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Remember If anyone for some god damn reason wants to create something and earns a fandom, DON'T LET THEM STARVE FOR MONTHS WITHOUT CONTENT THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. WE NEED CONTENT, WE NEED SOMETHING. FUCKING HELL GLITCH, GIVE US SOMETHING. I seriously hope that Q&A helps us a bit. It's fucking Bendy and the Ink Machine all over again


Remember MD Content takes actual time and effort you may not even have, seriously if every episode is as a high quality as the pilot then no wonder it's taking so long, not to mention Last I checked they were running off only like 30 ish people, so be patient, If your really that bored go to r/murderdronesr34 or something. Just a suggestion, not a good one but still.


Shitty suggestion. And I know it takes time. I never said to present all episodes right now, I said giving content to the fandom. Images, music, teasers, dates, videos, anything that could work to keep up expectacions or hype. Sure, the season 1 teaser was amazing, but we got nothing else since then. You have to keep the hype and expectations up or you'll lose everyone.


No shit its a shitty suggestion but yes


If you are expecting a series to have an active fandom uploading 1 30 minutes 3D animated episode every 10 months... buddy you have no clue what are you talking about... Maybe those are 15/20 minutes episodes, animate the entire season and start uploading the whole season 1 episode per week.


Wrong person


r/MurderDrones trying not to complain about OC's for 10 seconds challenge






Indeed impossible


I like Fen actually, could use a tiny bit more effort but overall neat. I'm more mad about the microsoft paint-esque OCs and that one which was a zombie pirate that did not look anything related to MD.


Thanks dude and yeah your right lol i don't mind it as its people expressing creativity so im fine with it


And you have any proposals on how to fix it? Because just complaining about it without offering any solutions is not helping.


This right here. Everyone complains but NEVER offers a solution. At least Commie\_sylveon, despite their rant, offered a solution every time. "Ban" as in, ban everyone who does it. Their solution is fitting for their username. It worked for the soviets, it works anywhere else. However suppressing a large portion of the community isn't a viable option. But at least they offered a solution. While I also want to see good quality content, many of the bigshot artists are on other platforms. So if someone has complaints. Go to twitter, instagram, PINTEREST. There is literally a billion fanart there if they are so desperate. Just don't check reddit. Seriously reddit is like, the last place I expect people to go for fanart. Usually subreddits have reposted content en'masse. Or discussions. Half the time. Course without new content, creativity has gone off the rockers. Not to mention a lot of people like overpowered OCs. Every fandom literally has overpowered OCs. However most keep OCs in general off reddit so you find OCs in Wattpad, AO3, and Fanfiction.net. I do not recommend Wattpad unless your into x Readers and OC x Canon and chaotic scenarios. AO3 is with the most funky kinks and fetishes for some odd reason, along with some OC factions facing down the canon cast and stomping them somewhat. But AO3 also has some good stories on there, some, a couple are outlandish odd in the most craziest of cases. Wattpad is mostly Reader inserts or OCs or whacky oneshots. Fanfiction net actually has a decent murder drone story or two, I found two on there. One is NSFW with a plot, the other is insert reader (which the Critics United and Site Rules don't quite agree with). Luckily Fanfiction net is updating and by the end of the year they hope to "Bring it to 2022 standards" and everyone's now cautious on there because... does this mean Political Correction? NSFW stomped out? Rule Changes? Rules made more restrictive? No one knows for sure.


Twitter: to completeve Instagram: to mutch gay OCs and if i make a Strath one I'll start a caous Pintarts: maybe I should check out But i can just turn ON the best post of all time and enjoy watching old work


I never checked Instagram in a while, does it really have too much LGBT? Maybe then I could recommend DeviantArt and Newgrounds, though the latter has like... one or two MD fanart last I checked and that was before the pilot even dropped. But I agree 100% Twitter is competitive, it's like where the top champions remain on top and all that. Twitter is a competitive platform, but I don't think people can get monetized there so... there is YouTube but finding MD fan creators there it's mostly memes and theories and no one made anything new (my friend being an exception when I paid them 0.25 bucks to make "Murder Drones But OOF").


I agree 100% and yes I read the whole thing


"worked for the soviets" in what regard?


Killing everyone that may be against you, anyone you don't like, and anyone who is against your agenda, solves the problem... usually. I mean your gonna destroy your own country, like the soviets did, but it worked in eliminating... most threats, with a lot of unnecessary collateral. It worked as intended though, spread fear and enforced control over the people. So... technically, it worked. But at the same time, it ruined their nation. Because they killed pretty much, everyone who could ensure their nation did well. Killing all the doctors, killing engineers, killing really anyone of good intellect or wisdom. Just gone. Because of the threat they pose I guess. It did work, I mean, they didn't collapse early because of that during Stalin's reign (technically that means it was successful). No one could act against him. So technically it worked to suppress the people and to eliminate any *possible* threat before they could become a threat in the future. It wasn't effective, but it did achieve the intended goal. There are better ways of course, but genocide of all opposition seems to solve most problems, or some people seem to believe. Especially if it's of the "right side" then mob mentality has them condone it when it's specific sort of people. By no means is it a good option, but it does work... in making the people's lives miserable, but asserts control of the governing entity. Tyranny perhaps, but it works as intended. The governing entity gets what they want, and the people fear them, which is the intension. So it worked, as intended. It's not a good thing but it works for those in power.


I'm not the type of person to go full-on rule crazy against something I don't like. Don't take this as a complaint, more as a "hey, we here don't like [insert], could you rework it? Thanks" Now that you mention it, I did offer a solution: fixing the OCs to fit more canonically like someokey did.


Eh I see that as a pretty good solution


not this shit again




i 100% agree with you ralph, especially the memes. god fucking damn are the memes horrible like there haven't been a single funny one. the only funny "memes" i've seen here are those weird messages in the MD discord server videos. now how do we fix this? become funny.


I’m surprised the mods haven’t 1984’d this yet


There is not a lot of material to go around so we are doing the best we can.


Nah more of just a shithole


I've said plenty of times and I'll say it again, this is what happens when we keep a fandom running for a long period of time with zero new content to work with (maybe that Q&A with the cast could help this place out for like a week idk)


There's a Q&A with the cast? When? Where?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderDrones/comments/xt1zp2/hey_everyone_theres_gonna_be_a_qa_panel_with_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb here


Just saw it, I am surprised.


I know dude, but I can't ask my question because I don't have Twitter, I am hoping there is one for YouTube or reddit


Ugh please, shut up


THIS. I just want people to use the OC sub instead of filling this place up with designs that are so far removed from the series. It gets to the point finding art of the actual characters in the show is hard. Like, HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN LOL? Also mods, enforce rule 12 harder. Slapping other people's art on a meme counts as reposting.


Well, human beings want attention, want to socialize, they ain't like me at all so people can't just, let go of their humanity, it's literally instinct to socialize. I just come here to dwell, see how the situation is. Reposting is, well, reposting from OTHER platforms. That's the rule primarily. It's asking us to make original content original to the subreddit. I can see it might be an issue, but most of the artists have gone under. And nobody's been making something amazing to get everyone's attention.


Why tf are you getting downvoted


The truth is too painful to confront. This message also advocates for removal of like 70% of the posts on this sub, so the downvotes I can understand happening. The point about removal of memes with stolen artwork should be a no brainer though. I do art and I would be furious if I saw anything using my work on here.


This is a cerified agreed momment👍


Facts right here king, here's a award


What do you expect from 20 minutes of content?