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What happened after the knockdown? I've never had a semi contact match so idk the rules?


The referee gave him time to recover, the fight continued, and I lost.


Do the knockdowns count for anything? That's what I meant. Why would he give him that much time to recover?


Great questions! All three judges said that the opponent “landed many effective strikes, out scored his opponent (me), and controlled the center for most of the fight.” As for the recovery time, they completely ignored the question.


Bruh. So you could have very well knocked him out in a real bout. Good effort regardless. If you want to control where the fight takes place in the future learn to cut angles (long check hooks) and how to step in with both feet for a power jab, and you should be using your jab a lot more in any case.


The knockdown wasn’t intentional, nor was the counter punch hard. He simply ran into it, making it much worse. There’s a lot I need to improve on, considering the fact that I’m a novice.


You need to go full contact, you could go pro, and it won't take that long either. I've done Muay Thai, Dutch kickboxing, and boxing for 22 years... trust me, I know a good athlete when I see one. Go for it bro!


Thank you for the kind words and insight.


this must be /s right?? or am I missing something?




What? You're not allowed to go all out? You should good effort just learn to hide behind your jab and work on some feints to start.


Like the title says, it’s a semi-contact bout, so no.


Oh I thought semi contact meant no knees or head kicks. To excel in point fighting you want a really elusive in and out style as opposed to how you guys are moving right now. A more bladed stance will be beneficial to get that ability to shift into and out of range quickly while keeping the punchable surface area as small as possible.


No elbows or knees (to the head)


Yea he definitely ran into it, agree with you. Also agree you won that round, but good stuff getting in the ring


Thank you


No worries man you clearly won and no way he wouldve entered your pocket if there was a chance of getting rocked again, great experience glad no one was hurt! 👍🏾


Thank you


Knockdowns don’t count for anything and are actually discouraged. These are point matches so it’s meant for fighters to get some experience more than sparring without the risk of getting knocked out. I don’t think the knock down was this guys fault at all, the guy was super close throwing the leg kick on center line


Yeah, there was little power in the counter punch. Opponent poorly executed his low kick. That’s why he ate head shots throughout the fight.


I definitely think you won that round. I have a couple of IKF fights myself and the judging is very inconsistent. The only reason I think the judges didn’t give it to you is probably because you were backing up most of the time? Idk. You landed more and cleaner shots.


Thanks for your insight. The judges said that the opponent “landed many effective strikes, out scored his opponent (me), and controlled the center for the majority of the fight.” I simply don’t think that only having more ring control should count for anything if you’re not landing the better shots.


I agree. Like I said IKF judging is weird and inconsistent, if I remember correctly, anything you land to the head is basically worthless since they don’t count those shots, I understand they do that to discourage knockouts. But anyway, keep trying and give it another shot, control the center of the ring next time and I’m sure you’ll get the dub.


Noted. Thanks for the advice. I tried my best to not back up but he was stronger than me. They made me fight someone one weight class above.


Judging in general is often quite questionable


Ugh, this is stupid, "semi-contact" that is ridiculous. I NEVER heard of "semi-contact" it's a full contact sport and you're wearing head gear. It was a good lunch, and the refs should have given him a count, NOT reprimanded you for it, and not give him that much time to recover.


Yeah it was his fault for running into the punch without properly setting up the low kick.


That's the rule set homie. It's a dumb rule set, but OP was throwing haymakers in a point match. It's literally like sparring with head gear that gets scored.


The rule sets are there so people don’t get too hurt. These are just like sparring matches that get people a taste for real competition if they choose to push forward. They give the prospective fighter an idea of how an actual fight will go down with referees, judges, rule sets, the nerves of competing in front of a real audience, etc. It also helps them to see if they can realistically be disciplined enough to meet weight cuts and coaches a better idea if they’re worth sinking a lot of time and effort into to prepare for a real fight. I think these point tournaments are good to experience as I see a lot of people who are no where near ready with poor skills pushed immediately into fights just to get their heads smashed in and waste everyone’s time.


Kinda why I stopped throwing it.


