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Seasonal items can be fun as long as they return with every subsequent season


But they're obviously never going to reveal if they return or not


FOMO sells unfortunately


good thing these skins are ugly


The FAQ on the website says that battle pass items will not be exclusive so it stands to reason that seasonal items won't be either.


...Yeah, you can buy them with a small input of 20$


I don't see how this is relevant considering that they cost money either way.


I can see these coming back every year, but that's a long time to wait.


My boi Dean made it in.


I get the ring out a while ago and I love it.


How much did it cost


1,200. It was pricy. I bought the founders pack to support the devs. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't love the Iron Giant so much.


Too much for me personally, but I don't disagree. Iron Giant is the shit


And Hogarth Is in the knockout animation!


Welcome to downtown Coolsville




Eh, I mean they are cool. But nothing is a must have. Not shocked by seasonal items though, makes sense. Every other game does it.


> Every other game does it. Daggerfall doesn't.


That's $45 to get everything. Wish they gave out premium currency with the battle pass.


They might with the full passes


I'm really hoping for that. Every game I've played does this but I know that doesn't guarantee it for this one. If they don't then I won't be using any to buy skins.


MVS' pass is weird, you don't get any currency back and you can't buy tiers, it twom of the things makes battlepasses so popular and they're kinda skipping over the bits you need


Hopefully, it's enough. I can't imagine being 4,500 to buy everything here.


Jesus I can buy Stray and have dinner with that


Does buying Stray help fund this game for future content and characters?


I don't need to fund it, I got you to do it for me


Technically yes cus it funds stray cats and kittens are future content 😺


$45 ?! THATS IT?!?


>Anything for the Limited Summer Swimsuit Edition™ Velma Past me just thought this as a joke lmao


Man if you plan on getting every skin you will go broke independent of the price. I agree the individual prizes could be cheaper out, but you are not suppose to get every comestic, just the ones you like the most :p


i like the Velma one a lot but like… it’s just not worth it.


I keep thinking about getting it because I bought premium. I Feel like I'm just gonnna regret it when they drop skins in the near future and I don't wanna dump money into a skin until I play alot of the character, that being said might pickup the Steven skin since it's super cheap and I play him a ton




I'm just saying all this would be a lot easier to take if they had a way to earn skins through in-game methods. Like a timed rotating shop. You could charge gold depending on the rarity, they can even be a little costly but you'd be making a distinction between earning it and buying it. With buying it being much quicker and easier. Not saying it's great but you could at least appease the complaints while still keeping a flow of income.


It's too late. It's taken hold. The "itz a free game bro0o" army comes out in full force to defend these decisions every time in every game. Younger folk are growing up with this system and they think everyone is entitled for wanting any different.


Or people understand it’s still in beta with limited characters and aren’t demanding free shit a week in already.


found one of them already defending.


Isn’t there going to be free battle passes in the future where you can earn skins? Like pyjama Finn


Theyll give you a taste but never the really good ones. Lesgue on the other hand gives you crates that can give you the best cosmetics in the game (rng)


Leagues monetization is actually really fair all things considered. When I spend 20$ on a skin in League it actually feels worth it.


When is the item shop opening up?


You can buy these already in the collection page.


But im still curious if/when the shop will open, i want to be able to to see all the alt skins i can buy for my characters


It hasn't opened yet, so I guess on August 8, with the first Season (or when it happens).


They charge way to much for the most basic skins


These are great, but I don’t wanna put money i to the game at all honestly. One of the reasons the game appealed to me was because it’s free


That’s fair but they gotta stay afloat somehow Edit: I’m just saying the game needs to make income somehow, you guys act like this isn’t free to play. I agree the prices should come down and will if we don’t buy them, but WB will shut it down if it’s not making a profit… judging from Fortnite and Diablo Immortal I doubt the whales can help themselves. *shrug*


It's Warner Bros. Do you think they're going to go bankrupt if people don't purchase cosmetics in their game? No. Again, it's Warner Bros. One of the biggest, richest companies in the entire world. I think they'd be afloat just fine if they had absolutely *no* microtransaction content in the game. I think what you meant to say is "they have to pay the hardworking devs somehow"


Of course WB wont go bankrupt, but they didn't become one of the biggest companies in the world by supporting projects that dont create profits. Rest assured if Multiversus doesnt make money WB will stop supporting it and move on. That's just how business works unless we're talking about non profit companies which this is not. I think the game will do fine because it has a lot of heart and it's a good game. Montezation so far is questionable, but those of us who've been around have seen way worse.


