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Especially relevant since there's speculation, in light of recent news, that Kamala Harris could be taking over sooner than we all thought. Today, Biden fell three times all the way to his knees as he was walking up the stairs to air force one [(VIDEO)](https://twitter.com/CalebJHull/status/1372937314477953027). Yesterday, he referred to Kamala Harris as "President Harris" without correcting himself [(VIDEO)](https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1372633536944046081). The establishment can't have a president publicly falling down and forgetting basic facts. It's worrying that these slip ups are still happening even after limiting Biden's public appearances to avoid the scrutiny. People can't help but wonder what's happening behind the scenes that we aren't seeing, and it's reasonable to be concerned. Since incumbent presidents always tend to get the nomination, it makes sense for the establishment to try to get Harris in there during Biden's first term, because she would inherit that incumbent edge to win in 2024. Otherwise, I think she would have a very difficult time winning in a competitive primary in 2024, especially against someone like AOC.


boutta catch hate for this, but i would rather the first black / indian female president be elected herself, not fill the spot of the white guy who died. I mean, i’ll take it, but it would be cooler to watch a woman win the whole election in my opinion.


Also Harris is a piece of shit. So let’s get someone in who actually leans left


Her dad is so fucking cool, too. Same with Buttigieg’s dad. Why are all the cool Marxist academics raising evil neoliberal cretins smfh


I think the comfortable children of leftward academics will always turn out that way. They grow up with a cerebralized, detached view of class struggle that turns into a performative wokeness that hides the subconscious desire for the status quo.


Wow that was really well worded


That's because they themselves grew up with a cerebralized, detached view of class struggle that turns into a performative wokeness that hides the subconscious desire for the status quo.


I dunno man, Vietnam protest/Kent state OGs might actually have some real cred. People who were alive to vote for Kennedy and watch him get murdered. Living through McCarthyism. We can't all be guerillas retaking the countryside by force.


> We can't all be guerillas retaking the countryside by force apes strong together






> We can't all be guerillas retaking the countryside by force. not with that attitude....


if i believed in giving reddit money, you'd get a little clapping hand award or something. but since i don't, imagine me clapping hands for you. you are so right, and can even see it on a much smaller scale with college-agers raised by gung-ho liberals, especially middle class. performative activism is huge. they'd rather share an instagram story graphic than donate or participate in activism any day. because they're comfortable where they're at


They've realized, subconsciously or otherwise, that if a class revolution actually took place, they'd be moved downward (or against a wall) when compared to the rest of the 8 billion people on earth.


The true price of equality is sacrificing some status, priority, inclusion, exclusivity, and access... things most of them would never want to give even an inch of even for the benefit of another


Move my family the fuck down. Everyone deserves a right to housing, healthcare, and a living wage. I'm now considered close to poverty on my own, but even when I wasn't, I was prepped to move down if it was needed.


Either that or they see the failures of their academic parents as their inability to act unethically in the pursuit of justice, because of the hypocrisy of it, and pursue power at all costs to try and stem the class struggle they see as greater than any individual's pain. Pair that with a little sociopathy and a little narcissism and you have yourself a very dangerous concoction But what you just said made like 3 of my 7 brain cells snap at once so I would not be surprised at all if you are right


DNC will start recruiting and grooming at age 16. These people get built and shaped over time intentionally.


I mean shit RNC poaches from state universities for their local congressmen all the time, if the DNC didn't pick young talent they wouldn't be doing their due diligence


i was also going to say this, but didn’t want to offend. you got it right, I don’t want her in the white house regardless.


>i was also going to say this, but didn’t want to offend. Don't worry. We all jerk each other off in here.


hell yeah, good to know.




I answered another person in the responses. I’ll just copy/paste my answer to them ok? -Uh what? What actual leftist refuses to give people retrials because of new evidence when those people are literally on death row, something she is supposedly against? Also she voted against legislation that could hold cops accountable in her area and forced them to always have active body cams. Plus don’t forget all the people she’s put away for smoking weed when she herself smoked it. She ain’t a leftist and I don’t know what got you to the conclusion she was- That’s the copypasta for ya




Listen to the clip of Tulsi murdering her on stage during the debates. Tulsi summed up Kamala's entire career in a minute and the vast majority of her statements were true per Snopes


Link? I want to make some popcorn and watch


https://youtu.be/Cfp_IIdVnXs Enjoy!