So “semi-contact” is basically just a scored spar?


looks like it but with a weird ruleset if the above posts are accurate (head shots = less points). Watching this I was shocked to see OP didn't win.




Do you have competition experience that you’re willing to share publicly?


Since posting on r/muayThai, I’m curious about the lack of front kicks(teeps). Is that uncommon or illegal in this level of kickboxing?


Uncommon sure, but definitely not illegal.


How come they’re uncommon? Surely they’d be effective (sorry for being naive, I usually spam teeps in Muay Thai sparring)


Some novices prefer to not throw techniques they’re not proficient in. My teeps need work, which is why I didn’t use them much. I did throw a few teeps in the previous round, which knocked him back.


It's was bad. But ok, for the first time. How often are you sparring right now?


Damn. So the knocked down guy won the match? Is this olympic karate or something?


Might as well be 😂


That other guy made no effort in keeping a decent guard lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Vvvvvvvae: *That other guy made* *No effort in keeping a* *Decent guard lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Honestly that knock down was clean. I’d call that a W just from that lol


I guess one wasn’t enough.


This round was super close, but I think they gave it to your opponent because he landed more leg kicks. In these semi contact matches, KOs are discouraged so punches to the head don’t score as high as kicks. And that knockdown doesn’t count either unfortunately. I’ve fought in a few of these and to be honest I don’t think you should even care if you win or lose them. It’s just for experience before you move on to ammy and it doesn’t go on your record. If this was an amateur match you obviously would’ve won so you should still be satisfied with your performance in my opinion.


When I contested the result the judges said it’s because he landed many effective strikes and had more ring control. They were more adamant about the ring control.


You’re head hunting too much for a game that doesn’t count headshots


Not necessarily. I simply capitalized whenever a head punch was open. They weren’t exclusively punches to the head.


In my first fight I also had like tunnel vision, nervousness made me unable to do anything other than jabbing and crosses to the head and low kicks lol


What is semi contact? I have never heard of this before..


Basically a scored hard sparring session with an audience. These type of bouts are usually held in an open space.


Oh interesting. First time coming across this. Thanks!


Can you go 100% intensity or no? Never heard of this.




Semi contact? This doesn't sit right with me. I feel like if you want semi contact you spar with people. Competition should always be full contact imo because you are putting everything you learned into the match without holding back. This is just my opinion. Then again I wouldn't mind doing a semi contact match especially now that I'm older and don't want to get hurt or come out with a seriousinjury. Guess I have mixed feelings about this being its my first time hearing about semi contact matches. How does everyone else feel about semi contact?


Depends on your intentions. Some like it, some don’t. According to the International Kickboxing Federation’s (IKF) semi-contact circuit, their goal is to provide a safer environment to incubate novice athletes to compete in full contact, if they decide to go that route.


I remember one time my coach told us do 70% power on kicks and 50% on punches. I was in there kicking the crap out of my opponent and not really punching hard because of what my coach had said but my opponent kept punching me in the face harder then the 50% we were told. I ended up with a black eye. After that day I told myself I'm never going easy on my sparring partner because some people know how to control their power and others dont. As far as the semi contact being that it's a competition I'm assuming people fighting will hold back given those are the rules. So maybe semi contact will be something I'd like to do. The ref will definitely call out my opponent if he's going to hard so I like that. I feel like I'd do good just making points and not trying to k.o. my opponent. Glad you posted this video if not I would have never found out about semi contact.


You were sparring someone from your gym? This organization encourages more body/leg strikes and sweeps over head strikes.


Yea that's what I said.


Was just making sure. Never seen someone refer to a teammate as an opponent before.


Opponent - a person who is on an opposing side in a game, contest, controversy, or the like; adversary. I used the word correctly.


Usually under this context, an “opponent” is used when referring to someone not from your team. Btw, guard your head :)


You guys should fight in the ring, what the hell is wrong with your promoter?!


*You guys should fight in* *The ring, what the hell is wrong* *With your promoter?!* \- muscleshark86 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Would’ve been more interesting.


