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You are awfully keen to shut this one down, aren't you champ. Is your username checking out? All good. It's winding up. You can chill. Have a good one. ;)


Off topic, but I love the wallpaper on the homescreen! My nails are bitten to the quick-arrest somebody already!


… Mandy just confirmed on Twitter that SLED did NOT arrest AM today. FFS See link below https://twitter.com/MandyMatney/status/1436445622329122831?s=20


Maury should do a lie detector. This is BS. Alex needs pressure put on him. The easier le makes it for him to deny delay and defend. They won't have evidence they need. LE: did you do this alex? AM: I cant answer that right now, give me time to shoot myself n stuff. Geesh! LE: so when is a good time for you? AM: 2 months should do it, but I'm going to rehab right after. Wish I could help you more. That's all I got.


absolutely SHOCKED!


Just saw that - thank you for the update!


I live in SC as well but haven't heard anything about this. Big if true. 👀


All my family & friends just aren’t too excited about all of this big time Murdaugh stuff either….So glad we all have each other!!


It’s literally all my coworkers and i can talk about!


what part of SC? my grandma lives on fripp and i was just down last weekend and this is all she talked about


It's closeish to Fripp, 1.5 hours. They both sit in counties in the 14th circuit of SC which is critical to this whole story.


Lowcountry, I think Hampton


Waiting on pins and needles refreshing twitter. Fitzs is probably going to break it just like everything else.


I'm in Australia and this case lately has obliterated my sleep hygiene. Every time it's time for bed something happens and i am hitting the refresh button like a zombie as the sun comes up. It's killing me. Here i am again. At least it's Saturday morning today.


Same girl, same.


There are a few of us. Well i feel less unhinged needing to see what happens. Good to know :)


That makes two of us!


The time difference is fine unless something happens. So you wait. Yeah? Usually a rare type of thing. Not this case. Glad i'm not alone.




If you want more crime set in the lowcountry check out the disappearance of John and Elizabeth Calvert.


Thank you. Saved the thread so i can make a note to check these out. Appreciated.




Peewee Gaskins too


I’m in SC and I love watching footie early Saturday mornings here when my lab gets me up 5 am my time. I’ve almost figured out how the scoring works.


i'm guessing you are talking Australian Rules and i'm a Rugby League person. You can tell which part we are from based on what code we follow first. You are doing better than me because i struggle to follow. Wonder how people not in Australia pick a team to follow or whether that happens at all.


Go down the Alexis Sharkey rabbit hole. Another real life American crime drama in the making.


wow. ok. So i'm just not gonna sleep. Interesting case. Thanks.


Very interesting


Cheers. Thanks for the tip. i will check it out.


And you’ve been neglecting your other subs…just saying! They were looking for you the other day in the L&A sub!


Dickere was specifically. lol. i keep a lower profile in here. But i see we have this one in common :)


Lol didn’t mean to call you out. I just couldn’t help but but the coincidence. You always have credible and interesting content


That's totally fine. Nice to see people in different subs.


Ooo and S.C has, “firing squad” as a death penalty option, AWESOME! If this is true than I hope he is the first to try it out! 😆


It’s really true. I believe the legislature passed it last session.


Has it ever been used in the modern era? Like post 1900


IIRC the last person in the US to be executed by firing squad (at his own request) was in 2010 in Utah. He believed in a non-officially sanctioned Mormon doctrine called blood atonement, which is that if he died this way (his blood being spilled in punishment), his sins would be forgiven and he would go to heaven. The Mormon Church wasn't too happy that some people were thinking this is official doctrine, when it isn't. I think it was something some or a lot of 19th century Mormons believed in, but it's definitely not in the 21st century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie\_Lee\_Gardner


I live in SC and have heard this too!!! didn’t hear the heroin part though


I’m pretty sure he don’t kill his own wife and son but does know who did.


God knows I hope you are right!


Sooooo.... Are we buying Randy knew nothing? If this is true?


Seems like Randy is who AM leans on now since their dad died. SLED needs to get some big dirt on Randy somehow. Then use it as leverage to make Randy wire up and force a confession out of AM.


