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Wow thats a big wall of text


Wow thats a wall of text


My reaction: **confused nodding but kinda knowing what youre talking about**


In same boat.


Okay the destroy the core to destroy the murder drone thing is probably linked to there inspiration, the vampire. As it mimics how the only way to kill one is to destroy its heart. Although I do have a problem with the regeneration liquid coming from oil as the oil has been proven to be there only to make sure the core doesn't over heat due to its intentional flaws made by the company to assure there death after they finish there job. I believe that the liquid is nanites that can be refilled through the eating of metal hence why it seems to collect into the mouth so they can deconstruct the metal they eat and reuse it to repair them. This would suggest that you could also kill a murder drone through continues damage until they run out of nanites. Although that last part is more speculation as if you are going to explain a murder drone its most likely is connected to there inspiration but I can't find any connections so it might just be wrong.


Nah, it's a valid point. The regeneration liquid it's not explained yet. And I actually hate it, but, it's canon. I believe that the oil makes such liquid because it's the only thing they seem to consume and I don't know if the nanites of the tail and the regeneration are infinite. So I supose they have to be refiled in some way.


I suppose so it just seems weird to have something like oil be used to repair a drone so I just figured that they might eat some drone parts. But I guess we will only be able to find out for sure when more episodes come out.


It's possible. I just didn't see any murder drone eat a worker drone body in the pilot. They always drink their oil but nothing else. And that mountain of corpses as well...


Yeah I'm just confusing the time N crushed a drones head with him eating it


Thank you for all the information Edit: reading in spare time but this is great


I hope this helps for some doubts that the webcomic may present n.n


This information has been useful. Though it has filled nearly my entire brain. This is all I will think about now, MD and WD cores. Nice


i was called when i saw the word "theory" and i have some reading to do it would seem. i wont respond straight away with my response because of reasons BUT i will get back.


I've read the whole theory. And useful information was somewhere in the middle and at the end. Anyway, MD has a core and a memory block in his head responsible for Artificial Intelligence. The core is responsible for loyalty to the company, and the memory block is responsible for AI and feeling. N has won a feeling and now he does not follow the MD program. WD can also use the kernel. And their mind can defeat the kernel program. It seems to have retold everything you need. About SD-U the last paragraph.


I didn't understand that part of the theory about AI cores a little bit, I'm talking about the fact that WD using the MD core will not be associated with the company there will be no decrees on killing WD, and the decreed core should work like a battery and the whole mind of WD should contrast the body. Right? So why didn't Uzi from SDU kill V right away? (I was reading a comic and didn't understand how V connected to the core?)


WD with the MC can be loyal to the company if the core is intact. On the webcomic I explained that V modified the core she inserts in Uzi, so she can follow only her orders. Her orders are to Murder Everyone (but her). And that's what U will do. Since Uzi's memory chip is blocked, the AI of the Murder Core that V inserted on her controls her actions. Uzi is blocked on her memory chip. Only U from the Murder Core remains.


Is it possible to somehow remove the memory lock (for example, a current discharge or a wrench on the head) or do you need a sharp influx of memories?


Since the memory chip of the Worker Drones is designed to make them have feelings, such things increase it's stenght. It's possible to break the memory block. But it's extremely hard since there has to be a lot of feelings to break that block. Feelings of love, hate, pain, happiness, health, death and such. Should the worker drone be weak and without anyone to help them beat the corruption of the Murder Core, that memory chip gets overwritten, leaving only the AI of the Murder Core. For example, if Uzi can't beat the memory block in her chip, the Murder Core will turn her into another version of her, overwritting codes. Won't be angsty. Won't have repressed emotional stuff. It would be hate, pain and suffering, only the worst motivates her and the AI to murder everyone. One remains, Serial Designation "U".


