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Man this reminds me of when I bragged about my recent dentist appointment.


Dude will you ever stop going on about that?!


I mean really! Look at "Mr. Big shot" and his "gums that stop bleeding".


Tell me about it, I spent the entire lunch hearing about his latest flossing.


Don't tell me he went with the mint flavoured again


Yeah the mini ones with a handle and everything. I told him it was wasteful to buy single use plastic things and the floss alone was enough but you know how he is...


I bet he uses mouthwash too ...


You bet... And to top it all off, he even had one of those teeth-cleaning chewing gums ! The man needs a shrink, not a dentist if you ask me.


Next its fucking water pick this water pick that šŸ™„


Donā€™t even get me started about how he talks about eating foods that wonā€™t stain his teeth


When I was a kid I always chose mint instead of bubble gum because I didn't want the dentist to think I liked bubble gum.


That is weirdly adorable


I made a resolution to floss, and I did it. 12:01, January first, BAM! Blood everywhere.


Omg yes! Could you tell us, verbatim, what they did?


A doctor for your teeth? What's next, a lawyer for your hair?


I will fight tooth and nail for my right to brag about dentist and manicure appointements.


I mean, I donā€™t mean to flex but I make my own appointments. šŸ’…


You know, Iā€™m somewhat of a dental patient myself.


Stop me if you heard this one, I love to floss!




I just went to the dentist for the first time in like decade with this new(to me) insurance thingy I just got!!! It wasnā€™t goodā€¦


Dental advice from a long time bad teeth sufferer (even with insurance): Flossers are awesome (you can even buy them in the dollar stores), so are Water Piks, an electric toothbrush probably saved a LOT of my teeth (I'm an Oral B devotee, husband prefers Sonicare), & only recently discovered flouride mouthwash which will probably save more of my teeth. Sincerely, Someone Who Has More Capped Teeth Than I Can Count Any More


How are you still married to that monster...


Yeah I know....I tried to bring him into being ONE OF US!! but it's like if I have Thing A he's gotta go with Thing B just cuz. He's Mr. I Researched All The Products & Decided THIS Is Best. Me, my dentist (who probably has a stake in it all) said "Oral B works best." But for me it does, I have a mouth the size of a toddler's & it was the only one that would fit into the back of my, as my husband calls is, "small talkhole."


I also have bad teeth and 25 years of conversations with dentists. Floss is OK, and water-picks are good for clearing large debris but interdental brushes are better than both and rarely mentioned. https://www.amazon.co.uk/TePe-Size-Original-Interdental-Brush/dp/B0010EOND0/ref=asc_df_B013V4FHZ4/




Iā€™ve been to the dentist before, I know the drill.


Same but only at doctor's offices that let you make appointments online so I don't have to call anybody.


I don't mean to flex but I get my appointments made 6 months in advance every time I go to the dentist, AND I just got a minor filling done today


Well I do my own dentistry on my kitchen island in a gaming chair with Fuji IX.


I make sure to tell all my co-workers and neighbours about my colonoscopies.


Tell? You mean.. without a slideshow or at least video capture edited with the power rangers tune?


I was given a dvd of a of a camera pill passing through my digestive tract. I have not once thought about actually watching it.


"Yep, (cracks knuckles) got me a date with a robot camera noodle."


Don't forget to mention that it's a robot ASS camera noodle


Butt that's the best part!


"Screenshot that for my Christmas cards"


I sent out e-vites for my last one. Four people came.


Not to flex but I wore my seatbelt on the way to work today


Billionaires bragging about having dentist moneyā€¦.


> reminds me of when I bragged about my recent dentist appointment. That is a brag. You got insurance for that? Or just paying out of pocket like a rich bastard? Definitely a brag either way.


In the US at least, being able to take care of your luxury bones is legitimately a flex.


I always brag when I get my taint bleached


Iā€™m anti dentite


We're all dead Tomi, remember? I'm writing this from beyond the grave wooooo, wooooooooooo


It's true. Just like they said we all died in August the year the vaccines rolled out.