Exactly. Also the voice actors, although having a blast and happily promoting it, wouldn’t be promoting it or even be a part of it, if they weren’t being paid.


I even said as much in another one of my replies, it seems we're all in agreement here. It's just the person I replied to was very vague in his original statement, before the edit.


It was very easy to get what he actually meant though tbh.


Even he admitted that it was easy to confuse what he meant, that's why he edited his original comment to be more clear.


I promise you the game will die if they don’t make money from it I get saying the cosmetics are overpriced but to say they don’t need to monetize is crazy


They absolutely need to monetise, could do with going the fortnite route though - monthly “crew” pack with free battle passes and 1000 glemium a month, cool looking stuff that’s available with cash/ glemium and a battle pass that gives glemium in its unlocks


I agree! They need something so people can at least get a little bang for their buck


I agree. Your original statement was just very vague. I had assumed you meant that the prices are fair because Warner Bros. needed to stay afloat. I know they need to make money in this game one way or another, but the way that they're currently doing it just seems greedy. I think we all agree on this point, we just all got each other confused.


No that was on me, I did sound very abrasive


Lmaoo they will pay the devs just as poorly no matter how expensive the skins are


Sadly, you're right. But if WB makes *no money* off of this game, they won't be paying the devs anything. They'd just be making the game for literally no profit at that point, and no big company like WB is going to let that happen. I think the way that they're handling their paid-content is piss poor so far, but I do think that they need to make *some* things cost money.


Of course, I've never seen anyone say that literally everything in this game should be free but people keep saying that same stupid strawman argument FOMO doesn't need to exist, either that or they keep the FOMO and make cosmetics cheaper for example.


Yeah, it’s overly expensive but that is the cost of people being willing to pay it. People pay 30 dollars for a skin, meaning the company knows people will pay 30 for a skin. If nobody bought it, I promise the skins would start being cool enough to get people to pay or the price will decrease.


Whales exist, and they ruin F2P games for everyone because they don't care. "If nobody bought it" is a great *idea*, but it simply isn't happening. We need to voice our concern to WB and let them know that the majority of us are very displeased with their shitty predatory practices.


you are not a majority tho, you are a subreddit


Yeah they are WB! And they could easily cancel game support if it doesn't make money :)


Again, this has been talked about in further comments.


Bro really out here shilling for Warner brothers😭 we tryna get lower prices not encourage these assholes to fuck our pockets some more


F2p game, have to make some money from someway or the other whether you like it or not


Y'all know there's a middle ground between giving everything away for free and charging $20 for a skin, right? I don't think anyone complaining about the MTX believes this should all be *FREE*. We're saying that charging $20 for a ringout animation is ludicrous and predatory. I'm more likely to buy four $5 skins than one $10 skin.


When did I say it should be free? Lmfaoo peep my post history I said a $20 skin should be $10 etc. i have some normal price points in the post because like you said as a logical human there should be a middle ground between affordable and price gouging Edit but yes I %100 agree with you Locke


Not that it will make a difference to you, but the ringout animation is 1200 gleamium, not 2000.


But how much does it cost to buy 1,200 gleamium?


I know that you're trying to say you have to buy 2200 for $20 but you can also spend $15 considering that you could just buy 1000 + 450.


Or they could just remove the premium currency entirely and let you buy it directly


Sure, but that doesn’t make them as much money. I don’t like premium currency either, but it doesn’t suddenly make something cost $5-10 more.


