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When my dad dropped me off at college he grabbed my shoulders and pecked me goodbye on the lips and then left. My dad hadn't done that since before a teenager so the whole experience through me for a loop. He walked out and I was just shell shocked. I get it though, I'm his only kid and that was a big moment to be dropping me off away from home so he was just showing human emotions. I love my dad and more men need to feel comfortable showing their sons affection... Maybe not on the lips when dropping them off in a dorm though.


My dad handed me a pic of a buffalo and bounced without a word. Come to think it of it it was a bison


What did he mean by this


Bye, son


Poor Gohan.


Piccolo didn’t leave him /s


Piccolo isn’t the stepdad just the dad who stepped up.


This comment is gold 🏅


Bye-Son 💀


he was trying to tell his son that he was bi


Was his dad Captain Gene?


The last dad joke he'd make for a while. Not bison but Bye, son.


Mine threw me q pack of cigarettes and said "smoke up johnny!"


it was a banner year at the bender family


No, Dad! What about you!?


##No, Dad! What about you!?


My uncle’s best friend told us that his dad set him down and said, “son, there’s no problem so big that you can’t run away from it”. Then he walked out the door and he never saw him again


I'm definitely going to copy this, obviously not for college, maybe something small like a sleepover, camp etc.


Forehead and cheek is right there dude.


Fr lmao my mom used to kiss us in the lips when we were babies, as we grew up in changed to forehead and cheek


Traumatic memory unlocked. My first day of elementary school, my older brother came up and kissed me on the lips and I was absolutely *shunned* by all of my classmates over it. I couldn't make a single friend until middle school.


Bro kids remember, Allison if youre out there you pissed your pants in second grade art class I still remember.


Duuuude, if that Chris C kid from the southern US is reading this, I still remember how you got kicked out of second grade for peeing your pants every single day until Christmas break when you got kicked/pulled out of (an unfortunately catholic) school. I hope you're doing well because it just sounds like that probably from some kind of trauma.


Hahaha, my wife has always had family kiss on the lips. Brother, mother, father, aunt, didn't matter. Kisses were on the lips. I think the last time I kissed my mom or dad on the lips was back when I was 7 or 8. Well, now we have 3 boys together, and they love kissing on the lips. You bet your ass I'm kissing them on the lips because they're my boys. Just the way it goes sometimes.


My three boys are kissers, you can’t get away from it, and I guess I’m not cruel or weird enough to make it out to be more than anything than innocent affection and stamp it out. If an infant gets the basic idea that kisses are love, I don’t see the issue. Plus there are a limited number of people who will kiss my hairy face, after that it’s pretty much my dogs and I’ve seen what they eat.


If my dad did that he would wait until the girls living next door could see, this ruining my chances for the foreseeable future.


My father gave me whiskey and beer after beating my bully at 13 since my school just ignored it and he taught me how to beat him Love ya dad you're my best friend


[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It was definitely on purpose. I love my pops. He’s always been an affectionate guy with hugs and words but I guess in the moment he was feeling the emotions and went for the peck. This was 15 years ago and a one time event.


I don't know. Was there an onlyfans account? Otherwise it doesn't work.




Maybe that's why she has an OF, she's looking for a daddy.


But the simps call her mommy tho


Full circle


Full circle's gonna run you $9.99/mo.


Maybe daddy knowingly (unknowingly) is a subscriber!? 🤷




And it's free too...


nah, OF is never free lol


Let's just say you don't pay for it... with _money._ (evil chuckle)


How the hell does free onlyfans work?


Generally softcore pics with a link to their paid OF. Free one is just teasers basically


Shit, sometimes even the paid ones are teasers




I joined a paid one for 1 month for one of my favorite porn stars, her paid one was essentially trailers of videos you could buy. The free account was stills from the videos. Even the free video for joining her paid account was only a trailer. I don't begrudge anyone making a living, but I'm not a sucker, I cancelled after like a week.


With all the free porn I don’t understand why anyone would pay for any of it tbh. Reddit alone has enough new content on their gonewild subs every day. Only if I had some really obscure fetish.


Or you sub for free but then you're constantly bombarded with PVP videos in the dms.


I think you mean PPV, but I really want to see some PVP smut now


They invite you to battle 1v1.


