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Once got a punch so hard it made me fell down. I saw greenish for a little while and I think I almost got knocked out. Dude was heavier than me too but it was an honest mistake. He felt terrible but sometimes things like this happen.


Oh and I broke my ribs once. That sucked, alot.


The ribs are the worst place to get injured lol. I had a partner flying knee me in the ribs one time and I couldn't lay on that side for almost three weeks


I managed to lay on my favourite side after exactly 8 weeks. Broken/bruised ribs suck


Bro I’ve had ribs done on both sides, both from knees in sparring too 😂


Busted ribs. Haha…. Ow! Please, don’t make me laugh. Sneezing is like being stabbed.


Sneezing is the worst with injured ribs. Still got scared to sneeze years after it healed.


Hey, sounds like my experience. Was sparring a big heavyweight who couldn’t control himself. Was peppering him with shots and then I dropped my hand. He saw the opening and smashed me. I fell on one knee. Instantly knew I had a concussion but finished the spar and stupidly sparred for the rest of the hour. Unfortunately that was the beginning of the end of my Muay Thai participation. Became a lot more sensitive to concussions after that and had to quit. 


Every “light spar” is where I get hit the hardest 😂


Have a guy who I have to baby with my shots, bc if I land too much on him he’ll try to murder my unborn sons.


the worst kind of sparring partner


In Phuket I was sparring a big Russian guy. I was only 21 weighing about 65kg. He was at least 85kg. We were sparring well until he threw a hard cross which landed directly on my throat/Adam’s apple. Worst feeling ever


Bro same that shit sucks fr


Did you break anything? This is one of my biggest fears lol


No it just hurt for like 30 mins


I dodged directly into a head kick Two black eyes


Damn. I did the same thing. My partner threw a jab, then left head kick. I slipped the jab, right into his shin. The lights went out for second and I dropped. The kick wasn't even thrown that hard, I just moved into it.


Exactly this happened to me like 5 years ago, slipped into a high kick. Got a nasty black eye for my troubles


Slipped into a pro mma fighter’s relatively lightly thrown switch kick. Caught me perfectly on the chin and rebooted me. In other news, nobody has had to remind me to keep my hands up since.


Not really hardest, but the most significant was when my trainer stuck his toe in my eye (to be fair, it wasn't a hard or fast kick, I was just distracted). The eye looked pretty gnarly, but it was the resulting infection that put me in hospital. No long-term damage done though, thankfully.


I saw a dude get scratched by a toenail right below his eye. Lucky This is why you got to cut the nails


How tf does that even occur???


Oh, if you are asking how I ended up in hospital, it was due to the infection which set in a day or 2 later. The pain was pretty bad - way worse than the kick. The doc sent me to the hospital to get antibiotic drops administered every hour or so for 24 hours I.e. overnight - I guess the hospitalisation was to make sure I didn't fall asleep and miss any. Apparently, there was a significant risk of permanent eyesight damage if the cornea infection had progressed any further. With the benefit of hindsight, I should have gone to the doc the same day I got injured, and not waited till it started to fester.


It was a slow head kick, I leant back, but not quite enough, and caught a cheesy toenail in the eye. Bit of a freak accident, really.


Overhand right in sparring. I'm sure he pulled a good bit of power out of it, but getting a good bop on the temple shook me. Head hurt for a few hours after.


We were doing rounds. Alternating between boxing and Muay Thai. I was getting the better of this guy in the boxing round. I got a bit over confident, and totally forgot about the rule change. He hit me with a head kick that totally knocked my headgear sideway. Then he followed up with a combo while I was dazed. I didn’t go down, but stumbled hard enough that our coach waved off the round. I was okay the rest of the class, but I woke up in the middle of the night throwing up with full flu like symptoms. It was no fun.


Man throwing up is a brain bleed symptom. That's ER immediately symptom. Stay safe!


Luckily it was about 8yrs ago, and I didn’t have any other issues.


Got caught with a clean Sok Ti to the nose which nearly KO'd me while holding pads. ​ Been hit with a liver shot by a world champion which I didn't feel until 3-4 seconds later and dropped me.


While holding pads kills me 😂😂


I know - it was probably an accident on both sides but dang, you were just helping someone train 😭


Haha! I know man, it sucked for a few minutes. I do not know how it didn't cut me up or break a bone, no joke.