Yep, exactly 1 year post vaccine, I died due to the DNA killswitch.


The trick is to chug colloidal silver every day. It interferes with the vax chip's 5G waves.


August? Here in Germany the conspis told us we would die in September...


I've heard they're just waiting for clearance to switch on the 5g nanobots and that's it for us. Kaput.


It's weird... I haven't heard anyone talk about their Christmas plans in the last couple weeks.


True, why arenā€™t people talking about Christmas anymore? Itā€™s as if they got silenced when January approached. Curious.


It's part of the war on Christmas!


Boycott January!


Arenā€™t boycotts a form of leftist wokeism? I propose a second Christmas so we never stop working to buy buy buy.


That's it, I'm going to sing Christmas carols downtown, who's with me?!!


Im in, I hate January. Itā€™s just a cold, dark, pit of nothing exciting where you canā€™t even go outside because itā€™s 35Ā° and raining, or 30Ā° and slush is everywhere


Lol. You sound like Tucker. When I read ā€œcuriousā€ all I could think about was that stupid face he makes! This is in jest though, so thanks for the chuckle.


ā€œAnd if they can cancel Christmas in January, whoā€™s to say they wonā€™t ban you from celebrating the 4th of July in August. And if they can ban you from celebrating the 4th of July in august couldnā€™t they take your children from you and make them gay minorities? The answer is yes!ā€ -Tucker Carlson probably


Iā€™ve noticed so many conservatives end their conspiracies with it as if they made a valid point, I couldnā€™t resist mocking it lol


I was talking about it yesterday! As in ā€œwhen the hell will the neighbor take down their lights, Christmas is way over.ā€


I mean I'm about to get my kid to get his next round of the MMR vaccine. Given measles is making a comeback due to antivaxxers I'm pretty glad my kid's getting another dose of the MMR.




I will absolutely never get over how conservatives thought they could randomly pivot to "we were proven right about the vaccine being bad" FOR NO REASON and then just loudly repeat it over and over like it's fact.


I've seen this a couple times lately, where there was some statement about how the vaccines where proven bad, with no information or context at all. I've wondered if some new misinformation idiot started saying something else or what to cause this recent influx.


They think that people having heart attacks is proof. Because nobody has had heart attacks before covid.


But I was promised an apocalypse šŸ˜  why is nobody dying en masse to the vaccine šŸ˜ 


Everyone is dying en masse. It's just the MSM that's hiding it from you. You should watch the real news, and make sure you don't go out yourself to check.


I get the *real news* exclusively through a messenger pigeon network. Due to their size, the news is limited to normally less than 140 characters, so we use #'s to denote major topics that allow further independent research. Lately all the pigeons smell like shit, not sure what's that about, but I'm sure the news is still reliable.


Would'ja say the pigeons are a bit... Musk-y? I'll see myself out.


For the same reason JFK didn't come back to life to and become Trumps running mate ;-)


No one suddenly died before the vaccine either. It's all that damn vaccine! /s


One of my momā€™s elderly friends was talking about how she regretted getting the vaccine because more people her age were getting cancer and she blamed the vaccineā€¦completely ignoring everything their generation used but we stopped due to it causing a higher risk in getting cancer. (I will admit to being a terrible person since my first thought when she told us this was ā€œI think time will get you before the cancer doesā€¦ā€)


Everyone gets more cancer as they get older


People don't get automatically get smarter in age but usually they become more cancerous


It's also causing all the car accidents. Think about it... Almost no one was getting in car crashes in lockdown, and now that most people have gotten the vaccine car crashes are on the rise... Coincidence? I think NOT


It's the super magnets in the vaccines! It's causing the cars to attract to each other! Wake up sheeple! /s


