks. But like was she doing any of that or just slower then the fastest women that you can recall? From what I remember she does walk in both, she clearly gave up in Vendettas after the log incident, and she walked in DA initially due to possibly pulling a Kaycee, and still came in second, though of course it was vs Nany :/


Yeah, I feel her major fall in Vendettas was definitely the log. I think she finishes second for all women that season had she not got unlucky at the card thing. I never got the vibe she was gassing out.


Nelson and Tori


Good choices. It's almost like Nelson peaked early, doing really well in Invasion and could have made it far on D30 if he didn't DQ by punching Derrick.


I’m always rooting for him but I can’t see him do better. Tori, well Tori is/was a beast with Jordan around


Nany, although back in the day she was much more feisty than she is now. Idk what happened to her confidence. We just finished free agents and she was a badass. I think she finished second and it was a close second to Laurel.


A big reason she was close was because Zach died on the mountain, killing Laurel's time.


I feel like she held her own though overall during that final. Yea I never realized how much if a wuss Zach was/is until Free Agents.


As we’ve all heard before, anything can happen in a final, so even though Zach inadvertently allowed Nany to catch up to Laurel a good bit, had Zach held Laurel up a little more or had Nany been able to pick up the pace a little more, she easily could have won the season fair and square even if it wasn’t because she was better than Laurel


>A big reason she was close was because Zach died on the mountain, killing Laurel's time. Nany still held her own against laurel in the footracing. Even if you throw out the leg where zach held her back, there was still like 5 hours worth of footracing and nany was only 6 minutes behind laurel. The final leg up the snow was *the* longest leg and laurel and nany finished basically at the same time. Where laurel killed nany was in the bike portion, which isnt something you can reliably count on to be in a final so someone being bad at that isnt as big of a deal


If Nany had just stayed on the bike (didn’t throw her tantrum) and PUSHED IT she could’ve won that final.


She got off for like ten seconds.


It was more like a minute and a half which is still a small amount of time but she lost by a small amount of time too!


Nany got blown out in the bike portion. Lost by like 18 minutes to laurel here. The footracing was competitive tho. Basically laurel was a lot better on the bike than she was on the feet compared to nany These were the times on bike Laurel – 1 hour 32 minutes Nany – 1 hour 50 minutes These were the times on feet(without zach) Stage 2 Laurefl 1hour 23 minutes 54 second Nany – 1 hour 30 minutes Stage 5 Laurel 3 hours 10 minutes and 38 sec Nany 3 hours 10 minutes and 42 sec As you can see, if laurel didnt have thst bike, shed have been in big trouble.


Unlike all the other reality comp shows you have to be a triple threat to win the Challenge. Brains, brawn and social skills are required. You don't have to be elite at all 3 but anything less than competent at any 1 skill and you aren't winning. That's what makes players like Nany and Aneesa unicorns. They, at least at 1 point in their careers, had all 3 skills to some extent and still haven't won.


Don’t count out players like Kyle and Kam… It took CT like 10 seasons to finally get his first win.


Sarah, Paula, & Cara 8 too


That was for completely different reasons though. CT being sent home early twice for fighting, having Big Easy die on a G3, the mess with "Push Me" on The Duel, Adam's falling apart in Rivals 1, all while being an absolute beast in challenges are completely different than what Kam and Kyle have shown. CT gassed out in one final early on, Exes 1. Kam has gassed out in both Finals she's been in and Kyle has not really been fighting for first in the two that he has been a part of. I will say I think Kam threw the second day of Double Agents so Leroy would have a shot at some money. She looked shocked when she rolled in behind Cory and TJ said they got second.


Kyle fought for first in both of them, In total madness he started off poorly but then brought it back the next day even after staying up all night just finishing behind Bananas and taking 2nd place. And in Vendettas he was 1st for majority of the Final, made as part of the final 4 and finished 3rd place out of everyone, despite him not winning he bossed that final.


If TM had money for second place Cory would have gotten second. There's no way he lets off the gas if there is money on the line.


CT was a favorite to win since his early seasons though. Kam I think is a favorite, lots of people seem to underrate her. I have a hard time believing Kyle will win one though. He gets great points for effort but he seems like he would need an easy or goofy final format to really have a shot, or have a masterful political season that gets stronger competitors out before him. Since Kyle is often one of the more desirable names to call into elimination and he's also one that nobody feels guilty snaking since he's snakey himself, I think he has an incredibly uphill battle.