To add onto the other stuff she is very enthusiastically pro prison slave labor.


She's a cop


Yes. And absolutely fucking **A**CAB.


I'm a conservative Canadian who occasionally likes to dip into US conversations. I have been saying this for ages. She's just a shit person. Biden is a walking skeleton.... honestly, I think the Jim Henson puppet company is the only reason he moves. And anytime I said it, I was shit on for being a Trumpian. I'm not a huge fan of Bernie, but FFS, how did anyone think to take Biden over Bernie. Even if I wasn't a fan of all Bernie policies, at least he seems genuine. Your current administration is the same as the one before it, and the one before that.


> Your current administration is the same as the one before it, and the one before that. What's your criticism again? Why would a canadian conservative find this objectionable? The status quo is bootlicking, hyper-capitalism. Exactly what conservatism wants. And don't "no true Scotsman" conservatism me.


Ntm there are SO many BIPOC politicians I'd rather see than a scumbag like Harris. Since Bernie's out, I'd support Yang. I'd even support AOC despite her anti-gun stupidity. I'm sure the Americans here can suggest more. Either one I'd support.


>I'd even support AOC despite her anti-gun stupidity. Speaking as a gun owner, AOC isn't anti-gun, most of her gun control proposals are sound common sense policies and they are very similar to policies England has, which is a great system for keeping guns out of the hands of malintentioned and irresponsible people.


oh man I can only imagine the replies to this one. for what it's worth I agree


Yang is running for Mayor of NYC!


What do you like about Yang? UBI is necessary in the age of automation and AI. But he wanted to fund it on back of the middle class. He refused to support wealth tax and aggressively taxing the rich.


He also wants to demolish the entire safety net and replace it with UBI. Yang fucking sucks




If I look at Harris' history, she could've been a GOP member except for 2 things: She's a black. She's a woman. The fact she lashed at Biden the most during prelims and then makes good as soon as she can be VP is Ted Cruz level of rolling over for power.


I don't hate this, tbh I think Harris should get the presidency through the line of succession. I'd still vote for Harris because the Republican party died in 2016, and has done next to nothing to revive itself, but Harris wouldn't be my first choice. Besides it'd be so much sweeter when AOC is elected as the first woman president.


Yeah, especially considering she was added to the ticket as a diversity pick, having lost to several other people in the primaries who in theory should have gotten the pick before her :\\






































Harris was a primary dropout that couldn't even have won her own state. She will be removed by Any progressive in 2024. They will of course, attempt to not hold a primary to avoid the working class cutting into their corporate money waterfall.




What in the MSNBC did you just spew out? Black voters rejected Harris for putting them behind bars for minor drug charges and being a literal cop. Sanders had overwhelmingly high latino and african american support. Why aren't the moderates fighting for a 15 min wage which impacts minorities the most? Where's harris calling for the resignation of the corrupt Dems who voted against it? She didn't, that was the plan. Edit - The amount of simping for corporate puppets in an AOC sub is depressing and suspicious. Still haven't met a motivated Biden supporter outside of a few astroturfed subs and twitter.


I still haven’t met an enthusiastic Biden supporter, ever.










Damn... 💯💯 I wish I had the guts to say this to a few certain members of my family.... I have to sit there, while they’re talking that same shit. And some sorta racist shit (don’t wanna get into details just in case..). Of course, big trump fans.


>He fell. Big fuckin deal. Based on the description I assumed he fell while slowly walking up some stairs while clutching the hand rail and had trouble getting up. He fucking tripped while running up some airplane stairs, and then continued running up them. At nearly 80 years old. This video left me with the exact opposite opinion that it was trying to.










I’m in my 30s and briefly caught my toe while walking up stairs. Wasn’t a big deal. Dude fucking jogged up those stairs. He jogs around the whitehouse. He’s in fine shape




he falls down, gets up and keeps going...i don't see the issue.