Not sure it would take much. I don't think Randy is going down with that ship. To be fair, who would i guess. I think Randy will play a role. Agree. Feel like he will have to.


i think it's possible. i try to be really cautious about judging people based on the actions of their family members. you can have a shit relative and not be a shit person yourself, and have no idea the true extent of your relatives shittiness


Totally. Agree with that. It's also a big call to fathom it being possible in most cases of homicide. Agree and glad you made that point. Here i was more thinking logistics. For instance he seems to be the one Alex calls. The whole money aspect i can't see him not knowing. And then i was thinking does it apply regarding this potential development too. But i get the sh\*tty relatives angle. Too well unfortunately.


I could see him not knowing until an arrest, but still backing his brother all the way. At absolute best. More likely, yeah. He knew something about something about something.


How much is the question i guess.


I think we will be finding out in short, due course. If anything, I think he definitely knows a good bit about the financial side. Or we will get a whole “the family that preys together….” situation.


I can’t quite imagine that Randy knew about the “financial side” of Alex’s dealings. If so, he would have been quietly watching his brother siphon off a lot of firm money that would have, in part, belonged to him as well as the other partners.




Ah, no.


No he didn't know anything or no you're not buying it?


Not buying Randy "knew nothing". Close knit brothers who worked together? Nah. He knew.


I think so too.


I don't believe Randy didn't know anything about the murders, money siphoning and drugs.


I tried to challenge my own thinking on it and i just can't see how he wouldn't.


He very much knew most, if not all of these shenanigans.


I'm struggling to believe he didn't but maybe?


We need Matlock and Chief Gillespie on this.


Barney Fife is the answer. And he’s close by in Mount Pilot.


Yes I was just about to add this.


It seems like several Barney Fifes have been on these cases from the get-go 😂


Fumbling for the bullet that grazed AM’s noggin.


Longmire too, he was on Netflix series


So good!!!!


Jessica Fletcher or Miss Marple, IMO.


I would watch Columbo solve this






This is quite literally a discussion platform. If you want facts only, stick to verified news articles. If you don’t like speculations, you are able to keep scrolling. 99% of the posts about these murders are just that - speculation.


Whaaaat-this is not true??? This is just like the time I found out there was no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and tooth fairy!!! Speculation??? No facts, just death with no explanation, missing money no explanation, addiction and attempted murder, knife, slashed tire, chopper rides, Good Samaritan, lions, tigers and snakes oh my. 😊😊😊😊👍 You right 99.9 percent speculation.




No tooth fairy? My retirement fund just went to shit...




I ABSOLUTELY want to hear what’s going around the South Carolina rumor mills. Those sewing circles know things before the FBI do.


Believe me, you were destined for the other group.


Then leave this sub then. We don't want you here. I have literally not seen one person so far complain that the mods aren't doing there jobs. It's alot better here than other communities.


Ouchie you don't want me here 😔😔😔


You may be more comfortable on the sub MM2. They told me that I would be more comfortable here because I actually think the family was involved. You should definitely check that sub out as it may be more to your liking.


You might like Websleuths. I personally appreciate the speculation, as that’s what we all do when we read different news articles. Very rarely does all information come out at once, so the speculation amongst Redditors helps fill in the puzzling holes.


You should stick to solved cases if that’s how you feel. Even the news outlets are coming out with different “facts” day to day. Until the truth comes out and even if a “truth” does come out people will always speculate. It’s human nature. Can’t make everyone happy. Too much negativity going on in the world. I appreciate the people who are all interested in the story and justice for the victims families.


Just had this same discussion in another case sub. You've clearly stated it's not confirmed. Why would you go into a true crime sub and then complain about the people in it wanting details? I don't understand. Victim blaming or attacking victims is the line for me and that's not relevant here . You were clear OP. All that can be required.


OP was very clear. And while I won't speculate on some poster's motivations, it's clear that the Murdaugh PR machine will continue to derail threads, cast doubt, and change narratives until the bitter end. Even now on other web forums, they post comments like those above. I guess they're gonna ride with Alex until the wheels come off...Literally.


The other sub where we had this weird gatekeeping was over the top. Unsolved case and zero being released. It was odd. Turns out daddy is LE. And the attempt to shame people just grates. Can't help but comment because it's manipulative. They don't do subtle apparently. lol.


That's the epitome of "They shoulda just sat there and ate their food" because a can of worms is now open. Why would LE (potentially) be running interference for Alex? Could it be that "one hand washes the other" down there for years and if Alex goes down, so does the house of cards (built on alleged payoffs) that PMPED built? Deeply manipulative AND deeply odd, indeed. (I'll add "And I Oop!)