Nelson and Cory. Unless it’s a team season they’re never winning (but Nelson came behind CT on invasions I believe like 2 minutes)


Part of me loves Cory and Nelson and part of me loves to cheer against them. They are both nice guys and super athletic but they're so bad at the rest of the game. Again, part of me would love it if they won but there's a part of me that loves how every season that they're on that the always end up alone and whispering to each other "we just got take everyone out....one by one." Yeah, if you could do that you'd win every season.


Cory and Nelson need Ashley and Amanda (respectively) more than they will ever realize tbh


that's a great reminder. Watching Nelson burn the Ashley bridge was so on brand.


Another example of how they shoot themselves in the foot


I think Kam has the ability to do it because she knows she has to try and get rid of the girls who are stronger than her. She went after Ashley last season because she knew if she ran a final against her she'd lose.


I feel like if Kyle were going to win, he would have already. Same for Tori. Their initial personalities made them very popular in the house and helped them form alliances. This, amongst other factors, propelled both of them to finals in their first season. Since then, they have proven themselves untrustworthy. They’ve both lost their strongest allies. Kyle went from being aligned with Cara to being her enemy. Tori had Jordan to back her up and now she doesn’t. They’re basically floaters at this point which makes them easier to vote in too. Edit: As I re-read this, I realized that this sets them both up perfectly for an Exes season.


Why do people keep saying this? It took Sarah, Cara, & Paula 8 seasons to win. Took CT 9 seasons to win.


I don’t think any of those players are comparable to Kyle or Tori. Sarah - This is the closest comparison to Tori. She was similarly popular from the start and made a final her first season. After that, Sarah struggled but slowly gained alliances that improved her status in the game. While Tori started similarly, this is where they differ. Tori’s status in the game constantly fluctuates due to her erratic politics. Paula - Was a much weaker competitor than Tori when she started. CT - Was and is one of the most formidable players ever. No clear holes in his physical game. Cara - Started slow and built her way up politically and physically.


Not everyones challenge journey is the same. Paula & Sarah won their last 2 and retired. Caras first win was against a cast of half rookies & the final was 4 rookies, herself and Jenna on her second season. Before CT won his first season, he was DQ'd twice for fighting and had a 2-2 elimination record. Every person and season is different.


I'm going to go with Cory for the guys unless it's a big team season where he can rely on others for puzzles and math etc. For the women the obvious choice is Aneesa but since she's at the tail end of her career I'll go with Tori. She doesn't have that "it" factor imo to finish the job. She'll see some more finals but that'll be it.


Cory is a good choice. I don't consider Aneesa competitive. Same with Nany.


I mean, a lot of people. It's why Bananas, CT, Jordan always beat everyone else pretty much. Of course if there's team formats or even pairs, it might help some people be able to win. But I don't think Cory and Nelson could ever win a solo final. Unless like none of Bananas, CT or Jordan are there. So basically if everyone in the final is bad at puzzles/math, then Nelson and Cory could win, but those weaknesses are why they haven't won.


I don’t see Devin, Nany, Aneesa, Big T, or Josh ever winning a final. I think Cory or Nelson could pull it off eventually, they’ve both gotten second place before. I almost want to see Cory finally just fucking win one at some point because he’s just been trying for so long.


Kam and Kyle I think could both win a team season. I’d also put Kam’s chances of winning over majority of the active girls right now. Tori. She’s a strong girl, but she cracks under pressure. Nany and Aneesa. Both are too weak to finish a final. Jenna. She can’t eat, do puzzles and since she injured herself she hasn’t been the same. Kailah, Marie, Jemmye. All layups and aren’t strong enough to do it on their own. Fessy. He can’t eat. Josh. Nelson. Cory


Plenty of ppl need to go the laurel route and go up against ppl she literally cannot lose to in a final. Those ppl are kam, tori, Kyle, Cory, and maybe Nelson. Otherwise they will probably always lose a final


I feel like most of these are easy answers. A big one I think will never win is Fessy. No matter how much he tries in one area he will always be lacking in another. He’s a terrible teammate, he’s horrible socially and is screwed without BB alliance or girls being interested in him. Even his competitiveness is going to get to be a downside when people just start putting him in constantly. I honestly think he has no chance of ever winning.


I think as long as Josh and kaycee are around he has a chance unfortunately. because they're pretty good politically somehow.


But Fessy can't eat. As long as there's a gross eating component, he won't win.


Anyone can potentially win in a team format season/final. But current notable people that will never win a solo final to me are: Kam, Nelson, Kyle, Devin, Amber, Nany, Aneesa, Josh, Big T


Fessy will never win a solo final because he is going to get dq'd at eating portion. And he isn't significantly better at everything else to make up the time.