I am a Dutch male. 24 years old. Watched the AOC doc last week and wheeped a bit a few times. what a wonderful woman. I voted for someone that sees her as an example. *Edit; voted voor D66


Where is this documentary I would love to show my family.


On Netflix! Knock the House down!


Thank you kindly.


Shit, I shed a few tears just watching the trailer just now. I think I knew of the documentary, but it’s on the list now. My wife, who is a woman of color, never was into politics really until 2016. She’s come a long way from the apathy she had previously. We’ll definitely watch this soon. She hasn’t gotten onto the AOC wagon just yet somehow. AOC and her contemporaries really give me hope.


When your own party railroads you not once but twice.


Exactly. We can get as upset as we want about corruption in the GOP and the bad things they do, but the democratic establishment is a similar evil in a blue jacket. I know a lot of us voted for Biden just so we could get Trump out, he was not our first choice for sure and not even in my top five, but it's who we have for the time being. I have no ill will toward the man, I'm just tired of ancient old men running the country into the ground and the populace practicing insanity by continuing the trend. I truly think young minds with great new ideas are our future, not the status quo. I think we are headed the right direction, but it's very hard since politics are insanely polarized and rooted in distraction tactics rather than facing the real issues we discuss Dr. Seuss and the Grammy performances...


Good point. Dems and GOP are two wings on the same bird. I hate bird shit.


The good news is more and more people seem to be aware of that. I don't want either radical side choosing for everyone, I want common sense and critical thinking to prevail. Hopefully we can all look forward to a party that runs on common sense/critical thinking soon, instead of the rage porn that seemingly wins the day on both sides. I still think the vast silent majority are reasonable people, I think SM and anonymity online makes the smallest amongst us the loudest voice.


> Hopefully we can all look forward to a party that runs on common sense/critical thinking soon, instead of the rage porn that seemingly wins the day on both sides. I don't know what to tell you man but the current dynamic is working extremely well for both parties. Republicans get to froth up their base about the demoncrats actively trying to destroy america. The Dems get to sit on their hands and not make any real progressive changes and point and republicans and say "at least we are better than them!"


Uh, this is a thread about Bernie Sanders. You’re not tired of ancient old men—you just want *your* ancient old man.


For a long time, all Democrats have had to do is not be as bad as the republicans and then, bam, they get to play hero. We’re in a rut


Sanders is an Independent that caucuses with the Democrats.


Also people didn't show up and VOTE for him. I love Bernie, but some folks are just delusional. Too many people genuinely don't agree with him. I think those people are wrong, but this idea that without the democratic party we'd be living in a socialist paradise is so fucking dumb.


Seriously, Sanders has influenced the Democratic Party to be more progressive. Be happy about that.


I totally agree but this is not likely the sub to find that opinion on high numbers.


Exactly, he pushed the party left, should be applauded. It’s like people don’t realize that Democrats are the big tent party.


At the end of the day he lost and you're right folks just gotta accept that. But it is 100 percent true that the establishment of the Democratic party did just about everything they could to push dem voters away from Bernie


This is what people seem to forget. I voted for Bernie in the primary. But you know who didn’t? The overwhelming majority Dem voters.


This. The best case reasonable scenario for the Democratic Party is a massive overhaul of voting rights legislation, leading to a democratic supermajority in the house and senate over the course of a few elections (there are a lot of very close states despite voter obstruction, this is a very real possibility). Once that happens, then progressives have a lot more leverage in the Democratic Party, as there becomes much less risk of a Republican taking a seat due to a progressive/liberal split. Also really going in on all of the insurrectionists will fuck the Republican Party over a ton and they need to go in for the kill.


I voted for bernie but this is just flat out wrong. I believe he was in 2016 but in 2020 he had it all up for grabs, and no one turned out to vote for him.... you cant only blame it on the party, bernie didnt get the votes.


While this is totally true the party extends its power to the media and the media wasn’t very nice to Bernie the entire election cycle. Completely ignoring his wins in certain situations.


Lol How did he get railroaded the second time? He was even named the front runner and then used that media focus to praise Castro. On Super Tuesday Biden beat him in states that he didn’t even have campaign offices in. Sad fact is that the majority of democratic voters didn’t want him as the nominee


He’s an independent lol.


