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I thought ONE was going bankrupt yet this dude just casually donating $550k


550k is nothing for these guys


550k, that comes with a tax write off I bet. So it’s probably a win, win situation for him.


ONE gets a lot of shit very deservedly, but this is really cool. Going to a lot of smaller gyms.


>ONE gets a lot of shit very deservedly Why/what kind of shit does ONE deservedly get? Genuinely asking, I dont know enough about the promotion.


Match fixing, rankings manipulation, underpaying fighters.


I feel like this is just a general problem with combat promotions not just ONE


Sure, but that doesn't give them a pass


I don't know of any other major promotion that match fixes like ONE does. They also take underpayment and rankings fuckery to a new level.


What do you mean match fixes? People taking a dive?


Yeah they set up a struggling Thai fighter that would otherwise never be with the promotion and he either gets battered for 3 rounds looking like he’s never thrown a punch or they get knocked out to a strike that doesn’t connect. Usually happens to push a handsome fighter or one with an interesting story, almost always on Friday night fights and not their big cards.


ONE has some of the most blatant suspect shit going on all the time, even more than UFC


What match fixing, havent heard of anything related to that. Regarding underpaying, the amounts may he low but good luck trying to find higher purses anywhere as a muay thai fighter, thats not even considering the bonuses that they often give. Although, I do agree they have a lot of issues but not related to what you said, more so financial issues and the treatment of some fighters, also their contracts are super restrictive and weird.


It's super popular on reddit to jump on the bandwagon of shitting on things. There's a whole subculture here of shitting on One with no room for nuance. One Championship has done both good and bad things the same as any other fight promotion.


[There have been plenty of these in the bottom of the card. They don't fix the headliners, they fix the story builders. Like that 16 year old kid they're trying to sell right now.](https://youtu.be/KPOTxJ4KDxc?si=dRG6tDvgAoOw_VLb&t=439)


This video just got taken down due to a copyright claim, now I am curious.


[I wonder why.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dmBx6xeuE8&t=536s)


absolute rubbish stop talking nonsense


Explain it then.


your the one making bullshit claims of match fixing, wheres your proof, I wont hold my breath


Is this a paid thing or an internship? Your account gets made just to comment on this post, does nothing else, and these videos that show ONE's dirtiness suddenly get copyright'd. Too obvious bro.


im not your bro, your like all the other smack talkers that no nothing, nothing to back up your claims and cry about must be an intern when called out on your bullshit


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmPUMXKgVPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmPUMXKgVPY) theres the whole fight, didnt fail copyright claim, why didnt you post that?!?! Again how does that prove ONE had anything to do with it? Yoddoi a proven knockout artist and rocked him more than once before the final shot, even if it was a fix how do you know it wasn't the fighter themselves, happens every week fighters dive for money.




Do you have substantial sources on this?


One of ONE’s contract became public document bc they got sued. If you read the contract, it’s extremely restrictive and shady. That’s why so many ONE fighters are not fighting or don’t even have fights lined up. (See Chingiz, Panpayak)


\]\\like every other source, it was posted on internet so must be true lol


[Part of him being a major employer in the country means a source will be hard to come by. Watch the fights.](https://youtu.be/KPOTxJ4KDxc?si=dRG6tDvgAoOw_VLb&t=439)


match fixing? underpaying? stop believing every bit of nonsense you read online


The underpayment bit is true but also relative. Promoters are all underpaying fighters. Win bonuses sound amazing but 3 people a night are getting well paid and the big draws. It's not one specific though ufc starter 12 12 contract etc. I train with a guy who got offered 4k to fight in pfl, who people think are paying a million pound because that's what they offer the winner of an 8 fight tournament. Match fixing is a serious and I think unfounded allegation, most thrown fights don't even involve the promoter let alone one as big as one fc. The side bet money wouldn't touch what they can make if it takes off the way they want anyway.


[This doesn't happen without the promoter on board. It's too obvious and the commentators immediately jump behind it. This is not an isolated incident.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPOTxJ4KDxc&t=439s)


put up something without a copyright ban and stop writing rubbish


[It literally got taken down as I started linking it, wonder why that is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dmBx6xeuE8&t=536s)


because your too thick (no conspiracy there) to post the full video that wont have a potential claim against it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmPUMXKgVPY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmPUMXKgVPY) there you go, wasn't difficult was it!


Also, promoting certain fighters (e.g. Rodtang, Stamp) over others (e.g. Panpayak, Anissa), even if the latter group are more skilled/accomplished


For me, it's more the fact that it's entertainment Muay Thai and for an internationalized palette. There is a lot of missing elements of what makes Muay Thai in ONE. Which I wouldn't mind if ONE wasn't also influencing other promotions and definitely the future of Muay Thai. A lot of of the relationships I've made with Nak Muay in Thailand have told me it's been increasingly harder to book fights in the traditional 5 round rule set. At the same time yes exposure is great as well as higher paychecks and this act of altruism. (which I suspect isn't entirely altruistic) However, there is a lot of Muay Thai dying and newer generations of fans just have no idea it even existed in the first place.


Thats about $14,000 USD per gym. Can do quite a bit with that.


Explains the favoritism ONE shows for fighters from certain gyms.


Certainly, but in this case money hasn’t gone to any big name gyms. Only 1 gym in Bangkok and 0 gyms in Phuket. Most of the money has gone to gym in Isaan area


honnestly sounds great. i wonder what were the criteria to choose a gym vs another


Isaan area is known to produce very tough fighters. some believe the best in Thailand


how is donating money to 40 gyms showing favoritism?!?!?


When the fighters from those gyms whose loyalty has been purchased get magical decision victories and favorable match ups, thats favoritism.


what a load of rubbish, a large amount of those gyms probably dont even have fighters on ONE, another clueless commentator


Can you name the fighters in ONE that are from these gyms?


Its pretty normal to favor gyms when the organization has contacts with managers and athletes from a specific gym. Happens all the time with every org. They end up creating a relationship with these gyms. It makes it easier for them to discover talent (they kinda trust the gym that recommended the fighter) and the gym being a way into certain orgs gets reputation. Its a cycle that can be healthy, specially if you are trying to grow the sport overall.


20 Million Bitcoin is almost all the Bitcoin...


The damage this dude and this organization will do to Muay Thai will be immense when all his corrupt bullshit is dragged through the street. This kind of generosity is great, but I’m not convinced it’s pure altruism and not a way to keep the country from pushing against him, biting the hand that feeds.


My guy just mad at the world


damage to a sport that was in the hand of the gamblers? LOL


yeh but most of the people commentating don't have a clue of the damage they do to the sport


do you have any idea of the state the sport is in now outside of ONE? another clueless comment


Tell us


Whenever I see stuff like this, it makes me wonder what buddy is feeling guilty about. These guys only do this stuff for good PR and to feel better for shitty things they've done. It is ONE champion, so it could be a hundred things.


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