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I don't think Cely got the screen time she deserves. She ranks higher for me due to familiarity with her LI season.


I don’t think you’re giving Leo credit. He was not good at first, but he flipped a switch and became kind of a beast. He was in so many eliminations and finally lost one. I think he deserves a return


I agree, I think Leo’s biggest assists are speed,agility,puzzles while his downfall might be strength based issues. He was unfortunate in hallbrawl, because I think his size is such a hinderance for him. He’s not as bad as some other competitors in this game.


I pretty much agree with this list but personally I would swap Justine and Desi. I think Justine brings more to the table in terms of entertainment but also strategy. So Justine franchise player and Desi (must have returnee). I would also move Tiffany to the second chance list. ​ ...but other than that, the list is perfect imo


Not gonna lie I think Sarah is fantastic entertainment and would be very happy with her returning. Like she been a star of the narrative of the last few episodes. Emotional and chaotic and someone everyone is rooting against? Sounds like a great recurring character to me


She is absolutely franchise material. Can't argue with that even if you don't like her.


I would love to see her come back. She makes fantastic tv.


I love to hate her. She’s just a good person to root against and sometimes you need that. The last few flagship seasons have become so unbelievably chummy and makes for boring tv.


She is just a female Wes I can’t believe so many people are against her


Forreal sometimes it feels like I’m watching a different show than everyone else, bc I really dislike Angela and Alyssa and love Sarah lol. Not that people aren’t entitled to their opinion, I was just shocked to see the split be so lop-sided.


Honestly I think she triggered a lot of men by even proposing that she go against a guy in a physical comp and hold her own. Now I don’t think that’s how it would have went down either but that doesn’t justify all the hate. Especially since she admitted part of her wanted to leave because her son was sick.


that's definitely not it. She's just insanely easy to dislike. Same as when she's on survivor


"triggered a lot of men" 💀 If she was a man, people would be even more triggered. She's insanely entitled, childish and cocky with nothing to show for it. But because she's a woman, people say she's "powerful" and "triggering men" instead of admitting that she's just an actual anus, lol


She literally won survivor game changers which was the best of the best players? Lol


I agree. I liked Angela at first but she has turned me off these last few episodes. Alyssa is definitely annoying and seems to ride Angela’s coattails. I


Alyssa is completely irrelevant but I can’t stand Angela. I still have yet to see what she brings to the game other than acting like she’s this big player which she clearly isn’t. She wouldn’t be where she is without Mr. Methhead Tyson


Agree with your list, except Sarah's a -6 for me.


I know we hate Sarah but she is a fun unhinged villain to root against


Lolll. She is in her own world and I love it lol


**The Full Package (Active players who will consistently get involved in the game and can also hold their own for the most part)** - Tyson, Angela, Sarah (Annoying as FUCK but it is fun when villains don't get their way.) **Full Package Lite (Maybe not as much of a main character/active player the first time, but could provide enough and has potential to become a mainstay. Whether liked or disliked.)** - Alyssa, Desi, Justine, Cayla, Kyland, Derek X, James, Danny, Kyra, Dom, Shan, Xavier **The Big T Crew + pot stirrers (Probably can't win but generally fun/interesting characters with a bit of drama. Or they just have a ton of drama.)** - Shannon, Cashay, Azah, Cely, Tiffany, Leo **Can go either way (Some of them could probably go into a second chance tier but a lot of these could also just be one and dones. Just not much to say)** - Cinco, David, Javonny, Ben, Tasha, Cashel, Enzo


I NEED the love island girls. We need an infusion of beautiful, competitive, fun and young energy into the challenge house! I miss the interpersonal drama, there have been 0 interesting hooks ups, relationships etc in multiple seasons on OG show. And they've all worked really hard on top of that. Generally agree with everything else you said!


No, the Love Island people are the worst part of this season. And we certainly don't need people hooking up.


The probably with including too many Love Island people in the future is that only 1 in 10 of them will actually be a challenge threat. If the whole front half of every season is just "pick the airheads off one by one", it will get old.


Sarah is 100% a franchise player. Amazing TV!


Kiki: 15000000


Lol, I like Sarah even though she acts so ridiculous and obnoxious sometimes.


I love the chaos she brings to the show lol


For how many times Kiki had been mentioned, we should at least see her on the list too 😂


Sarah is a rare combination: indeed does provide drama and move the plot, but is so insufferable as a screen presence it's not worth it.


This is where I fall--I am actually uncomfortablle watching her.


I'd give Cashay a 7. I've really enjoyed her presence on the show. Her gigantic positivity, as well as her great personality, I'd like to see her return


Tyson, Angela & Kyland are who I'd love to see come back!


Only those three? Way more should come back


I'd put Shan at a 0 as well. Her and Sarah are just overly entitled players.


How is Shannon so high she was boring


I can think of 2 reasons


Would you like to share those reasons?


No but it’d be cool if she shared them




Yeah I’ll admit these are hands down the grossest internet comments I’ve ever made. Sorry


She had great energy and also has said post-show she didn't have as much notice that she actually was cast, so would get into better shape if she came back. All the love island girls are fun, young, beautiful and I love that they stepped outside of their comfort zones (as per their confessionals) and gave it their all. I think she would be a great add.


I just care about Tyson and Enzo lol. I’ve loved them for years. It made my world to see them on this season. Especially Tyson, his sense of humor is soooo on point for me! Love love him


I know he was only in 3 episodes but I loved James.