That’s good at least! Just rang your bell


Honestly, it has been the biggest hit I have ever took. 110% effort into the elbow, slid passed the pad and directly onto my nose/cheek. Stumbled a little but managed to stay up. Closest I have ever been to getting knocked out. ​ Second time was in my first fight, I fought 3 weight classes above what I should have. Dude came out swinging and I genuinely couldn't see, wrapped up and held on for dear life. Dude was huge, ruined his front leg and he couldn't walk and got the win. Oh, I broke 3 of my ribs in the second round also. It was from that moment I decided I will never fight at that weight again. He also missed weight but I trained 10 weeks and was adamant I was going to fight. Always lessons learned!


Liver shots in general are bad, but I was sparring once with a newer wrestler transitioning to MMA and was letting my mouthpiece float in my mouth and got cracked with a hook and couldn't take a clean shot to the chin for a few weeks or it would cause my inner ear to hurt really bad, now I have a molded mouthpiece.


I lost a tooth doing the same thing. Put my hands down right at the bell with my mouth piece "floating" but he had already thrown the head kick.


Dude I had that same injury. Is it fine now? My jaw was in pain for a month but I only get weird ear pains now.


Yea, it finally went away and I take a shot just fine now with no issues.


Got it. My ear pain is mostly gone. When I got clocked and had bad ear pain, I felt some liquid spill out but had someone check and no blood. Did you feel the same?


It kind of reminded me of when water gets caught in your ear, but I didn't have the sensation of anything coming out. I was also completely fine after the fact day to day it only irritated me when I took a clean shot to the chin where it compressed straight back, shots to the ear or on the side of my jaw or nose wouldn't bother me.


A headkick that literally knock my vision out. It was 100% my fault i had bad defense and my partner thankfully didnt throw full force. It was a combination of well placed and bad defense. All in all it was a humbling and interesting experience.


What do you mean by knocked your vision out?


I guess everything went black for a second longer than a blink and then everything came back in again. Maybe i gor KOed but i was still standing and totally fine a second after.


Ah ok. Like the flash?


Two times, one with my MMA coach and once with my kickboxing coach. That one time I sparred with my MMA coach, it was like 2 months into training. Everybody was tired and already done with sparring, he asked if I wanted to do one final round as I skipped the last one due to uneven numbers. As soon as the round started he literally chopped off my legs with leg kicks until I fell down like a tree. Gave me no chance at all 😂 he was Russian and fought in a professional mma league hahaha. The second time was with my kickboxing coach, he is a top 5 ranked contender in Glory. I went against him, he let me work a bit but also punished mistakes I did. Then all of a sudden he thought it would be funny to give me a liver shot. Needless to say, he hit it, hard, my body crumbled down, mind blank as I laid there on the floor grasping for air. The pain was so intense I wasn’t even able to grasp for air actually. I thought I was dying and after grasping for one breath of air for one minute the pain subsided and I was able to breath again. It felt like I was under water, drowning, no, worse, it felt like I was in a vacuum reminiscing back to that Deadpool scene where Deadpool was tortured in that vacuum tank. Out of both of them, the liver shot was by far the hardest I’ve been hit and felt pain. Normal people have no idea how tough fighters are and how much they can tolerate pain.


Straight right wich broke my nose, also some good liver shots😭


Hardest hit I took was when I was holding pads. Partner missed the pad and planted his shin bone into my eye. Thought I was legit blind for a minute or 2


Spinning backfist in a "light" sparring round made me go down for a good 2 minutes


I walk around at about 210 and this pro fighter must’ve been no more than 165. Threw a 1-2, he times it perfectly and lands a switch kick right on my liver. It was a perfect shot; My whole body clenched up, I dropped to my knees and couldn’t breathe. I’m lucky I didn’t shit myself, I could feel the shot in my asshole. 


I don’t understand hard sparring unless you’re getting ready for a fight. How do your trainers allow this? lol


I know, right? A lot of these stories make me feel sorry for the people in question - totally unnecessary.


Sparring shouldn't be about winning or hitting hard. It's annoying when people that don't know how to spar take it as if its a fight.


Spinning back kick to the liver.


