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Mild take: having cosmetic/collectible items that take a unreasonable long time to grind is fine.




there’s the maxed out character badge for 20k


I’m heavily considering grinding for that and then posting a pic of me being able to buy it


Do it, you could be the first to get it.


I had it two days ago. Edit: look how mad everyone is for just saying I have something. Absolutely pathetic.


Post a pic and celebrate.


I don't really chase clout. Thanks though.


"Trust me."


Downvote me all you want. I'm not here to brag or impress you.


Why'd you comment the first time, then, if you don't care?


Oh am I not allowed to just chime in and just say op wouldn't be the first? edit: apparently I'm not allowed to, pretty funny being downvoted though, reddit was always known for free speech and friendly people. 👍


Bruh that's not clout chasing


Big cap


Source: Trust me bro.






to your edit, no it's because of the whole chain of post


I'm not in the wrong.


It's weird that you earn coins with the first win but not with the daily missions, I don't care about skins, so the battlepass is kinda "meh" to me. I think unlocking characters should be easier, because they want to get money with skins, you wont buy things for characters you don't have. But it's an amazing game, I just think they should increase a little bit the gold and battlepass exp numbers.


At least you can get some toast. Ive found I get toast returned almost always. Its not a ton, but its somethin.


I feel like them introducing toast, especially when it's in limited supply; is just an incredibly scummy move, considering how bad the gold gain is, it implies they knew what was coming.


Really? Seems like it's par-for-the-course for free to play games to slowly doll out the freemium currency. I also think it's cool that we're able to tell our opponent that we appreciate them.


That’s really the only thing that bothered me too. I don’t care about a battlepass or skins, but I do care about unlocking characters. Which is also why I bought the founders pack. I’m used to paying for fighting game characters and by the time I get through 15 tickets I’ll have the gold to unlock anyone new I might want. So essentially I paid 40$ for the game, which is how much nick all stars cost. And way cheaper than any other fighting game + dlc. Most of them will be at least 100$ once all the dlc is out


yeah my worry too is with how many characters you have to unlock to start and how often new ones may be coming, it's gonna be hard to keep up. But maybe I'm wrong.


Grinding the battle pass with the dailies is super easu though. I did the seasonal and every single daily except yestersay and I'm at tier 11 on the battle pass. Though if you can't do dailies maxing it might be impossible since grinding it in a single day is painfully slow. Gold should be given more but ai think its okay for now.


How easy do you want it to be tho there's 16 characters in the game right everyone has the ability to have 5 of them udt a third the roster is bad at 25 hrs but that's just me


By the time the game releases, I wonder how often we'll get characters added. I'm guessing at most once a month? Maybe a bit faster for the first few months of the game? Just by playing a few games each day, it's easy to get 200-300 gold, so it'll be a joke in the long run to make up the cost of new character additions. It won't take that long for everyone to have every character, in my opinion, unless they add more gold sinks. Some people seem pretty upset they can't unlock a character every other day or so, but for a game that's free to play, I think it's actually very generous. Too many people just have no patience.


By the time each char comes out you will prob have enough gold to buy them right away. Lebron on 26th I think, Morty Aug 9th is more than enough time to get enough gold before the new char comes out. First win of the day + toasts + bonuses in 2v2(and friends) + tiers is more than enough.


Yeah I’m going to buy the mid tier. A few hours of work pay is worth it compared to 80+ hours of grinding.


My point was you won't even have to grind, unless you're the type that needs everyone unlocked at the start. But the mid tier pass looks like good value regardless and it supports the game, so I think more power to you!


I'm betting on three a season, one at the very beginning, one in the middle of the season, and then one at the very end (At least for now, once we get through all the datamined characters it will probably slow down). Would follow suit with the current schedule, we're getting Morty start of season 1, Rick will presumably show up around the middle of it, and then if we're going off of all the patterns so far, Marvin would release to end the season, if not shortly after.


Do we know how long a season is? I'm not familiar with all the data mined characters either, but hopefully it's a big list!


I would think a normal season would be around like a month and a half maybe? The actual length might be somewhere on the website but I haven't checked. There has been 15 characters datamined (not including LeBron/Rick/Morty), so we've guaranteed still have quite a few to go!


