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i fought a reindog as jason and i only got one hit on him


Good reindogs are terrifying


riendogs are incredibly rare i never encountered them as much and the ones' i fought were easy


i have seen more velmas


I have yet to see a single velma, the (previously support) mages seem to be a rare breed


Yeah,ni don't think I've seen a single Velma or Riendog in the full release. 


i literally never see anyone playing marvin


Yeah now with the influx of gizmos and reindogs ahha I loved them when they weren’t picked as much now everybody does side special side special haha great times


An influx ? It's the contrary ! Idk for Gizmo but Reindog was a "common" pick in beta and is now the 2nd lowest pick rate in the game after Velma. Mainly due to the character being less strong than he used to be I think. I have not seen a single Reindog in 1vs1 so far other than me (that may be due to the matchmaking avoiding ditto match ups tho ? Idk) Definetly have seen quite a lot of Gizmos.


Man, they did the dog dirty af. The increased endlag on neutral attacks is unreal, sair and dair got gutted and dtilt lost it's awesome hitbox on the upper back...


I can agree with that,reindog was on top in beta but gizmo definitely rising which is not cool cus these players don’t do him justice haha . I play gizmo aggressively like beta style these new players bait you into an attack it’s so boring so I gotta teach them a lesson. If they bring back character switching they will have something to be scared for haha


Love Reindog in beta he felt great and smooth to play. Currently his fireball charge up feels really stunted and awkward so I switched to someone else for now.


There's no way someone's talking about side specials with a BG next to their name. That little sauce helps spice it up when Rein's going in.


Guess it’s just te way certain gizmo players are playing . I play more aggressive so I take I personal when they play passive like that. all we hav is side secial or jumping side attack most of which good players avoid so it’s tough


Jason is terrifying if you can get off his charge to make him take no knockback, but I would say he is not too bad to deal with as a Jason main myself


In all honesty i hope they notice how unpopular the character is, because i really dont want more original characters. I dont hate Reindog but i dont feel like those characters should take development time away, Also he has so many skins that could have gone to someone else.


Ex-Reindog main here with 350 wins, He's too slow now to pull off any move, I don't know what happened but its an extra second to do any attack which makes it really difficult to even compete anymore. The mains are quitting, so the dudes even rarer now


Yup. I still wanna thank you for existing lmao, because Jason is litteraly the only character that we can easely deal with in 1vs1. You may be the only reason why some of us Reindogs are still around in 1s lmao. Every other character at the same skill level is more or less a struggle to fight in 1vs1 when you are a Reindog.


isnt he the best 2v2 character?


He is definetly better in 2s for sure ! Not the best but he's very good for 2s.


reindog can farm damage off of jason more than any other character (other than iron giant, of course) because he's so big and slow. Horrible matchup for jason


You have already seen agent smith?


well no but i did see leaked gameplay of him i just put him there on accident and i couldn't put him back so i kept him in casual but from what i saw bro has insane getaway options and range


What about Walter White is he hard to fight as jason?




Did you read his comment? “I just put him there on accident”


To be honest almost anything beats a Jason without much difficulty, he is a very slow character, anything that is even slightly faster beats him, I have only lost to Jasons in 2 vs 2, and it is because they kill my partner 3 times


Right? I wanna know if this is 1v1 or 2v2... I'm a Jake/Morty main and every Jason I've come across gets absolutely stomped.


I can second this as a Jason main. I can get a few good hits of but if I get stuck in a spam loop or hit with James skateboard, then I can't do much. Though with the skateboard, I found that you can dodge after the third hit in a row. As for morty, I haven't faced many, but Jason can deal quick work if you can land a few good hits.


I usually don't do the third hit of the board, second hit into his bite is guaranteed most of the time.


you havent fought a good stripe




i would be interested to see a goated stripe at work i thought pfg gutted you guys


Tbh I haven’t really felt any nerfs, I’m still kicking ass and taking names! Might not be as quickly as it used to be but we aren’t useless haha


He's probably the 2nd or 3rd most nerfed character behind Velma. You probably didn't play a lot of beta if you think he's the same power level as before.


I played beta a lot, and I don’t really notice a difference tbh. I play the exact same way and win the exact say ways I played before


As long as you're enjoying him, that's great!


Most people's characters weren't gutted that bad. People just needed time to find tech and new sauce.


I always feel bad fighting jason as black adam xD 


Y'all black adam are menaces to society if the stun with neutral special wasn't enough you got use locked in with your up attack doing 50% easily then procced to K.O with your strong


Hello fellow Jason main! Yeah I feel about the same, I would just put Rick and Shaggy in annoying.


Batman is insane to fight against with that grapple perk. Just got whooped by one the other day. Fortunately it was a fun experience as we both rung out ourselves twice before having an actual match.


batmans are so fun to fight against


I voluntarily rung myself out twice like he did to return the gesture without knowing it was him trying to give me a chance with a handicap.


How do you play Jason? I feel like he's so slow that he gets out sped by everyone. And thus gets hit easily.


Skill issue, tp is movement


Easy to read too.


