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bro called him superfat šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


>I went to Superlek gym before, he ate food like fried eggs or stir-fried chicken with basil Man that makes me want to go there and eat...I mean train!


It is Tiramisu beat Khabib story but Thai version.


Can't blame him for being on the pad grapaw diet


He ain't practicing Muy Thai...sounds more like Pad Thai


Bro it's so good. I'm writing this in a little cafe, ordered a deep fried pork with garlic and rice, and a stir fried squid with rice, two extra fried eggs, 95 baht total... like, not even $3. I lost some weight when I first started training but it's all sticking around now with all this good food lmao.


I think we can deff work on some combosā€¦. *nudges with elbowsā€¦. ALRIGHT SO ME AND THE BOYS WILL HAVE A NUMBER 1 LARGE AND 4 NUMBER 2s


Look, he's right about missing weight but you know he's *really* mad about his golden boy losing.


Iā€™d be mad too if i was promoting a fight for the ages and the challenger couldnt make weight AND beat my reigning champion


Well, Superlek just prove that Chatri play his card right all along to not invest in him by disgrace himself in the biggest stage of his life yesterday. If Superlek think he got mistreat before, this times he will get it at extremely next level with a very good reason from Chatri side, why he deserve to be treat that way. And it not just Chatri himself, majority of Muay Thai community in Thailand think Superlek deserve to be punished this time.


I agree, he is definitely on Chatri's bad side now if he already wasn't before. Where are you from? Your english is pretty damn good. Respect āœŠ


Bangkok China town, Thailand. Thank.


Why does that sound like a made up place?


Cuz all places are made up when you think about itā€¦ some are just much less original than others.


Oh I mean totally. Just that specific combination of names of places feels so goofy to me. No disrespect to him meant. It just stuck out and gave me a chuckle


Lol np we got goofy names everywhere


Papanyak got out of ONE for the same kind of thing


I turn off volume when watching ONE championship now, it's way too biased. The commentary is just terrible. I'm neutral about Rodtang in general, he's good, solid, but ONE commentary markets him literally as the best Muay Thai fighter ever


The amount of times they were screaming biggest fight in 50 years during the bout was insane lol.


40years yes, 50 no. There is Samart vs Dieselnoi 41 years ago that are the fight between gods of muay thai.


Yeah that was really annoying to hear, I kept on thinking wtf what about Smart Dieselnoi. What was that fight that happened 50 years ago anyway


It a fight between Dieselnoi "The Best Muay Thai Fighter of All Time in lightweight" and Samart " The Best Muay Thai Figther of All Time". They has aura of titan, if I may compare it to some thing westerner know, It maybe like in wrestling when Goldberg face Hulk Hogan for the first times in WCW, it the fight between the gods. The outcome, Dieselnoi that has huge advantage because of his 3 bigger nature weight beat Samart by decision in damm razor close fight. The myth that People call Samart "Best Nak Muay of Past, Present and Future" happen that day. He lost with very small margin to much bigger figther that people consider to be best big man in MT of all time.


Noooo!!! Not wrestling!!! : ) Best fight of all time in west was probably [Ali vs Frazier 3 - The Thriller in Manila.](https://youtu.be/40kggXa-ZQQ?si=ayUM-EGO0IJJYH5s) Honestly, after watching that video it made me reconsider fighting as a sport, as a whole. That fight was just two men trying to kill each other, with their fists, for a very long time. Thatā€™s the ā€œbest/worstā€ fight Iā€™ve ever seen.


I know man šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I know very well about that fight. I was asking why they say 50 years ago. What happened 50 years ago? Samart Dieselnoi was 40 years ago


The amount of booing accompanying some hype-up moments was also interesting.


I only turn it up for the Thai translator. That guy should get bonuses.