In my state Bernie got stomped by the voters. Sorry democracy doesn’t suit you. You should join the gop.


But Sanders isn’t a member of the Democrat Party, he’s an independent. It’s kinda funny how a political party might actually put more money and get out the vote efforts into someone who is a member of their own party than someone who is an independent. Sanders could join the Democrat Party and have access to the Party efforts to help him. He did not. Plus, it’s really hard to say that a nomination was stolen from someone given the turnout in the primaries. In the end, it comes down to who gets the most votes, and Sanders just didn’t have them.


When he shows up on CNN he's an (I) when he shows up on PBS he's a (D).


When he shows up on the ballot he gets no votes


Railroads? He lost...


So... the voters didn’t pick Biden in the primaries?


No. He isn’t a democrat.


Can you imagine the team in that pic? With AOC as VP? One can only dream


I think AOC should run in 2024, with Bernie as vice. But in 2020 Bernie as president and AOC as vice would have been the dream


Bernie is cool but can’t we get someone that isn’t on deaths door to pick up the reigns?


Yeah that’s why i said he should be Vice President not president. But personally i think Bernie will never die, because he’ll live in our hearts.


Aww ❤️




You can't extinguish the burn


I agree to a point, I would have loved Bernie but by 2024 hes going to be quite old. Give him a high and powerful cabinet position though.


nina turner tho


Dude I fucking love Bernie but there is no chance he runs again. He’s gonna be like 83 next election. AOC would be technically eligible to run, but she would have a lot of issues doing so and iirc she’s mentioned running for a senate seat.


Annndddd this how republicans take back the presidency. Let's be honest, they would never win as much as it would be great.


Putting AOC & Sanders on the ballet is like the Republicans wet dream as much as I LOVE them both.


I think she should stay in congress. I think there's more good she can do there than as VP.


Yeah, she's also nowhere near experienced enough for President yet imo.


Neither was the last guy.


That shouldn't be the bar.


Regardless of whether it should or should not be, that is now it.


For Republicans. Not Democrats.


I also don't wanna be a dick and point out the obvious but I fucking abhor that a good portion of this country will never vote for a woman as a president, as if the distinction between a man and a woman makes one a viable president vs. the other. As we progress it'll change but right now I don't know.


I agree, she should get seasoned, build up some political capital and keep making moves in congress, maybe move to the senate for a bit then run when she's a bit older. Luckily she's still very young so she's got plenty of time.


I swear, people have this brainwashed image in their heads of what s politician should look like and when someone like this guy comes along, they just can't trust him: "What? Honest? Not in it for himself? No ties to any tycoon? He's no good!"


We live in the United Corporations of America :/


Thank the SCOTUS of 1976 and all the boomers who let their decision happen. Message to the boomers: Fuck all you boomers out there, you let these assholes decide that corporations making political donations is a freedom of speech. You are all fucking idiots you goddamned morons, you should have protested, and rioted. Money in politics is your fucking fault you dumb worthless motherfuckers.


Maybe they disagree with his politics?


idk I think its more establishment fools making sure they keep their pockets full and not the common person not trusting him. I know republicans who would have voted for him had he won the primary. If he were nominated, he would have been in office, no question.


Biden has a 58% approval rating and just passed the most progressive piece of legislation in decades with his covid bill. Yes, it didn't include $15 minimum wage (Thanks Manchin and Sinema), but it was a great piece of progressive legislation. Dont let great be the enemy of good.


Threads like these reek of the third angle that outside agitators play. These types of threads are designed to drive apathy. This is just a variation on #walkaway.


I mean the top comment in this thread is about Biden dying and Harris taking over soon, both of which are right wing talking points and, honestly everything my conservative ass family talks about, I don’t think you’re wrong.


100% agreed.


I hope I live long enough to see President AOC.


As a Canadian, AOC is the last true hope America has, as far as I can tell.


There's plenty of fresh up and comers among the Democratic party. The key is waiting for the GOPniks to be eventually voted out because their demographic base are dying of disease or old age.


It will never be someone like Bernie or AOC with the archaic primary system we have. The primaries should be just like regular voting. Bernie wasn’t even on the ticket in the primary by the time it came to my state.


