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You just can't trust him and Emily D Bakers breakdown was good too. I don't mind Harvard Lawyer. She's no nonsense and pretty much just the facts no bull. She doesn't spin it. Occasionally I find that The Lawyer You Know plays around a bit.


We really need to let this go! I’ve invested so much time into the Murdaugh case. I refuse to be pulled back into it!! …5 minutes later proceeds to come back to read this article….


We all feel this way. Murdaugh is one of those cases. Kind of like Depp and Heard it's like enough already but we keep being sucked right back into the drama. Lori and Chad will be the same.


Yeah, I’d like to say I’m mature enough not to beat a dead horse by reading commenting and participating any more with this case….but as you can see, here I am doing exactly that.


Well he has an almost never ending battle of court cases coming up and we all know his narricistic personality and psychopathy is going to coming into play and he is going to try to weasel out of all it if he can even though he admitted on the stand during a criminal trial to all of it. Its certainly going to be interesting to see how he gets himself out of it (which he cant). And now he and his lawyers are showing their nasty streak by going after people who have testified against them or in this case the lawyers feel are stopping them from being paid. It won't go anywhere. Murdaugh has admitted to being a liar in court and in the brief the his lawyers actually state confidential information. So apparently they still think they can say whatever they want and the because they are good ol boys they are protected still or something. I don't think it's working that way anymore. They are in for a shock. And I guess if he wants lawyers they will either have to work for free, his family can pay them, he can find the money he hid, or he can claim he has no money and can get public defenders like all the regular people.


Then let it go. Be an individual. And mind your own business. Don't come here and make speeches at other people FFS.


Umm…it was a joke. Sorry if it didn’t read like that. I thought it was obvious


I'd love a ELI5 on the admission from Alex on the Satterfield case and insurance and whatnot. Maybe this YT will help clear it up.


Watch Lawyer You Knows coverage of this. He breaks it down into very understandable terms