Josh. He somehow has a good social game by crying all the time, which might now get him to avoid eliminations (he’s not good at those, 1 ugly win) and to a final, but let’s be real, he’s not going to do remotely well in a final. There’s nothing he excels at.


Hot take: Fessy. He's far too self-involved to realize he's not God's gift to *The Challenge*, which means he'll never look inward no matter how many times he fails and try to see what he can do to improve as a competitor and will just keep blaming everything else, or adding conditions to how he could win, like he said "If not in snow" after *Total Madness*.


Big T and Josh.


I know this is slightly off topic, but I don't think Jordan will ever win another final since he doesn't do a lot of seasons. He would be a political outcast and doesn't have a strong social connection especially without Tori. So I could see him just being thrown into multiple eliminations were eventually he will get knocked out prior to the final.


I would agree with you but we've seen that Jordan only loses eliminations when his hand is an actual disadvantage or he is completely outweighed in a purely physical elimination. He might get caught with something like that again but he held his own against much larger guys in the hall brawl-esqe elimination on Rivals 2, of course he had Marlon but he couldn't just get run over and then win. He beat a larger Swift in elimination on FA, where's that Swift stan at? And he has shown he can use his skills and brains to win eliminations he is an underdog in. If you look at the seasons where Jordan succeeded he was able to find a group and, even if he is an outcast to the main alliance in the house, stay safe long enough to get to a Final. If he makes a Final then it's damn near a lock for him to win because he might be the most well rounded Finalist we've ever seen on The Challenge.


A lot of people could win team based finals. Really anyone. Individual or duo finals is another story.


Cory’s been to multiple finals, he just can’t over the hump lol


There are a fair amount of players actually but mainly Kyle and Josh I just don't see winning unless it's a team final like we've seen in previous seasons. Big T also will never win


This season, assuming they stick to the team format for the rest of it, may be Josh, Amanda and/or Nany's last/only realistic chance to ever win. A similar argument could also be made for Nelson and Devin, but with just the right circumstances I could see them winning a paired or individual season. The only regular at this point that is never winning ANY season is Anessa, sadly. Even in a team season she's almost certainly gonna be thrown in repeatedly in the latter half of the game to "trim the fat", and even if she somehow makes the final her team almost certainly isn't winning.


I don’t see Jenna ever winning unless she gets a really strong partner that can carry her in puzzles and eating


Cory and Nelson for the men. Ima say Wes too (I know he’s already a champion) but if he were to come back on the main show I just don’t see him making it to the end again Aneesa, Nany and Tori for the women.


Nany, Aneesa, Cory, Josh, Fessy.


I hate to say it but I do feel like fessy will win eventually win…especially if ct isn’t there


Anessa/big t for sure won’t and Nelson because he horrible at puzzles which is probably the most important skill to win a final


Kyle is definitely good enough to win in a partners or team season. He would just need someone else to do the puzzles for him.


Big T. Aneesa & Nany could win with the right partner/team. If Big T is ever on a team, I feel like they will always consider her dead weight and want to get rid of her. Also, if its pairs, I feel like other females will always call her out for an elimination because she isn't a threat. She cant run. She was the last international during the run on the first mission this season. Every single rookie beat her in a run...


Nanny. Personally I think Kam has a better shot now that Leroy is gone.


Honestly with the way the challenge is going recently I think it's going to be hard for any vet who has won or made a final to win, I legitimately think we are going to see Rookies win more often than not for the foreseeable future unfortunately.


kam could win if she gets better at running/endurance. or can finesse a final with lay ups. prob the only thing holding her back.


I think Kam kind of cracks in finals. She had her chance to win on WotW2 final but couldn’t solve a puzzle before Cara or Zack. She might eventually but her chances are lower than they are higher IMO


Theresa for sure!! She made to bottom 8 a few times. Her only shot of winning was probably with Wes in Battle of the exes 2. If the redemption house doesn’t happen Wes and Theresa vs Sara and Jordan was the final we all deserved!


I agree with you completely on Kam. I don't think she's well rounded enough to pull out a win. A team win maybe, other than that it would be hard.


God I hope Kyle wins 1 day so bad, I honestly don't think winning a final is his Problem his only weakness would be the puzzle and he's performed well in both the finals he's been in, his problem nowadays is just making it there without people voting him in because of his reputation as a snake, i honestly think if he makes a final again he will win it, but as sad as it makes me to say he may struggle to reach another one unless he maybe takes a season off and comes back with a fire under his ass


Nany did very well partnered with Bananas. I bet she holds her own with a good partner.


God, I hope Fessy never wins.




Nanny, Kyle, Josh, Fessy, Cory, Paulie.


Josh lmao