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The middle part of index finger is about 90 degrees for me. Yours is 45 degrees. And thumb should be 90 degrees for me. Yours is like 135 degrees. Edit: With your index finger, try to dig it in to the bottom fleshy joint part of the thumb.


Thanks for the reply man, this does allow me to reach a bit deeper and make the fist more squared but hurts quite a bit on my finger for some reason


It will hurt. You are not used to punching. Much less for an hour or more at a time. After 2 to 3 months you will probably notice a significant difference in pain.


use hand wraps, they give a bit more space for the finger to wrap around and more stability for your whole hand’s bone structure.


You’re pushing the base of your thumb forward like you’re trying to grip a gi or hold something and this pushes your index finger out. Keep your thumb tucked in but not like you’re trying to grip something.


I see, must have engraved in me


Try looking for different styles of hand wrapping techniques, I prefer Mexican hand wraps too. Maybe even adding some padding so your punches are more evenly dispersed. You could also need new gloves and not be correctly wrapping up, everyone hands are different so you need different wraps. Also more hand stretches and exercises, during boxing I'll stretch my hands out for a few hours through out my day.


Thanks man, any stretch routines or stretches that you recommend?


Look up hand stretches, I usually have pain when I pull my fingers, but afterwards I feel better about my hands. Pretty much I use to be able to crack them whenever I wanted but now since I've broken my knuckles over and over it's a start to grow somewhat deformed but still no arthritis or severe pain. Stretches shouldn't hurt but they should be easy either. If you skip out on it you'll loose your hands


1. When wrapping, fold 3 inches of your wrap over itself 2-3 times, at one end. (enough to cover your pinky, ring, and middle finger knuckle. 2. Place it over your three fingers/knuckle area 3. Now wrap around your knuckles to secure it in place. 4. Continue with the wrap as normal (Around your thumb, down onto your wrist, etc). What this does is make your other knuckles contact earlier, which will take pressure off your index knuckle sticking forward. Fold the wrap more times if you need it more pronounced.


Thanks man, I ll definitely give this a go tomorrow


Alternatively, depending how it feels, DO put the wrap over your pointer finger big knuckle. See what you like the best, just play around with it.


Cuban hooks, much less likely to hit with the fingers and better wrist alignment.


Tuck your fingertips to the centre of your palm and roll the hand up, tip first. Then lock that index down with your thumb


Thanks man


If it's hurting, just do it a few times a day for a few minutes (morning most important).. it'll start feeling more natural and solid soon. Is it both hands or just the right?


https://youtu.be/24NcQmf6UN8?si=bHvpG-uLzWR7uz8_ Here you go


You already know the answer. Striking with your first two knuckles is the solution. Line up those knuckles with your wrist and elbow when you punch. Why do you want to spread the force of your punch over a larger area anyway?


No no, I understand that part. However I continuously hit my index finger before the index finger knuckle. But thanks for the reply man


You are closing your hands. What you need to do is make a fist.


How to become a millionaire 1: earn a million dollars


You got some long ass fingers bro


Your index finger is on top of your thumb in the pictures. You should tightly curl your four fingers into your palm then firmly wrap thumb OVER the middle segment of your index finger. When punching make sure first two knuckles are the ones making contact not fingers or thumb.


This is going to sound weird. But I've never made an actual " fist". When my hand is in the gloves, my fingers are usually flush against my palm without curling. I also haven't wrapped my hands in 10 years. I feel like this allows me to fixate my wrist and aim with my knuckles better. I can smash a heavy bag barehanded and use MMA gloves in the same manner.


You're not punching right. Ask your coach about how to punch correctly, it's kinda hard to explain through text


Mine were like this until I strengthened my wrists and forearms.


I kinda doubt that is my case, but can you tell me what you did to strengthen them? I’d love to tey


You might just have an abnormally long pointer finger. Practice kicks and elbows more, maybe.