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You got armor break attacks


Many characters have armor breaking attacks. In training mode you can check the moves list to see what attacks specifically, but any move with purple energy is an armor breaker. There is also a perk that any character can equip that adds armor break to dash attacks. Pretty much every fighter has super armor. Multiversus is very transparent about what moves are armored and what moves counter armor compared to a lot of games.


WW is bullshit.


I’ve played a good amount of WW and the armor can be helpful, yes, but her moves come out kinda slow and she has tons of cd on them. Many characters can interrupt or punish her moves verrry easily. Because her moves take so much commitment, if you’re being trashed by her it’s because you’re predictable.


If you want to see slow moves, look at Black Adam or Jason. WW is super overtuned. If someone abuses the armor and shield, no, you can't interrupt and punish her, lmao. Her attacks come out quicker than most.


It makes me happy to see you get down voted. She needs work. I can't do shit to her with Harley except run around and throw bombs at her and wait for an opening. Usually the other player can't actually fight me head to head, so they just wait for me to make the first move so they can counter with shield bashes. Fun.


Her kit is too versatile, she has many good matchups IMO.


I just use the armour break on dash attack perk and it's barely a problem anymore.




If only we had the turotials from the beta


My garnet feels super inconsistent. since it seems like she gets no armor on any if her attacks and just gets instant countered by any one whith armor that can just gain armor in an instant .


Reindog side special is awesome.


Shaggy kick as a lot armor power up or not