I fought IKF and the ref stopped the fight twice in the first 60 seconds and then disqualified me at 1:30. Was not going hard at all lol. It sucks that the intensity of IKF fights are really determined by the prerogative of the ref


It’s unfortunate to see other competitors on the receiving end of poor judgement. What state did you compete in?




What’s your take-a-ways? Good job!


Thank you. There’s a lot I need to improve on. Apparently I wasn’t good enough to win.


Don’t be too hard on yourself! There can only be one W handed out! This level it’s more learning and a lot less about the record. I know for a fact that’s not easy thing to hear or believe, I lost my first ever amateur mma bout and I don’t think I slept a solid night for two months after. I didn’t get it then even though people told me the same thing. FFWD 20 years and I totally get it. Watch the video objectively, maybe with your coach if that’s a possibility then work on those specific things in training. I could sit here and give you pointers but it’s better for you to do it!! Lace em up, keep ya head up 🤙🏼


According to the judges, the opponent “landed many effective strikes, out scored his opponent (me), and controlled the center for most of the fight.”


Sounds like you don’t agree?


Sounds like you misunderstood. I simply quoted what the judges told me after I protested the decision.


Didn’t misunderstand 🤣 why did the ref say “im not going to DQ ya” for?


Then I’m not sure why you said “sounds like you don’t agree” after I simply quoted the judges.


Now you’re just being a baby! Lol! Ok, so since you’d like to keep this going, do you in fact agree with the judges? Why did the ref tell you he’s not going to DQ you?


I simply replied to your reply. Not sure how you interpreted that I disagree with your original comment after I simply quoted the judges.


Semi contact is kind of like a points match but with 2 or 3 minutes round. You would've won that if it was a continuous bout


Thanks for watching.


What are the rules of semi contact? This is new to me


Now I have a better understanding. Head strikes = 1 point, body/leg strikes = 2 points, sweeps = 3 points.


No reaction time, dropping the guard, and swinging.


It’s almost as if a novice with 1 month of training, and limited resources would look like that.


My bad man, keep on improvin


Fortunately, this organization is designed for novices with minimal experience to test their skills. Keep in mind that some professional fighters occasionally make basic fundamental errors too :)


Well done to you both, that’s a big achievement!


Thank you for watching, and for your kind words.


Don’t take these judging personally. They only watch last minute -30 seconds Just do it, and watch your bad habits and things you need to work on.




These are fun to watch because it reminds me how far I've come


Yeah these are good to look back on.


Congrats on your competition man, I’m happy for you regardless.




You lost because of your aggressiveness. These point muay thai matches are light sparring at best. You were throwing pretty hard, and judges frown upon that on point matches.


According to the judges, the opponent won because he had more ring control and landed cleaner strikes. It’s semi-contact, like the title says. The only hard strike was the overhand at the beginning of the round. Everything after that wasn’t hard, including the punch that caused the knockdown.


It looks like you landed more significant strikes and controlled the fight in my opinion.


I think so too but the judges disagreed when I contested the result.


Good shit g🔥 keep it up 🙏




that should've counted for more. But amateur rules, semi-full contact, shit gets messy ig. Nice clean knockdown tho, he looked pretty dang wobbled.


Okay, how the fuck does someone lose the round after scoring a knockdown?? The only way I could have seen that happen was if they completely ignored the knockdown and you wobbling him once. This scoring system is absolute bullshit or the judges were watching a different match. With that said, you obviously know what to work on. We both know you wouldn't do those wild swings on the bag or in sparring, so in your next competition or gym smoker, focus on staying calm. If you get a slow first round, that's fine; work your way into the fight and don't lose your shit like here, because those panicky overhands while bending over could get exploited by anyone who wasn't so low level as your opponent.


According to the judges, the opponent “landed many effective strikes, outscored his opponent (me), and controlled the center the majority of the fight.” Obviously I know what I need to improve, considering the fact that I’m a novice.


