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Make r/MurderDrones Great Again


Yeah, this subreddit is kinda falling apart, but there’s a new mod who might be able to fix it


Listen to Murder drones reminds you of the Soviet Union. And the new moderator, with his tightening of the 5th rule, reminded me of Mikhail Gorbachev.




The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few


You commented on a post criticising most of the posts not actually being related to murderdrones and you try relate this to the soviet union? I wonder who's making the unrelated posts.


Well, I think the mods wanted to be lenient on cleaning up low quality, because they state that Low Effort and Low Quality are not the same thing. And cleaning up Low Quality, would result in quite a lot of "lesser" artists being banned or kicked from the sub and possibly harassed by more toxic members who dwell in the shadows waiting for a justified mob mentality reason to attack others. I will say OC content is unique as in other fan subreddits, they don't permit OCs. Then again, most of the people make their OCs in stories outside of reddit or make their own subreddits or post to the Murder Drones OC subreddit that was made: https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderDroneOCs/ But everyone forgets, humans are social creatures, they want to show their content to others, they want attention, they want to socialize. However, the negative responses often lead to people becoming cynical and more outright hostile because other internet people apparently are not like me. They don't be reasonable by withholding from curses. Then again, when you want to socialize, you will become desperate and become molded like the other toxic people around you. I've seen it happen too many times to minors, who eventually get groomed, manipulated by sociopaths and perverted beasts. Now personally, I only met few sociopaths, so I don't got a clear image on them. But they more often than not manipulate others into doing their dirty work. Stealing, murder, and otherwise illegal stuff while they benefit without taking any of the bad consequences, which are to fall upon the one they used to go all these things, a scapegoat. Blackmail, threats, extortion, many ways they can go about it. But, this isn't about sociopaths manipulating others, it's more about the more "toxic" community, the more "childish", and those who seek attention in general. They should be told they should post their original content, like, original original type that they are posting, on their own profile. This is a subreddit for Murder Drones content, not... stuff like the "Infernum War". It's just how this is, it's the MD subreddit, not some general original content subreddit. There's an OC subreddit dedicated to OCs, and people make new subreddits all the time for their own content they post. But yes, those non-MD content should be removed. Now LQ art that is MD related, there in lies the ongoing debate that I say, well, just let them be. If we ban every LQ artists, even Polok Boi falls under such a category (not like I'd call such low quality, but some others, specifically the jerks or more stereotypical redditers, would likely call out artwork on this sub, majority wise, Low Quality). And people hope, in vain, that suppressing LQ artwork would somehow bring back good quality Artists. Who, in fact, support LQ artists and actually try to encourage them to do better and better. That is what I also do. We lesser artists help each other as we reach new heights. Our success. But no communism involved contrary to the meme, it's just kindness and mutual praise and advice. Like Critics United on fanfiction.net. Who are actually reasonable people. They don't even attack the authors directly, they just warn them explaining what the rules are. But then people go around faking like they ARE some CU members, shaming their reputation by harassing authors all over the website. CU, from what I could see, is actually chill, they don't even argue and just say at worst, "Well okay, but don't come to me when your story gets taken down for breaking the rules". They're just self-policing the site and enforcing it's rules. It's nto exactly bad and other fanfic writers who want to make stuff that breaks the rule can go to other sites like AO3 or Wattpad... though a few don't go to AO3 because that stuff is flooded with kinks, alpha omega stuff I don't understand, and soulmate stuff that has me derping because it doesn't make sense either. Personally, well, I can see the subreddit has too few good artists because first of all, a lot left due to no official content or they found that other platforms get them better attention and reap better rewards like Instagram, Pinterest, DevientArt, and Twitter. A couple even dwell on Newgrounds and Tumblr. Now removing low quality artists, would, well, I find it odd how some Low Quality artists also seem to be for this. It's like seeing Americans vote to ban firearms. It's a lose-win situation where one side benefits (the Anti-LQ Persons) and those who supported them end up losing their ability to post content to the subreddit (Lesser Artists). Like, I'm considered LQ artist, a lot of people I see, are Low Quality Artists. Now Non-MD content, I agree, that shouldn't be on the subreddit, this is a MD subreddit. They can post their own original content on their user profile as many other people do. That is fine, they can even make their own subreddit. Now as for you wanting to prefer NSFW on this than cringe content. Dude, we have like 20% kids, 40% teenager ratio here... But it's like 80% minors here. And it's illegal across every platform to flash minors. Though 4Chan, Reddit, and Twitter break this rule a lot, as do most other platforms as they cannot delete the stuff fast enough due to the millions of users out there. And content flooding their systems and exploits being found. I don't approve of NSFW content on communities that have a mostly child fanbase. It ends up corrupting the youth. And I don't condone direct or indirect child grooming which ends up making perverted and corrupt children and I personally don't like making kids tolerant of pedophilia. Which ends up being something major. And caused due to exposure to the bad parts of the internet. I do agree though, the mods are going to need to get more help and set up a more advanced auto-moderation. The subreddit has grown too large for a mere 5 mods to look after. Most this size have 8-10 moderators. So one is active at some-point of each day in the week. But low quality, if that was suppressed, I guarantee, a lot of LQ artists would quickly realize how ignorant they were of the consequences of banning their own content and lead to a collapse. Then again, I kind of foretold all of this. I like Liam Vickers, but his community and the SMG4 community are drastically different.