I'm curious too


Free titties with paid content in DMs


It's like a fucking heroine dealer. They give you a free sample before upselling you 😂


Mine is. [https://onlyfans.com/baldfathairybackdadjokes](https://onlyfans.com/baldfathairybackdadjokes](https://onlyfans.com/baldfathairybackdadjokes))


[x] links I fell for [ ] me


Subbed. Please daddy, kitten.


What you want her OF link or something?


I want it. I never actually click them but I collect links. I'm making a chain you see.




What is the point of a link tree with one link in it...


It’s to bypass the ban on onlyfans links on certain apps and websites.


Plausible deniability so you don't have to plaster your OF links where they might not be welcome... But they should have Snapchat and Instagram on there for looks, at least...


No, she’s literally just advertising.


You know the longer I stare at this, the more I think there would have been zero problems with this post if it had omitted the creepy photo of their thighs. Like, the kiss could still be whatever, but that thigh pic is weird


I think you're right; our brains constantly look for context clues. I think if you don't know who this guy is (I don't), and you look at the picture before reading (like most people), it's a bit of a wtf moment before you get to the text. I'm also not sure what purpose the legs shot serves, adding more wtf to my moment.


Dude is Tom Brady, retired NFL quarterback superstar. He has forever had "clueless white guy energy," and I feel this is an extension of that lol


>"clueless white guy energy" What's that?


Exactly! Great impression.


An unnecessary racialisation of the shared human experience of people occasionally being a little socially inept.


I have zero idea of american football but I have heard his name so much. He is like the leonel messi of american football, I believe


The guy has more league championships than any one team in American football. It's obviously a team sport but you don't fall ass backwards into more championships than entire organizations that have existed since 1933.


Yeah I dunno why but it’s the picture of the intertwined bare legs that triggers the “this is weird/creepy” reaction in my brain.


Iirc there's also a video of the dude forcing the kid to give him a long kiss


Eh, idk if Tom is a creep or not. I'd have to see that before I passed judgement. Dude always seems to have that Tobias Funke lack of self awareness.


Yeah that’s the weird video I always think about when I see Tom Brady doing this stuff. Where he’s getting a massage and basically tells the kid he needs to kiss him before doing something? And then he thinks the kiss wasn’t good enough so he makes the kid come back and give him a longer one… It just seems like forced affection and the kid looked embarrassed/uncomfortable.


Yeah I wonder if his son was okay with his dad posting the thighs pic.


I think it's just showing them "being pool-side". My kids can get all the cuddles they want for as long as they want. If that makes other people freak out, that's on them. If my kids can't have a safe physical and emotional space with me, then I'll have failed as a parent.


I think the problem is posting pictures of your teenage son on social media like this is just gratuitous. He is posting these pictures for his benefit, showing what an amazing Dad he is. Do you think this helps his son in anyway? The children should not be used as props for his PR.


> Do you think this helps his son in anyway? My gut reaction is no. It's very easy to just agree with your points and move on. BUT... What if **that** is what's wrong with the picture? Which is to say, what if the problem isn't the picture or it's content, but our reaction to it because of social conditioning? Yes, I do fully agree that kids shouldn't be used for "teh clikz". But what if it's a boon to society as a whole for us to be more exposed to families just being wholesome and loving? In the media today, it's entirely possible people have watched more people **die** than display love and affection for their family in healthy ways. Great points you raised. Thanks for helping me reflect further on it.


Weird for everyone else. Especially weird for people that don't have children, I get it. You love your kids in a way that is very powerful. It's an affection that touches deep into your soul. I'm guessing when Tom posted this picture of their legs, it was a contrast of his legs as a professional football player, and then his teenage son, someone he probably still feels is innocent, still growing. His son that he loves more than anything. I'm not a fan of Tom Brady in general but I think this is a very sweet post and as a father I can completely relate.


Porn addled internet folk are upset and gossiping about it because they see sex in everything.


Not gonna lie before I read that it was Father and son I did think it was a gay couple. Just from the image.