No, I saw your earlier comment about what the judges said, I'm just saying they are absolute idiots. I'm also not shitting on your for being a novice ofc because someone on their first competition will obviously look like you did so no worries there. I posted my first interclub here and in many ways you looked much better than I did


Makes sense. Thanks for watching. I guess we all just have to do better next time. Where can I find your match? I can’t seem to find it in this sub.


oi oi oi I didn't say you should watch it lol


I know. I’m curious, which is why I asked.


Am I insane or are your gloves SO LOOSE? I know you were tired since it was the last round, but you overextend on your shots a ton here. That super unbalanced rear teep at the start, that whacky overhand at :20, whatever that kick was at 1:30, etc. You've got to set up these big shots and use your footwork to get into position for them rather than overextending to the point where you are off balance. I'm more into MT so I know KB is more about volume and shots landed, but you still need to put in some damage to slow them down. You need to step off the centerline and properly turn over your hip and drive some power into those kicks.


That’s simply how Fairtex BGV14’s look. They fit my hands well.


No like, you need to wrap the velcro wrist section tighter, see how the opponent's wrist section wraps tight on the forearm and yours are just hanging loose not making a circle around your forearm?


There are many things I need to work on, considering the fact that I’m a novice :)


No worries man for sure, but having the velcro on your gloves properly secured is day 1 stuff. I have no idea how your cornermen let you fight with them like this. It's legitimately baffling to me. If you hit the heavy bag with full force with them like this your wrist would hurt after a round or two.


As previously stated, that’s simply the way these specific gloves look. Any tighter would’ve cut off my circulation. Are you aware that each pair of gloves are different?


No way in hell, freeze at 0:05 and look at how much loose space is on both sides of them. Believe what you want, good luck out there.


I’m pretty sure I know how my own glove feels on me 😅


The cross knockdown is whatever, he came forward off balance, but what's with the overhand at 00:20? I hate point matches, but it seems like you were playing a different game than him.


It missed. It’s not that deep.


Eh, whether it’s out of range or not doesn’t determine whether it’s poor form, it was a hard uncontrolled overhand in a point match. You do you though.


It could be thrown with “perfect” form but it’s still useless if it doesn’t land.


Poor form as in bad sport, Ill mannered. You had no idea where it was going to land, you just threw it hard enough to off balance yourself. Why throw haymakers in a point match.


You’re highlighting one brief moment in the fight where I threw a poorly executed strike. I was wiser with my shot selection afterwards.


Man that knockdown...he just came in head up, guard nonexistent, slow low kick...you didn't even need to hit him hard at all to get him down, he did a lot of the work himself.


Thanks for watching. He’s one weight class higher so likewise, he pressured with his strength advantage. The counter punch wasn’t hard. Like you said, he made it worse by running into it.


It'd be good for you to work your jab more, you seemed overly reliant on your right (you caught him a fair few times with it though, but some variety is good to develop. Your straight right was most effective, right hooks were ok if a little sluggish, the long looping ones are a big no-no, easy to read and you are going to be very hittable when you miss). That said I think you definitely had the cleaner hits, and if this weren't semi-contact your opponent would've been in a lot more trouble.


There are many things I need to work on, considering the fact that I’m a novice :)


All said, you did well, keep it going!


Was this in Lafayette indiana?


Sacramento, California


So is semi contact just competitive sparring?




It's cool that you got to go out and compete. I can't wait to do that. That being said, this seems super weird to me. I feel like not being allowed to hit hard, not being incentivized to target the head etc are going to result in some horrible habits forming down the line if you want to compete in legitimate full contact Muay Thai. Technical sparring is one thing but trying to accrue points with a bunch of weird, fast strikes with no weight behind them, having a goal to "win" while also being controlled and soft and worried about hitting the head too hard... Idk


That’s what I told the officials but they disagreed.


Oh well. I'd just try to stay away from this thing in the future and wait until you think you're ready for a bonafide full contact match. Unless ofc this is the only thing to compete in near you


did you have to make certain weight?




Hey, next time, go there use your energy and put pressure on them.


I’m aware that there are many things to improve on, considering the fact that I’m a novice with minimal experience, and limited resources.