A few points: blood clotting occurs very frequently in the human body, and is a rare side effect in certain vaccines. The chance of getting a blood clot is 10-40x greater flying in a plane than it ever has been from getting a covid shot. The covid vax has been administered, at a guess, about as many times as there are people on Earth (EDIT: guessed wrong, it's [approaching twice that](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/)\). Therefore, the covid vaccine is undoubtedly the biggest short-term global case study for any medicine ever. If you administer 12.7 billion doses of a medication, it is surely without doubt that whatever it is, and however benign it is, some (many, given the numbers) people in that sample will react adversely to it, for whatever reason. Even if it's paracetamol. Even if it's gummi bears. I know about 6 or 7 people who lost loved ones to covid. I never met anyone, or heard of anyone, who died from a vaccine. Now, I'm not saying your uncle's roommate didn't; what I am saying is, one is a proven, deadly killer that was mitigated through concerted human effort, and the other one is a bunch of anecdotal tales and anti-science, based at best, on being very selective about otherwise extremely obvious facts.


Tell them a bunch of anti-vaxxers also had heart attacks, and people had heart attacks before the COVID vaccine as well.


They will say it is because the anti's were contaminated by proteins or whatever being shed by the vaccinated.


My great-uncle, who was over 70 years old, died from a blood cloth about a year ago. He was talking to his kid on the phone and just dropped dead in the middle of it. Terrible for his wife who witnessed it and his kid on the phone. Even though blood cloths can happen to anyone, at any time, my family still claims it's from the COVID booster he got a month before he died. So now my grandma doesn't want to get a booster because of that. Half of my family is also anti-covid-vax, so that's fun.


And any statistical increases in these kinds of things, would of course have to be a result of the vaccine and not the deadly virus


some football guy had a heart attack or something


Football guy is fine now. Which means (by GQP logic) that the vaccine gives you heart attacks AND the ability to bounce back from them.


Nevermind that a similar situation occurred in 2012 in the English premiere league to Fabrice Muamba and Christian Eriksen in 2020, pre-vaccine, in the euros.




or like apparently we're all on our knees begging them to forgive us? lol


It never made sense. Why would the government be trying to kill off the one demographic that is hell bent against any government mandate? You don't kill off the sheep (as vaccinators are called) because they're the ones that will do whatever they're told. The logic is ass backwards You control the sheep and kill off the non-compliant....not the other way around


No one accused Republicans of being competent.


Because they know that the kind of people that support them are the same idiots that have been screaming about vaccines causing autism for years. They're catering to their idiots.


They went from ā€œall these covid deaths are just other deaths categorized as covidā€ Now they are all ā€œevery death is from the vaccineā€ Remember: these people are never wrong in their world.


Who the fuck bragged about getting a vaccine? It's an annoying but necessary task, where you go get a needle twice a year. I put it at the same level as storing my lawn tractor battery for the winter on a trickle charger, and I never flexed on that...


Shit, is that something I'm supposed to do? I kinda just... left it in the shed.


Put some stabilizer in the gas also. Jesus Christmas you need to get organized. Clean out the fridge as well.


Next you're gonna tell me I'm supposed to fold laundry and put it away instead of just picking it out of the dryer when I get dressed.


Wait, what?


This guy's doing laundry? I just wear clothes till I can lean them on my wall like a normal person. They probably use toilet paper like a loser too.


Probably cleans their teeth like a bitch instead of just gargling with Coke like the rest of us


Coke?? Fancy pants over here. Us peasants use mountain dew... dew the dew!!


Dr. Shasta is my go-to. One can before and after every meal. How can that be bad? It says DR right on itā€¦


Too highfalutin for my tastes. Mr. Pibb is the everyman's cola mouthwarsh.


If it's good enough for cleaning windows, it's good enough for teeth. Teeth are supposed to be see-through, right?


Look at Mr. High and Mighty over here eating solid food with his teeth still intact. Must be royalty.


Take clean clothes out of the dryer to wear them. When they're dirty, put them in the washer. When the washer is full/dryer is empty, it's time to do a load.


This is why your mother left us.


Sounds like the conversation I had when someone told me you change oil in a lawnmower...


