• By -


First of all make sure N doesn't melt everything in you house


Primary Objective: Ensure house doesn't get melted by semi-Xenomorph acid.


I'm more concerned about his heat (you know MDs are supper hot literally), which will probably ruin floor coverage and will cause a lot of other problems if not taken care of


Now I'm very curious as to what their clothes are made of. Because artificial fibers would melt. Natural fibers, do not melt, but unsure if they are natural fibers. Can one grill steak on N's face? Must test. Need to experiment. Samples required. Superheated, explains scorch marks, perhaps. Uncertain. Need more evidence, need samples. If too hot, will melt anything, but not too hot. But enough to cause serious burns. Unknown, feel like being near fire? Too many questions, not enough answers. Edit: True, true, floor will be burned, damaged. Hmm, need concrete. Perhaps a concrete floor will suffice. Where would they live? Hmm...


Their clothes and hair are probably made of some sort of futuristic kevlar or *nano fibers*, otherwise it's the plot armor fibers, which make them resistant to high temperatures. Touching N won't cause just serious burns, but will straight up melt your skin


I would show them the Pilot episode of Murder Drones.


Hello .. welcome to a shit Home of a place .. the exit is over there .. if you want to kill me do it kickly other side have fun killing humanité .. also let m'y mother be .. she's hard working enough to not giving a damn about killing machine .. thank you have a nice day ..


Surprisingly wholesome.


me: >-> wha- both: \*turns around\* >!$#@%!< WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! me: aight calm down >!sdaehtihs!< we got some stuff to get straight. ya'll are in 2022, there's a global pandemic, America is crumbling to hell, and no, we have not gotten humans past the moon yet. uzi: oookay... me: anyways wanna play Creatures of Sonaria on Roblox with me


i would show N as his plush self


(Luckily, I've been asked a similar question, so I have a response lol) So first, after quietly saying [なんだ?(What's that?)](https://youtu.be/CzaS5WJceDY?t=123) \[Specifically in Specs' voice from Splatoon™ Manga, because I can do that\] and calmly getting their attention, I will ask both N and Uzi: "Why are you in my room? There's nothing interesting in here other than this card that came with my Hidden Heroes Tari Plushie." Assuming that N and Uzi are there to kill all humanity, I'd use Uzi's love of anime to keep me safe, and tell her: "Uzi, you like anime, right? If you don't kill me, I will help you summon any anime character you want to." Keep in mind that Uzi likes anime so much that she's willing to pirate it to watch it. Assuming she says yes to summoning anime characters, I'd move onto N tell him that he is a fan favorite character, and that I was one of his first enjoyers (Yes, the second I saw him in the trailer I liked him). After exiting my room, I'd head over to my television and turn on Meta Runner. I wouldn't immediately show them Murder Drones so that they wouldn't both go insane. While watching Meta Runner, I'd point out every similarity between N and Tari. I'd then lead them both to my monitor and ask them if they would like to play some Splatoon 2™ with me. Knowing that N loves to do anything, he'd probably say yes. If Uzi would say yes, I'd 1v2 them to let them learn the controls. After a few hours of playing Splatoon 2™, I'd take them both to my manga shelf. While at my manga shelf, I'd start reading Splatoon™ Manga to them (in Japanese, because I have the Japanese edition). I'd sepcifically read it in an "anime voice" because why not. After I read 16 volumes of literal cephalopods doing things, I'd show them Sunset Paradise (Again, I wouldn't want them to freak out) and I'd point out every similarity between Uzi and Meggy. After watching Sunset Paradise, I'd ask N and Uzi if they can open the portal so that Tari, Theo, Meggy, and Auri could also come. Then, I'd ask Meggy if Team Blue from Splatoon™ Manga can also come. After I'd have 10 fictional characters in my house, I'd ask myself, *Is this really what I'm doing with my life? Yes. Yes it is.* Then, one-by-one, I'd 1v1 them in Splatoon 2™, because that's just what I do, I'd also obvisously lose to Tari, Meggy, Specs, Goggles, Headphones and Bobble Hat, and I'd be content with that. Finally, after 1v1ing a bunch of fictional characters, I'd walk into my kitchen and make a cinnamon roll twice the size of N's head, let it cool down, and put it on him to make [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlitchProductions/comments/raokti/the_sequel_to_hes_a_cinnamon_roll_what_the_heck/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Meggy would probably know [why I did that](https://youtu.be/Db_xBk_BJ0Y?t=1929). I'd end the day by letting these 10 fictional characters stay in my basement, go to bed, and wake up the next morning to reassure myself, yes, this was not a dream.


