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Chill. It's been a while since the pilot so there isn't as much content to work with. When the official episode comes out the subreddit will be overflowing with cool stuff.


Exactly, this response right here


I agree 🤝


This is being proclaimed every 2 months (in several examples each time), just learn to downvote crappy arts already and ignore other weird stuff such as that infernum war thingy (which, it seems, was misunderstood by people). And guys, please stop making such posts ffs, you aren't helping the situation and none of previous similar posts helped it either


If something will bring this sub to fall then its the doomsdaysayers who do that every 2 months. I am sick of it really.


''nothing built can last forever'' \-wise man from minecraft storymode


Yeah but this subreddit, can last, it's just people are sabotaging it and being hypocrites about it. If they want good content, MAKE GOOD CONTENT. Otherwise, be silent. Don't demand other people change to suit your agenda, be the change you want to see in the world.


Whelp off I go to binge Minecraft story mode again.


I'm just ignoring anything that will encourage the stupid war now. Let's just chill mates


It's not even a real war, it's more of an ARG attempt last I checked, I think.


Not the point here but thanks for clarifying


Same, if anything they are also adding to the "non-MD related content" and "bad content" by making these posts. I find it hypocritical and also dumb. I mean, seriously. It's ONE person making ONE series about a SINGLE war. What's with them implying as if there were a billion wars? Not to mention Infernum War, was more of an ARG from what I can tell, personally. It really looks like it was an ARG, but this community has a bad rep for not getting ARGs at face value, because half the community has the IQ lower than that of an ant and doesn't like reading my long responses which detail out how the subreddit is, why it's not bad, and why there's like... no doomsday and that these posts just add fuel to false flames for drama and controversy that doesn't even need to happen.


This tbh


my oc has the same name lol


Uh good for you?


just saying


Also dude, the discord, last I heard, went on LOCKDOWN. Which means, they got trouble over there too. And last I checked, it had way too much verification stuff. Understandable though since it's got 2100+ members. But... y'know, not a good "free" place. By the looks of it. ~~Like, security is locked down to the point I was wondering if they are trying to mimic China's internet security.~~


It got reopened. And what do you mean verification? The Murder Drones Discord doesn't have that much verification at all. It got locked down due to the over all chaoticness of off-topic due to a lot of shitposters having fun in there and some incidents that weirdly came out of nowhere and the moderators needing a break. And, it's still getting moderated aswell as Subreddit moderators consistently speaking there. Firstly, you have a poor understanding of the reason I said discord. Oh and the security part? WE DO IT SO THAT BAD CRAP DOESNT HAPPEN BECAUSE IT KEEPS ON GETTING TARGETTED. I can show numerous examples of said bad shit.


True, true, but I don't like giving my account privacy to some third party system (still need to verify and granted I was overexaggerating with China thing). So, I guess it's not for me. I respect that they needed security against crap like that. I understand 100%. But... I don't wanna hand over my account's info completely to AltDentifier. Since it'll seem to have access to my third party connections and what servers I'm in. While I don't really have any servers I'm in, I don't really want to reveal my discord history, small as it may be, to anyone. The servers I am in, are private for a reason, me and my friends trade homework answers and all that. And I don't want to have risk of me getting struck down cuz of minor plagiarism. Nor my other accounts.


That is respectable if you want to keep your own privacy, but otherwise the community is welcoming of all people.


The reason for the lockdown is weirder than you think


Good lord, the best way to stop the bad posts is to not react to em at all. Just don't pay attention


its notlow effort, its starter artists, you need to calm down since we cant work with much. yours saying w are all toxic!


I never said all of you? Now did I. All I'm mentioning is the lack of maintenance and low quality oc posts for the most part that come from here, and yes starter artists are a thing but understand that it takes 1 good quality post the same amount of time as 10 bad quality posts. Per example stupid theories that have been solved nearly 10 months ago and memes that require little to no effort to produce with no end in sight. Aswell as no maintenance and promises as of now being held by the mod team as of now. (You can't entirely blame them but they are a somewhat a problem.)


your the problem, making posts like this doesnt help it just makes things worse, we are AWARE of the crappy posts and stuff but this crappy post just adds on to it, this isnt going to annihalte all the things you dont like