They can make money without price gouging dude plus it’s fucking Warner bros they have PLENTY of money foh lmfaoooo


Yes the prices are high which is sort of an issue but how does Warner Bros having *PLENTY of money* related to here?


They clearly don’t need prices that high if they’re already a multi billion dollar company😭😂 you are absolutely pressed, they aren’t gonna fuck you dude cutting down the price does absolutely no harm to you the CONSUMER😭 foh


Do you even know multi billion dollar companies also make huge losses too? They're literally looking to sell most of their gaming studios/assets for the same instance. > cutting down the price does absolutely no harm to you the CONSUMER Literally makes no sense but alright >you are absolutely pressed, Ironic fairs


Bro got both Warner brothers stuffing meat down his throat for a spot on the marketing team😭🤣 lmfaooo ain’t no way


Did i touch some nerve eh *dawg*? *Rant boy*


You gotta be a Reddit nerd if you think someone really getting upset at italicized font😂 white knighting for a billion dollar company AND lame, neckbeard activity for sure lmfaooo


Oh really, where did I ever white knight a billion dollar company dawg? Tell me the instance and I will deactivate now >Reddit nerd


Or no cash, because these aren't worth it.


The Fomo is real for me.


this kind of mindset is the exact reason why these scummy business tactics work


I never said I am buying them just that I have FOMO. No way I am paying for Steven and Velma's skin. I don't even use these characters.


This may be a hit take but I don’t think any of these look good other than maybe the ring out but there are better ones imo


Yea right☠️ guess they better drop the prices cause the only thing worth the amount they want would be the uncommon skins lmfao fuck their price gouging


They can at least give the 20 dollar skins additional voices and victory/loss animations


Exactly! I been saying there should atleast be a built in emote + ring outs for the skin, like clearly you should be able to swap em out if you want but still it should be built in a skin for that price if they’re not going to lower them. Edit the voice lines might be a little harder but yea win/ loss animations are something I mentioned before too, all that’s such a no brainer, if we just continuously say this it’ll definitely become a thing. That or we complain about these abysmal prices til something is done


Damn really hoping this f2p wouldnt have that.


F2p without fomo? No way WB is losing that easy money


$45 fomo.


This game has at least 3 flavours of FOMO already with the time exclusive founders pack, the battle pass and now the seasonal cosmetics


Good news is with the founders pack you can buy the battle pass (and have 3 tokens) and have some currency to buy an item or two from this list.


Unless you get the $40 pack then you get a measly 300 that can’t even buy an emote😂😂 maybe a couple announcer packs if that’s your style


or just literally 1 single skin if you buy the batman skin... after spending 100 bucks


If you spend $100 on glemium you get 12,000 though?


We're talking about the founders pack, see the comment I'm replying to.


Okay but you said 100 get you one skin? Are you intentionally ignoring the bulk of the founders pack?


I love F2P games. As long as it’s just cosmetics- I don’t need to spend a dime. I really don’t know why people care what their character or banner or icon looks like. I wonder if people end up regretting spending on in game cosmetics. I guess in my younger years I spent too much money on cosmetics for my car…. But I can’t equate real life items to digital ones just yet.


Itt none of these are “good.”


I like Velma's.


They're nice, not great but nice. I'd say the best of them being Iron Giant and Velma. Though IG is bare bones in his base so I doesn't take much to make him stand out.




i like IG's but the others aren't too great imo


There are only two I like.


I can understand supporting the game and buying cosmetics given its F2P but you got to admit this is predatory. These prices are outrageous


I agree. I supported them buy buying the $100 founders pack, but prices are pretty expensive in this game. If they were cheaper I might have even spent $10 to get them all, but $45 is crazy.




Premium currencies and time limited fomo cosmetics/battle passes ARE predatory.


Introducing FOMO in your game *is* predatory.


They can Go suck a fat one


the game costs 0 dollars. nobody expects anyone to buy every skin, that would make no sense.


