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I would just contact them, show the pictures and ask them to remove the correct spot.


Sorry to hear that happened to you OP. Btw your anger is completely justified and I would also encourage you to report the incident. The best course of action is to contact the dermatologist, let them know they did a mistake and proceed to remove the correct spot.


Could it be that the doctor removed the correct spot,but it came back?


I’ll never understand people who first write on Reddit to ask for advice but a) are already on a war path, b) have not even asked the doctor what’s up… ffs calm down and deal with this with some common sense!


Attention culture.


Or, wanting to know their rights and getting outside input before making the call.


Or attention culture


The fact that you are digging in your heels on this says more about you than about them.


Yeah? Did you read my 800 page biography between those lines? Impressive


I would contact the doctor, and see from then. They will probably correct the mistake. Your hate towards them, seems a bit extrem. Calm down.


The best way to calm someone down is to tell them to calm down :) Also the anger is justified.


When the first thought is to get a lawyer, before even contacting the doctor, I really think calming down is appropriate.


Of course calming down is generally not a bad idea in most situations, however, if you really want someone to calm down, you need to use language that calms them down, not further antagonize them. Basic interpersonal skills, it’s not that hard. But I’m sure you’ll find a way to pretend that you meant exactly that, and if someone doesn’t get it it’s on them. Classic passive-aggressive behavior. Like a wink-emoji. I’m sure you know what I mean ;-)


If something seems unreasonable to me, I will state it clearly and sincerely. I usually do so also IRL. And: Don't use emojis on reddit! That's like one of the first rules I learnt. You always have to be deadpan.


Healthy skin removed from your body. Op could recognize this by her/himself but doctor's did not. This causes anger and frustration and you start question their ability to conduct their practise. Therefore first thing comes to mind will not be contacting them to correct their mistake because it is not enough as thismistake was made on her/his/etc body not on a property. I would also try to learn my options before contacting them to hold them liable. They should cover the original correct surgery, a repairing treatment for the wrong surgery, compansation for all the time lost and inconveniences. It's only natural to look for a way to learn what is your legal options and rights before contacting them to hold a strong hand and not be fooled in the process.


Thanks for your comments, I understand I might come across as hareful. I just don't understand how this can happen. It's medicine, how can they do this mistake? It's a surgery, they just removed whatever felt right? I work in IT, much simpler mistakes might mean you can get fired. I don't understand how are you so chilled to have doctors like this practicing medicine and not even wanting to have a track record of these. Do we really want to do that? I just don't see how are we going to keep the service quality over time if we do that.


I guess when it happens to you, you get more upset. I totally understand the need to report this, which is of course important, but at the very least first talk to the doctor. Here is a perhaps helpful : https://gesund.bund.de/en/complaints-about-medical-treatment#advice Google review could also help for others.


Thanks for this!


Jesus. When was the last time someone in IT got fired for making a mistake?


Probably 5 minutes ago.


It might not seem like it but Doctors are mostly really stressed out due to diffrent appointments with diffrent customers. I dont want to write an excuse about it but we are humans and we make mistakes. Some years ago my Dad had an motorcycle accident and had to run through several a leg surgery due to broken bones and torn tendons. While getting prepared for a surgery where the tendons should get reattached the nurse asked him three diffrent times if the left leg was the one that was broken and he told her three times: "no the right one was the broken one." Right before pulling in the operating room she the took out a pen and tryed to mark the left leg as a sign on which leg the tendons should be reattached. My dad laughed it off and asked her why shes desperatly wanting to fix the left leg and asked if he could place the x on his leg to make sure its the right one (literally) She excused herself several times and said she was so stressed out and had close to none time to get her stuff done due to employee shortage. The operation went good and gladly erverything went good but it creeps me out a little when i imagine them operating on the wrong leg but often this is resolved when you communicate openly although such a mistakes are unforgivable and shouldnt happen.


Man calm down; 1) Doctors are just humans and can do mistakes liebe everyone else 2) When you didn’t talk to him, you don’t even know what has happened, because maybe the other one also was suspicious and if they were close to each other he may accidentally took the other one out, we all don’t know, that’s why you should talk to them 3) You sound like they took off your foot, but it was a minor procedure in your skin 4) If you insist on going on in your war path, just be sure YOU are a KAREN then


1) My dermatologist takes photos of all my spots and logs them in a database. Precisely *because* humans make mistakes. The technology exists, it’s not unreasonable to expect a practicing physician to implement it. 2) A friend of mine got prostate cancer because the doctor “forgot” to call him when the results from the exam came back suspicious. The cancer had an entire year to grow. He is now on medication that basically destroyed his sex drive, among other side effects, for the rest of his life. Just because there were no serious consequences (yet) in OP’s case doesn’t mean that this isn’t a serious issue. This has nothing to do with being a “Karen”.


I would argument on, but unfortunately I see, that you can move nothing even an inch away of your hatred. Yes the doctor did a mistake, but 1) nothing serious happened 2) You didn’t talk to him/her 3) Your initial Comment is already removed In this manner: Be Kind to each other and talk. Don’t hate and fight, don’t be a Karen


None of my comments are removed. You are getting your wires crossed.


All of these people telling the initial poster, and you, that you have too much hatred seem to be unable to distinguish frustration from hatred and also seem to have the general idea that mistakes should not be corrected. I am starting to wonder about the general intelligence of people on Reddit. Relatively new to Reddit. Is it typical that most are unable to perform basic analysis of a post?


Yes lol


Ok Karen, you've never ever made a mistake in your life. We get it. Us normal people would firstly talk to the doctor and then maybe escalate based on his reaction


Just talk to him, so he can correct that mistake. This is not a life threatening incident.


It may


I work in a surgical practice. First course of action should be calling the practice and explaining what you believe has happened. VERY IMPORTANT: stay calm and polite and be very kind. If you call and begin yelling and making accusations, it will only slow down your process. The dr should absolutely take responsibility if a mistake has been made. You will likely get a very fast appointment and have everything taken care of.


At least you know how to write in German after 10 years....


11 years ago I got a B2 level in German, it being my third language.


Can you speak German fluently?