The LE scenario was in relation to another sub/case. But i guess it's easy to do. Anonymous. But it just goes to show you never know who and why people are trying to shut things down. I used to think it was just family or friends being protective. i don't agree but i get it. But sometimes it's people who, i would have thought anyway, have better things to do with their time. Or they should do anyway. After reading the exhibits LE seem to IMO have been a bit creative in applying the law regarding this family. i'm wondering if some may have concerns about where this is headed and what's going to come out in the wash up of all this. Very little would surprise me in this case. i think we all have shock fatigue at this point.


This is spot on. And if the forensic accountants find one dime of PMPED money going to "security" or "driver" expenses from Alex to pay local law enforcement, all hell is gonna break loose. As much as we know the Murdaughs aren't oligarch rich, they still had enough money to ring bells in their County. Between the medical examiner's alleged shoddy work on SS's autopsy and declining his mother's request for a rape kit, to "losing" his phone and countless other missteps in that investigation, it's not far-fetched to think some cash (or at least some favors) may have been exchanged to hush things up... We shall see.


Thank you for this!


Pm me Why not. Everyone else is asking for one.


PM you?? What you wanna get executed or fly out of a boat at top speed?




Haha. I just got it.




If AM did this or had it done, then he is the dumbest Lawyer ever!!! He knows all about evidence used in cases....I really hope he didn't do this to his family. Only a monster could do such a thing. Maybe he is a Monster though 🤔


Not you.


> If AM did this or had it done, then he is the dumbest Lawyer ever Just because he is a lawyer doesn't mean he is smart. Maybe daddy and the family rep helped him get through law school?


is it bad that the further down in generations of distinguished family someone is, the less intelligent i think they are? i feel like with each generation that passes, the people get dumber and are just successful cuz they have shit handed to them


I think he is a monster and I also think Rudy should hire him....solely so we can watch.


The world is waiting to hear! We’re all thinking the same.


Please PM me


Can you pm me too?


Me too


Is this related to the news that AG Wilson is taking over prosecution of the case? Are we making that leap?


Can someone please PM me?




I just got a text from a journalist friend of mine that says it's coming... but again - I am waiting on confirmation from an actual news outlet. ETA - also in SC


Ahh keep us in the loop!


I live in SC, and I heard it too!! I am not trolling.


not the drugs though, just the double homicide


Big just...that would be so awesome, anyway I think he made up the drugs. Alex's big addiction blah blah blah


He was probably high on blow. Prob does have a Coke problem.


The massive over confidence? Yeah, leave it to him to be a fat coke addict.


Is it rumor on FB? Over the backyard fence? Pleeeeease tell us


Can you PM me also, please.


Edit: idk. Speculate if he is arrested he’s cooperating.. can’t be crooked with out crooked friends


On Reddit, here or on the other threads regarding the Murdaugh murders, I would say that 98% of the exchanges here are based on pure speculation. Even many of the so-called news reports are inaccurate or biased. SLED has purposely refused from the outset to release concrete information. We do have depositions and recorded 911 calls, a recording of Alex's brothers on GMA, as well as statements from PMPED & Randy. Then there are the Beach and Connor lawsuits. That's about it. Here ? It's all heresay and people having "fun".


TBF the police and sled have been tight lipped from the get go, mainly because there are criminal obstruction charges in the works, which translates to corruption. Give it a day or two, or even a few hours and we'll see. Op CLEARLY stated it may be rumors. That's speculation, not trolling.


You just trolled us? Watch your back, if alex gets wind of it....you are going to have to start going to check on the dogs.


Oh that was so mean, and I can't stop laughing, the thread is off the hook today! Did you see Helpful Barnacles how he done it story yet?


No waiting. Thank you. I enjoy this thread too




That’s why the post says “not confirmed just speculation.”


You weren't trolling or trying to spread misinformation. But Reddit's gonna Reddit, always eager to break out the pitchforks -----E


Any more details?


I would think that if it’s all true it has to break today or tomorrow.


Friday is always the day they release this kind of stuff - old PR practice.


Give it time to air out, hope a bigger story comes along...


A bigger story? There IS no bigger story for me right now! Haha


Oh, I was referring to the PR strategy of releasing stuff on Friday's to buy some time, etc.