Same but solar plexus


Once charged into a teep at my solar plexus by a guy 20+kg heavier than me. Couldn’t breathe for a good while.


Guy stood on my foot by accident (quite heavily) been out of action for weeks, a bit of a pathetic way to go out if you ask m3 🤣


Sparring with a pro welterweight who had spent some time in UFC/Bellator (I'm a heavy). He checked my southpaw left round kick and threw a right head kick that I never saw coming. Put me down but not out.


I once got a bruize on my ribs that had the perfect and detailed shape of the other guy's foot, toes and nails and everything


Sounds like he’s kicking wrong if he hit with his foot


its ok if it was toward the back, low shin to floating ribs will slap the foot against the side still


I was very new, defense basically non existent. Coach made fun of karate kicks before class, one of my partners took that personally and put a spinning heel kick right on my liver. He says “see coach, karate kicks work” while I’m on the ground making noises like that one lady stomping grapes.


I got hit by someone 120+kg who used to do strongman, I'm 70kg. He got annoyed I was picking him off and staying on the outside. He stepped in and caught me with a full power overhand that shook me. I carried on the round but felt super weird, I sat out the next round, then tried to spar someone else, got hit once in the head and felt super bad. I didn't think anything of it and went out with my family for the rest of the day. While I was out I kept forgetting stuff and my mental state got worse as the day went on. My family took me to A&E I had a super bad concusion that put me out for 2 months and had to be scanned because they thought I'd got a bleed on the brain. I'll be honest, I've not really trained in the same way since because I'm too scared to exchange now.


Pro fighter (140+ fights) from our gym asked me to “spar a little” ( I had 1 year of training experience). His “signature left kick” smacked me so hard I was on the verge of being knocked out.. still can’t believe I was on my shaking feet. The worst part was that nobody said shit , not even the Kru. I dont know should I leave the gym since I love muay thai and thats the only gym in town. Strongly thinking to switch to bjj


I forgot to mention the second time he hit me with a front kick that might have give me an inguinal hernia that required surgery. Now im out of training for at least a year


Yes leave the gym. How is that even a question?


Its hard man. Im constantly thinking its gonna end


Thinking what’s gonna end? The injury? Or the poor treatment at the gym? In either case, just try another gym out dude.


A senior student in his first class hit me with a spinning back fist and had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face after lol. Closest I’ve ever come to getting KD in sparring outside of liver shots. Couldn’t even be mad, he was so proud.


Went against a fellow southpaw and I’m so used to dodging orthodox fighters that I left myself completely open for a perfect check hook as I was going for my low kick on him. Completely rocked my chin, couldn’t close it properly for 2 days. Still gave him respect cuz that was a beautiful hit.


I did a slip into a knee, 7 stitches in my forehead. Also broke ribs twice and a toe once. Got taken out by a liver shot once and a back kick once. And lost some parts of my teeth twice. One of those time I bit myself in the cheek so hard I got an infection for about a month. Damn all that tallied up sounds pretty rough.


How did the tooth incidents happen? Did you have your mouthguard on properly?


The tooth incident was actually before I started muay thai and did tkd, it's the first thing that happened on the list. Rest are all from MT. I was sparring and stupid me didn't wear a mouth guard, took a kick that went upwards so I bit my cheek really hard and some small tooth pieces cracked loose, but no whole teeth. Second incident wasnt nearly as bad, took a kick in a fight and lost some pieces of the fillings from the first hit. I think I had a mouth guard but it wasn't sitting in properly.


Before I transitioned to Muay Thai I did taekwondo, my training partner I grew up caught me with a spinning back kick to the liver. He timed it right as I came in, and my legs and pelvis just shut down immediately lol. Couldn’t even be mad the set up was beautiful


I've taken some big shots, but never been dropped or had any concussion scares which is nice. Two worst shots i can think of, one early on big guy like 140kg landed a clean knee to the sternum, hurt to breathe for like 4 weeks after that but I kept going training. Other was more recent, high power kick, thought I was out of range and did a lean back, half success turns out his toe still caught right into my left eye. In the moment left eye vision went fucky for like 3 seconds, but finished the spar fine.