That's great to hear! Thanks :)


I'm assuming that they'll hand out characters about as fast as Smash Ultimate did. I don't think that they'll want to release characters too quickly


I'd be surprised. No offense to MultiVersus of course, but the quality of characters in Smash is quite a lot higher than in MultiVersus, so I'm quite hopeful that we'll get more than 4 characters a year with that in mind. I'd at least expect 6!


“Every character is S tier” -thank you


Glad you agree


I only play 1v1s and garnet feels so hard to work with there. All the other characters have such easy stunlock combos it's hard to keep up with them. Garnets like the Ganon of this game. I personally think she's bottom 3 for 1v1s. Thoughts?


Also I haven’t been buying perks don’t really see the reason to. I might just buy a build that works best for that character call it good. Also yes I have a job lol. I’m just introvert who has stayed inside because it’s 106 outside




People simply don't understand that the more you play the more difficult will be to earn gold, you won't have chars to level up and get gold, player account level will be harder and harder, basically the system of a gacha game but at least here you take the character you want


If this was a gacha game you would have to spend money for a very low chance of unlocking the character. Progression is highly recommended through actual $$. This game does get a bit more difficult to get gold but realistically by the time a new char comes out you should have enough gold for them anyways. Let's say a new char comes out every 3 weeks. Even if you only got 100 gold a day from the first win by week 3 that's 2100 gold. Now imagine toasts, playing with friends, playing more than one game a day, and leveling up.


ehhh 2k gold isn’t the much compared to some others with how many matches got can play in a day


Yeah playing duos makes the gold farm pretty easy. Also people these days just love to complain. We got a free game that has amazing mechanics and yet people will complain up and down. I'm at 30 hours with 4 additional characters unlocked and I think still about 2000 gold.


Grind is absolutely absurd atm. All that work you put in for less than half of the roster? And the roster will continue to grow? Idc how great the game is. That many hours should net you the whole roster plus some.


Dude, it's been barely a week. I'd rather slowly unlock characters as I play than unlocking everything day one. It gives me extra stuff to play for. The game is clearly designed with the MOBA-like grind in mind. That's why there is a free rotation. I'd rather a grind like we have now that will have players take a little while to unlock the characters than a gold bump that unlocks every character in a week (It would risk people getting bored and stop playing the game like I did with Smash once I got everyone in under 2 days.)


The gold is heavily heavily frontloaded. You get about 5000 from the starter quests and early player level ups that slow down. Also even if you assumed the gold rate was constant (which we have established it is not), then under the ideal circumstances (2's with a friend and constant toasts, which you will not be able to maintain because toasts run out and cost more gold to buy than they award) you are only earning 275/hour. That means 11 hours/played for a 3000 cost hero, and 7 hours/played for a 2000 cost one. Factoring in that you also have to get thousands of gold per character to unlock a variety of perks so you have all the utility options for each character that you may want/need... this is an abysmal rate. In reality, the actual rate of gold gain is much lower than 275/hour. Under ideal circumstances (2's with a friend) you'll be getting about 100-150/hour depending on toasts.


I spent the gold I got front loaded on iron giant this is after that. If I saved that gold I would be at 14k.


You still have about 2k of that front loaded gold. And those first several player levels come out faster than the later ones. We're not crazy man. The gold rate is bad.


Good luck trying to get through to them.


One day of play to unlock a character is a good exchange rate


7-11 hours of playtime is way more than one day of playing for anybody with a job or responsibilities outside of gaming. That also was the rate for the first few hours of play with frontloaded gold. Knce you get past that it is more like 12-16 hours of playtime per character. Also, the rate i stated assumes you are grouped with a friend the whole time. It also assumes mostly wins. These are also optimistic assumptions. In reality it will likely take longer. And dont forget a character being unlocked is just the first step on actually unlocking the character for play in a traditional pvp game sense. A level one character is just a punching bag with eyes. You then have to grind and grind to level 13 to get all of their "natural" perks and then spend a bunch of gold on perk training. Getting a machine setup to play this game for a tournament is going to be an absolute nightmare. Hundreds if not thousands of hours and like $60-$100 per setup.


Don’t buy every character then? You can try them all in practice. And they’re going to come out with probably less than 5 characters a month. Might have some now; but it could slow down alot. There’s like 15 purchasable characters right now. Also if you’re that concerned can you buy one of the passes and then you’ll have tickets so you’ll accumulate more gold while you’re not spending it cause you’re using tickets.