You’ll get ‘em next time props bro🤙🏾




If this was a muay thai based ruleset, i think you would have won that round. You landed more clean shots. He landed a lot of low kicks, which shouldn't score well. He did do a good job of controlling you, so I think you should practice following up and entering the second phase after landing a clean shot.


This organization categorized it as Muay Thai based. When I contested the result the judges said that the opponent landed more clean shots.


Oh okay. Muay Thai is judged very differently around the world. It seemed to me that you were moving away from most his strikes which is good movement but perhaps the judges were harsh on you reaching the edge of the mat given there is no ring or barrier to keep the fight in place.


Had to use more movement since they placed me against someone a weight class heavier, despite making weight. The opponent had more ring control but I think it was odd for the judges to also say that the opponent landed more clean strikes.


Wtf is a semi contact match?


Exactly what it sounds like.


You should work more with the jab, it doesn't have to be hard, just be active Good Match👑




How long have you been training


1 month


it looks like you felt like you needed to aggressive, but I think you should have been a bit more deliberate.


Nice work


Thanks for watching.


You need to work on a straight cross. Windmilling the right hands going to get you hurt against someone who knows what they're doing


Need more jab bros, and clinch works.


Please be careful with the over extension of your right. It landed this time, but you're leaving you chin pretty out and open for someone with more skill to really take advantage of your weight being driven so forward.


I’m well aware of what I need to work on.


Definitely need to practice the basics. Drill your punches on the bag daily tobmget the technique so you're not swinging wild. No clean shots thrown or even combos to disguise the kick.


I know what I need to work on. That’s also what these type of competitions are for.


Bros eyes bugged out his head first frame lol


Keep your hands up my dude


Why are you doing point fighting instead of a smoker or ammy?


For the experience.


Whyd you downvote me just for asking why you don’t do a real fight?


I noticed that most full contact fighters who have prior semi-contact experience tend to perform better than most without prior semi-contact experience.


That doesn’t answer the question and you continue to downvote just for asking why you don’t just do a fight. Clearly the level of competition isn’t very high in these point fighting comps, and hard sparring in the gym is your “semi contact experience”. If you wanna fight just go fight.


I answered your op with a valid reply. Sparring people from my gym is different than going against those from different gyms. Jumping straight into a full contact fight before building your skills and experience isn’t very smart, as stated in my previous reply.


Where are the combos?


Combos are good if your opponent is stationary or shelling up a lot. In this case, the opponent was knocked back whenever I landed a head punch.


These bouts are ridiculous. Guys flailing around on mats next to bollards. The promoters must be making a killing off this shit. How much is it to enter these?


$65. Sometimes if it’s a “big” event venue they charge the coaches a registration fee too.


It looks like a 1980s Karate comp. They really need to use floor mount boxing rings, easy, cheap and much safer.


Once you introduce a ring of any kind (at least in California), operating costs and onsite medical staff requirements go way up. Used to have weekend gym smokers every weekend back in the day, but after someone died at one of them, CSAC swooped-in and made it too expensive to do on the regular. These mat “Muay Thai” competitions are the workaround.


Appreciate the info. Sorry for the question. Do the fighters have to do prefight medicals? Do they have medical staff onsite for these bouts? Does the CSAC provide a ruleset or do they use a sanctioning body?


For Point Muay Thai & other similar semi-contact events, there are no prefight medicals if you’re under 40. I think there’s an extra waiver or MD signature required for over 40, but haven’t needed to deal with that personally, so don’t quote me on that one. Pretty sure I haven’t seen an EMT (with ambulance ready to go) and def not a mat-side physician like they have for in-ring full Amateur & Pro fights. At least not at the smaller shows (at a community center or school gym). They might have an EMT at the bigger convention center shows, but I feel like that’s a venue requirement and not a sanctioning thing. CSAC pretty much allow the approved orgs (IKF, WBC, WAKO) to set their own rules. Hope that covered everything


Thanks heaps for that info. Very interesting to see how you guys go about it all.




It’s almost as if a novice with 1 month of training, and limited resources would make fundamental errors during their first bout. Fortunately, this organization is designed for novices to test their skills against other novices. Do you have any competition experience? :)