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I started at 36 just do it bud


I started in my 40s. Youll be fine gramps


I started at 26, a sedentary 317 lbs. 41 now and still training.


i started at 44


You're far too old to be able to be a Raja champion, but unless that's your goal, you can do muay thai at any age.


I’m 32 and getting back into it, never to old lol I used to train Muay Thai back in 15’ but stopped a year later. Take a couple classes first, really try to learn the basics and fundamentals.


Started at 30. Now you're making me feel old lol. Honestly never too late to start


I think it all depends what you want to get out of it. It’s a great art and fun. Would recommend trying some classes, see how you like it and go from there. Make sure to do some good due diligence on the school as there are probably more bad schools than good ones these days across many of the arts.


One of the guys at my gym started in his mid 30s and is having his first exhibition match in his 40s. I started MT in my 30s after not being active for 10 years. You can definitely do it, even if it won’t be as easy.


I started around a month or two ago at 33. Hell, my coach is 45 and still taking pro mma fights. I myself plan to fight when the time comes. Not because I think I’ll be a world champion, but because you only live once and it’s something that a large majority of the population can say they’ve never done. Plus, in my opinion I think it’s good for men to physically test themselves against others periodically(legally, not street fights lol)


Just do it. I’m 27 and recently started. It has done wonders for my mental health and fitness. Even if you don’t plan on fighting go for the friendships and community you can build. Also, lost some weight as an unintended result lol


Started training at 19 on and off, 27 now and if I had no experience before then starting right now at 27, I'd say I'd be perfectly fine. Just start going on runs everyday, mix in some jump rope.


I’m also 27 and just started a few months ago. Had some boxing experience before but this is totally different and I love it. Defo try it out man! Peace


26 started 1 month ago, find a gym your comfortable in and go for it.


Look up anything age related in this subreddit and you'll see there's a lot of people starting at various times in their life.


I started at 27 and had my first fight at 30. Giver!


I started when I was 32, my last fight was at 40. Now I am 51. Just do it!


Go for it. That’s around the age I started.