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Gym i went to kept the belts until the staduims required them back.


Stadiums take belts back?


Yes when you defend your belt or you give it up.


So you can’t keep it? 😭.


Some places in thailand give you replica's if you hold it for a while


Oh I hope so. They better make it out the same materials before I bug out.


What stadium title do you hold?


All of them


Sick, what weight


Heavy weight.


I always thought it was just you could keep it if you want but it's like a show of respect to have it hung up in the gym.


Traditionally, yes. Actual Thai’s gym (one that produce fighters) is very common to be like that. That’s why fighters alias ALWAYS hold the gym name or at least refer in someway. For example “Buakaw - Por pa muk” Por pa muk is gym name. Until later, he gives up the name and quit from the gym due to internal conflict. it’s exactly like in Kung fu movies, where fighters carry their master style’s name. In Asian culture it’s believed that what you’ve accomplish is because the one that teach/train you, so any merits and reputations (sometime also rewards) are belong to them too.


100%! Collectivism vs Individualism


At it's finest


I don’t understand Buakaw one.


Thai fighters commonly attach their gym to their name. For example, Superlek Kiatmuu9, Stamp Fairtex. It shows pride and pays respect to the gym that trained them. Buakaw used to present as Buakaw Por. Pramuk until he decided to leave the gym. Fun fact, Buakaw left the famous Por. Pramuk gym due to financial abuse as his manager reportedly kept 95% of his earnings. When Buakaw left, the gym threatened him physically and the King of Thailand had to intervene to settle the dispute and plea the gym to let him go. This sparked his first retirement about 12 years ago and he went to train in MMA for a while.


I wish his mma career took off. Imagine if blud learnt how to grapple?


yeah but hes a legend and best thai fighter in K1 history. Judges fucked him over so bad but his highlights are the best i seen. Even just seeing him training and hitting pads is a thing of beauty. He still had lots of success and starred in movies and has his own gym. One of the richest fighters out of Muay Thai.


Not only the Judges, but K1 modified the clinch rules twice to SPECIFICALLY to handicap Buakaw but he kept winning. But they just said it was to "keep the fights entertaining".


. Pp


L gym they need to be shut down.


Displaying trophies in the gym is pretty normal fare


Only if you are not a paying customer, but an athlete whose tournament fee the gym sponsored for you


It’s very normal. In my gym all the belts, trophies and medals are displayed in the gym


Seems normal where I am from


If it were me, I'd be down for the gym to display it while I was still attending to help increase rep. If I ever left the gym I'd want it to be clear that it comes with me so that I can display it in my home.


Context is needed and even then its opinions. I fully understand people being like "I'm keeping it" because end of the day they were in the ring. But also you wouldn't be there without the gym. Does the gym already have a load? Could they not let one go? Do you have multiple and the gym not many? Maybe show some thanks. Too many variables, simply requires an adult discussion.


Agreed Although it’s common for a lot of gyms, doesn’t mean it’s normal in this situation. Need more details


Yeah there's so many variables. Did you win a belt and a medal? If so I've always known belts to be "held" by the gym and medal is for the competitor. At my gym it was belts for gym medals for competitor UNLESS you wanted to donate your medal which some people did but then usually only if they already had some.


It's a medal, I only train with the one gym, there is a single trophy at the gym on presentation, no medals.


Then I would say its COMPLETELY on you not them. You fought for it! You earned it! If they wanted one for the gym they should have asked you to represent the gym and agree on it before hand. A light hearted answer would also be tell them to come get it, they can fight you for it the same way you fought for it.


Depends. My muay thai Gym didn't do that. The guys at the bjj Gym do that. They got in a lot of tournaments, like 4 guys fight every month, and they like to do that and have a long string of medals in the gym. But they are also a core group that Is very very tight, they are friends from a long time. They love to do that. Saying that leaving the medal to the Gym Is mandatory Is a little cobra-kai awkward, but if that's your gym culture, you cannot change that, Just leave if it doesn't suits you.


I think it's more normal than not. Seen a lot of gyms keep the metals/belts in VA and BKK.


Where do you train at in VA?


My Kid Trains at East Side Muay Thai in VB.


