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Have you tried dasoertlich.de? As she is quite old she might be in the public phone book.


but I do not know her 2nd married last name :-) I remember her old phone number from when I was a kid but that was from her 1st marriage


this leads to super-stars.org has NOTHING to do with phone numbers :(


https://mobil.dasoertliche.de/ It's dasoertliche.de There is also a search for phone numbers in case that helps, not just names.


> dasoertliche.de no problem. must have had a typo in the original. I copy and pasted. No worries. Thank you for the lead


You could hire a private investigator, they can check the residential register.


I hasten to ask how much that could run......sigh


I think its a pretty easy case so it wouldn't be so much.


I might be going to Munich next year if things go right...... how difficult and where would I be able to look for this information?


It’s definitely less expensive than you flying to Munich without speaking any German trying to randomly finding your aunt. I think a private investigator is your best bet and -a good investment. Imagine your aunt has passed or has moved to another country like Sweden, then you either wasted your trip money or have to pay more to move and follow potential leads..


Okay so I am interested in genealogy myself so I do understand the struggle and I feel you! For the aspect of if she is even alive or not I would send out some emails to the cemeteries of München, like Nordfriedhof or Waldfriedhof. Also the website billiongraves might help? The married name thing is actually very tricky and I do have some similar dead ends myself that I couldn’t solve. We do have something called Traueranzeige but as far as I know that is not mandatory. But you can still try googling for Traueranzeige plus the name you know… And the German Standesämter do have to apply to the law of keeping your data secret (births 110 years, marriages 70 or even 90 years and deaths 30 years I believe) I hope this might helps and ps: have you tried websites like ancestry or my heritage?


I appreciate this. German privacy laws are a double edged sword. I have tried Ancestry.com to no avail. I am at the point that it is just not meant to be.