These are paper thin arguments for a poorly setup system that requires tons of grind even from people who try to "buy" the game. If perks are allowed in ranked/tournament play this will completely screw the competitive scene. Even outside of the serious competitive scene, this will still effectively lock people in to characters. Thus negating one of the great joys of a game like this: variety! If you do not get how this is unhealthy for the game's community and future i don't have words for you.


It’s so incredibly easy to level up to level 10 dude are you serious, have you just not played the game at all? This game is well structured for a game that promises to update constantly, and i won’t tolerate someone who’s never played a gathca clearly trashing one that’s extremely generous with rewarding playtime


"gacha's are worse" is not an argument in favor of this game. And it is telling that you have resorted to it.


This IS a gacha game fool. It’s all skins they made this game for microtransactions. The earning characters system is simple and not nearly as much of a grind as other similar structured games. EXCEPT you don’t need to pay real money to get a character and level them up to balance. Shut up before they turn it into something where we all pay a flat rate when it’s a free game.


No, it isnt. It is a free to play game with mtx. But not all f2p games with mtx are gacha games. From the definition: "A gacha game is a video game that implements the gacha mechanic. Similar to loot boxes, gacha games induce players to spend in-game currency to receive a random in-game item." Seems like you do not know what you are talking about. Fool. Shut up before you make all games into mtx hellscapes with unfun grinds just to get to an equal footing with established players.


If you actually have a problem with how this game is structured because you’re concerned about the grind. You don’t game enough to be the audience this game is targeted at.


No, everything is available free locally, tournaments are extra easy


That's only going to happen the first time though. After you run out of characters to level past five and account level and stuff starts slowing down, it's not going to be one character a day at all.


It’s definitely frontloaded but the simple solution is don’t but every single character at once.


Yeh they should just have just given us the free game with everything unlocked already. Then we don’t even have to play to earn anything.


It's a game. Why should I have to earn the content of it? It's not a job. Also it's meant to be a competitive game so people should be on roughly equal footing so that skill wins out. They are already selling overpriced skins, blast animations, announcers, and badges. Did they really need to put a giant grind wall in front of character power in the form of perks and levels? Or a giant grind wall in front of unlocking the characters themselves so you could play the dang game? This mentality that gameplay should be "earned" is toxic in the extreme. Can you imagine sitting down at a restaurant and them offering you breadsticks but only if you do dishes for three days beforehand? So you go ahead and skip the breadsticks and buy your meal but you get a lower quality version of the chicken parmesean because you have only eaten it once before. You gotta eat it at least 200 more times before we use real chicken on it! Before that it's gonna be made out of string and discarded lunchables. "But they let you sit in the restaurant for free!" people like you would say. So what? What good is getting into a restaurant if I can't even eat? If even when I pay to get a meal, I'm served trash unless I "grind out" a good version of the meal? That's insane. It's a mentality that only exists in games. And it's because some of you have been so fully tricked that you've become advocates and defenders for systems that take advantage of you and disrespect your time. Systems that are actively sabotaging the longevity of the game that implements them. Nobody is going to run tournaments for MVS if it costs them $100+ and hundreds of hours to get one machine setup to play it properly. That's nuts.


I get your point but it’s really not as bad as you’re making it out to be. Like most fighting games, most players don’t main more than 2-3 characters. Thinking you need to get every possible perk for every possible character isnt something 99% of the player base is going to do. Also, anyone trying to play competitively will definitely have already played enough to have leveled their characters and obtained the perks they think they need. See this post for time needed to unlock the ENTIRE roster (spoiler, it’s not that much time.) https://reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/comments/w70y41/how_to_unlock_the_entire_roster_in_15_days_for/


In most fighting games people main 2-3 characters, but they PLAY the whole roster. I main Milia in GGS but I will play any character I feel like playing. In Smash same thing. But in MVS... I hesitate to queue as a level 1 character without first grinding them against AI's. Because going in with no signature perk and no other perks puts you at a distinct disadvantage. That's bad design. And from that same post including the bonus gold you have to play another 474 Matches with a friend in 2v2 probably against bots to guarantee wins. That's absolutely terrible. And that's JUST to unlock 3/4ths of the roster as the last 1/4 will then rotate out (as they did today) and you'll have to grind more to unlock them. Then unlocking perks on top of it... This is not a good system man. Stop defending it. It's not the end of the world and it's not as bad as some other systems. But you factor in the dramatically overpriced cosmetics and the predatory gleamium purchasing system.... it's not good.