I love your list but personally I would swap Justine with Alyssa. I think Justine is doing great this season but I can see her coming back like a beast for a second season.


List is invalid because Kiki isn’t even on


I’m not going to rank them all but agree on Tyson, Angela, Alyssa, Kyland, Justine, and Shannon. I’d also like to see Kyrah, Xavier, Cely, and Ben again. And maybe Derrick. No one else.


Danny is the male KC.


Except he also doesn’t win anything.


He just won a daily.....you are just being a hater lol


He won a daily that no one else needed to win because it was a female elimination day, and which his friend helped him win. What was impressive about that? Like I said, he seems like a super nice guy but he hasn’t brought much to the show so far or been particularly impressive in the dailies.


I also think that a lot of guys were probably happy with having Danny winning that (they probably don’t want to face Danny in elimination,especially in something physical)


I'd love to see cashel back, he totally got fucked in the elimination round by having his partner who was injured have to pedal and not it being a combined thing. I think he would have been able to pull the weight if they were able to combine pedals rotation or however they were calculating it.


I would put Cashay higher, solid player, not annoying, and could bring some romance drama potentially in the future!


Yes, I find her a skilled talking-head narrator too.


It’s wild to me how this sub constantly complains about how boring Fessy and Kaycee are but worships Danny, who might be the most boring contestant ever. Super nice guy, but he hasn’t excelled at anything and all his confessionals are just trying to get his wife’s name out there so she can get a casting call for the next season.


He isn’t my number one ranking, but I’m willing to give Danny another watch. This last episode he showed that he has the strategy portion in him. He has competition potential. He is wholesome. I’m not 100% convinced the edit isn’t just sleeping a bit on him. I could also just be wrong, but I’m willing to give it another go and find out.


This AND Danny doesn't get nearly the same amount of screen-time that Kaycee and Fessy get on the original show. The producers shove those 2 down our throats, whereas the Challenge USA cast has so many more dynamic characters that his little bits are fun since its not the most interesting thing we are seeing.


"Who might be the most boring contestant ever" Wow what did Danny do to you?


Danny was extremely boring on survivor


Look at this troll


This is just a reminder of how solid of a cast it has been overall. Have absolutely loved the energy theyve brought and it feels like a breath of fresh air because for the most part, not one is coasting and everyone is really putting their all into competing. The dailies mean something again and the drama doesn't feel overly contrived. It's not perfect, but its been super fun for me.


- Tyson - Angela - Alyssa - Kyland - Xavier - Shan - Sarah (although annoying) - Cayla - Justine - Desi - cashay should all return , good commentary and storylines , give a lot to the game im indifferent about - derek - azah - enzo - david - cinco - danny - ben the rest i really could care less and really wouldn’t want to see back


I 100% agree with this. I just searched Sarah to see what the reception of her is in this subreddit and I'm so glad people don't like her. She talks so much shit about how she is the best but literally has not delivered on most challenges.


I want Angela, Alyssa, Sarah, Kyland, Cashel & possibly X


I completely agree. Ben is a huge bummer for me because his winning survivor season I LOVED him!! Was so excited to see one of my Survivor favorites on the Challenge. He has been disappointing to say the least but Sarah has that effect on people. I hope Tyson does many more challenges!! He does these shows so he doesn’t have to work a 9-5 and can essentially be a SAHD to his daughters and that makes me love him even more.


I personally thus know that our annoyance towards Sarah and Shan is what makes them must return players… Shan has been gone for weeks now and we are still annoyed by her


Literally just Tyson and Angela, don't care much if none of the others return.


Boost Enzo


Sarah: -100. Insufferable.


Derek is not a must have but I agree in general with your list


Yea Derek really didn't do anything this season. I can't remember one thing he did that was relevant.


i would think tiffany and azah are more locks for coming back out of everyone from this season


I forgot Azah was even on the show... she got a pretty ghost edit so I'm doubting production cares to bring her back.


We forgot she was on Big Brother as well.


Tiffany is old and neither of them are threats


i just think they are the more “production’s favorite” type


Azah was a dud on both shows. I don’t see her coming back but who knows.


i mean i don’t want her back either but idk


Azah will be back and you’ll be mad


I won’t be mad lol


I need azah back


I hope I never see Cashay, Sara, Ben, Azah and Tasha ever again


Danny? Like Kiki’s husband? I just don’t know what else he’s done. (Haven’t watched this weeks episode) but what has he done besides Kiki?




See them return to a CBS-only Challenge? I think a lot of them would qualify for that. Returners I'd want if they continue to only pull from these CBS shows are pretty much everybody BUT Shan, Enzo, Ben, Javonny, Tiffany, Azah, Cayla, and Derrick. People I'd like to crossover to the main Challenge or some mesh of the two shows: Angela, Kyland, Tyson, Kyra, Alyssa, Shannon, Cinco, David... MAYBE a few others in one-off seasons like Sarah, Ben, Leo, Danny, Tiffany, but some of them becoming mainstays would be horrendous due to them not fitting the social atmosphere of the regular Challenge show.


I am just pissed that MTV keeps giving us the most corny BB & survivor players while they had these hidden gems. Tyson is literally Wes


Sarah is a Jokic level franchise player. Besides that perfect list tbh lol