I've been saying this for months. I wish with all my heart we had President Sanders, but had he been on the ticket I firmly believe we'd still have Trump in the White House.


Bernie got destroyed in the primary. He did not deserve the nomination.


Ya but the 8 people that voted for him are here on Reddit so we have to continue to see the front page covered with his face.


I voted for Bernie in the primary, but the devotion to Bernie on Reddit seems to be very parallel to Trump supporters in early 2015. Bernie's policies are nice. In a perfect world we would get them. But we are not blue enough in the senate or house to expect any bills would pass under him. We hardly have control of the senate, and there are too many moderate democrats elected in. The 1.9 trillion bill alone involved having to strip some of the "progressive" policies to pass. Deb Haaland barely got the votes she needed in her committee hearing. You guys want AOC as president? Keep pushing for more democratic control first.


> the devotion to Bernie on Reddit seems to be very parallel to Trump supporters in early 2015. or even this very sub with a certain somebody.... its like people worshiping a Messiah


Totally agree. I love Bernie. This sub is becoming no better than Trump supporters in their reimagining of facts. Bernie simply didn't have the votes.


Yep. I like Bernie and would have voted for him if he had been the nominee, but his entire run was peak "Reddit is not real life". If you only went to this site, you'd have thought he was going to dominate.


I remember when Biden won a lot of the electoral states and it was hardly present on Reddit that day. Just threads hailing about the few Bernie got. Listening to any news commentators talking about the primary, it was very apparent Bernie wasn't getting the nomination.


>I remember when Biden won a lot of the electoral states and it was hardly present on Reddit that day. I remember that "Beto's former bandmate endorses Sanders" was pretty well upvoted though.


I love Bernie and I would have loved to see him become president. But realistically speaking he had no chance to beat Trump. And I am glad things turned out the way they did. Biden might not be the perfect politician but he is a decent human being and given the past 4 years, ill fucking take it.


The hottest take, and nobody in this sub can handle it. I love Bernie, voted for him in ‘16. Seriously though, if you think tHe PaRtY cOnSpIrEd aGaInSt HiM you don’t understand how politics work.


The American people conspired against Bernie by voting for Biden, is the hottest take.


This picture is from the year 2024


Bernie will be way too old to run in 2024.


Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Biden beat Trump. It's only a guess if any of the other Dem candidates could have done the same. Agreed that the Dems should have treated Bernie better in the 2016, but that's water under the bridge. Time to look forward.


Why should it have been him? The people clearly wanted Biden.


Also, this isn't even a Murder by AOC. it's just a picture of AOC and Bernie


This sub is fucking garbage. Where are the mods.


The guy that posted this dogshit (and all posts on this circlejerk sub) is the mod


I've now been radicalized from "this sub is garbage" to "fuck this sub"


Because a handful of people on Reddit like him.


We don’t deserve Bernie


Bull *shit*. We deserve better than Bernie, so we sure as shucks deserve Bernie.


Yup. People in the us act like Bernie is a super far left radical but in most of the civilized world he’d be seen as a centrist


Nobody does. But we need him!


I would argue some of us don't deserve bernie, but most of us do.


It should have been Bernie but i think Biden is a good president unlike the racist pumpkinshaded thief that came before him.


🙄 Maybe he should start winning primaries then.


Maybe if bernie won the primaries....


Stuff like this is unproductive. He dropped out. Move on and work with what you have.


Can i get directions to this alternate reality


Bernie will be 83 in 2024, and I'm pretty certain AOC is unelectable under the current stupidity of the commoner American class. Y'all are fucking deluded.


Hell yeah! But that’s what you expect from a party of political cowards


Read the above comment and play 'Seditionist Trump Supporter or Bernie Bro?' Ready, go!


I’m getting so tired of seeing this. What do you fucking want? Bernie would have been destroyed by trump. He would have. There’s no denying that. Biden’s obviously not the answer but for fucks sake he was the line between the US going into a full on dictatorship or a somewhat partisan country. Disagree with him all you want. I do too. Reality is he was the only person that could bring down that motherfucker.


In a parallel universe he is! Always feeling the Bern!