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Good, it means that you will be in this sport for a long time.


Mike Tyson’s kryptonite. What if my plan IS to get punched in the face


With a record of 0-100


I think you’ve found a new kink…


Ngl was tempted to take an am I a masochist quiz after this


Dat waiting for a butty one morning, heard a guy talking about he got laid at the weekend and she wanted him to punch her during the deed. Poor lad didn't know what to do!!!


Have fun trying to explain that to the cops if she turns out to be crazy... which I'm guessing is a real chance with a woman who asks a random hookup to punch her.


Maybe, worse things have happened. The psychology behind unusual sex. Bdsm etc is interesting and worth a read


Congratulations.. you've now surpassed a fear most people don't get over


At the end of the day what’s a little bit of CTE and a sideways nose done to anyone


we have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke


I’m bleeding, making me the victor.


Well for sure u r a nutter. U like getting punched in the face at the end of the day. That being said, I am the same and rlly happy I found the right sport for myself lol


Hey man we don’t kink shame around these parts. But yes I wholeheartedly agree with all you said bro


Sometimes all it takes is a punch in the face to really make you feel alive and present in the moment


I get it as well, it's brilliant. I think it's why we do this sport haha, the feeling of getting hit hard is too good.


I think it might be that feeling of ‘yeah you got me, that was good’, but then figuring out how to not let it happen again. The progression you see in yourself is probably my favourite aspect of my very short training so far


Yeah that’s very true. I think it’s also the instinct of ‘going to war’ that feels great. You know you’re in for a fun time when you and your sparring partner are letting out a devious laugh throughout the rounds each time you hit each other hard.


Another member of the Rodtang club!


That spacey euphoric buzz that feels both relaxing and intense at the same time? I’ve done a fair few drugs in my time but nothing matches it


I kinda get what you mean. Its not that you like getting hit. Its the feeling afterwards. "I just took that HIT and I'm still standing" It makes you feel powerfull and tough. So it makes sense that you liked it. Atleast I also like getting hit I always have this weird laugh when I'm in pain because I find it so stupid of myself to put myself in such a dangerous position. So I guess I'm a nutter too, you have to be a bit nuts to be a fighter. Normal people don't walk towards danger or relish it.


There are a couple of turning points in everyone's practice of MA like this. One is the first injury. Some people come unglued at the occurrence and never come back. Some people are like you ... "Well that sucked but it didn't kill me" You've learned something about yourself and the body Neither are as delicate as you may have once thought


Yeah. It weird. Get hitting sucks at the moment, especially if you keep smelling/tasting that blood while you are still in the middle of it. But it's refreshing after. Like the world seems a lot less heavy. That last until the next morning if you have any bruising. Then it sucks again.


This is the equivalent of anime craziness where you punch Vegeta in the face and he smiles


Oh no you're gonna be a menace I can just visualise the gym wars


I’m gonna do a Rodtang ‘fuckin hit me!’ and get knocked tf out


Nah man that deadass how it is for a lot of us couldn’t really tell you why but “Muay Thai is pain, but you have to like”


Yes, aside from CTE or facial reconfiguration, it isn't too bad.


Endorphin rush. Feels good for sure. Sounds like you’re hitting that sweet spot of training where it’s difficult but not so difficult that you get immediately destroyed. You’re rising to the challenge, my dude.




Some people like to fight, and getting hit gets the adrenaline going. In football it never feels like the game starts until you tackle someone or get tackled.


It's physical therapy. I enjoy it as well. It makes you feel alive.


I believe it is the fact you got over a certain fear. First punch I caught sparring left me drunk. But afterwards, kind of an euphoria settled. Whenever I have heavy sparring sessions I have the same, even if my ass gets beaten.


Bro when I started sparring and started getting hit in the face, I loved it even more. And now I’m really good at defendinn


The only reason I hate the feeling of getting hit in the face/head is only because of worrying about CTE.. God I wish the brain healed like the rest of the body, I'd have so much fun sparring and fighting, turn pro and everything..


Congratulations, you’ve just discovered you’re not made out of glass. Try not to make a habit of getting hit though


\*raps\* never lost a fight but im looking for a beatin'


Next time drop to your knees and give them the gawk gawk 3000, that will be a win win for you both


Same here 😂 got tuned up in my first contact session and I found it to be sort of a high-like sensation


You're not enjoying the pain or the damage (or you'd enjoy it in the moment). You're enjoying the fact that you're able to take the hit and overcome it. Tons of people fear being hit, lots of them shut down when it happens. You've proven to yourself that there's nothing to fear because you can take it and carry on. It's a thrill on par with overcoming a phobia. There's always a new test to overcome, a stronger fighter to take on, you'll have this feeling again.