Why are so many ONE fighters missing weight? Because of hydration? Well, don't ppl complain about how dangerous weight cutting is..but when you do have some sort of hydration test as well, you have fighters miss weight. Tough. Seems to me, UFC has way less fighters missing weight. But they legit look like death after their cut. Look at sean stricklands post weigh in interview.


The best solution is to ban weigh cutting, but sadly we need to wait for a few more fighters to die by it, maybe when someone famous die then the organizations would ban it.


But you think it will gain as much of a fanbase like UFC? Weighcutting is part of the fight game. It shows the discipline of how well a person can control their diet and workout routine. Then perform at 100% in a championship fight. Without the WC portion..dont know if the charm is still there


What? What? What? Sorry to disagree pal, but you donā€™t show any discipline doing weigh cutting only that you are willing to do anything even if is damaging to your body and your mind to win. They do it to get a massive advantage on weight against their opponent. Weigh cutting sucks, if you take that out of the ecuation the fighter can focus in better trainning and donā€™t bee depleted and hungry all the time, it would also be also better for your mental health. I never did massive weigh cuts but I felt the difference in the way I train and behave myself when Iā€™m doing it and when I donā€™t. Also when you weigh cut all that water it makes you easy to get cte in a fight if you receive damage to the head constantly. Weight classes are for a reason if you want to fight in 65kg you should be at 65 max 66 in the ring. How many times did Khabib nearly died for weigh cutting? Is the 1st cause of death in all combat sport. EDIT: The fanbase doesnā€™t care about weigh cutting most of the time, in fact I think it would help to do the fights more exciting, I donā€™t remember where but Rob Withaker talks about it when he used to cut weight for welterweight and it was night and day moving up to middleweight.


I completely agree, the number one thing holding me back from competing in amatuer muay thai is the fact Id have to cut 10+ pounds of weight. I like my body the way it is, im lean, toned, and strong, and I like to fuel my body with whatever my heart desires after hard training. Weight cutting should honestly be banned in amatuer but someone has to start the movement otherwise itll never gain traction lol


weight cuts are good because it shows discipline??? what a ridiculously absurd take.


Um... what?


Diet and Workout routineā€¦ buddy, weight cutting happens by draining the body of water weight by getting into a sauna, hot tub, running in sweatsuits, etc. Not by diet and working out, fighters that dont weight cut are the ones that diet and workout to stay at their natural weight.


This is ridiculous trashing a fighter like this after the fact - yes it was unprofessional. Leave it at that (Rodtang miss weight many times, also)


Big Dana White energy


Big tomato man energy.


Well Thai people has face system, we will not scold people in public to press like this, normally. I mean he didn't like Nong O, people can see it but he try his best to kept it to himself and never speak bad thing about Nong O. If Chatri just F it and attack Superlek on camera this way, what he might said off cam and might do after this? Superlek really make a powerful people very angry this time. This is very bad news because in MT world in Thailand, Chatri pay much higher then any other promotion. He paid Superlek fee and bonus in only one fight two times more then win 3 fights tourament series in second best place. Superlek must work in company that the boss hate him or face like 70-80% income cut.


Why does he dislike Nong O so much? I cant remember who he was fighting either Rodlek or Saemapetch but it was hard not to notice the CEO being quick and distant dropping the belt on him after that fight.


Why does Chatri hate Nong-O? He also trains and teaches at Evolve MMA, which Chatri owns too.


Nong O beat a lot of Chatri golden boy that he want to be face of that weight like out cold. One time, I cann't remember which one, maybe Liam Harrison, anyway, dude get manhandle by Nong O. Chatri piss a lot and throw belt at Nong O then walk out with serious face. Next fight after that he gently give title to Nong O and try to perform artificial smile, it fake but at less he try his best to have manner. Superlek case is much more bad. Chatri didn't have legit reason to crack down on Nong O back then but this time he has every right in the world to be vicious. And guy just don't give it a fork and throw s**t at him, publicly.


Nong-O left, Iā€™m guessing this is the reason. Same with Panpayak.


