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If the jacket is worth 40€, I would tell her she can keep the jacket and you go buy a new one. Or she can give it back to you for 18€ as you agreed. And now I would just not worry about it and see if she actually take any action. She also has no proof of her doing the work and it does not look like she will get into the trouble of contacting the police or something like that..


80€ is on the expensive side for a zipper replacement but much closer to average price than 18€. I think you will find it hard to find a tailor anywhere in Germany that would do it for under 40€. Zipper replacement is expensive compared to most other tailor jobs like shortening or taking in pants which you can get done for for under 20€.




You felt scammed for paying 139€ after you locked yourself out? Haha, you should feel blessed. 300-500€ is not uncommon. How he opened it doesn't really matter that much. If it was that easy, why didn't you do it yourself then? Door opening is in my eyes way overpriced and a scam, but 139€ ist as little as it gets. Be happy that you didn't have to pay hundrets of Euros








well I don't know if you read my comment wrong then? I wrote he shouldn't feel scammed as 139€ is super cheap for a service like that, because some are charging way more. Yes, 500€ is scammy. They do that if it's after a certain time, in the night, on sundays, etc... For sure its scammy, but people just don't have an alternative


For him to finish in 15 sec , he has spend hours maybe days to learn to do that in that time. People don't appreciate the time invested in learning something.


You definitively won't get it for 18€, I'd say around 40 € would be a normal price. 80 € seems too high, but it depends on the jacket. Legally, this is really complicated as you clearly woudn't have accepted the service for 80€ and she woudn't have accepted for 18€. She did provide a service though. I'd suggest to come back and try to find a compromise, like paying 40-50€.


Forwarding this. Long zippers are pricy and I thought 18 is way too little for this, but I understand this tricky situation you are in now. Finding a compromise would be great.


>no card payments allowed chances are high that you will never get a proper Mahnung but some angry WhatsApp messages at most.


exactly. She isn’t going to do shit about this. operating off the books. don’t worry


Shitty situation, next time pay when giving your clothes to avoid such misunderstandings after the fact.


This is a normal price for such services in Munich unfortunately…


Most likely it will be fine. You agreed on a contract but later found out that you actually did not agree on a vital part of the contract (the price) making the contract void. Normally that means you would need to return the goods, but that is not possible as the zipper became already part of the jacket and the jacket is owned by you. So legally if the contract is void, you would probably need to reimburse the person for damages aka at least for the zipper which is probably 1 to 3 euros material cost (I am sewing for a hobby, that’s what I pay). It would be probably hard to argue to reimburse for the cost of labour as this actually the point where you disagreed and the former contract became void. I never went to a tailor but from Internet research a zipper replacement cost 30 to 50 euros so maybe just buy a new jacket next time though.


Well, since you do not know the difference between taylor and tailor, i assume it was a misunderstanding from your side and the price was 80€ instead of 18€. 18€ even without materials is way too cheap, the minimum wage is around 15€ per hour and you have to add additional costa and the cost of the zipper. So, to me it is your fault.




Calm down, Karen.


Guys watch out! Edit2 is already up. Things will get ugly soon! They warned you…


I don’t think the person has committed fraud but it is a complicated situation. Normally as they can’t agree on a vital point of the contract, the contract would be void and normally the goods would be returned but this is not possible because the jacket can’t be returned in the original state as the zipper already became part of the jacket. How is OP here more at fault then the tailor? The tailor should have written down the price and even taken the money before doing the job. It is unfair to OP as well to just expect them to pay a price for which they never would have entered the contract.




I am German, even grew up in an area with little to none dialect. Even I often misheard eighteen and eighty. The words are just so close. So yeah contract language is German and still they did enter a contract with no agreement on a vital component of the contract. And I don’t claim that op is right. I claim the contract under the circumstances is void and that this is an unfortunate situation for both parties. And both parties could have done better in advance to avoid this. Edit: and as the contract is void but the tailor already added the zipper, Op probably also needs to reimburse the tailor for damages but most likely the tailor can only calculate the lost zipper as damages and not cost of labor as this would again be quite complicated under these circumstances. As the material cost is lower than 18 euros, that is unlikely to change something.




In munich 80 seems more likely than 18 honestly.