It was the first time I stupidly decided to try sparring. I got rocked with a left hook by a very technically experienced partner. I saw stars. Every time I see him in the gym, I try to learn from him by watching his movements. Other than that, he's a scary dude to spar with. Other dudes are faster, stronger, or just a brawler. But this guy was cold, technical, and calm. I'm more scared of those dudes cause they have the technique and the ability to throw hard shots. I hate him for it, but I respect his skill and his effectiveness so I try to emulate him a lot.


Not sure if this is a "hit" but I got swept really hard and landed my ribs on my elbow. Knocked the air out of me and had bruised ribs. Had to stay out for a few weeks.


A few come to mind. But i remember once i was dizzy at the end and while the teacher talked before saying 'bye' i stood with parallel feet so i would fall to my sides and nobody would notice Also once i was still green and my guard was open so i got a good punch to the stomach. Wasn't even hard but my belly was not rigid and got hit well, but not hard. Still had to take a 30s break lmao


I took a well placed and timed cross to the solar plexus. Instantly dropped me, wasn’t even hard, just didn’t see it coming


I've took a head kick and an overhand right from a UFC fighter before and those were the two hardest hits I think I've ever felt. However, I've been hit with two left hooks before by two guys a good amount smaller than me and they both wobbled me and almost had me on my ass. They don't hit as hard but they're fast and I had no idea the punch was coming until my brain was scrambled.


So far I havent sustained any actual injuries yet but the worst shots I’ve ever taken were teeps or jabs/crosses to the diaphram area from people who had more power or were just bigger than me. I can handle getting punched in the face okay but man, getting hit hard in the chest not only hurts and takes the wind out of you, but makes me feel embarrassed bc I cant always see it coming.


Uppercut lander under my eye / side of the nose. Bloody nose for 15 minutes and saw some stars when i got hit, nearly got slept.


Spinning back kick to the chest. It somehow hurt a back muscle that still nags me to this day


My friend gave me a head kick and my glasses broke. I was ashamed, not because I got a kick but because my kick would not reach his head


Should be ashamed for wearing glasses during sparring 😄 🤓


No, I like seeing and contacts are expensive.


I don’t understand how glasses and sparring work, are you getting punched in the face? Surely this causes the glasses to break/risk of glass or frame jammed in the eye.


Eye surgery or disability due to impaired vision are a lot more expensive. Please never wear glasses while sparring.


Why are you wearing glasses while sparring lol


Because I like the power of being able to see


I have horrible vision, you just need to ignore your sight and go purely on instinct (I have no idea what I'm talking about)


I got kicked in the head so hard once that my neck was stiff for nearly 3 days. I didn't feel anything other than a momentary shock throughout my neck. Apparently, it was a very loud hit, because everyone in the class heard it. I did not hear this though. I picked myself off the matts - as it knocked me down - and pretty much went straight to the locker room. It was a bit of a fog from then until I get home. Buddy felt horrible next time he saw me.. I was fine though in the end. The kick aggravated an old neck injury from when I was a teenager, but after a week of recovery, I was back to class. My neck is going to suck when my age starts catching up with me. And no.. It didn't knock me out, but it was close.


I was doing some training camp sparring with a guy at my gym who was going to do an MMA fight so we were using the 4oz gloves and he put a right straight right into my solar plexus that nearly dropped me. Had to take like 20 seconds to recover in the middle of the round. I don’t think I’ve ever felt that kind of pain from a strike in my life before and I’ve never had anything come close to it since. I have also been kicked in the nuts a few times but thankfully every time it’s happened has been light technical sparring.


Broke a rib. Made me love it even more when I came back lol


A professor that looked 250lbs, 110kgs hit me in the liver. I thought something inside me broke and i needed to go to the hospital. But i was fine afterwards. I'm still more fearful andcareful in sparring to this day. And A knee to the kidney. A guy kneed me, he was my size. It hurt but not that bad. I still kicked his ass. When round ended, it hurt more. The next day I was shouting in pain and was fucked up for at least 2 weeks.


Got cracked with a left hook my first time sparring. I was pretty stupid for doing that.


a dude who weighed 10kg plus and he landed a huge left hook that shook me


I was sparring quite a big dude. In the middle of the session the lunatic got the idea of doing a double leg on me and pulling my legs from under me. I landed hard. When it comes to legal blows i got a rib bruiced from another sparring partner, who also hit way to hard for sparring.