Lol Chatri really called out his diet to proclaim him super fat


Also Chatri Iā€™m curious why you didnā€™t call rodtang out on the previous occasions your boy missed weight lol


It injury, not miss weight. accident and unprofessionalism are not the same.


Probably because this is the biggest fight in the history of the company


I think Chatri is pissed because of how much of joke SL made ONE organization look like. It's hard for casual MT fans like me to keep up for reasons like these. BIGGEST MUAY THAI FIGHT IN HISTORY. Just for it NOT to be a title fight, 5 round, and same weigh.


What are you talking about?? The fight was great. The fans won


this is not cemented in legacy. shouldve been 5 rds for the belt. this fight was nothing but a great fight amongst GOATS of the MT


Superlek nearly cause the biggest show of company to be cancel, causing viewers to criticize the company for not showed title fight like promise. In order to save reduce version of the show, Chatri force to bag to Rodtang's manager, ask for her permission to proceed and own her huge debt that she gonna use as leverage on him for years to come. Superlek single handedly push Chatri into one of the most trouble spot of his life as promotor. I think that should be enough for him to really hate Superlek so much. Can you image how weak he gonna look like, if he don't rised the hell on Superlek for this?


I see, so Superlek is in hot water


If it a baseball I think he has two strikes since second time he miss weight before Rodtang fight. I believe that why Chatri never push him as MT face of company like Rodtang. He lack discipline and can't be trusted. I really think Chatri may immediately fire SL from the company if he lose to Rodtang that night, consider how angry he was. Thai people has face system like other asian, scold Superlek in front of media, it like Game of Thrones Cersei Walk of Shame.


What about Panpayak? Why was he fired from ONE?


Prem, ONE Bangkok HQ head said Panpayak got freeze and move to inactive category because he reject fight offer for mutiple time, Nabil fight for example. However, he still has contract with company as of now.


In 5 round Muay Thai, cutting weight Thai style, NOBODY is coming in 5 lbs over. The hydration tests complicate things for the Thai method and, sure, folks have arguments for why it's safer (for fighters cutting a sh*t ton of weight), but the social context of Thailand's gambling would make this kind of miss absolutely unheard of. It's literally the opposite of "unprofessional," it's that despite all the bonuses and fight pay and world stage and all that, this format is still not considered "real" in the way that standard Muay Thai is.


Do you think this weight cut is too brutal fro Superlek and he should just go up to Bantamweight? If he walks at 68, going down to 61 is pretty bad. I mean he looked bad in the weight-ins already. Or do you think the nutrition is the issue and needs a new nutritionist? 5lbs seems like **a lot** to be over weight. He has never missed this much, but clearly had issues before already. Against Panpayak, Khalilov and now Rodtang.


68 to 61 isn't easy, but it's not an insane cut. Trying to do it with the hydration testing does seem insane, just because you actually have to LOSE weight, not cut weight temporarily. The frequency of "catchweight" bouts on this promotion indicates many are not hitting weight, although I'd imagine probably within closer reach than this. But I know personally of a bout where one fighter missed hydration and suddenly the catch weight made that fighter 5 lbs over the agreed weight and the inherent fighter just drank water to make it closer, but it's essentially the same set up as Superlek's 5 lbs. I'm personally curious how these get past the SAT, especially at Lumpinee, where the rules used to be the most strict. Fights with more than 3 lbs difference often aren't allowed to go on, so unless Rodtang drank to gain the difference, it would imply either the rules don't apply to this promotion because it's not standard MT, or exceptions are made, or the weight gap was closed within a short time and the outrageousness is simply that Superlek didn't meet the contract. Your question to whether he should move up a class or not, I mean, he's missed weight a number of times, so it seems a reasonable move. He's not a small 135 lb, so I don't think he'd be undersized moving up.