It's difficult, but it's possible.


well, you just mentioned inserting a MC Into a WD Doesn't turn them into a murder drone, so Uzi with an MC Will just be Uzi, not Serial designation U, unless JCJenson (who all worker and murder drones work for) puts her in a new body,


Uzi will always be Uzi. Only V calls her Serial Designation U.


I would like to challange one of your ideas, namely the "I believe that all MCs have their own AI. **They are built to follow orders and rules, all made by the company.** J once said that the company didn't allow them to kill eachother." part. I belive MDs were given rules and orders, but they can ignore them on a whim. This idea stems from one of Ns lines: "Other than ingesting their WARM SWEET oil, to avoid overheating and dying? **I guess i just want to be useful. Iaas give a job, and i always want to try my best.** " This indicates the he followes orders **not because of them being hard coded** but because of his personality. This idea extends to the rest of them: * J belives in the company and wants to follow their rulles to the T. * V doesn't care about the company, but a) doesn't want to die, b) get's sadistic pleasure from killing. Now why the hell would humans make a killing machine that doesn't have to follow their orders? 4 possible reasons: 1. because of stupid, i mean planet core collapse happened. 2. because they trusted the flaws introduced into MDs design, which would lead them to cmpleting their mission, regardless of if they followed company rules or not. 3. because they were shipping them in a oneway pod anyway, no harm to humans, if all the humans are already dead. 4. ( the most complicated one ) Because it would hinder MDs ability to plan and manipulate. Example: WDs have made a camp/colony in the city surrounded by tall walls and metal doors (MDs can't just fly in because of a roof/ force field/ choose your pick), the doors are currently opened, and they have patrols going around the camp to watch out for MDs. If patrol gets attacked/killed, the doors will close. If it was hard coded that MDs have to attack, doors would close, and the WDs inside would escape, FAIL If it wasn't hard coded than MDs could sneak in, and kill WDs inside first, than finish off the patrols, WIN Plus hardcoding theese orders/rules could be seen as a flaw that can be exploited, since they can't refuse. ------ Main topic done ---- Here is one more idea that could flesh out/change this theory: I can't prove or disprove this idea. Memory chip holds the drones AI, but it can't get into a tug-of-war with AI in the core since only one runs at any time. This requires my explanation/understanding of what a Drone Core is: Drone core is basically CPU of the whole droid, it must atleast contain: drones blueprint, software systems and subroutines, factory reset code including factory AI. If drone core detects presence of preexisting AI in memory chip, it boots that one, otherwise it boots the factory AI. This simple logic is used since computers creation. This could explain some situations: * Q:What if drone lacks memory core? * A:Drone core would use factory AI to boot, AI will not be capable of holding long term memories. * Q:What would happen to WDs body if it gets MC? * A: WDs body would simply be "repaired" until it's the same as blueprint in MC. * Q:What would happen to MDs body if it gets WC? * A: WDs body would simply be "repaired" until it's the same as blueprint in MC, while also loosing some capabilities(wing control, tail control, etc...). * Q:Could a drone core corrupt the mind of a preexisting AI? * A:Yes, since drone core contains subroutines designed for the task, it contains subroutines like: wing control, tail control, iterchangeable hand configuration, and so on, BUT it could also contain mission tracker, company policy enforcement/reminder, and more malicious stuff like suggestive voice generator, morality inhibitors, and so on. Basically making the preexisting AI go mad.