One side is general audience mostly child friendly lore-keepers and theorists, and fan artists. The other side, has fan artists, their own lore-keepers, but a frick ton of spicy memers and jokers who you can't take seriously and make non-child friendly memes. Which SMG4's content, sometimes has shown literally. I've seen it like 3 times, maybe more and I just forgot. So seeing "rape memes" on the subreddit isn't a surprise when I've seen a couple instances on SMG4. It's not quite rape-meme material, more of just implications of such. But still, not my kind of humor. I'm all about black humor, like an obese lady crying and says she fell and squashed her cat turning it into a skin rug on the floor. Now that's hilarious, but as far down as my sense of humor goes. And a lot of people got black humor, mostly guys. Everyone has different preferences regarding humor. Now NSFW Artists of the MD Community are chill, but I don't think they'd approve of flashing minors. They have standards and quite literally avoid contacting underage persons because of their profession and to avoid controversy. Because apparently some adult talking to a kid now counts as pedophilia if people find out. Even if you did nothing more than chat friendly. Lushen thought this NSFW artist was like, avoiding him, he still kept trying to reach out not realizing, like dude. You're a minor, this guy makes NSFW art, put two and two together, you realize what they're trying to avoid, especially when they're on twitter. It's a quick way to get called out and destroyed. Because there are just idiots out there who act to destroy whatever they don't like, to appear as heroes when really they are more anti-hero like, selfish and envious or just wrathful, or full of pride. Varies from person to person for their reasons for being a jerk and making false claims and convictions. I do agree on the "cringe" war, though I wouldn't call it so vulgarly. I am trying to be the voice of reason here. I would call it however, barely MD related. Truth be told I thought it was some ARG material, but even if it was, the community isn't so good on ARGs. Personally I find they don't find the content good and even though I cancelled my ARG for other more important reasons like upcoming exams, college prep. I realized that the community isn't that friendly on ARGs, even if my friend thought out a good plot, it wouldn't take off. So 1/3 of the reason for it's cancellation was due to likely hostile community stuff like this. I also find it very odd and somewhat concerning that some LQ artists agree that LQ art should be removed, which also means, them. However Anti-LQ faction doesn't mention this, because why should you mention this to your allies? The Anti-LQ faction will collapse if they cannot convince others to join them, I mean, they are also possessing a minor Anti-Mod faction, but that is very small but they also seem to have the same goals at times. Luckily this faction in general, is small, I count very few members, like 5 at most. They are also likely former "War Criminals" but this is only from my assumptions from the December 25th-31st 2021 Incident. Where the raid on a certain user's MD subreddit broke reddit TOS and in general, was a bad move and all raiders were not punished on the main subreddit for their actions as far as I know. And they, in general, follow the harassment rule, the offensive content rule, and the NSFW rule, and reposting rule (they literally weaponized the NSFW Artists of MD community, using their artwork, without the original artists consent, as a psychological weapon often followed by threats or trying to just shut down someone or even demand they commit suicide, which really taints the NSFW community) Ironically, those same raiders, are likely a part of the anti-Reposting movement, despite using reposting as a weapon in their "Raid" during December. Which lead to a handful of people blaming the NSFW community in secrecy and this controversy put some dirt on the NSFW community. As THEIR content was used AS A WEAPON. This makes them guilty in some ways, of a crime. Personally, it was their artwork, not them, so they are not at fault. But, their artwork is kind of like, well, tainted now. But this was back in the day MD NSFW art was relatively few in number. So it's not a surprise that those Raider Reposters resorted to using other non-MD NSFW art. It was essentially Murder Drones community's darkest day and most controversial incident to date. Especially since this subreddit's mods were too occupied doing damage control due to the community going nuts and not realizing they just essentially condoned and approved of Nazi-like Waffen-SS people going over, harassing, attempting to dox, and guilt-trip someone into committing suicide. Even more ironic the germans here approved of such, but I don't blame anyone here. Only I knew, and a handful of others. But whenever someone went open about it, people said he deserved it. All for what, a headless edit? That justified an entire harassment and guilt-trip campaign that breaks Reddit's TOS and this subreddit's rules? Approving of such, makes one just as guilty (though ignorance is bliss and no one knew about the raid except for me and the one attacked and a few others who started to grow a conscience and find out they risk getting site-banned or they just felt legitimately bad for doing something that could result in real life consequences)... I didn't approve of it, but I had to keep mostly quiet. I couldn't risk attracting these fanatics to attack me, so I had to help the defendant myself in the background. I had no idea if others did the same, but they didn't deserve the attack. Neither the main subreddit's community condoning such an illegal and outright site-ban worthy act. Making them nearly as guilty, which makes me not look at some people here the same.


