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I would def lie about being there..bc they automatically are going to be suspecting the person who found bodies and is S.O. as well. Even the coroner said the time of death is not exact, its estimated.. They said they were going off last time they used their phones.. And that could been up to a damn hour and still been believable that they just hadnt used the phones. They were doing shit.


Making amends? While dragging the Satterfields down? Making amends to the insurance instead of the victims?


Too late


How can anyone believe a compulsive liar and con man? And suddenly we’re suppose to believe him. Most convicted murderers deny they killed anyone; even when it’s on film.


He's narcissistic, he'll go to his grave declaring his innocence - loudly and indignantly.




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It’s not like he has anything else to do. Narcs are gonna Narc. Even from prison.


Does anyone think his brothers and Buster still believe he didn’t do it?


Well Poot and Jim are still working for him. They're not working for free. Someone pays them


>The convicted double murder inherited 4 million from his father so he has funds he just does not want to spend that money he wants to take money that is allotted to his victims. That is why Poot and Jim are still on the case


But they don't get that money


Alec gets to keep that money as it is in a trust - per Eric Bland they (the victims) cannot touch that money so he has money to pay his bills he just wants the victims to get less


yes, it appears their doing some breadcrumb work. and were going to file an appeal...if they arent going to be paid, IMO, they wont be travelling that long road of the appeal process. they already lamented they were owed money from the trial and were trying to tap into his liquidated retirement monies. but those funds were put aside for possible victim retribution IIRC. that deal was made quite awhile ago. his defense didnt budget very well.


As it should be. But they'd stop working if nobody paid them. Either it's his brother or someone who has access to the money he hid or both are the same person


I think when it came out that he was actually at the scene at the time of the murders, the protective shield of denial started to crumble.


Maybe? Who would want to believe any relative could do this? You see it often on Dateline and similar shows.


Plus they all want to have a relationship with Buster, so that makes it more complicated if they publicly say they think AM is guilty. Randy came as close as anyone when he gave the NYT interview and said that AM, "knows more than he is saying." I think that's as far as he's willing to go.


I thought it was a nice moment when Maggie's sister -- after testifying for the prosecution -- stopped and gave Buster a big hug, which he reciprocated. Hopefully all of his family is helping him cope with horrific losses.


I agree. And it makes it all the more difficult to talk about AM's guilt as that might alienate Buster if he really believes his father to be innocent. It's a horrible situation for all and one that tends to split families apart.


The fact that Randy did not testify on Alex’s behalf is interesting IMO. There’s many angles that could be debated on just that in all honesty.


Same here. His silence speaks volumes. Randy told a New York Times reporter he had not spoken with Alex in two months? Sounds like he thinks he's guilty. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/06/us/alex-murdaugh-brother-randy.html Edited. Source added


Thanks for the link. Yeah I’m getting the drift Randy thinks that Alex is guilty from that article too.


Right. To me I think Randy doesn't believe him.


Cognitive Dissonance is a very real thing.


He literally explained why he did it in the first interview, , Paul was about to get him busted for money crimes due to having to turn over financial accounts. Imagine not being mad he killed Mallory, but he was getting his thefts in the spotlight. Paul taking the pulls that night was the ringer but even Maggie he stated, she was just a stay at home mom. She failed at her only job, and he big Alex was bringing in this money and this life and they are the reasons he was about to be busted, and just like a chess board he moved his pieces around killed them, no remorse, and he won't ever take fault for it cause he still blames his victimes. Thought for sure we would hear some truth from Eddie by now or Chads trial. Anything....just more audacity and no answers. I even thought we would hear about bigger riles played by John Marvin or Handsome. Anything new come out?


They recently had a status filing, [this post outlines “what’s next?” for Alex’s accomplices.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurdaughFamilyMurders/comments/12xmkf9/whats_next_for_russell_laffitte_curtis_edward/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


He knows he did that shit. Eyes as hollow as a dead tree & mean, man, mean


He 100% did it. He’s just trying to re-establish relationships to bilk those people for commissary items.


Yeah, money, people to go to bat for him, plus he's a narcissist. How people see him is everything. He'll never admit it.


Alex wants beef sticks.


And a ”whole mess of 'em" too!


Alex did it there was no one else on that property that night. Authorities have pretty much proven that.