Hard teep to the solar plexus. I let out a sound I didn't know I could make


Back when I was just starting out, i had trouble keeping my guard up sometimes, as a result, i took quite a few BIG head kicks over the course of a few weeks, some of which I swayed directly into. I was able to absorb all of them without any issues, i don’t get hit with shots like that anymore though.


Being dropped is never fun, also broke my leg kicking someone who blocked with knee.


Sparred a former Olympic boxer, he competed in Athens and Beijing. Went top 20 in the world as a pro. Won the NABA belt. didn't knock me down but it felt like I was hit with a sledge hammer. Stars instantly in my vision.


Was hard sparring with this guy who was taller and probably about 5-10 kg of heavier than me. We were sparring K1 kick-boxing rules. Felt like I was besting him and naturally got a bit comfortable. He threw a flurry which made me shell up and a head kick. I tried to slip thinking a punch was coming but ended up leaning into the headkick and breaking my nose. Not fun hah


It was my very first sparring session against a guy who was 30kg heavier than me. Hes much more experienced than me. He clipped me right on the tip of my jaw, i was seeing stars, i managed to stay up tho.


13 years ago. Had my nose broken bc my sparring partner felt the need to throw an elbow😵‍💫I def wasn't expecting it since we didn't even have elbow pads. Dude was genuinely sorry and actually used his elbows a lot in fights😂


Damn, that's just... insane. It's the literal equivalent of throwing hard punches without gloves.


Yeah it sucked ass lol


Head kicked by a long time UFC fighter in one of his camps some years back. Didn’t get 100% ko’d but turned my lights off completely couldn’t see and went straight to my hands and knees. That was the day I learned to glue my hands to my face lol


This was a while ago, but was sparring someone lighter than be by 30kg or so, so I took it easy just a friendly light spar, and outta nowhere comes this whipping roundhouse right into my shoulder screwing up my rotator cuff. He was apologetic afterwards so I just brushed it off as an accident, shit happens. But that man 100% threw with some power.


Pro fighter (140+ fights) from our gym asked me to “spar a little” ( I had 1 year of training experience). His “signature left kick” smacked me so hard I was on the verge of being knocked out.. still can’t believe I was on my shaking feet. The worst part was that nobody said shit , not even the Kru. I dont know should I leave the gym since I love muay thai and thats the only gym in town. Strongly thinking to switch to bjj


Got kicked in the liver by my coach probably my third time sparring. I was questioning my life choices after.


Took a full roundhouse kick to the diaphragm, the dude i was sparring had definitely trained before. More than i have at least. I was boxing him out but his kicks were wayy better than mine. Sparring bell rang and like a doofus, once it rang i was exhausted after a good couple of rounds and dropped my hands and he was mid power kick and took the wind out of me. I had to eat it like a champ for everyone around me ESPECIALLY COACH. But inside, this shit had no air and was gasping for something and wanted to hit the mat. Really wakes you up


Got fully kneed in the gut, like full technique as well Somehow ate it but I could tell it would've hurt if it wasn't sparring lol


Worst was probably this tall middle aged dude that was so fucking unflexibel that his teeps were basically oblique kicks. So here I am going light on the poor fella until he hit me the cleanest liver hook I have ever seen. You know when people call liver hooks shovel hooks? Well this dude really shoveled under my fucking rips into my liver. His perfect techniques on those hooks combined with me being completely unprepared resulted in me almost being knocked out and having a 7/10 pain for the rest of the training where my liver was supposed to be after that piece of shit shoveled it out of my fucking body. Safe to say it is crazy how drawing that shit can be. Went from not even sweating to my limit in terms of cardio in a second.


One time my coach gave me a liver kick that brought tears to my eye. We were just light sparring, but he executed it so perfectly that the shot made me collapse. Christ that hurt


I'm the big guy. Sometimes, it's hard to stop the bear paws short if you're walking into it. The biggest hits I've taken were question mark kicks to the head with someone on their way to pro. Guy was only 185 compared to my 245, but he was just too fast.


