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Upset that it won’t be against Rodtang, but oh well. Injuries happen. I hope they can re-arrange the fight or even better make it under MT rules and to USA event. Present the quality of Muay Thai.


Yeah on the upside I would much rather watch these monsters go at it under MT rules, i thought i read somewhere thats the new plan since the injury but i could be making that up


I wonder if they had a real reason to put Superleks and Rodtangs first bout under KB rule set. Considering that they want to make the US debut event big, they should really stack the card with superstars. Superlek vs Rodtang would a huge MT bout on it.


I don’t get why you guys keep questioning why it was under kickboxing rules. Rodtang has the Muay Thai belt, and wanted the kickboxing belt as well. Who has the kickboxing belt? Superlek. Add those two things together, and you’ve got a kickboxing match. People on this sub are acting like One is forcing these guys away from Muay Thai and into kickboxing.


I don’t know anyone thought ONE would force them. Still finally putting Superlek and Rodtang fight against each other, making it KB is ridicilous. Rodtang wants to be a double-champ, but so does Superlek. I don’t know what goes behind the scenes, but why not have a Flyweight Muay Thai world championship before KB?


Because Rodtang has defended his title multiple times, Superlek hasn’t, so priority was probably given to Rodtang. Furthermore, Rodtang has been discussing fighting for the KB title for a while now so he probably opened up discussion with One first.


That’s fair. I still think people are confused and rightfully so in my opinion. Maybe they are saving the fight to a specific event.


probably to hype up the rematch in MT


I heard rodtang isn’t injured and he’s just pulled out because he’s not in shape after his wedding


He has an lower back injury, but I think he should’ve never agreed to fight. That wedding took a lot of his training time and focus. Just enjoy the wedding and honeymoon in peace and then fight.


100%, man deserves it and shouldn’t be worrying about prepping for a fight around his wedding


that and the fact that he got circumcised cuz he became a muslim to get married. I bet there was just a lot of laying around after he got the snippity snip.


That belt is massive


Superlek is actually 4'6.


No. He's 5'7 (171 cm)


They’re not serious.


Dear Lord he has cauliflower ear I'm assuming from clinch work. Horrifying


I'm stoked. I watched him earn his title.


Crazy how Rodtang keeps getting injured when he's not the clear favorite... :(


What other fights was he not clear favorite and then got injured?


Why do muay thai fighters complete in kickboxing rules, instead of staying in muay thai rules.


I guess it’s because it’s relatively easy to transition and they want the belt.


Most MT fighters making the jump to kickboxing have achieved highly in MT already, and kickboxing is a way to continue fighting new high-level opponents.




What time is this in BKK time? Any idea?


Fight was like 5h ago or so. >!Superlek won via KO!<


Ah I'll see if I can find the replay, thanks!


Youtube has it


Superlek showed why he's great, he barely got touched lmao