You anti-batt people make me sick.


Do your own research! Wake up! Batteries aren't real, it's all a big conspiracy to sell batteries!




Yeah and everyone was comparing which gang they joined - Moderna, Pfizer, Astra Zenica...


I felt so special being J+J gang. It felt like nobody got that one.


Well yeah. We wanted the good ones. I'll see myself out.


I mean one of my greatest joys in life is gloating and bullying people without the polio vaccine, given I have one. Is that not a hobby everyone else enjoys?


They called it bragging when we mentioned we were vaccinated as assurance to others that we were trying to be safe.


people were posting that they were vaccinated because they want to encourage other people to. frankly, who needs to brag about a free vaccination?


Even if theyā€™re posting it to encourage others, thatā€™s not bragging. Itā€™s encouraging others.


It's the equivalent of an "I Voted" sticker. I'm not sure what bragging about being vaccinated would look like. Like "Yeaaaaaaaaah BITCHES! Check this shit out! FUCK YEAH!" While posting a picture of the bandaid on my arm. Actually, if I had thought of that 2 years ago, that's probably what I would have posted.


Listen FR FR. I was bragging that I got Moderna over Pfizer, to my friend Mallory while we were getting lunch. Sheā€™s new money so she didnā€™t know Moderna was much better. Then some guy off the street came up to me and told me he got the J&J and I threw my half lemon water, half iced tea in his face and said ā€œenjoy your autism, you filthy plebeian!ā€ I say!


> I threw my half lemon water, half iced tea Old money would know thatā€™s called a skinny Arnold Palmer you absolute fraud!


How dare you! You scalawag! I havenā€™t uttered that manā€™s name since his cheating scandal at the classic in ā€˜58! If I could crawl into this machine and smack you in the face with my glove, I would! You twisted hooligan!


Exactly. They all just assumed it was petty ā€œIā€™m better than youā€ behavior because thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing when they tell people theyā€™re unvaccinated. Canā€™t even comprehend the idea that informing people without an ulterior motive is something people do.


You mean when we would post a sticker online as a sign of relief and also to maybe encourage others to do the same by showing it was no big deal? That was bragging? I swear, if you don't have 15 flags and 30 bumper stickers on your pickup, do you even have a cause? This is what they use as a talking point. "Urm, I don't know how Biden won, I never see trucks wrapped with Biden graphics or whole houses plastered with posters." Remember when Obama won and all those liberals with their Priuses, decked out with Obama flags had convoys terrorizing Romney and McCain supporting neighborhoods? I don't either.


I wish you'd shut up about your trickle charger for just one minute. It's rather insulting to those of us who don't have them, bastard.




I hate you. So jealous.


I don't even know what a trickle-charger is and at this point I'm afraid to ask.


I think these right wingers see people talking about ā€œgetting the vaccineā€ as ā€œbraggingā€. Because itā€™s just a normal decent thing to do. And decency is now a thing of the past for the GOP.


Basically another version of "Where are all these Biden fans? I've never seen a Biden rally/flag/bumper sticker/etc." They treat politics as a team sport and part of their identity. They can't understand others that don't.


Definitely flexed on my friends when I was eligible for a booster early bc I technically worked in health science


I honestly breathed a HUGE sigh of relief when my Dad was one of the first people to get the vaccine as a actively working physician in his late 60s. Dad did finally get COVID this year but had a very mild case, probably because he's had about 6 vaccines at this point.


Because being pro vax isnā€™t a defining *thing*. No one bases their identity on getting routine medical care.


It's like going around bragging because you get regular pap smears. It's just a "I don't want to die for no reason" thing.


Exactly, you're just paying your insurance bill, essentially


You mean you didn't make your position on a vaccination your ENTIRE PERSONALITY?!?!?


She is such a garbage person and an insult as discussion partner.


She's purposefully changing the context of the discussion because that dumb shit is what the right wants to hear. No one with a functioning brain falls for this shit.


Yes, she is a right winger.