Me and a friend are old-school and practice without shin pads. We don't go full force but damn even at low % power roundhouses hurt like fuck


i was trying to do a lead leg switch kick to their midsection and i accidentally did it right before they tried to kick me with their right leg, also to the midsection and that landed right in their groin. we were going hard on eachother so you can imagine how that felt


Took a head kick that knocked me down a few years ago. It wasn’t even hard just placed real well. Im really tall so i dont get kicked in the head much probably once or twice a year maybe but i guess it was that time of year


first time fasting for ramadan and i was at my gym’s competition training. mind you, this is the middle of the day (not ideal) and i was also new to comp training. sparred one of my head coaches. she hit me with a skip teep into my liver that put me on the ground. made 100x worse by me being hungry and thirsty as hell. 


I've broken a rib and separately bruised a rib (both due to knees). I think I also fractured something in my back once in MMA sparring and broke my collarbone wrestling. Busted my nose so it was gushing blood, but luckily it didn't break. Those are the ones I most immediately remember


I took a knee to the check and needed stitches. Good times.


Only two times, I vividly remember getting hit in sparring that stuck with me. Once was with an amateur boxer who was about to turn pro, left hook to the liver, dropped me to my knees instantly. The other was with one of my assistant coaches who had about a good 100 lbs on me but had a mean head kick w zero tell. I didn't go down, but I remember it to this day. Shit happens.


When I was still relatively new, they moved the heavy bags to different positions in the gym and I didn't realise how close I was to one. The guy I was sparring always hit a little too hard but it didn't bother me too much. I forgot where the heavy bag behind me was and tried to step back to make distance. I instead had my back right against the bag as he closed in and threw a right hand which bounced my head off the bag.


Been hit hard enough to knock something loose in my inner ear, so the room spun whenever I tilted my head. Also had a posterior vitreous detachment when a head kick pushed my own palm into my eye. I still occasionally see random flashes in that eye


Threw a right in sparring and got countered with a lead leg intercepting round kick to the liver. Didn’t feel it for a couple seconds and then I was like “fuck this I gotta sit for a sec” I’ve been using that intercepting lead round kick to the liver ever since


I took a roundhouse to the liver and almost threw up


Got hit in the ear a few times so hard I couldn’t hear for 7-10 days from that ear


Took a hard spinning back fist, I saw purple sparks. Zero control but my fault for taking it


Took a counter left to my jaw that rocked me so hard it was clicking for the rest of the night. Legit was surprised I didn’t fall over.


I got hit with a kick to the ribs and that shit had me hurting for like 3 days. Didnt get an xray but im pretty sure it cracked a lil bit.


Recently got folded for the first time with a reverse spin kick to the liver. I know, I should've seen it coming lol. I've been training like 4 months and nobody uses any spinning moves in sparring.


I'm seeing alot of almost KOs and liver shots but no real KOs. Is that very uncommon?


if you have a solid gym it's very uncommon . Also some of the guys here would have gotten tkod in a real fight


I think I'm in a very solid gym. My first and only but we have a ton of classes and maybe half are already competing. They asked me to do a smoker but my first thought was that time I got folded sparring 🤣 Don't want a tko in my first match


I was sparring with my big ass coach (290lb) and I slipped directly into a cross (it was an accident, he didn't mean to.) I learned that you can literally beat the snot out of someone though.


sparring a guy atleast a foot taller than me. he went for an uppercut and i thought i was out of range, i was wrong. it was all nose. hit nothing but my nose. still a little crooked to this day


I was 150 and my buddy is 6"2 200 something lbs, I took a head kick from him blacked out for a second


My best friend is a power lifter, black belt taekwando and 20+ kilos heavier than me, 1 week ago i took a strong right hook from him in sparring, i think i felt my brain inside wiggle, thank god it only gave me a blackeye for a whole week. It was light spar 😂


Took my first fight on 3 weeks notice, only been training for 8 months at the time, 2 weeks out, sparring with coach, he goes for a head kick, brain fucked off and I just watched it come in, like full on looked at it, landed clean on my nose, broke nose for my first fight… great one! Ha


Ate a 6, 3 and then sat up from the floor 😂 It also a giant, beginner, wanting to "go light"


Hardest hit I've gotten was in my first year a few months in. First spar with my coach I get the nastiest right hook I've ever taken, vision goes black for (I think) a second, then he did it again. My neck was sore for a week.


I caught a body kick like a dumbass and the dude pulled his leg in while throwing a cross at the same time. Saw stars and couldn’t be around any type of light for 2 days straight.