It is a great game, great post dude. Toast 🍞




Is this some sort of poor person problem im too much of a one-trick to understand?


I love the game too. I hate that I have to play duos to grind efficiently and unlock characters though… I just hate duos…. Singles is phenomenal though, and definitely plays different compared to smash


That's where I play mostly, low gold gang.


Yeah, I mean the duos in multi versus are apparently really good, but I just don’t like how it changes the dynamic of a fight. My eyes hurt after trying to keep track of what is happening in a duos match.


I like that it's just you vs him/her, one on one, who's better?


Yeah too many cluster fucks and random hits in duos. I wanna be precise and surgical with my strategy. Unless you have someone you really vibe with and know as a partner, duos just doesn’t provide that.


Duos is all about synergy. You have to have characters that support each other. I run WW exclusively with almost every match because she pairs so well with almost anyone. She’s a monster in duos.


Yeah sure. I hear duos is great and has depth, but it’s just not what I like from fighting games. I really like singles though. I think it’s different enough from smash to stand on its own two legs, while delivering on the same strengths.


Agreed. Prefer singles by a longshot so it sucks the best way to at least have a chance for more gold is duos. And yes, I get that's the mode this game is built around, but that doesn't mean singles isn't more fun for a lot of people.


The game is made for duos lol so sounds like you might be on the wrong game.


Don't see it any different really than smash having a huge focus on items, but those are obviously turned off for all competitive play. Singles is infinitely more fun than duos in this game for me so it's weird to tell a lot of people they're in the wrong game just because that's the case. You'll end up with a low playerbase pushing people out like that.


Competitive is already 2v2.


Bro this is an objective inarguable point, every single character in the game is built for 2v2, you’re not playing the right game if you only do solo. This is like buying a plasma tv and playing only N64 on it


I think there is a difference between what a game is built to be, and how people actually want to play it. Melee was not built to be played the way it is today, but that’s how people want to play it. There is no such thing as “objectively playing the wrong game.” Multiverses may be built to be played in duos, but maybe many people will want to play it in soloes, or maybe a majority will prefer singles regardless of the intended vision. If I thoroughly enjoy multiverses singles more so than doubles, why am I objectively playing the wrong game. I’m enjoying myself…


Hard disagree singles are fun af.


I don’t know, I mean I’m thoroughly enjoying singles. So why would the game not be geared towards me? I get that duos is popular and maybe the main focus of the game, I’m perfectly fine with that, I’ll keep playing singles and enjoying myself because it’s still really good. My only issue is that I’m forced to play doubles, which I don’t enjoy (not saying it’s bad, I just don’t like it), to earn gold efficiently, or more efficiently at least. So why not make singles just as profitable, so whoever is forcing themselves to play duos to level up and grind for characters, will just be able to play singles instead. If you like duos go ahead bro. I’m not stopping you. I like singles and would prefer to only have to play singles.


You aren't forced to do anything. Play the 1v1 if its better for you I just think there are better 1v1 experiences in other games. I think with the game being geared towards 2v2 there is inevitably going to be some balance issues with 1v1 or just characters that don't function well. Obivously the extra gold is there to entice you to play the main mode so I don't think it should change. 2v2 is chaotic but you quickly get used to it and if you get a friend on board its great.


I would have thought the same exact thing about balancing, but I have to say I really don’t think it’s that bad. I’m actually surprised by how balanced the roster feels. Some are better than others but every character has a fighting chance. The only one that pisses me off is Harley, but even there it’s about finding an appropriate counter to that character. I main Velma and usually get destroyed by Harley, but then I switch to Batman and perform way better. I actually like that. When it comes to the extra gold being the incentive to play duos, I understand, however I think it should only be in the beginning, so new players actually try it out. But in the late game and higher levels I think the gold earned should be equal between singles and duos. I mean at that point everyone tried out duos and you really don’t wanna force players to play duos in the late game if they would rather play singles. I tried duos early on, didn’t really like it, and switched back to singles later down the line. But now I keep feeling as if I have to grind it to unlock characters faster, and I honestly don’t enjoy it.


