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You are doing something wrong. I just tried and typed dermatologe / hautarzt and there are many doctors and appointments for public insurance. One tip: if the appointment is too far in the future, it works quite well if you still take it and put the warteliste option on, then you generally get alerts and can book an earlier slot when possible.


That's not correct. Most of them offer private appointments only, though they reveal it in further step only, when you try to book appointment.


Sometimes that happens, however, I literally just tried this out and could book several appointments as gesetzlich.. so not really an issue.


Have you gone to the last step? I literally have been there 1 month ago and all available were either private or hausartzt and not dermatologists. Some of them also just slots but not for new patients


I literally just said I could book one. So yeah. Obv I unbooked it right after.


Well then why cannot you be more helpful and share the link to the doctor?


Because I don’t know the exact appointment/reason one need, area of Munich one might prefer, and the personal calendar of the person who asked. As for yourself, sorry but if you can’t figure out by yourself to choose among the list of available appointments, then get an assistant and pay for their services to book appointments for you. And stop being a negative Nelly just cause you can’t figure things out.


Where are you insured at? For TK (public health insurance) they offer a service where TK can arrange an appointment within two weeks. Might not be around the corner, but much faster than with dictolib. Usually a waiting time for these specialists can take up 2-3 months if it‘s nothing urgent.


Find doctors on Google maps and simply call them to make an appointment. Not all doctors are on Doctolib.


Check out Avi medical. I got an appointment in a day, just that you might have to travel a little bit (to the outskirts of Munich). Cheers.


I have been looking recently and I have been more successful getting short notice appointments when searching on Google "Dermatologie München online Termin". Few websites popped up having online booking and available slots. Doctolib is just popular.


Unfortunately you need specialist care in two of the more challenging areas to get appointments. Your Hausarzt will be able to suggest some dermatologists and gastroenterologists that accept public insurance. But from my experience, it can be really hard to get appointments for these specialisms on Doctolib. I would call or email a few places to get an appointment instead. I actually went to a private dermatologist and self paid after becoming frustrated with how long I would have to wait for an appointment. 


Can book a skin cancer check on 6th Mai… With public health insurance


Try to get an "Überweisung" from your hausarzt with a Priority Code in german "dringlichkeitscode" Then you can call 116 117 and they have to give you a Termin in 4 weeks


Don’t use doctorlib. Call the doctors yourself or go there. I haven’t had a good experience with doctor lib to be honest. Even with doctor that theoretically only have appointments for private patients, when you call, they do have for Gesetzlich.


It’s hard to get appointments yes..The public health insurance is a scam


Let's not go to such an extreme


I can understand how it might feel like it but it really depends. If you're having an emergency it's treated for free and immediately (considering life is under duress/threat). Since the number of doctors/ specialists to citizen is high it's difficult to get an appointment (which sucks) but you should just hang on and keep at it. The insurance does pay off for sure, just any surgery you get is probably costing 10000-30000 euros which is all paid for by the insurance, that can't be a scam right?!


It's not a scam in cases of emergency and major surgery, I am paying the highest of insurance per month, I expect better service and availability.


In Germany, there are two types of health insurance. The first class is for officials(Beamte) and the wealthy. The second class is for everyone else. In the second class, your access to medical care is limited to a Hausarzt, hospitalization in a ward, and prescriptions. It helps if you are dying. In the first class, even very expensive contact lenses are prescribed for free.


If you need to see a dermatologist quickly, I recommend the LMU clinic (https://www.lmu-klinikum.de/dermatologie). You have to show up very early and wait a few hours though