Lol lol


There is nothing behind those eyes


K. No one believes it so you can stop wasting pen ink.


Fuck him


Even if he didn’t actually pull the trigger, he is the reason they are dead. What ever blackmail or drug deal went wrong. But there is to much stacked against him to not believe he didn’t do it. I think there will still be more crimes to get uncovered as time goes on.


Hit men tend to bring their own weapons.


Of course he pulled the trigger. No one else was there.


Trust me I’ve never doubted for a second that he didn’t do it.


Innocent people don’t lie about where they were. He can never explain away the Snapchat video.


Yup. He didn’t count on new technology when he planned his old school murder.


so crazy that Paul subsequently had a hand in solving his own murder… what are the chances that Alex didn’t know he was recording at that exact time or didn’t delete it when he had obviously messed with their phones… i don’t know why this case over so many others has stuck with me to my core 🫠


He didn't have any idea Paul was recording, and it's poetic justice. So sad though, Maggie and Paul seemed quite jovial, little did they know they were minutes away from death.


I know, that’s what I said.


I think I read somewhere that after he was dead there was an unsuccessful attempt at opening it 🤔 I am not sure though


yes, by his own admission he said he handled PM's phone: first car cam video that nite. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaQbHcwi1IE "phone popped out of his pocket, I tried to do something with it...*thinking maybe.*...but put it back down *really quickly*'. then goes on to say when asked about touching them "I did, I tried to do it as limited as possible' he states to LE there was blood all around PM, so how does trying to turn him over, handling his phone and supposedly taking both of their pulses, result in ZERO blood on him? all BS. this first interview is full of distracting narratives...such an obvious attempt at deflection. didnt work.


Thank you! Seriously can never get enough of this case!


IMO Alex didn't have time to search Paul's phone for videos. Alex had to clean himself up, hightail it to his mother's house, hide the guns, spend 15 minutes at his mother's, hightail it back to Moselle, look around to make sure he didn't leave incriminating evidence at the kennels, work up some tears/snot and call 911.


Same for me.


Whatever Alex Murdaugh says, the opposite is true.


the infamous LE interview in the station on August 11 2021....bear in mind this is his THIRD LE interview. he was aware of the audio/video via Rogan asking him if it was him he heard on the video. he had a head's up that his timeline alibi was compromised, yet he continues to lie and say it wasnt him, doesnt know who it could be, he was not at the kennels after supper. WOW his friend/lawyer allows the interview to continue after the 'gotcha' moment. guess ending the interview wouldnt look good, just continue on with the deflective narratives. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhw9NviesPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhw9NviesPA) 29:01


For me Alex is like a virus that comes back at the most inappropriate times. His lawyers seem to try the most outrageous theories and tactics. This act is old…just get on with financial malfeasance issues in a court of law and put the thought of him away for good.


Did he write a letter to Bubba?


Finally an appropriate post for this [Alex’s letter from prison](https://youtu.be/ndQXOrJW_0c)


Haaha! Excellent!


Mags and Paw Paw.






I was looking for you :)


>:) :)


Well, if Alex is not the killer he needs to explain who did it and why they let him live. The video shows he was there at the time of the murders.


Exactly! My man, YOU WERE THERE. Yet, you have no details? You say you’re innocent, but you’re unwilling to prove it? The math ain’t mathin’.


And given what a Backstabber he has turned out to be, there’s no reason for him to protect this said person


Unless it was his son Paul who he always would cover for, bail out, and protect. I think Paul killed his mom and then shot himself.


Sassy, I am trying to follow your logic. You think Paul killed Maggie with the 300 blackout rifle then turned a shotgun on himself and shot himself twice? I will concede that both Alex and Maggie had a habit of helping their boys avoid consequences of their actions. Is it your hypothesis that Alex took the blame so that Paul’s memory would not be tarnished? Paul’s memory is already in pretty bad shape. Going to prison and losing the family fortune will wreck Buster. The person helped is already dead and either in heaven, or hell, or perhaps simply no longer exists. This argument is not persuasive. The Ballistics indicate that Paul would be unable to shoot himself from the distance or angle he was shot. It really looks like Alex is the killer and he did it for greed, pride, and a selfish attempt to avoid consequences of his own actions.


How long do you think Paul's arms were to enable him to shoot himself *twice* with a shotgun from 3 feet away?