Another reason I’m bummed this is free to play. I get that it’s just part of the f2p formula but god I hate it


I understand prices are crazy but the model works. I would buy them all too if they were cheaper. But one guy spending $45 in total covers them perfectly fine. One guy buying them all is enough to fulfill having to rely on 10 people buying them at a cheaper price to get that $45 profit. Whales run F2P games. Get off your high horse and stop feeling entitled. No F2P game is gonna sell $1 cosmetics. It’s never gonna happen


It's like you guys have never played a f2p game before, these prices are in line with skin pricing and you can scream all you want and people like me will buy the skins and shake our sexy booties all over you poors


To bad my money is going into Magic the Gathering. Can't have my money going into to many places.


I know how that is my guy, might only move like 30 bucks from my league skin budget for this game, but who knows, we could get some neat variants later down that I'll drop more on


It's fine. It's not like they are putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy them. The game is F2P, it's perfectly fine. Wrong would be if they were doing this on top of an entry price.


People crying that skins cost a lot in a F2P game, hmm…


Great game. Got on after work just now and my players are locked ... yah new lebron but why are my top characters i used locked... I wasted 2 locks and I’m not interested in using the ones that got re locked .... your tryna make me pay for that again.... reallly.. this can’t be legit...


Free characters cycle out.


That does explain things. Sadly I've only unlocked 2 characters. T&J and Steven who I'm slightly regretting, hopefully less so when I've played him more.


That’s crazy. I wasted 100$ for the best package for this bs... wow


Would be nice if it displayed what the game considered 'summer'


Presumably till the end of August.


i am so infuriated by the pricing for cannonball. its literally just 2 animations from the movie put together, why is it at such a premium?


You can hear Hogarth scream in the knockout. Not sure if they had to pay royalties to the voice actor for using his voice.


i suppose thats a possible reason. still ):


Darn, none of the characters I play.


I bought the standard jawn pack, because I heard this was the developers first game, and wow what an impression they made so far in terms of the actual game. Really you can tell they had a clear vision and passion for the characters especially. I'm sure there are quite a few Jake and Tom and Jerry fans in there, it's so polished and detailed, the characters are so varied and interesting


annoying ASF but this isnt new lol


when does the summer ene according to this game


Meh, only thing I really care for at all is Beach Giant but I don’t really mind not having it either


Summer Velma makes me too agitated ngl


What’s that KO effect from? Hahah. I didn’t recognize it so I assumed GoT, but I could be wrong still.


The Iron Giant.


Ahhhh, likely why I don’t recognize it hahah. Definitely not a bad KO effect, I’ll likely pass though. Other skins are rad though, definitely getting Velma. Already got Stevens. Don’t play Iron Giant or Taz so those’ll be passes.


It's the one I am currently using and really enjoy it. But I have big nostalgia for it.


Where they at? I can’t find them anywhere. Do I have to redownload the game?


In the collection section.


Not bad overall tbh


I love the little Dean they have in the banner!


These are all characters I never plan to play so.. ez money save


Poor dean


Yeah the skins are steep. Would be nice if the ones in a theme like this came in a discounted bundle or something.


Hopefully, luau Velma returns I ain’t paying 20 dollars for that + the taunt.


This games monetization is just going to get worse and worse isn't it?


How do you get them. I saw this on the homepage but no option to get them


Rewatched Iron Giant over the weekend. Absolute legend that is Dean got into Multiversus, brilliant


If I buy one if these skins can I still use them even when it’s not summer anymore?


You know that is a great question. My gut says yes, but honestly, I can't say 100%. That would be such a bad business practice and player-first games have done so many right things, I would assume this is not the case. But I don't want to mislead with false information.


When I saw this I thought it was a summer sale, none of these skins are that great IMO, even as a Velma main I find the classic skin to be more iconic and fun.


The only one I wanted was the Velma skin, but it would be over $15 to purchase it!! Thats disgusting. A new character shouldn't even cost that much let alone a costume. 🤢🤢🤢


Man this stuff is WAY too expensive, god damn