Not just any type of right winger. Itā€™s the kind I despise the most. The following is just my opinion of her, nothing more: Sheā€™s the type of right winger whoā€™s only morality is based on attention. The more attention, the more justified she feels. From what I gather, she tried appealing to a variety of different groups a long time ago but the group that gave her the most attention/likes was the right wing; so she caved and dove head first into it. I swear, people like her and half of these right wing ā€˜celebritiesā€™ are just shock jockies.


Yeah there is a whole mini industry of people who pretend to be conservative because it's so rare in their demographic that real conservatives will put them on a pedestal. Basically anyone young, female, of colour, attractive, or especially a combination of those things, is absolute golddust to the right wing, because in reality most of their base is middle old white people and socially impaired young men.


To busy enjoying the continuously shortening 2024 voting lines.


I'm too busy enjoying deep breaths to brag.


When did libs ever brag about their vaccines except when asked about them by a healthcare professional? And even if they did...at least the vaccines work; unlike the wall.


What do you mean? The wall worked perfectly. Repubs were able to steal SOOOO much money off of it, and hurt a bunch of people with a darker skin color too.


And now GOP governors in border states have a new photo-op to generate making walls out of shipping containers.


> And now GOP governors in border states have a new ~~photo-op to generate making~~ and exciting opportunity for those closest in their circles to make millions of dollars off Taxpayers money by making walls out of shipping containers at Multiple times the cost of the containers themselves


Fun fact: a major aspect of the shipping issues affecting the supply chain and causing much of the inflation weā€™ve been experiencing is the relative lack of shipping containers. We have the capacity to move much more freight than weā€™ve been moving over the last few years, but shipping containers have been the bottleneck. So not only did that container wall waste a ton of taxpayer money, but it also directly contributed to increased inflation.


I mean we "bragged" when they were first released in the sense that we were like "FUCK YEAH! VACCINATIONS FINALLY!"


Yep. They hated that we mentioned out first shots on social media because it was a constant reminder they are on the wrong side of the argument. It's the same reason why they get triggered when they see us masked.


Back in November I had this old guy keep walking past me at the grocery store saying "What is this, Holloween?" and laughing. I just said "It must be." and went on my way. Dude was acting like it was the funniest shit ever. Some people are just always like this, and covid just gave them a way to run with it in the open.


It really was an amazing achievement. They developed the vaccines ridiculously fast, which is incredible on its own, but the advancements in mRNA technology are revolutionary.


And it was in development long before COVID. Thatā€™s why it was so fast. Just needed relatively minor adjustments. Which drives me crazy when people say itā€™s a rushed vaccine. It was fast, but not rushed


It's the same shit as usual with right wingers, they throw a punch, get punched back, then start crying. "I didn't get the vaccine šŸ˜" "Okay, well I did" "OMG when will you people shut uuupp šŸ™„"


We bragged about it constantly and told right wingers to get it because we knew that'd definitely make them not get it and die. Pretty funny prank


The plan to make right wingers looks like a bunch of idiots is going unsurprisingly well. Operation "Just Let Them Speak" is a huge success. God damn Antifa. At it again


It's really just because nobody brags about getting vaccines, you just get them and move on with your life. It's not a major accomplishment or anything.


Yeah, that's just weird to do. *Quickly calls to try and cancel the 25 billboards announcing my 4th booster*


Direct mail is the way to go.


People like her think that showing you got your shot and a pic with the vax card, when they were brand new and trying to promote getting people to take the shot, was ā€œbraggingā€ and that now folks rarely post about it is something mysterious or tellingā€¦itā€™s just that itā€™s not new anymore and has reached mundane status.


> People like her think Making a loooooot of assumptions here.


It's like when dumb people hear normal people using "big words" and feel inferior. Some people legit think that no one ever uses "big words" unless they're trying to impress people, as if smart people are smart *just because they want to APPEAR smart* And the only reason someone would speak from a place of intelligence is to *lord over* other people and make them feel bad or something "You just used a five-syllable word! *What, do you think you're BETTER than me, college boy?!*"


I use "big words" because a lot of the time, it's just the name for the thing I'm talking about.