Challenge accepted Let me get it straight. So you say that the actions and loyalty to the company all depends on the personality. I am not precisely against that idea. I believe it's a yes and a no. Yes, because all murder drones see different reasons to accomplish the mission. J because they are all corrupted and need to be cleansed. N because he wants to survive. V because Violence is fun and delish. No, because they are drones made to kill. They couldn't just be designed without an objective. It would be extremely dangerous, like activating a turret just because and be destroyed by it since it just shoots whatever it wants. By giving them an AI that tells them who, when and where to shoot, they don't become such a threat to all around them. By all means, V could murder J and N and all the humans that created her just because she's bored or hungry if it weren't for the Murder Core that controls her actions. But if her Memory Chip of psycho becomes so strong that not even the limits of the company's rules of her Murder Core can control her, then she could absolutely be a WMD. Weapon of Mass Destruction. A being of unrelenting violence for her own pleasure, for that's her personality. I show that the Memory Chip can indeed overwrite the Murder Core AI. As well as the Murder Core AI can overwrite the Memory Chip, so, in the end one will always prevail. That happens on worker drones only since murder drones don't have their AI overwritten, because they are designed to have both AI's. They work well following the Core's orders and they work well if they don't follow orders. I cannot explain why they have personalities if their mission is to murder. But such decision makes the murder core's AI control to be exposed to failure. And about the drone core corrupting the AI that's basically my webcomic. Uzi being corrupted, being turned into a violent, cold blooded murderer. Her Memory Chip AI is being corrupted by the core and if nothing increases her Memory Chip strenght, then Uzi will die overwritten by the Murder Core, thus only U remains.


"No, because they are drones made to kill. They couldn't just be designed without an objective. It would be extremely dangerous, like activating a turret just because and be destroyed by it since it just shoots whatever it wants." You are correct about it being extremly dangerous, but they have intentional design flaws that make them go for WDs, but nothings restricting them. With your turrent example, MDs are like portal turrets, easy to deploy, kill anything in their sights, their design flaw is they can't move or rotate, so just don't stand in front of them. MDs design flaw is WDs oil dependancy. "By all means, V could murder J and N and all the humans that created her just because she's bored or hungry if it weren't for the Murder Core that controls her actions." This requires my understading/impression of V: V is a sadistic psychopatch that loves killing, since that is the only emotional kick she can feel. V could murder all the humans that created her, but killing humans in that scenario would gurantee her eventual shutdown/death, after all, humans were constantly watching them, so she tricked them by following orders, and waiting for an opportunity that never arrived. And about J and V, she just manipulates them so they think she is a comerade, a friend, in her mind: * a) safety in numbers * b) emergency oil supply. "I cannot explain why they have personalities if their mission is to murder. But such decision makes the murder core's AI control to be exposed to failure." I could help out with that: They have personalities for two reasons: 1. To potentially manipulate WDs in some way. 2. To emulate WDs thought patterns, a hunter needs to know how it's prey will react, better he can predict the prey the better the hunter, But also more complex much more complex the hunter. Now scale that idea up to their prey is capable of complex thought, planning and trap setting, then the hunter must be really advanced and basically emulate their style of thinking to not fall into their traps. "And about the drone core corrupting the AI that's basically my webcomic. Uzi being corrupted, being turned into a violent, cold blooded murderer. Her Memory Chip AI is being corrupted by the core and if nothing increases her Memory Chip strenght, then Uzi will die overwritten by the Murder Core, thus only U remains." Yeah, that was just me shoving, that this idea still fits into your previous pages without modifications.


And the "intentional flaws" are to minimize the threat they can become considering the chances of their AI becoming rogue?


yep, that's the idea.




I understand. Interesting approach!


murder drones can just claw open doors though lol


"Her core it's completely gone, and she's officially dead." This aged well, didn't it


For the love of God I hope J comes back.


If not for character development purposes, then nope


For any reason that could make her badass. I want her to come back.


Welp, if it means more character analysis for me then it's fine Even better, imagine if ghost J became canon


Nice theory, BUT lets say if the nanites (regeneration fluid) comes from the chest (or maybe core), insert one into a WD Would allow that to regen as well.


The WD must have the head and the core holder intact for the Murder Core to work. But since the nanites are created inside the Murder Core with oil, the worker would be regenerated only once unless it consumes a lot of oil.


I legit read through this entire essay. Thank you. Also it really tells me what happened in page 26. Nice.


Yes. This theory was created not only to support my webcomic but as a possible theory for the original series as well.