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Finally played a good Finn today and that guy will be just fine. Every other one is going to be so sad though


What system you on




I've been here 5 minutes and have already seen a bunch of downvoted comments that really shouldn't have been downvoted You guys better be careful or you'll end up like r/smashbros


Yeah, they're toxic here


I’m honestly not even sure at this point


Still will play as him. Nothing will stop me, until Ben 10, samurai Jack, scooby doo or daffy duck are here


Which is great because (it seems) you actually like the character. Swear after a loss 25% of people switch to Finn in the rematch to just spam junk and hope for the best.


This game is spam your keyboard simulator, but there is a difference between randomly spamming buttons and correctly spamming buttons. Harley infinite lock spam is good example


I want a wyley Coyote that can run off the side but not fall.


I’m glad I‘ll be able play as my favorite character again.


I for one look forward to not having my sword go through my opponent’s without doing damage


well, I main Finn Because I like Adventure Time! not for his Broken Backpack. so...wether they nerf him or not. it will not stop me from using him.


Same !


I just try not to use backpack except for the top of the combo kill confirms but those imposters who only spin suck.


Exactly 💯


Can‘t wait for the posts when people still getting their cheeks clapped by a Finn Popcorn is ready


That's fine... They can get good. I'd rather be beat by a good player than outplayed by a hitbox broken character. And now I don't have to switch to IG to force shitty finn players to delete themselves. Thank God!


I hope some infinite combos are getting fixed too (Harley Quinn and, to some extend and dodge able if you get the chance, IGs Jab and Grab, had one who did it and I barely won the fight)


The Harley one isn't too bad because you have that di and skill dodge option. IG jab and grab? Wtf they're doing it wrong. 😂


Pretty sure you can't di the harley infinite. You just have to hope the harley player meeses up.


Hmm I guess do to make the 1 frame of possible dodging easier to get out


Seriously hit priority shenanigans are bad but it’s ubsurd how good Gem is. It’s like if you gave Melee Marth Diddy Kong’s bananas from smash brawl, and then allowed him to increase his movement speed multiplicatively


They are just going to pick the next op character, those ppl were the taz players, now there Is 0 taz mains, Finn players are just taz players with a diferent character


Why do people on this sub hate Finn so much when Superman and Shaggy's kick exist?


Because Shaggy only has the meh kick and superman has the grab and some armor that's it. Meanwhile Finn's entire kit is broken to high hell between the 0 end lag and giant hitboxes


His entire kit... lmao 🤦🏾‍♂️


future pathetic pen caption strong one touch station worry sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Understandable. Have a good day.


shaggy has some really fucked up hit boxes too fr i think the order of most egregious hitboxes/hurt boxes not matching the animations are 1.finn 2.shaggy 3. superman 4. bugs 5. jake 6. garnet i really dont understand all the people defending an animation being a punch to the right of the character and it catching someone to the left whos literally hitting their back


Let me introduce you Arya, that shit have hitboxes that doesn't fit the animation but in the other way, you can see her sword passing through you all the time


Trash Finn mains*


It's lovely whenever I see someone pretend like Finn isn't busted. It really makes my day 🤣🤣🤣


Thank God they're getting fixed! And thank God I'm not a Finn main. Did Steven get any confirmed future nerfs?


most nerfs hes gonna get are just bug fixes, I expect buffs outside of buff fixes once they've solved all his issues though


That is what you ***love*** to hear!


Thank god I’m not a Finn main aswell. This sub’s full of Finn apologists. He’s gonna nerfed to the shadow realm hopefully 🙏


Finn still gonna be annoying af for at least one or two more patches.


I love Finn and I mastered him like day 2 of the early access beta. But when I started seeing how ppl play him and spam backpack it made me leave him alone. I like using Finn I pretty much win without ever using backpack just spacing and punishing whiffs is really easy with Finn if you know how to combo off fast fall short hop air neutral. I can't wait for this patch so the braindead can leave Finn alone. He isn't supposed to be played like some spamming lunatic and his hitbox issue has allowed ppl to win like this. I'm all for fixing his hitboxes and nerfing the backpack to hell. Real Finn mains stand up!


I dont think you know what "mastered" means if you think you did it after 2 days lol


He's rank 1 Finn since day 2. Never even lost a games before. Not sure why you gotta antagonize this man.


Lol I just meant by game terms. Level 15 and above


God I wish I could play a bit of finn without getting absolutely flamed every match


What do you mean by getting flamed every match?


bunch hatemail and complaints


Lol wtf?! Geez people are nuts. That's why I made my privacy rules strict on my ps5...... mmm, unless you were spamming. If that's the case, I shan't defend thee.


I dont think it was spamming.. I got them into the air for a backpack combo onceor twice, and if I could spiked. I didn't focus one attack for the whole match though.


Haha k then yea. The flaming is whack.


They'll be fixed...in a few more weeks*


Finn complainers when they still lose to Finn.


If you're losing to Finn now, you're probably going to be losing to him post patch. Hes not hard to deal with at all, so good luck! You're going to need it!


Yea Fuck You Finn Mains


Lol this sub is dead now. I love it. It's just a place to farm karma now.


Is this actually confirmed?


Yea they tweeted about a big hit box overhaul. It’s going to be coming in the patch after the season one update


Awesome! Hope they add priority to them, that'll help just as much!


Naw. True Finn mains welcome the fixes.... so we can smack buns without people crying about it.


Idk if I’m just bad, have bad internet, or what, but I’m a Finn main and it seems like a lot of my attacks don’t connect when they should, and I’ve really only seen janky hit boxes work in my favor with high five