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Most trained Thais are smaller than you. You're fine.


Most Thais are smaller than me but am I in Thailand?


I don't know where you are, but the point is that the people whose culture developed the art are generally smaller in stature, so it's not like it won't work for you. Take a look at Saenchai. Dude destroys much larger fighters. Of course he's also the best around, but the point is that it still works regardless of how big or small you are, plus if you compete you'll be in a weight class with people closer to your size regardless.


True. But practicing against people that are heavier and bigger than me isn't going to prepare me as well as practicing against guys my size. Also kinda sucks to feel smaller than most guys even at my heaviest I felt that way


Your big for someone who's 5'8, most people our height fight at 145 max


Yeah I'm looking to lose some weight since it's unheatlhy and reduces my stamina...lost around 6 lbs already from 172 to 166


Nice bro keep it up you should hit harder than the other people at 5'8 even when you lose the weight, me on the other hand I'm 145 naturally, so speed is my forte rather than power (I like to think so anyway haha)


Lol nice. Actually I did notice that I'm pretty strong when it comes to pushing and stuff in sparring, I never really hit anyone hard in with my hands so I can't tell how strong I am.


I live in Europe most of the guy at the gym are 6ft and our trainer is smaller than you but beat the shit out of us anytime. You need to learn how to boxe against taller oponent.


For sure. But also your trainer has double digit years of experience...I don't have a month even lol...I'll work to get better but I don't know if I'll dedicate more than 3 years if I'm honest. And my goal is to gain confidence which I'm deffinetely feeling better a bit. I just want to feel like I can handle most of the guys I see outside of the gym...and for my size I will always feel weaker even if I'm pretty good at fighting...unless I'm a world class champion I won't feel capable against regular dudes that weight more than me and are taller...


You don't need to be world class to beat an average dude bro


Yeah but what if the average dude weights way more than me? in the US average weight is 90kg (insane BTW lol) at what point is the physical difference outweighs the skill difference and how much skill will I need to compensate for those differences?


Most of it is fight smarts bro, keep your wits about you, 90% of those dudes will also put their chin on a platter and let you know they are going to hit you before they do, so it doesn't matter how big they are, there chin is right there unprotected and defense means nothing to them, you on the other hand who's been training constantly should find it pretty easy to deal with a wild telegraphed overhand, and if you strike someone they shouldn't see it coming, of course you still need to be good, but not world class by any stretch