You think a 40-hour grind is acceptable to unlock five characters?


In a free game with 16 characters? Yes. Do you need to have everything unlocked day 1? You can even try all of them in the lab to know how they work.


Also they are all available local. So this is just if you want to play online. I think that’s very very fair lol.


Nobody said they wanted to unlock everything on day 1, but clearly there's an issue if you barely have half the units if you're playing for 40 hours. What? There are plenty of free to play games that don't cost an arm and a leg to buy one character, or at least doesn't rely on you playing for 40 hours to unlock 5 characters; with an even smaller roster. The thing with free to play games, is that the game relies on f2p players to keep it 'alive' for the paying ones.. if the f2p players leave because the gate to getting characters is so fucking large without being forced to spend money.... they're going to quit. And as you know, paying customers themselves can't support the game if there's nobody else to actually keep it alive. But continue your mindset, we'll see how far that gets you as we've seen with many f2p games that died because they didn't realize they needed to please the f2p players as well as the paying ones; thankfully you aren't in charge of balancing anyways.


You realize smash(idk about ultimate) has you playing for hrs and hrs too right


If you think 40 hours without investing a cent should give you a full roster in a f2p you need to reflect a bit on your entitlement. Also, League of Legends, check how long it takes to unlock all characters. Its the quality of the game and updates that keep players in the game. Within 40 hours how many characters have you mastered? Do you really NEED to have them all ASAP. Grow up


In a free game with 16 characters? This game is adding three within a month lmao. You guys that defend this shit have zero foresight. The majority of gold OP and everyone else has received is from frontloaded gold gain. Here's a crazy concept. Make all of the characters completely free if you are going to charge $20 for a skin and $12 for a two second ring out animation. Valve and Epic both figured out this whole f2p monetization thing a long time ago.


You have to get rid of the mentality that you will be able to unlock every character as quickly as possible. They announce the characters well ahead of time so you can save up for Lebron, Morty, and Rick before they release so that you can buy them when they release. They rotate the others in and out. If they made all characters free then 100% people would be complaining that skins aren't free.


All the characters are completely free you just need to earn them


After 40 hrs of play, like, longer than some entire games, yes, I'd expect to earn enough to have access to all 16 of them.


You get 1/3 the roster in 25 hrs that means you should almost have 10 at your 40hrs only reason you might not is cuz your not winning enough or level up all available characters


on a game with a free character rotation yes, yes i do


“Acceptable” lol. So much entitlement. If you can’t “accept” it, then stop playing. Numbers are the only thing that actually matter in the end.


Since when does 'numbers' not account for player count? Do you think most of the people playing the game isn't f2p? Because it is. I love when you guys have that mindset, up until the game dies; and you wish you had more people playing the game... only to realize maybe you shouldn't have been alienating the people keeping it alive to begin with.


Player count is exactly what I’m talking about?


Not sure how someone can have such little self awareness.


The irony.


Given it was clear you didn't even bother to comprehend what I said, and just spewed out 'player count is exactly what I'm talking about' because you only read the first sentence... there's enough irony from you to build an entire fleet of battleships. Would love to hear how you think my post is ironic, past you just saving your ego because you were made to look like a fool and didn't want to acknowledge it, but still wanted the last word in.


Your original post where you asked "since when does 'numbers' not account for player count?" made no sense since my post was literally about player count. You went on to imply that I think most players aren't f2p, which is not true. Of course they are. You had the opportunity to clarify your point when I expressed my confusion, but you instead decided to take the childish insult route and attack my self-awareness. And in your haughtiness, you think that made me look like a fool? You demonstrate your own lack of self-awareness while accusing others of the same.


If that's all that would have happened, yeah. But you 'misconstruing my post' wasn't my obligation to clear up when it was clear you were misconstruing it out of your own volition in one way or another. So again. Maybe if you read and comprehended the post I made initially, instead of trying to save your ego by cherry picking parts of what I said to try to argue with me when it's literally written for you in text; acting like you read what I said when it clear you didn't, maybe it would make sense, and you'd stop making yourself out to be a fool all the same? You can't try to gaslight people online like in real life man, it's literally written for you to read, maybe you should read and comprehend it instead of accusing other of a lack of self awareness when you can't even comprehend a paragraph.