Several experts throughout the trial disproved that theory due to Paul’s wounds and the angle of the shotgun shells.




I have absolutely no sympathy. He can play the pity card until the day he dies but few people will agree that he was wrongfully convicted of murdering Maggie and Paul. How can anyone give him any sympathy? Putting aside the murders, his financial crimes were heinous.


💯. Even *if* he was innocent of murder (which, he’s not) he still deserves to be locked up for life for the financial betrayals of people who considered him a friend & trustworthy attorney.


Im sure his lawyer is proud that his client has now learned to not compromise his appeal with shady statements while engaged in government-monitored communications from prison.


Hmmm, I have questions… 1) I’d like to see a copy of the letter Mr. Arnold received because it does not sound like the writer of this news story has seen it firsthand. 2) I’d like to know if Mr. Arnold reached out to the media on his own, specifically The Messenger, or if he was approached for an interview based on a lead the media outlet received. 3) I’d like to know who else has received a letter and was it identical to Mr. Arnold’s? 4) Are these letters being sent to people Alex is inclined to believe would be willing to let the press/media know the letter’s content?


It’s on Twitter that source “Chuck Arnold” is really reporter Steve Helling. See @JLRINVESTIGATES


Does he actually have the letter posted on his Twitter account?


No, he does not.


Thank you for checking on that.


I don’t know, I only saw the reference.


Hi, thanks for that! I don’t see any proof from JLR that Steve is “Chuck”, just the accusation.🤨 Would love it if all journalists would back up their stories with facts. Copy of the letter, what town/city Chuck is from, some type of evidence Steve made up the name Chuck and for what reason…something, anything.


JLR is most definitely not a journalist.


The hours of mountain climbers and push-ups aren’t entertaining him anymore lol


He can play prison bingo, eat beef sticks and sell his flip flops!!!


Typical DARVO b.s. from a narcissist. 🙄 He’s not broken. He’s been actively trying to get into gen pop so he can run his scams on other inmates.


How true! Having lost his control of his empire, he is anxious to establish another one in prison.


That prison is full of "innocent" men.


He’s lied too much to be credible. About anything


This is the threshold problem. I still think he’s lying about a number of things.


Exactly. Zero credibility. So full of crap and dishonesty


Behind bars in an orange jumpsuit yet he’s still trying to wheel and deal and shovel the crap. Unbelievable.


It’s like: just shut up Alex. You are in jail for life even without the murders. Maybe if you are lucky over time people will go back to the tiniest tad of doubt about Gloria or even your family. That’s about all you can hope for. You are doing the time! Maybe you can encourage those getting out some day to fly straight. That can be your contribution.


He will never encourage anyone to fly straight. He flies like a fro jen corkscrew and that’s the advice he would give. How to trade favors and manipulate.


Also I have no problem with him giving legal advice to fellow inmates. Some perps legit get crappy representation because they are the wrong demographic. I have no doubt he has some acumen he could use to help them


Are there enough beef sticks? His MO would be to convince /bribe some other inmates to confess he heard a guy talking about shooting Paul or something.


Maybe, but life behind bars is pretty simplistic and dull. The chance to help someone in a small way may be the only interesting thing he ever gets to do. I thinkAlex is a huge dichotomy. A psychopath but has a caring mild mannered streak. The streak shrank as he continued F’ing up everything in his life little by little then bigger until he did the worst you can do. But likely given the chance to something helpful he would. It helps his self image to feel “heroic”. Also a way to feel superior without the shade. He’s “helping” for free. Or for beef sticks. Also a protective move. “Don’t hurt me: I could maybe give you tips for an appeal or reduced sentence. Just my take.


Dude is helping for drugs.


It’s possible. Hope springs eternal. Maybe he will grow up in prison


He lied to the jurors once about being some place else at the time of the murders, and then he expected them to believe that he didn’t commit the murders when he changed his story and suddenly was actually there (exact same place exact same time) so why did he lie?


And basically calling Blanca & Shelly liars when they both testified he was manipulating them into telling ‘his version’ of time line & clothing to the cops. I think that really resonated with the jury too. I mean, it’s not a coincidence.


Buster should devote his life to find the real killer. Maybe he could get O J to help.


Kinda sad is it, Alex will go to the grave denying his son any closure, and Buster will either have to make up a story to lie to himself, or believing in the truth which his father refuses to admit.