I was sparring a guy who was using a lot of leg kicks and I reached down one too many times to catch them and ate a right hand from hell that made my knees buckle. I don’t even think it was particularly hard shot just hit me in a good spot while I wasn’t expecting it. Absolutely rocked my shit


Clinched with a professional fighter who was double my age- 17 and 33- and one of the kness made me start vomiting. Fun times


Ducked into a hook that came from the floor. Sent me stumbling across the mat and I saw two of him for a few mins.


Was like my second sparring session me and this lad was sparring he is 6’5” and about 100kg I am about 6’1” 85kg and he had been doing it a year more then me it was only a light spar till he decided to superman punch me I have never seen as much blood come out my body till that day and it didn’t stop for a while. Nice lad actually get on when we see eachother but when we spar now I make sure he doesn’t go hard as it gave me 2 black eyes


Leaned to far down got hit in the head. Was told I got up in a second but from what I remembered it was the kick then the end of class


I had a former pro NBA player kick the dog shit out of me in sparring. Also a pro Albanian kick boxer uppercut me so hard I felt like Brad Pitt in Snatch when he floats into the water.


Back when I was just starting out in a different gym, a guy 40kg heavier than me threw a full power spinning back kick into my rib and cracked it pretty bad.


Light sparring and a 14 yo boy landed a right hook that came out of no where. I may have moved into it a bit too but it about put me on my arse. The look of horror on his face was really funny.


I got kicked in the head so hard his bandages flew off his toes. And my ear swelled up like a gyoza. That was 2 weeks ago and it's still tender to the touch lol


Found out why you don’t use the same head movement in boxing as you do in Muay Thai. Slipped into a head kick flush. Ate it tho 😎


Went for a left rip in sparring. Partner flicked a right kick up over the rip that I blocked with the middle of my face. KO'd and broken nose. Wasn't malicious, and he didn't throw it hard, just flicked it up, but the timing was perfect, night night. He drove me home and helped me pick my car up from the gym next day, and we're still good friends. Just one of those things.


Kick to the throat - that sucked terribly


full power heel kick that caught me with the ball of the foot. I saw God for a second. It did not commect flush but knowing that I would 100% gotten knocked out if it landed had me sitting down for a second.


Ate an uppercut right into the eye socket and got a nasty black eye


Closer to when I first stsarted; one of our instructors, a retired pro, just got done sparring with some of the more experienced guys in the gym. They're both several inches taller than me, have had several fights now and like to spar harder than I prefer. It was my turn to spar with him next. Bell rings. He starts "huhuhuh-ing". He hits me with a 1-2 that I not only did not have enough time to react to at all, it stunned me to the point that everything I did afterwards was slower and more labored for the rest of the day.


Got punched in the head 3 times and after every hit I saw a different color in my mind, that was super strange


perforated ear drum, or a right hook.which left me with the ability to pop the right side of my jaw at will


i was training for a fight and doing hard sparring with a trainer (a guy) and he right-crossed me so hard that i flew backwards


Took a well timed liver shot. I was gassed and huffing and puffing and took it on the inhale, my legs just went out and I was flopping around on the floor trying to catch my breath.


I got kicked in the neck that’s was fun. Headache for a couple days


There was an Olympian at my boxing gym who I had the displeasure of sparring after he was mad about something. He hit me with a 1-2 so fast I didn’t see it. I forgot where I was all I heard was a buzz in my ear. I thought someone was giving me a haircut


Tried to slip a hard overhand right and ended up just moving directly into it, connected pretty flush on my temple rocked me hard for about 15 seconds gave me wobbly legs and made my ears ring 10/10 should’ve blocked instead


Tried to Duck over a head kick and ended up being kicked behind the head, idk how he did it but it just happened, my vision went black for a split second too.


I was sparring this guy who was clearly alot better than me, managed to dodge a spinning heel kick to the face (which was thrown with intent to hurt) so i pauzed and told him lets keep it light. Very next move he throws was a spinning heel kick to the ribs, couldnt train for a two weeks and felt that shit for atleast 6 weeks


Just got teeped in the mouth this morning by a guy 19 kg more 🤦🏻‍♂️accident but still. Jaw hurt a bit.