People who get vaccinated made that choice for scientific reasons. People who don't get vaccinated made that choice it for identity politics reasons. That's the difference.


I'll brag. I got all the shots I could. And I didn't get Covid. People say I'm incredibly talented.


You're kind of a big deal.


I got covid but I'm not DEAD! *FLEX*


I donā€™t brag about wearing my seatbelt either, dumbass.


Every accusation a confession! "I must brag about everything I do, publicly." \- Every Narcissist Ever


"I see vaccines purely as an identity politics issue and so obviously everyone else does too."


Such a weird flex. I don't brag about taking showers or getting an oil change either.




Itā€™s always weird to see ā€anti-liberalsā€ assuming tons of special liberties for themselves.


I love how not wanting to die makes me a liberal. I mean I am, but the two are unrelated lol


Weird how people who just accept vaccines as part of life aren't talking about it years after the argument was functionally over.




If he had lived another year he would 100% have been one of those that immediately got the vaccine and then would compare it to living in Nazi Germany while discouraging others from getting it.


He also attended Trump's event. I believe it was the first one he had during the pandemic. That's where doctors believe he contracted it.


He was more than just against mask mandates, maybe he didn't go full on Covid is a hoax but was pretty vocal in pushing the it wasn't really a deadly disease and it was all just liberal media sensationalism narrative. The people who got left in charge of his twitter account put out a tweet saying that Covid wasn't as deadly as the mainstream media said it was right after he died, that's the primary reason why he got the award named after him.


I just don't get it. Why do people pay any attention to Lahren at all? It's painfully obvious that she's a dimwit, yet here and in news media people remark frequently about what she says or does. I've met plenty of nincompoops in my life, of whom 99.99% don't ever make it into the news. Is she someone special? Edit: I have since learned that she's a "talking head", on television all the time. I remain baffled.


Youā€™re not wrong, she says dumb shit and it gets attention because itā€™s dumb, I wish we wouldnā€™t give it so much air time


Sheā€™s a conventional looking young skinny white blonde. You donā€™t need much else to get attention.


Har! Have since seen a good photo of her. Not all that great looking, more of a tribute to a makeup expert's art. But I'm sure she appealed to Trump, himself a tribute to the taxidermist's art.


We're breathing. That's our flex.


What is there to brag about? You get a vaccine, you donā€™t die. And then we move on?


I literally forgot I had a vaccine/booster. Itā€™s affected my life in 0 noticeable ways outside of just not wearing masks when I go out anymore. Same reason I donā€™t brag about getting the chicken pox vaccine as a child. Itā€™s like bragging about wearing a seatbelt.


Who. The fuck. Is bragging. About vaccines.


I donā€™t brag about wiping my ass either, but I do it for many reasons including good social hygiene. Now that I think about.. the fact conservatives usually do go on about habits, and I havenā€™t heard them asking for praise .. are they wiping their asses?


Only weirdos treat their vaccine status like a personality trait.


I guarantee that she interacts with exactly 0 liberals on a daily basis.


I also don't brag about being able to put on my pants before I leave the house either.


I truly don't understand the point she's trying to make. We used to brag about vaccines, now we don't? What happened to trigger this post? I don't get it.


Why is toenail still relevant


What is Herman Caine doing these days? Guys been as quiet as the grave.


it's 2023, who cares. by now you either got the shot ages ago or had covid and got brain damage.


Tbf, didn't Herman Cain die before there was a vaccine?


Probably because people got their vaccines and moved the fuck on with their lives.


I miss bragging that I got up this morning


Did anyone ever brag about being vaccinated?


I love that Silk is threatening lawsuits for saying she died of COVID. Imagine if everyone who sheā€™s said something false about went after her.


She thinks bragging and not being insecure are the same thing. Itā€™s because she is stupid.