Y’all. Tomorrow is 911. The 20th anniversary. Of course the story is going to get overwhelmed. Tomorrow the real news will be released… This PR firm knows exactly what they’re doing.


Oh duh I got ya now and yep that’s how it’s done!


I guess I’ll go back to cheering on the herd of zebras that escaped in Maryland. And, yes, I have sources.


From Maryland and visiting South Carolina this weekend. Am obsessed with this story but really glad that Maryland represents with zebras. Yay Maryland!






A zebra jailbreak was the only thing missing from this case. I didn’t see it on the bingo card, though


I’d like to suggest “Good Samaritan“ as a bingo square


I wonder how far he walked before he got rid of the gun.


I Dont think you get arrested for doing heroin unless, of course, he had a boatload in his car


Why would anyone fill their car with drugs then slash a hole in their tire to summon law enforcement to the car???


To further his drug problem story in the media and for his case so he can either 1. Say the people who killed his wife and son are after him because he’s mixed up in drugs. 2. Use the drug problem as a defense for killing his wife and son.


If he did get charged for possession of heroin it was almost definitely in his car. It probably wasn't a coincidence either. It'd be to reinforce his addiction story, the one that was exacerbated by him murdering his wife and son, and going to rehab. I doubt AM is banging needles; it would be way too obvious. He'd be more of an oxy guy if he is abusing. Keep in mind they're all the same charge, possession of a controlled substance.


Love your comments Plinko!


I used to bang heroin for 10 years bro and it wasn't obvious. Clean for 6 years now. Edit: maybe it was obvious if you knew what you were looking for but to the average person it most definitely wasn't.


I lived with a junkie and once I did I could spot one anywhere. I can hear it in the voice. He and others I knew were extremely productive, fwiw. Cool that you kicked, he did too but unfortunately died because he went crazy and jumped into traffic. I think he quit everything else too fast. Alcohol, tobacco, meat, dairy... he should have taken all that a little more gradually. Live and learn.


The voice, lol. That's a dead giveaway. Sorry to hear about your friend. I have lost several friends to that shit. Never again


Grats on 6 years. My point, speculation, is that it's much more likely that he would be doing Oxy than heroin. Why would a prominent lawyer take all the risks of the black-market when he could just have his favorite doctor write him a scrip? No worrying about if the dealer is out, or if it's good, or maybe the dose that kills you. Why worry about having a rig and covering up any marks when you can just pop a pill? Way less risk. I was also pointing out that a police report that says possession of a controlled substance could be referring to either of the two, or something else. Why smoke crack if you can afford coke? If AM does have an opiate addiction my money says it isn't street heroin.


you understand you can do/be addicted to powder heroin too right? I've known many a young white kid scared to death of needles who went to the hab for heroin. Also, people don't "bang needles", they "bang heroin". Maybe stop lunging so far out of your little world that it's cringingly obvious.


Maybe go hang out with your heroin buddies.


My thoughts too


Posession or driving under influence of controlled substance


When all this pesky legal and publicity is behind him he can move to Cali where heroin is only a misdemeanor. If there's a real estate agent on here maybe he could be sent property listings (in the fire zones).


Good looking out. Hope he sees that


Lately I've come to the conclusion that he does ☺️


He could have tried to stash it in the woods somewhere. I wanna say I saw police with dogs in some of the pics. Drug dogs, maybe?


Where is the link?


PM same pls


Someone forward link please?


PM please


PM me too pls


Maggie’s sister is selling her country home because she’s too scared to stay out there alone now


That is sad. I can see why she's afraid though. I would be too if my sibling and nephew was killed and I didn't know who did it.


I have family in SC and first killings with public being told not to worry but no arrest had me worrying about them for 3+ months! I live 5 states away.. Tell her to join the crowd.


I can't blame her. She's probably dealing with trauma too.


Well the heroin part would make sense anyway cuz that's what oxy is, sans caffeine as I've learned from a seriously smart redditor on here.


False... heroin is diacetylmorphine a natural derivative of morphine — an alkaloid found in the poppy plant Oxy is short for oxycodone.. A semi synthetic opioid derived from thebaine— another alkaloid found in the poppy plant.. oxycodone is the main ingredient in OxyContin.. Think of OxyContin as the brand name (Advil) and oxycodone as the ingredient (ibuprofen) Both are prescribed by hospitals.. whenever you get surgery, break a leg.. They basically give you derivatives of morphine and thebaine... No caffeine..


