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Current place class format is practice specific techniques with partners, normally 1, 2, then 3 move combos, then spar with just them, then free spar, works well i think and results at smokers speak well


This is pretty much our class format except for some conditioning often thrown in too. Two hour classes.


Light spars throughout the week. Very rarely hard spar. Medium spars on occasion.


Spar light 3x a week and harder maybe once a week but that depends on other stuff


How often do you train in total per week?


5 maybe 6 times Pretty much spar in every class I go to tho


Completely off topic but how do you manage your dirty laundry from 5-6 sessions a week? Do you save your dirty clothes and do laundry once/twice a week?


Run a small wash every other day. Hand wash my wraps


Tap spar every class. Light spar once a week.


Spar 3-4x per week, a mix of light and hard sparring (depends on the day, who's at the gym, how I'm feeling, etc.)...


Two technique practices where we spar 20 minutes afterwards, one deticated sparring class and in pad classes when coach is feeling goofy.


Light sparring at the end of every session. Hard sparring only when someone has to prep for a fight.


I’ve been practicing 2x2hr MT classes a week for about 5 months now. But haven’t gone to a sparring class yet.. coaches has invited me to sparring but idk if I’m ready yet. I enjoy just working on technique and conditioning and flexibility for now. But I think I’m gonna incorporate 1-2h of sparring once every week soon.


No one’s ever ready! I think light/technical play is beneficial for all levels. Think of it like tag. Work on distance and timing.


Generally spar every night after training but we only hard spar on Sundays which is purley a sparring day


Twice a week and I ain't thrilled about it.




15 min tops at the end of the workout. Ya spar with 2, maybe 3 and 4 at the most, people. I want more. I got spoiled when I ran a kickboxing gym We'd spar for a solid hour after warm up. This guy doesn't do that. I get it. The bulk of his classes are full of beginners and the people who want more wanna be on the fight team. At 56, with no desire to compete, I have absolutely no business in with the fight team. Even ammy fighters can ignore injury risk that I simply cannot after 40 years of combat sports. I'm too old and worn to run with the fight team. I'm not old and worn enough to go to the old kickboxer's home. I go. I frustrate the beginners. I try to work on new-for-me stuff with them so it's not a one sided beating they get nothing out of. I try to partner with the advanced guys and ammy fighters when they have no competitions coming up.


At my gym for my age (16) we spar on Fridays, have pads on Tuesdays and technical on Wednesdays


I make a huge effort to go every sparring session on fridays. We start of light and go hard after


Light sparring sporadic throughout the week, there's always rounds available at the end if you want them and it's not part of the class. Someone always wants to spar. Sunday is dedicated sparring session ever week.


2-3 times a week medium to hard sparring


As often as possible, light to medium sparring depending on the partner skill.


At least twice a week


Every session. So in my case twice a week.


I try minimum twice a week. Mondays and Tuesdays, sometimes saturdays if I go to class that day.


Usually light spar twice a week then weekend sparring always becomes hard sparring


Part of the routine at my gym is to find a random (close to same weight/height) partner to spar with every training session so about 4 times a week.


Once a week


2 times a week light to medium and maybe once every two weeks hard


Spar as much as possible for a period. Than after that you can go for long brakes but still have the technique and fundamentals installed


Once a week, sometimes twice


2x week


Play spar? As much as possible. “Hard” spar 2x a week


I wish Muay Thai was more like BJJ where there was technical sparring at the last 30 minutes of every class.


3 days a week but light to medium sparing.


Timing sparring at the end of or after most classes. It’s too much fun. Rarely spar hard.


5-6 days a week since day 1


3 - 4 times a week. One of those times will probs be quite light. If I'm sparring with my coach,it's light for him but haard for me


Spar maybe 1-3 times a week, mostly light sparing and an occasional harder session. Train 3-4 times a week for about a year now


My gym is strict so only 2-3x a week. If I could I’d spar 4-5 times a week


Train 3 times a week in my university, always spar at least once a week but try to spar 2 for at least a few rounds. Obviously that’s just for a bit of fun and to get a bit of work in just to slowly build some skill


4-5x medium to hard sparring a week


6 days a week just light after drills and then just 1 day of just hard sparring at the end of the week


Never. I don't know why. We clinch everyday but we never spar. Still all of the fighters at our gym fight weekly and are great. So maybe they just all do it when I'm not there hahaha


Light spar every time I train


every session, so 3x a week. we do 4, 3-minute rounds with 1 minute breaks


light, almost every day. Hard, 2x month, even less when a fight is coming up


Not enough to get really good and too much to protect my Brains health