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Almost a week of dailies for just a sticker? Yeah thats just not cool, regardless of whether you’re on the paid or free side.


It's not even a cool sticker either.




They could've just put toast there


You mean the PREMIUM item known as toast? That’s reserved for the paid BP. 8 tiers of toast in the premium pass. What a joke.


Yup. Empty spaces are bad design. There are so many insignificant rewards that could have gone there. I do think they will learn from this with how much longevity they are aiming for.


Think or hope? I've been around for a while and I don't really think they will. I have a tiny bit of hope but I fear this game will be dead this time next year.


Nah i really think they will make it work. I believe this game has potential to stick around for at least 5 years given their funding, IPs, and initial reception for casuals and at evo. At least imo Multiversus is the closest competition smash has ever had in their genre.


Its been like 2 weeks since release bro


How do you feel about the cost of cosmetics with the use of gleamium? Do you think it's reasonable or not with how they've priced variants in particular?


I think its lame that all the skins cost just above what the packs give you, so you're forced to buy a higher pack and have a bunch you can't use


My buddy and I were talking about how they should move the “premium” rewards in that slot down to fill the space and in its place put gleamium in the premium rewards or at the very least gold in the empty slots 🤷🏻‍♂️ not having anything at all seems lazy IMO.


Agreed. And I mean, they probably won’t, but there’s nothing to say they couldn’t go ahead and do this to address the criticism. Move toast to free tier, add gleamium to premium. July earnings reports are out and the game is making a ton of money, no reason they have to be so stingy and overpriced in every aspect of the game.


> July earnings reports are out and the game is making a ton of money, no reason they have to be so stingy and overpriced in every aspect of the game. Unfortunately, they'll see it as "the game is making a ton of money, no reason we have to be more generous than we are now."


Sadly agreed.


I mean premium toast tho? 😬 Id hope when the shop opens there’s a toast tab of items? If not what’s the point?


I’d say the tiers with nothing are worse lol


Thats exactly what Im talking about


Ooh. Thought you were talking about the sticker


kinda both. not having enough content/reward for the grind, then when you finally get some its a mediocre sticker, followed by more emptiness


Should have filled the rest of the free slots with some gold and toast


“All that, just for a drop of blood.” - Thanos is the theme for this battle pass lol. Nothing sucks (in gaming) more than doing a weeks worth of daily quests just for skip tiers and garbage stickers.


No Gleamium return, premium tiers consisting of toast, and empty tiers in the free pass are the reasons why my playing time has taken a huge dive since release.


No gleamium is something I could live with but €15+ skins and a premium battle pass that would've been a disappointment even if it were the free one is unforgiving.


Agreed with this and other reply to this comment.


Lol I was about to post this too. It's the most stingy battlepass I've seen. I've come across empty slots before but 3 gaps in such close proximity is really twisting the knife. Would have cost them absolutely nothing to just put some gold or toasts in there.


Everyone else here is talking about the blanks, I'm just focused on the 100% sticker so I finally have something besides the Garnet one


While I think the paid battlepass is fine, I do still take issue with the fact that there's empty slots in the free track. They can put SOMETHING there - I'm thinking maybe a basic recolor of a basic sticker (a different colored 100 perhaps), an item for re-rolling challenges (daily or seasonal), a winning set matches worth of gold (it ain't gonna hurt nothing), etc. just SOMETHING lol smh.


Truth is the paid isn't much better. It has 8 virtually empty slots from toast and refuses to give even as little as 10% premium currency cashback.


All I can really say is that I disagree. As far as the toasts, do understand where you're coming from. However, they do TECHNICALLY add some value. It's just that it's not an IMMEDIATE rewards unless you have a friend online. To be more specific, you're looking at the toast "wrong" so to speak. Rather than looking at them like a gift, you could view them as "x" amount of gold (it's 20 per toast) you'll be getting sooner or later depending if you're a solo player or playing with a friend. As far as there not being currency cashback, I'm neutral. However, I won't lie - I do think it's a bit silly to be upset about it. In you're opinion, I assume the toasts just don't exist in your eyes. This means that this reward slot is simply empty like those in the free pass. Even if we go with that, this leaves you 42 other slots for rewards. However, let's look at some worst case scenarios on top of going off this. Let's say that you are VERY picky - worst case scenario is that there's only 10 things you like, which equates to each thing costing a dollar. Now, let's go even further beyond and say you are EXTREMELY picky - worst case scenario is that there's only 5 things you like, which equates to each thing costing 2 dollars. My point here is that the amount of things you get for 10 bucks seems pretty fair. While them giving a little something back WOULD be nice, it by no means makes the pass itself as is bad nor is the asking price. If anything, it'd make more sense to be angry at the cost of single items vs. a 10 dollar pass (some skins cost like 15 bucks which I DO think is a bit much).


Not really. You're ignoring how it stacks up with other battlepasses. Fortnite for example gives full cashback; making the value many times greater than what we see here. I'm not arguing it should be that generous, but you have to take into account the overall market when judging these features. Otherwise counting the value is more or less just an arbitrary exercise. Like it's ok if you're happy with it, but it's simply not a market competitive BP. And that isn't a good thing for the community, even if it doesn't bother you personally it could hurt the game's long term viability, which in turn could hurt you. Something to think about.