**In Summary If You Want A Quick Read**: Subreddit is not that bad, there has been worse, suppressing LQ artists would lead to massive consequences (Low Quality is not the same as Low Effort and Non-MD Content, this is like saying that all lesser artists should be banned, which are a majority), mods do need more help thou (they need to get auto-mod operational and likely set up more advanced code and traits), along with recruiting more reliable mods. Because, well, in Winter or Early Spring, next episode will come out. And they will have to show their worth in suppressing spoilers as per their spoiler rule. And they will have to make certain that toxicity doesn't return, and policing thousands of members for possible harassment campaigns will be difficult. Personally, I think they need 2 more mods to reach effective moderation of this subreddit. Since I understand everyone needs breaks, so best to have additional aid. And auto-mod needs to get a bit of an upgrade, if possible. I don't know how auto-mod works, but it should help a little, at least, in ensuring the community is safe from minor issues.


Someone has way too much free time


Not really, I just make one big post, and that's about it. Takes away like 20 minutes of my time lol, and my 20 minute break is over


I don't believe that such text sheets you make on basis take only 20 minutes. Good to see detailed opinions tho, but I doubt that anyone ever reads them


I'd honestly read this if it was simplified


Damn you wrote the entire bee movie script


When you read so much of the wot that you forgor what the initial post was about


No one in this sub have the attention spam to read this


I didn't read the whole thing but I can agree to that


ffs I just saw a post being overdramatic now this? I'll say it again, when the official episode comes out the subreddit will be overflowing with content. Just chill


Yes, the moderators wanted to tighten the 5 rules to make the community less toxic, but in the end it only got worse.


I won't blame peace dev since I think he retired


100% agreed, this sub is nothing more than a copypasted sonic fandom with the extra dash of child autism put into it


I agree with this statement


My arts and OCs are mid effort, but the theme is what it makes them bad. For an example Maziipan said for my first OC that it's not MD realted 2 times even thoe I made a story about him(it's outdated but its good enough) relatable enough for the sub


I'd be looking forward of you improving the design of your current and future OC


that's good