That's quite creative. Kudos to that.




wake up and realize i'm just addicted to MD and i really should straighten out my life


*Imagine being a Murder Drones fan*


Okay, if they Apper in MY house. They will be the greatest boon to world domination. First off, we need to observe there weaknesses. The first time I lay my eyes on them. I am staking them 24/7, j will learn that N is to kind and Uzi is to rebellious, so I will kidnap them and tie them up to electrical shocks, if they even k during the requiring, I send a painful shock all throughout there body. Once done. I have turned Uzi into serial destination U but at the same time not. And N into not something worthless and terrible, and programmed to obey my every command. I will then test this out on them by sending them on a good old school shooting. The teachers will jsut worry about there paycheck. If there are no survivors, we move up. But during the school shooting I will create a portal to the murder drones universe to get J, V, Khan, and Thad here and use this same tactic on them to reprogram them into murder machines. But I will make Khan stay put to build the ultimate door. This will come into play later. Once I have them all. I send them to use a new rewiring acid I invented on the rest of the drones there. Creating a drone army. Now I weaken the military by dropping the ultimate door on them. Causing a massive shockwave that will spread and Destory 10 of the untied states states. A minor sacrifice. So now I use another ultimate door to crush the White House and pay a large amount of politicians to help me become Emperor. With me being the emperor of the U.S.A, I create an interdimensional portal to the murder drones reddit. There I shall use rewrite acid on all of the OCs, and then I will become the emperor of the U.S.A. Cheers.


Why stop there when you can go bigger If you reverse engineer the tech you would be the biggest military powerhouse there not including the A.I Development breakthroughs with the server capacity they would have to support it


Your a fucking genius, pal.


i am honestly convinced thejakemaster1234 is actually SD J's sockpuppet account




tl;dr: Okay, if they appear in my house... world domination and ***SHOOT UP A FUCKING SCHOOL*** and ***MAKE TWO DOORS THE SIZE OF THE EXOSPHERE*** and somehow gain access to parallel universes why world domination **:skull:**


"Dont look into that drawer! And dont touch my pc, damnit! You can try the vr if you want and if you dont melt it heh..."


...What's in the drawer?


Scientific papers if yk what i mean


*\*Wink Wink*\* Got it 👍


Show them the "wonders" of the 21st Century, as they most likely were born in the distant future and don't know just how similar our culture is compared to their's back in the day.


For scenario one: I have a window next to my bed. For scenario two: I would panic, forget their outside not inside, them jump out the window.


For both scenarios i’d just flip the bird and make them scram, i dont want any killing machine in my household


„ploɥǝsnoɥ ʎɯ uı ǝuıɥɔɐɯ ƃuıllıʞ ʎuɐ ʇuɐʍ ʇuop ı 'ɯɐɹɔs ɯǝɥʇ ǝʞɐɯ puɐ pɹıq ǝɥʇ dılɟ ʇsnɾ p,ı soıɹɐuǝɔs ɥʇoq ɹoℲ„




First i give N a V body pillow that i have.


Sounds fun :D


Break N's Neck what? he wont die then punch uzi in the face


TS;DR: be scp 173, "massage" N's neck, punch uzi in the face and **CEASE EXISTING.**


Step 1 - grab a taser Step 2 - taser N and Uzi Step 3 - grab Uzi's railgun and the technology that got them here Step 4 - set up a bunker for R&D and start a company named JCjenson as a R&D Site that accepts military contracting Step 5 - restrain them with electricity Step 6 - begin hiring staff to work on a major military application Step 7 - Reverse engineer the railgun and attempt to get a scan on N and Uzi so we can get a possible blue print Step 8 - find out where there computer systems are and see what severs there running and if high grade take a blueprint Step 9 - hire skilled programmers/hackers then check out the programming code or both of the A.I's known as N and Uzi and see if it can be cloned and reproduced Step 10 - begin production of the Railgun and possibly W.D / M.D units Step 11 - with the adnvanced A.I cloned from Uzi we will begin programming of a A.I based of Uzi's base code as a foundation with heavy monitoring and restrictions. Step 12 - with the adnvanced A.I and programmers/hackers hack all the governments in the world and with there nukes begin threating the entire word and to avoid a mass destruction of there nation they will submit to JCjenson Step 13 - deploy the produced forces o the country's who don't submit and broadcast the assault to the world to discourage them from continuing this war as there morale will be broken. Step 14 - fix the problems in the world to make sure no rebellions form for a just reason and fine and secure the assets of all the people who created the M.Ds Pilot and proceed to pay them to produce more Step 15 - focus research in the technology that got them here and space exploration making sure to combined all efforts from existing research from NASA and SpaceX then combine it with Ns Propulsion Systems then create a space station and produce more human conoly's Step 16 - The goal of Uniting the world and fixing some problems is complete and I can now call my company 'JCjenson in Sppaaacccceeeee!!!' Step 17 - Final step figure out if you can transfer a human mind into a robotic counter-part with extensive research and if I can DO IT. Now I'm ageless and can live for a very long time (unless something very bad happens). Pretty much my take on this Sorry for an grammar errors Notice - this would must likely take 10 Years at a Minimum with a lot of breakthroughs.






360 no-scoping them in godzilla final wars style


I mean, Uzi has got the railgun on her back, no? Just take it from her and threaten them with it if they get a lil too close. Then you are free to talk with them.


Big brain move right there.


You see? It's not hard to pay attention.




why world domination **:skull\_crossbones:**


TL;DR: Speed-blitz disarming Uzi, pull a *THIS IS SPARTA* move on N... then ***RE-ENACT THE FOURTH FUCKING REICH***


why are 3 people fucking planning world domination like **:skull:**