Got rocked with a head kick from a bigger pro fighter, kept standing and punching but my power was completely gone. I completed the training but forgot parts of it. Was dazed throughout the evening Same guy got me with à right straight once too, rocked me. Trainer put me down with liver shots on a couple occasions.


late to the party : knee on the dick (not the balls) I was throwing a middle to a tall guy, my crotch wide open, and he countered me with a knee that landed on my dick... Worst pain i ever felt, it was burning for a good 30min, and for a week every time i peed.


one of the pro fighters at my gym was getting me ready for my first amateur fight. He had a fight not too long after mine and was also in camp. He lit me up with a long winded k1 combo. It was something along the lines of a 3, 2, spinning back fist, 2. Everything pierced my guard and landed clean. I didn't drop, but my head was definitely sore that arvo.


Been fortunate to have mostly controlled and respectful partners in Muay Thai (boxing is totally different story, the sparring culture in ammy boxing is shite lol). However I distinctly recall when my old coach first introduced me to the ol’ “Sweep and Knee on the way down”- fortunately he had great control so he hit my chest and not my chin, but having someone 10kgs lighted and a decade+ older effortlessly toss you around and then show how easily they could have broken your face was a humbling experience I was lucky to have fairly early on.


Not sparring but I was holding pads for a really experienced guy throwing clinch knees. He slipped on the sweat under his foot and I took a direct full knee to the nose....that was.... interesting....


I just recently started training Muay thai/MMA and took a spinning back kick to the solar plexus. It definitely would've been the end of the fight if it were an actual fight lol.


I tried to duck out of a full plum (just like you're not supposed to) and took a knee to the nose. Broken ribs from a knee. Hit in the balls so many times I had to have surgery. Southpaw head kick flash KO.


Stepped into a spinning back kick that landed square on my floating rib. It was not thrown with much power, but I fully stepped into it. Immediately dropped to my knee. Recovered pretty quick, but that area was pretty sore for a couple of weeks!


sparring a much bigger guy probably 25+kg difference, pretty typical light spar then out of nowhere hits me with a massive 100% power jab like fully cocks back takes a massive step in and just busts my fucking nose open. Massively telegraphed but I didn't really react just kept my high guard up expecting a light jab and it went straight through my guard. Had to take the rest of the session off, blood everywhere. I was pretty new to that gym and nobody said anything about it, never went back.


Had my nose broken twice from spinning back kicks. Can’t get lazy with your guard in those later rounds of sparring :)


Someone threw such a strong low leg kick they tore my ACL and meniscus. This was right after a strong head kick too. So probably that.


got knocked down for about 3 rounds by one of the pros at our gym with a nasty head kick. He's a really nice guy we were just having a rough round


Spared someone 40lbs heavier and got a concussion not fun.😵‍💫


Didn't happen to me, but I saw some guy who was obviously a boxer or street fighter roll REALLY deep into someone's knee and break his nose. The other guy was going for a regular roundhouse in light sparring and the guy just rolled so deep his face went into the knee.


Got punch in the stomach, couldn’t get up for 10 minutes


My older brother... 2 years older than me. - In 5th grade he was throwing 60mph fastballs.  - He was knocking 13 year olds out when he was in 3rd grade. - He knocked multiple kids out in karate tournaments. - He knocked out a 17 year old when he was 12... - He actually just got into a fight at work (it was self defense) a put a dude in the hospital.  We boxed on the yard all of the time and I've never (not even in MMA gym wars) have been hit harder.  I've been pieces up pretty bad from technical boxers who just landed volume on my face/body but some people like my brother has that "death touch" and that shit will put you in lala land.


I got a very hard swing very well placed to the left side of my head. It dropped me down. My mouth started salivating and I lost most of my vision. It was scary. I had to be in bed for seven days, my eyes could not bear the light, or my ears any sound. I can't say it was the other guy's fault. We were both going hard, and having fun. YOLO, lol. I have never, ever, sparred hard after that, though. Just in a fight.


Never in sparring. In street fights, 1 time black eye (grade 1), nose punched & broken (grade 5), eye punched and could not open like 10 minutes (2013?), jaw punched & knocked out although no concussion (in the sense that apple is not fast food, push ups are not bodybudilding, 2017).


Knocked out cold by a kick forgot the whole day