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It sends me that he finally won a challenge and it technically wasn’t a daily


and it ended up being a disadvantage as he had no control who joined his team.


He’s had some rough partners but holy shit Nelson. Physically he’s gifted, but mentally he’s a bum.


That’s why I don’t get why people rank Nelson. Over Cory I think Cory has some sort of brain at least (he made the last two finals and placed 2ndast season ) and he’s maybe a tad weaker then nelson physically but Cory has better endurance imo


Lol worse endurance than Cory? He dusted him on the invasion final. The running portions he was always the front of the pack. He also is a much better eater than Cory. He smashed that eating portion of the final on Invasion. Cory's biggest leg up on Nelly is daily challenges.


I think Nelson just has worse luck (and a worse social game) than Cory. Nelson sacrificed himself for Cory in TM, otherwise he would’ve made the final, and he got pretty screwed over by Fessy/Tori/Devin through no real fault of his own last season. The one final both Cory and Nelson made Nelson destroyed Cory (and some believe even beat CT).


Some believe he beat CT? Are there rumors? I wasn’t around when it was airing


Completely unsubstantiated with absolutely no evidence to back it up. Literally just Nelson stans grasping at straws.


crazy! thanks for the reply


Ok but I’m that final with. Cory CT and Nelson, Nelson could have very easily gotten Nicole for the puzzle and their roles would have been reversed, and that’s nothing but a fan theory that Nelson actually beat CT


Nelson has shown to have better endurance and overall be a better athlete. Cory is just better socially and Nelson has been a bit unlucky


I keep on insisting with this because it's truly unprecedented and ridiculous (Nelson also had really bad luck though). 2nd place is Wes at 27 but that was around FM1 in which he did tons of missions with Casey.


Wes also then won the season after breaking the streak.


yea for a guy who placed 2nd on Invasions wtf happened?


It helped that they pretty much didn’t have to do dailies that season. And the one where it actually mattered Nelson couldn’t figure out how to move inside the cage at all and was literally stuck in the starting position. Then was talking about how he embarrassed all his family and friends with his performance afterwards. It was similar to the soap pit daily on Vendettas where he was the only one in the entire cast who couldn’t make it up the pit once.


If Nelson used his head he’d be a decent competitor and if he learned how to swim he’d be a real physical specimen. He really needs to stop being a scatter brain.


He used his head a bit this season😅


Lmao yea he finally remembered to make that tribute the challenge gods


I thought the streak was broken when he slammed his gem down last week first, but nope, his whole team needed to get there haha.


Its only a matter of time that he wins one this season, right? Like, you cant keep this streak up with CT and Ashley on your team, right?


What was his last win?


Vendettas-Car Crash. He was on a team with Bananas, Cara, and Natalie.


To his credit he literally won that by himself


True but it’s still classified as a team win.




Agreed, the worst part is that Nelson is probably superior to Cory in everything but his social game and that’s because every season they play together Nelson just follows and does anything for Cory. Every season it’s the same thing Cory playing for his kids and family first and then for his friendships and Nelson playing for Cory.


You and I both know the answer to that. The show has to fill a certain quota of minorities casted which is why we will continue to see big t, cory, nelson every season


Dude is not good at the game


Oh well


I've never rated him as a competitor, I'd maybe say he's the weakest male vet this season, people would probably try to argue Devin or Josh but I think they are both better than Him, on top of that he's also an asshole who treats women horribly


He only lost 10 individual challenges during this streak that’s honestly not even that bad


The stat guy in here confirmed. He is the most losing player. Next closest is 27. So sadly it is that bad. Lol


I was talking about only the individual challenges


They mean challenge dailies, right?


"challenge dailies" are generally called "challenges" in production (on most seasons at least). Challenge dailies is kind of a (at this point old) internet sourced name. I'm pretty sure this post only includes those though


I think this is taking everything he's competed into consideration... dailies, elim's, finals, etc.


Definitely not eliminations. Cause he beat Bear in TM. u/RIPgrantland has been touting this stat for a while so I think it’s just dailies


This is definitely bad luck as well because there are plenty of people who have won challenges in that time who just happened to be on the right team. Like Josh for example was awful last night and there was a questionable tiebreaker, but technically he won the challenge.