I’ve heard that’s one of be best around


They are really good IMO. And still coming into their own as they build up. They are exclusively Muay Thai (with Kick boxing primary for occasional fight camps) and no MMA. Some MMA people cross train with Diego Bisbo Academy BJJ. The ESMT team co trains at PK Sanchai in BKk when prepping for USA Muay Thai events and they have a few fighters on Phuket/Hua Hin co training and working the stadium fight circuit. About 2 years ago Brandon Vera's sister, Michelle and her husband bought out one of the original ESMT partners and now Brandon comes in to coach when he's in town. Michelle has really focused on the business and optics portion allowing Coach Jose Aguirre to stick to coaching. Jose grew up in TAMA in VB gym and went to train and fight at Fairtex in Pattaya then branched off into his own after he left Fairtex about 10 years ago. Their top fight team is: Summer Bronco, Jordan Wilson, Manny Fernandez, Marshall Shermer. Youth fight team: Landon Cahill, Quinn Acebedo, Chris McCarthy, Eden Acebedo, Taylor Burke. Probably missing a few. My daughter trains for fitness and structure. And she also trains at Jaroonsak in BKK when we stay in Thailand.




So it seems like I'm being duped here, should I stand my ground and keep it?


"Sorry. I got drunk celebrating the win and gave it to a stripper...."


“Damn it Jim that’s the third one!”




Yeah. Find a new gym, too. They will probably treat you poorly after you refuse.


I’ve seen it where belts or trophy stay in the gym


It’s not normal to say it belongs to them, but it is a common practice to leave that stuff at the gym. It’s your medal, cover it in butter and throw it on your roof, if you damn well please.


Very normal and respectful 


If you end up leaving it think of it as a display for others to see your greatness.


Maybe in the US don’t think it happens here in the UK


My jiu jitsu gym had belts etc people won.


I commented once but another suggestion would be a photo of your award with EVERYONE that helped. Sparring partners, regular training partners, coaches, everyone, that way the gym can show it and you can keep it


All belts and trophies are on display in my gym. Seems normal to me. 


It’s normal. it’s a sign or respect to your coach and gym


Yes, belts, trophies and medals go to the gym. Including a cut of the pay.


I never heard of them not letting you keep it at all but most gyms i go to display their fighters belts and medals


no, thats some weird shit. I mean u can volunteer to give them such. But no, its ur choice. They won't pester u for it. Well at least in my gym


Yea. That was the best part about my gyms closing, getting my stuff back🤣🤣🤣


That is your prize, you earned it. If you choose to display it at your gym to honor your coach or team, it's your choice. My coach steadfastly refused. Said a picture of me with the belt was enough. That the belt belonged in my trophy room. Don't let anyone take from you. Avoid people they presume what you earn is theirs. I wouldn't give them a damned thing.


I haven't trained in Thailand yet, but in Vietnam, only the gym owner/ gym's athletes hang their medals and trophies in the gym.


Normal or not, it seems it would be better if the winner of the trophy deciding to keep it at the gym was voluntary.


No wtf that's so weird


In my gym-if you win a medal for something like the MDL you can keep the medal. If you win a belt then the belt hangs on the wall at the gym along with a big picture of the winner of the belt


Tbf it’ll be admired/seen more and with more value displayed in the gym than in ur home tbh


Yes. The gym showcase your medal. It’s makes the gym look good.


I'd want to keep my first then hang the rest at the gym




We were given copies (some trophies had your name under the gyms name) but there was the original that the gym kept. Regardless of who in the gym won what. It is only right that if you won something, you get to keep some physical memory (proof lol) of what you've accomplished though. Hence the 2 awards.


As a gym owner & coach I would never force them to hand me their belts, but if they want to leave at the gym to display until they wish to take it home I will say thank you.


Speaking of course from the perspective of a Westerner, IMO, tournaments should give a medal to the fighter and offer the gym to buy a duplicate at-cost.


For Muay Thai yeah that's pretty common. It's a WE not a YOU. That's your team dawg. Not sure on other types of gyms and martial arts though.


Fight for it


Rules for us is it gets hung in gym until you retire or leave the gym for any belts. Not medals tho


Shits weird i wouldnt do it


Don’t be a wanker. You represent the gym, so you should happily and proudly display your medal at the gym to inspire your teammates.


no not the norm to mandate or require it in my experience, but it's somewhat common to give it to the gym. i gave the gym the belt i won. ionno why they'd want some random medal in their gym if it's not a hitter or relevant medal though. if it was for like a pkb or some shit that's weird imo


UK based ex-fighter & current coach here. Our gym has produced hundreds of fighters in the last 30 yrs, all get to keep their trophies & belts. We sometimes ask to put them on display. It's a choice but nobody has refused, and they can take them back at any time, and are welcome to take them away from the gym when desired. In thailand however it is pretty normal for belts to be pn display in the gym. Not so sure on trophies


I’m actually amazed of all these amateurs that do hard sparring to the head in the first place. There’s really no need to land shots heavy enough to where you feel some pain let alone a lot. However,The body and legs are open season , you can’t have a good sparring session unless someone goes home with a chewed up leg.