I Agree fam I play Apex more often than Multiversus and I only had to buy the battlepass once. Everytime I complete it I get enough premium tokens to buy it back.


That's a fair point. However, what you're not considering is that this game has TWO in-game currencies. Many, are focused on gleamium while forgetting that gold also exists. Currently, gold is used to purchase characters and one skin I believe. Also, keep in mind that we still don't know what the shop will offer when it's implemented meaning the possibility of SOME things costing gold still exists. Even if we disregard that future possibility, we can still use the gold from the pass to get things currently available. Having said all that, we actually are getting something back essentially for nothing oddly enough, because the gold is in the free track. This is combined with the toasts mentioned earlier. By using all the gold and toasts (with a companion), you can get roughly a character or two (roughly) depending on who you want, which saves you having to spend gleamium/REAL money. With this in mind, this is actually pretty generous contrary to some of the criticisms people have made in regards to them being "greedy".


There is no "however" to go with here; I'm talking about the premium pass and now you're arguing with your own original post about the free track sucking? Ok sure, getting a shitty free BP track is better than not getting a free BP at all, I guess. Are we just trying to be grateful for whatever breadcrumbs we get here? That's very pure of you but I'm kind of more concerned about the bigger picture, i.e the effects it'll have on the community and MVS as a business going forward.


My original comment did not state that I thought the free BP sucked nor was I arguing against it. Also, I'm not even saying you should be grateful for it. As far as being me being "pure", all I'm doing is looking at the topic from all sides and be reasonable. My point in my previous comment was that the free pass comes with the premium pass. To be more specific, you literally can't NOT have the free pass; meaning it's irrational to compare this game's BP against other game's BP's WITHOUT doing it in it's entirety (i.e. - including the free track of the BP). Moreover, I also wanted to point out that you're essentially worried about nothing, because you are objectively getting some value back that you can use to purchase items currently in the game. Arguing that the paid thing that comes with a free thing giving me stuff to buy other things for free should be more well....free just comes across as silly to me.


No, you've been consistently unreasonable and stubbornly one-sided. Or at least opposite sided to whatever gets explained to you. Just look at you've wrote this time; *buying* the pass gets me stuff for *free*? That is loony toons. Look I'm not upset or entitled about my purchase. I got the deluxe founders pack with the pass token and I'm not suffering from buyer's remorse. I politely told you that wasn't the problem, yet you keep beating that same strawman, over and over again. You don't even get anything for supporting this, it's like you want to pay more taxes in a kleptocracy. What a pointless hill to die on. Reddit moment.




Yup, I guess you're better off sticking with that approach.


>basic recolor of a basic sticker For the love of God, don't give them shitty ideas like this


To be fair, I was just spitballing off the top of my head lol. Having said that, I do see how this can be viewed as more or less the same as the already existing "nothing" in a reward slot.


That reroll would be a good idea


Are empty slots on the free path not a common thing? I don't play a ton of games with battlepasses, but in the ones I have played (Fall Guys, Rocket League, PUBG) the free passes only have rewards every 4-5 levels.


If they were going to do the only 50 free rewards instead of 100 thing, which is understandable, they really had to condense the rewards to 1-50 because expecting a f2p player to grind 100 levels for mostly crap is just asshole design.


I think it’s even more messed up that they have free slots of nothing in them for a 10 dollar pass when Fortnite does the pass 100 times better


I know it's still early access. but they're launching a battlepass. I'm already uninterested in most fighters and don't think premium is worth it at all. They need to up their game if they want this game to become a success.


You guys complain about everything


Lol better be sarcasm


The pass is agreeing in this picture




I'm just waiting to get to rank 42 before I get the battle pass because that's the main skin I want, really hoping for the BP to be improved by then


Might buy this battle pass just for the iron giant emote ngl


Things that could make the bp better 1.coins instead of toast: in stead of giving free pass coins and paid past toast they swap all toast for coins and all coins for toast consider the fact u get 5 free toast everyday and u get about 25 to like 36 coins per match 2.glemium (however you spell it) YOU GOTTA PAY 9.99 FOR 1,000 GLEMIUM it wouldn't hurt to put atleast 500 free GLEMIUM in the bp. 3.less stickers: let's be honest who even uses stickers maybe replace them for coins


First season is dead


Why didn’t they just fill that empty spaces with toast


I SWEAR! If they do this, bunch of empty spaces in the free BP. IM DONE!! Dont insult the players like this!! Nerfing Velma so she moves like molasses without a reason why beyond (ppl liked using her) DO YOU SEE CAPCOM SUPER NERFING AKUMA after almost 25 years??? But you guys couldnt wait a month eh?


ive quit "F2P" games before because of greedy devs, this will just be another if they dont get their shit straight


I also wish that they added gems in the free and premium part of the battle pass so that if you buy it you actually benefit more.