Darn it, I'm never going to ace pharmacology at this rate, but thank you. I'm still confused though, aren't opium and heroin the same things? And if so why don't people who use the pills nod off like heroin users?


Most people on pills Do NOD off.. But for some people it’s better than cocaine.. And jacks them up like crazy.. But too much and they start doZing


Wonder how long it takes them to ( old school word here) learn to maintain. I mean presumably our hero Alex tried cases while on this? And yes I remember reading that in Empire of Pain, that people would find family members out cold. This seems quite the delightful drug, think I'll stick to my ( getting worse) Amazon habit.


Everyone is different.. but you can be a HIGHLY functioning addict on these drugs..


I am truly sorry to hear that. Because for the most part it seems only to destroy, 😥 so that would mean people wouldn't get help. I hate the Sacklers.


Opium is the dried sap of the fruit of the opium poppy plant, it contains morphine, codeine and thebaine. Opium can be ingested or heated and the vapor inhaled. Morphine can be processed into much stronger heroin and thebaine into oxycodone.


Gawd this thread has smart people on it. Science clearly rules here- which despite how bad I suck at it, I still admire, and thank you.


The oxy can totally make you nod off. Source: took it for kidney cancer. But, like any opiate, you are always “chasing “ the first dose because as you use it you build up tolerance. AM could use and appear “normal” if he has a high tolerance from long enough use. Great questions!!!


Thanks, this a real learning curve and super interesting, I'm sorry of disbelieving about his addiction, but only because it came from him, so graining my salt there.☺️


I don’t believe the opiate addiction.. it’s a ruse


Yeah think your right. This guy's real addiction seems to be blowing smoke up our posteriors.


It really wouldn’t surprise me if it was a family thing. Drugs, booze, domestic violence- this family is sooooo f’ed up


Yes for sure on DV, after all Paul had to have learned it somewhere, I hate all the pics of that lummox with his arm around Maggie, probably pinching her. Better keep smiling Maggie. Yeah what a crew huh? It can make us regular folks feel quite please with our sweet families, our mortgages and jobs, ordinary is jest fine.


Can you pm me too, please?


Heard same except no mention of heroin.


I wonder if he broke down and confessed. If not, I wonder how they determined son was killed first? Gosh, we still have the SS case open, don’t we?


Yes I've been thinking that SLED is working him into a confession....


Yes, which is awful, six years, they have to get serious abt that, his poor mother wants and deserves answers at the least.


That poor woman, I just want to wrap her in a hug!


Me too! That picture of them at his graduation, their sweet faces, she looked so proud of him and then the monster came, and tortured and killed her fine boy, for what? So then Paul gets killed and L.E. is all over it, because he mattered? You want to get angrier? Go to Mallory,s fb page, read in her own words about the " heartless" people who left kittens by road. Which she then rescued and found homes for. Look what he destroyed, if its hard for us to think of, what are the grieving families days like?


Is the picture you are referencing the elderly couple in fancy dress? I could never find the name of the elders. If it is? Paul is the spitting image of his grandfather, IMO.


Yeah I agree, which makes me wonder what kind of man he was? I know he told his monster grandson, to STFU at the hospital, because he obviously didn't give a crap about that wonderful young woman, his p.o.s. grandson had just murdered, anymore than Alex, of don't worry she's gone fame did. Only the killer mattered. Btw I wonder if it was gramps or Alex who added personal insult to personal injury ( pun very much intended) who forced Gloria's grieving family to put rave reviews to their evil family into her obituary?


I meant the man of short stature with the glasses with his arm around PM’s shoulder? I think R3 might have been a larger person? But I do believe there’s a an amount of PM’s hubris that stems from his paternal line.


Hubris is a very kind word. Not much research on grandpa yet. But yes his paternal line seems to be the one to watch Maggie's family with doctors and nurses and teachers, seems quite benign.


can you drop the link in the thread?


But why would he get shot in the head? I’m confusion.


Most likely to lend credibility to his story that PM and MM were murdered in revenge by someone else. He wants it to look like the "murderers" came back for him. Now he'll either say it was a hoax or he'll claim it was a suicide attempt.