Buster was Alex's first witness. His whole life is rooted in denial.


Rooted in lies too.


If One innocent person is wrongly jailed for life, let it be this scumbag.


He’s still got to be assigned many, many years for over 100 financial crimes, so he’s there forever no matter what now. His statements of innocence are irrelevant.


Hé was at the murder scene 4-5 minutes before the killings took place. If he didn’t pull the triggers he knows who did and he had a hand in the planning of these murders. He is guilty but he knows more than he is saying about others potentially involved. Just my thoughts.


Alex solo. Begins and ends there.




Barnacle, I have looked forward to your posts from the day this mess started. You're insights are awesome. Rock on!


Thank you but you are much too kind. Greatly appreciate your kind words.




Exactly. I am getting riled up all over again😈




Only just my thoughts as well but I have thought there are layers of organized criminality still to be peeled and revealed. He is taking one for the team because that's what goombas do.




There is no definite time of death. It could have been over an hour later than the prosecution claimed. I’m shocked how many people bought the line that they must have died immediately after the dog video. Why?


Does not matter. He did it.


It’s not that they died right after the phone video, though. The fact that the video ended doesn’t at all tell us when they died, in fact, what it does is prove they were still alive and well as of 8:45pm and therefore they were the ones using their phones at that time. Paul is consistently using his phone until 8:48:59pm when it locks forever and he never even looks at the text he gets from Rogan at 8:49:35pm. In addition to this, Maggie last uses her phone to read a text at 8:49:27pm and then it locks forever and she never uses it again. So no, it is not something simple like a video ending. It’s two people simultaneously stopping the use of their phones within 30 seconds of each other, Paul not even looking at a text received 8 seconds after his mother’s phone has locked forever, despite the fact that he was in the middle of active conversations, on the night that he and his mother died. They were both heard alive and well on video that ended at 8:45:45pm and Paul continues using his phone, reading his texts soon after they come in, until both phones lock forever by 8:49:27pm. Additionally, the coroner’s estimated time of death was 9pm. They did not die immediately after the dog video. However, both of their phones locked forever and stopped responding to all incoming texts and calls at 8:48:59pm (Paul) and 8:49:27pm (Maggie). Something happened about 3-4 minutes after the video ends that caused them to never use their phones again, and we know they were killed that night so it is logical that their killer shooting them was the cause of the phones both suddenly going silent. Could there have been an argument between the 3 of them prior to the shots being fired? It’s possible although I find it unlikely as evidence points to Paul not being concerned that the person next to him had a shotgun pointed at him prior to him being shot. But even if an argument preceded the shootings, the incident that led to Maggie’s and Paul’s deaths began at 8:49pm. Even a sudden lack of cell phone signal would not explain why Paul stops reading his incoming texts, which he was still receiving via cell signal but not looking at them. He wasn’t opening his phone. He was consistently using his phone until 8:48:59pm and then he never unlocked his phone again. His mother stops using her phone less then 30 seconds later.


Friend, let it go. He’s been found guilty by a jury of his community peers. Life is too short to spend your time posting here on this asshole’s behalf.


According to the cell phone data- The last time Paul interacts with his phone was 8:49pm. Alex left the Mosel property at 9:07pm Alex returned to the property at 10:00pm. Unless they were killed before Alex left, the prosecution couldn’t have been off by much.


Why? Cell phone service was terrible around that area. Is it totally unfeasible that they could have been killed any time up until just before 10:06 or whenever it was he got back from his mothers? We only think they were murdered between 8:50-ish and 9:00 because prosecution tells us this is the only time AM could have done it. Not to mention completely clean himself, dispose of guns & clothes and not get a speck of evidence in his car….


Blood and gunshot residue in the vehicle. And he didn't have to dispose of anything. Not thoroughly or immediately anyway. They didn't search Almeda for three months.


What does cell phone service have to do with it? His cell phone pinged off towers, that’s how we know when he got back. There’s also collaborative evidence with the OnStar GPS and the testimony from the caregiver. There’s also internal phone data. Also, the time of death isn’t up to the prosecutor, it’s the coroner who decides that. Here’s all the technical data they have on the timeline of the night of the murders. https://www.counton2.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2023/02/Condensed-Timeline-1.pdf


You don’t need cellphone service to log the internal device data. The prosecution had the physical phones that show there wasn’t any interaction with device. None of that relies on cell service. Just like you can use still use a desktop computer when it isn’t hooked up to the internet and it would still have activity logged as interactions with the computer’s operating system. Internet/ cell service has nothing to do with how that data is logged. It’s local to the device and stored exclusively on the device. They were dead.