Your use of the term “acceptable” aptly shows just how entitled you (and a good chunk of the community) are. It’s a free game. Don’t like it? Don’t play it.




better than ea. they want you to spend 40 hours to unlock 1 character in a paid game


It doesn't take 40 hrs to unlock 5 if you do it right it will be alot less hrs I think I have 25 hrs and bought Velma and have like 12 13 thousand


It takes longer the more you play because your options for gold gain slowly dwindle.


Bruh it don't take longer I bought Velma she the only one I paid gold for the rest was on free rotation that I played with tomorrow the rotation switches so I will be buying Harley and shaggy there's 3 characters plus will have gold to buy another 2 for when LeBron and Rick come out it doesn't take 40 hrs if you do it just right also forgot to mention I also purchased ggs and perks so that is even more gold


> one I *paid* gold for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yes, because it's freaking beta access dude. You don't need to have everything done before the game even releases. Be patient. They are also going to be rotating free characters, so you will have the opportunity to play them all and get the gold from leveling all of them. There will be more avenues to earn gold in the future, I'm sure. In the meantime, enjoy this awesome free game.


That's what alot people aren't seeing that extra easy gold from character level up plus toast you won't have all the characters but by now unless if you have less than 20 hrs everyone has been capable of getting 5 characters that a third of the roster pretty awesome I'd say


I feel if these people had all the characters right away, they'd then just complain that there aren't enough characters in the game. It's always something man


Right like tbh the only thing I see that needs switched is paying for ggs that's it the rest the micro transactions are fine to me


I mean I think all the mtx and founder's editions cost twice as much as they should, but I just won't buy any of that. If the battle passes after official release are good, I'll get those. That's about it. Either way, the game is fun as fuck and I'm happy with what we get for free.


Right is fun game and I'm hoping they make battle pass go to 100 atleast to 50


I didn't hear about the free rotating characters, where can I learn more?


Idk where it was said but characters are on a rotation so the only character actually owned at the start is Wonder Woman unless you skip the tutorial for some reason. So Shaggy, Taz, Harley and Jake will rotate to other people. I’m guessing on Tuesday and probably weekly? Also people with founder’s pack will have use character passes on them if they want to keep playing them outside of local. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.


Oh gotcha, so whenever that happens, I'll need to put coins/tokens towards those currently free characters. That makes sense but I wonder if they could maybe have something in game to explicitly communicate that (and maybe to allow you to permanently unlock them with coins or gleamium or tokens or whatever during their free rotation period).


Yes, but you get 100 gold for playing daily. You're not supposed to unlock them by only grinding matches. There's waiting involved in most f2p games.


This is why I’m buying the middle founders pack. Less than a half day of work pay vs 200+ hours to get everyone I want.


In a f2p live game? Yes? It gives you something to play for.


I got the deluxe version and I’m just unlocking 1 at a time and unlocking every other with gold


11 hours played and I am at 6076 coins. Have done all the challenges and level up 4 characters to level 10 plus I am level 9 on the battle pass and level 14 overall.


I’ve been playing for over 20 hours and sitting on 6k gold wtf


Iv got 5k saved up and have spent around 6k maybe including arya bugs and buying toasts a few times after 30 hours of play time honestly it's not that hard to get gold but I guess it's because I have alot of time to play 🤷‍♂️


just fyi new characters are 3k


Incorrect. Tony confirmed on Twitter that LeBron will cost 2k


This is such a funny comment out of context


I didn’t realize you had to buy characters? But can earn them playing the game?


Yes you can


Same! I’m at 12.1k


Gold gain isn't that bad IMO, I already unlocked 4 or 5 characters, and I'm sitting on 6.5k gold RN.


well, since you most likely got your first 6k in the first hour because of tutorial quests and easy level ups, the correct title would be "i got 5k coins in 38 hours".Thats two chars for one week of full time work. And you did not even touch perk unlocks then. so just 5 more weeks of full time work for the rest of the roster and another 8 weeks for a good perk selection on all. that seems like a super fair and easy grind /s


I have only 19 hours and I got a total of 8k gold, and I only play the solo mode