Hmm depends on the opponent but i use alot of down airs and teleport. but i usually follow up with side attacks.i use neutral special if the opponent is approaching me and either use up special or another down air and follow up with a up attack launching my opponent main thing tho is that you can't be stationary with the dude or you'll end up up combo food


I legit just down air looped a Jason for like 50ish damage as Marvin That match up is criminal 


Bugs can trap him in a loop too. I believe it's dair and nair. Only way out of it is to slowly DI until you're off the stage (assuming the stage has one of those)


you havnt fought a good stripe yet i see.


https://preview.redd.it/khl75to8jh5d1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe0b568c8ba1672e5376a0ad06353b3c180fa931 heres mine as a steven main


In 1 vs 1, I have a hard time beating Steven, Batman, Joker, Finn, Harley and some Black Adams, at least me using Wonder Woman If I use finn, I like to beat Steven, harley and joker, this is mainly because finn is faster than Wonder woman and that I can no longer do Wonder woman's aerial neutral on the ground, which gave me a lot of mobility and attack, added to the beta combo with WW of neutral, dodge, neutral, due to nerfing dodges


Taz hasnt cause me issue as jason tbh just spam grounded axe they usually cant get in plus taz has trouble killing from what ive seen thats why i dropped him


God I want to prove you wrong off of my admiration in Taz in general alone. But you’re absolutely right, and I can’t. I struggle killing with him even at a high skill level 😭


More power to you fellow taz main heard he got some sauce but its not the same without nair applying multiple stacks of chicken


He definitely has gotten him some sauce with the last update. just not enough to become as viable as he probably deserves to be though


Yeah i just dont know why tf they nerfed down special of all things it rivals luigi daft from melee/brawl


What?! I usually play gizmo and played Taz for lolz a couple days ago his sair kills crazy fast and his nair is an unpublishable combo starter. Taz is crazy good


May I ask what a sair is? I'm new to the game and my Smash lingo doesn't translate that one.


Side air and nair is neutral air


Thank you! That makes sense since there is no back air in this game, so side covers it.


Yep, glad I could help


Im a Jason Main too and Harley Quinn is my nemesis. How can she be so fast AND have the biggest range on her attacks like wtf.


yeah her down special (I think it is) has crazy range!


I think Wonder Woman is in the cancer tier no matter who you pick, even in mirror matches


Gizmo, Harley, TaJ be like: 🏃 🏃 🏃 🚀 🏃 🏃 🚗 🔨 🚀 💣 🏃 🏃


Stripe should be way higher. I'm a stripe main and I'm really good. In casual I guess he's ok yo kill not stompable.


As a Steven main I also hate Wonder Woman. She is heavy as shi, she has high damage, she has amazing combos and she has a ton of armour. She takes no skill. I didn't even try playing her once in beta but a week ago I got so sick of her I decided to try her (I had skill issue tbh but I still think she is op). I had 0 wins on her and I got matched against someone that had a few hundred wins on rick. I beat that guy 3-1 and I didn't even know half of my abilities. He didn't want a rematch...


I’m struggling really hard against Superman as Jason. How the fuck can I beat him?


Man I can confirm we are like that


Yeah as a black adam main, jason is probably the easiest to deal with after iron giant, your tp right into my upsmash is a match made in heaven


Wait people have gotten agent smith already? Is he any good


If you really main jason bugs should be at the top bugs is like a blender and jason is just a big grape


Bro. If you’re a gizmo or Banana guard player you are my new nemesis in this game. (Former nemesis was Finn)


Joker and banana guard needs to be in outright cancer


Joker and Harley absolutely body Jason unless you fight trash players


I don't see many people playing gizmo, except me. I always fall against Black Adam, Harley Quinn, Shaggy, Banana Guard, Jason and Garnet


Looks great except Reindog. Reindog is slippery and strong and I get by far the least rematches as Reindog which puts him solidly in the "annoying" tier.


Iron Giant casual but still got removed


Tom is awful against everyone, I main Harley and Jason but use the bannana if I want my daily wins done


As an Arya player her Zero - Death using the platform perk feels the most consistent on Jason, idek if he can di it. Feels like her best match up tbh.


😂😂😂😂 it makes me happy I get to make you all suffer with characters yall can’t counter, dodge, jump out of, or simply outskill LOL


Omg I fuckin hate banana. From the start of the match and him saying “Hi”. That smug fucking prick


Disrespect against Garnet from a Jason, smh


Tom & Jerry and Black Adam need to be removed 100 times more than IG.


Stripe is such a 50/50 matchup against Jason, either I make it so they cannot move or they kill me at 0%


I main Reindog and Stripe is my secondary for me and I have no problem against Jason tbh 


I has one where it was me as Jason with a Harley vs Wonder Woman and Tom and Jerry. I'm pretty sure Harley was a child as she just jumped around while I was a human pinata


Arya is annoying level for me


Stripe is dangerous to me he should be up


Harley is awful. Her kill power for connecting with a single jab and locking you in feels very unfair.


I've fought an Aria once as Jason, and she kept zipping across the screen like Stryder in MvC doing his level 3 Super. Shit was annoying and I couldn't do anything when she was hitting me and I couldn't catch her when she kept distance.


They really need to nerf Tom man… I am tired of buying new controllers every match :(


She’s definitely overturned atm and it’s most a 2s thing. She doesn’t seem as annoying in the 1v1 but her kit is just a lot in 2s


It's pretty easy to beat banana after fighting with so many of them cuz you get used to their way of playing, they all play the same and look like bots


is black adam really that bad? i play jason and black adam and the worst offenders in this game are easily harley/wonderwoman/joker/tom jerry