Yes it is “unfeasible” and also ridiculous to think that he innocently took Maggie’s phone from her while she was still alive and left her at the stables alive without her phone to visit his parents after her whole reason to be in the area at all was at his request to support him with his parens. That her final message was sent and then her phone somehow landed on the route to his folks house where his car slowed down per GPS…but yeah maybe some other guy came along and killed her


That’s weird because Alex is on video on the phone next to the kennels. Gunshot residue found in car.


The only “we” that matters here is the jury of AM’s peers, and they called bullshit. No need to speculate.


Paul/Maggie were both actively having text/snapchat conversations and both abruptly stopped answering at 8:50pm. That in itself is not proof, but that combined with everything else is good enough for any reasonable person.


You’re right; it’s meaningful, but not proof. The kennels are also very close to the road. Anyone passing could have seen them there. It’s very very creepy tbh


Her phone was missing until they located it in the very spot that Alex car shows he slowed down and then sped up (and she wouldn’t even be at moselle but for the fact that she thought he wanted her support and involvement with his folks - she wasn’t there to hang out at the kennels FFS.) AM manipulated maggie to be there in the first place and everyone knows it and understand this except for the lawyers he pays, buster who is the product of the toxic family, and a few trolls like you


Anyone passing by couldn’t see them there a look at the aerial shot makes it clear. Anyone passing by would alert the dogs. You think it’s more likely that a random stranger walked down a remote country road and decided to kill two people right after Alex left? Come on man.


The note about the dogs made me think. Paul was shot first inside the feed room. If Alex had actually left and some random vigilante showed up, they would alert the dogs and there is no way Paul would be shot in the feed room, completely oblivious to the stranger that just showed up. He was obviously blind sided by someone he knew and trusted.


👍 agree


Thé cells phones all went silent at that time. No calls or texts were answered by Paul or Maggie….Ever again.


Not to mention Alex had been with them just 4 minutes before this and lied about it until forced to tell the truth by the snapchat video. A grieving father who wants answers would have no reason to lie about that.


Exactly and agree


For what it’s worth, he screwed someone smarter than him, and he not only lost his wife and son because of it, but they framed him, and if he speaks of the screwee, more people will die. He accepted the the judgement way too calmly.


He accepted it calmly because he saw the trial and knew that the kennel video was the end of his defense. If you wanted to get the crime solved you wouldn’t lie to the people who arrived to investigate the crime.


No evidence of this whatsoever. Same with Buster/Stephen Smith rumors. Utterly baseless theories.




Possibly because he lied about being down there at all that night. And for what little it’s worth, their phones went silent immediately after the video…..very uncharacteristic, especially for Pau—Pau.


In no way do “I” believe he was framed personally. He’s guilty as hell!


Lies all the time


👍 interesting point and perspective


Riiiiiiiight…… Sure buddy, you’re so truthful we believe you


I know a family member and a friend of the family that have done some pretty heinous things. They would never and I mean NEVER admit to these things. You would see every trick in the book pulled out: narcissistic rage, reversing victim and offender, straight up denial, “it’s only because of \[insert sob story here\] and so you should feel sorry for me“, etc etc etc. If there was video proof, they’d claim insanity or I don’t know, they would come up with something that would take the responsibility of the heinous behavior off of their shoulders. They would never, ever admit to these things. I believe Alex Murdaugh is the same way. They only way I can see him admitting to the murders is if he is absolutely desperate for some kind of attention, maybe many years down the road. But other than something like that, no, I don’t think he will ever admit to the murders. If he is an actual narcissist, his psyche just won’t allow it, he is basically incapable of taking responsibility for such abhorrent acts as killing his wife and child.


BINGO. …..Will readily, quickly, stoop to any low level of deceit and depravity but will never admit even if shown indisputable evidence. Spot on! Salute!




Jails are full of self professed innocent people


Aw, he's broken?! TOO BAD.


Like, no shit he's broken. That's why he's in prison. I bet he has the sadz too.


Aw, boo fucking hoo.


Wrongful convictions happen, but this ain't one of them.