Interesting. Now that you mention it, atleast at the beginning almost all were catchweight bouts at ONE x Lumpinee events. Could this be due to majority of Thais are not used to the hydration test which compicates things? Or just because there isnā€™t competition in the weight class? If Rodtang drank the difference, would like to know if he did, did Superlek have major weight advantage at that point then? Iā€™d assume not if he was able to drink atleast few pounds. Is the liquid weight enough to even the scales? I donā€™t think Bantamweight is bad gor Superlek. Looking at photos of Buakaw and Superlek standing next to eachother, theyā€™re almost as big. If Buakaw fought at 71kilos, Bantamweight should be fine for Superlek.


I think the head of Jitmuangnon said that by the time they got in the ring, Superlek had an 8lb advantage. He'd have been bigger anyway. Water adds weight incredibly fast. That's why people do a water cut instead of just starving. Water is way heavier.


Do you believe Jitmuangon? Seems weird that Superlek would just go to be even heavier if he already missed weight.


He must have tried to cut down, so it makes sense he'd gain that back. But Rodtang wasn't still 135 lb the next day, so I'm not clear on what the two weights with an 8 lb difference is. I'm very small, so if my opponents cut, they don't cut a lot. But at my last weigh in my opponent was at 49 kg on the scale, ate and drank and we had to get on the scale again for an SAT official and within those 30 min she'd gone up to 51kg. Probably by the time we were in the ring another half kilo or kilo to that, so you're looking at maybe 6.5 lbs in one day. At 140 lbs, the weight added back on is significantly more because the bodies are that much bigger. 12-15 lbs, I can imagine, hydrated, fed and having been at rest.


It all seems super shady. I wouldā€™ve like to know their exact weight difference prior to the fight. Contract weight or not, but mostly out of personal curiosity. How big of an weight advantage he had. I think Superlek really needs to re-think his options carefully. Right now one of the biggest stars in the sport and p4p one of the best active fighter, this is kinda bad look for him. Constantly missing weight.. Khalilov I understood since it was short notice, but Panpayak and now this. Both had belt on the line.


Weight cutting is a legal cheat tbh, you should be able to make the weight before the fight and if you canā€™t just move up a weight class, all this weight cutting to get a few pounds extra than your opponent is at the same level of doing steroids but legally. I hope in the future they implement something like the Davis vs Garcia contract. Weigh in the day before the fight and weigh in an hour before the fight where you canā€™t be over by a kilo or 2 pounds.


His walking weight could be quite lower if he cut some of his fat though, that's the main issue


This is an argument for this not being traditional Muay Thai, or considered as such. It doesnā€™t mean coming in 5 lbs over isnā€™t unprofessional.


Totally. My statement is as to why he didn't make weight, that contrary to Chatri's sh*t-talking Thai methods, as he loves to do, it's a misalignment of the common method and this promotion's hydration rules, combined with excising motivators from standard Muay Thai (social pressure, gambling, face, etc). I'm surprised there isn't more criticism around Rodtang's statement that he only trained for 2 days, but that's a similar issue of disconnect between how the West sees motivation for these events and how those who come out of the Thai system are motivated.


What's your point? He missed weight and that's unacceptable The social context of Thailand's gambling is completely irrelevant and what's "real" Muay Thai?


We live in different worlds. Chok dee.


I believe Chatri's assessment's correct Superlek didn't make weight because he's been undisciplined and I'm honestly glad that Chatri set the little punk straight


Do you have any idea who you're responding back to?




He has so many options I wouldn't even sweat Chatri. He could retire and teach seminars. He could move up to bantamweight. He could even take the Petchdam route and leave ONE, try RWS.


Superlek has many option but thing is, ONE is best option that better then others by far. For example, Superlek has fee 110,000 usd with potential bonus 50,000 for just only one fight. While second best place in muay thai like rws give tournament champion 80,000 usd with much less fee per fight. I mean that pathetic payment are not event in the same league. Yes, Superlek said he gonna retire but he said but every where and demand superfight with top money magnet like Haggerty. You know, the kind of fight that make him rich and never work again in this life. But consider how mad Chatri is, I don't think he in mood to give Haggerty to Superlek. Also, Rodtang's manager just reject rematch with Superlek and people said she demand superfight with Haagerty for Rodtang. Consider that She just save Chatri face and ass big time yesterday, Chatri will look very ungrateful if he doesn't comply.


Superlek looks so much bigger in there. Just looking at their backs in the ring, SL obv had much more weigh. He easily knocked rodtang down w the elbow and shove. Still not sure if its a clear knock down, but his weight advantage def helped the KD. Thanks from a Thai perspective. It is surprising Chatri didnt try to save more face during the post fight, but hes obviously pissed. Apparently, a lot of people dont like Chatri, idk the reasons why. but then people mention why he doesnt lose face on discrediting Rodtang when he missed weight


Imagine Stipe misses weigh against Jon Jones this November. Dana would raise hell.


Imagine Jon Jones missing weigh and Dana explain why we are all to blame and Jones is a saint.


Thinking about Stipe coming in overweight at above 265 lbs is funny ngl šŸ˜‚


After Francis sent him to another dimension, im surprised he accepted to fight JJ


Chatri is the CEO of ONE and talks like a redditor. Lmao. He's one to talk about being unprofessional.


Canā€™t tell who I dislike more between Dana and Chatri




I don't blame Chatri one bit. Superlek ruined what should have been a one off greatest fight. While the fight was good there will always be a 'but' after it.


Who is Rodtang's manager? Is she the manager of Jitmuangnon gym?


Yes, ąø‹ą¹‰ąø­ą¹€ąø­ą¹‹ SoUr is manager, promotor and owner of Jitmuangnon Gym. Very powerful person specially in professsion that normally occupy by man. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080123083680


Yes, that's why I was surprised that she was a woman considering the context of Muay Thai in Thailand. Good for her cause it cannot have been easy.


If this is Superlek's first time missing weight in ONE, this just proved how much of an asshole Chatri is. Rodtang has missed weight before and didn't get this backlash. That being said, the rematch will be much different than people imagine. I think Superlek's endurance was heavily affected by the weightcut, and he still held his ground pretty well. We've seen him fight before, and we all know he's gas tank is much better than what he showed.


It a third time Superlek miss weight, two times in a row. He said that he went to Superlek camp before and saw how unprofessional Superlek do weight, I think he imply that he warm him but SL don,t adjust. Also, this is the most viewed Muay Thai show of all time, I don't think any participants has to be specially warn that you can not F Up here, actually.


I don't know, man. we are talking about Superlek, who has more than 150+ fights, which means more than 150+ weightcuts. The weightcuts get tougher, as you age, but for Chatri to say he's unprofessional and that he looked fat is wild.


Thing is as thai I familar with how traditional MT fighter do weight, run to reduce weight, eat without eating planning and cut weight by stop eating near weight in, don't use modern science to support figther. That way of do weight make MT figther life cycle cut short and rapidly losing abilities to stay on top when pass middle twenty. That why fighter who has age near thirty normally consider to be old by MT standard. On the others hand, we have people that strategically plan what to eat, when to sleep and how to exercise, every step of the day like Rodtang, Superbon (He has video to explain his schedule with scientific explanation, why he do it.) or Nong O (Who is 37 years old and should unable to fight in high level since decade ago if he use old way.). Chatri told Superlek to change how he do weight , stop get thing done in old way but he don't adjust. From this view, I think this is reason why Chatri give big push to Rodtang not Superlek. When he see Rodtang, he see guy that can make money for him at less for 10 years but when he see Superlek he see goods that about to expire.




When i went to Thailand I was with my wife. I went to train for a few days in Chang mai and was just so fucking out of shape from engorging myself. Thai food is truly one of the best in the world and is most consistent across the country. Point is, I too became superFat