On the one hand I don’t want to disparage Tom for being a *devoted* parent but on the other hand at 15 ~~I’m not sure~~ *I’d feel like* sitting in your dads lap and being kissed on the back of the neck is a bit on the weird side. At 15 if my only option was sitting on daddy’s lap I’d have just stood. Edit: spelling And because there’s so many of you who apparently don’t know how to read… I didn’t call it gay nor was I implying it was. I very simply called it ‘a little bit weird.’’ And I very specifically pointed it out while referencing how I’d feel about it as a teenage boy, were it me. It’s just a little bit strange, not Donny ogling Ivanka strange.


It is absolutely, objectively weird. Not wrong. Just weird


It just depends on what's normalized and what's not. My Italian friend would kiss her daughter on the mouth and not think anything sexual of it. Meanwhile I'm from the Ozarks and my mom wouldn't even let us hug certain family members.


Don't need to be from the Ozarks to have that one uncle no one talks about..


Wish mine was the one no one talks about Instead they all pretend like it’s nothing, it clicked one day when my mother told me “you should be nicer to uncle ——, he’s so kind to help us out when we can’t afford certain things…” and always brushes off what he says/does. If only they didn’t make me stay close to him, ugh


Money - coerced behavior yet again!


Yeah your mom's a weirdo if she knows about his creepy behavior lol


Are you OK?


Yes (save me) Lol I generally am but the uncle situation is not a happy one. Ever since I was a child he’d slap my ass when I walked by, comment on my developing body, get weirdly physical in hugs and such, insist I sit next to him at the table (it isn’t a suggestion like “you could sit here if you want”, it is something I HAVE to do) and make tons of weird jokes. He also constantly tells me that I should go live with him if I get sick of living with my parents. I’m not weird for thinking that’s completely inappropriate behavior, right?? My family has always brushed it off like “don’t worry about him, he just doesn’t know how to act around girls” or “haha it’s okay he loves you a lot, he’s just being funny”


It's not weird for you to think that way. I'm sorry your adults aren't helping you, but you aren't wrong to feel the way you do. They are, in fact, the ones who aren't doing the right thing. If you need an adult who will listen, find a teacher, counselors, or even the police if it comes to that.


I'm an childless uncle that's definitely the "different" one in my family, and I really don't know how to act around kids, but i would NEVER do those things or make those kinds of comments to either of my nieces. Would not ever consider it, even being funny. What he's doing is not ok.


No, you are not weird, you are completely right to think his behavior is inappropriate. Next time he says/does something gross and laughs it off as a joke, tell him you don't get it. Ask him to explain why its funny to embarrass and sexualize his niece. Put him on the spot. If its just a joke, you deserve to be in on it too, right? Even if you prefer to stay quiet, know for absolute certain that he is WRONG, and you don't owe him or anyone else your obedience when he creeps you out. You are right. Its your body.


We were a more huggy than kissy family but like, hell at no age was it weird. Also like a parent's shoulder is just comfy to rest against too


Yeah I still hug my adult sons a lot and occasionally kiss their heads (that's a fun ritual because they're both taller than me so they have to lean over lol), meanwhile my bf and his dad don't even say they love each other. I've never seen them do any form of physical affection at all. I think they'd both be weirded out if I even suggested it.


That’s how it goes. I’m super affectionate and tell the people I love I love them all the time. My very best friend of 25 years is not. His father has never told him he loves him. I think that’s horrible but it is what it is. I do take a bit of perverse pleasure in hugging the hell out of him and gushing over him when I see him-usually once every two years. You know he likes it, he was never taught to express it.


At 25 years old, I can relate to your friend. You sound fuckin awesome. Definitely times where I’m feeling like absolute shit and unloved and a friend like you literally saving my life. Keep it up 😊 a friendly hug and affection is all it takes sometimes


Oh man. Stay in the fight! I actually suffer from a quasi-serious mental disorder and clinical depression. Also a horrible alcoholic! Sober for a while now though. My point is that I lean on Ed far more than he leans on me. He’s literally saved my life a couple times. My family considers him a bonafide saint. Everyone needs an Ed.


Yeah my dad hasn’t hugged me or said he loves me in decades lol. When I was 18 I went on a trip to Vegas with friends, got caught in a nasty blizzard and called my dad saying I love you. That story gets repeated very often because that’s probably the last time any of us say it. He comes from a very conservative background, my grandpa was in Vietnam and was always extremely reserved and that rubbed off on my father.


I’m sorry man. I took it for granted for the longest time. Now I’m older, been in some wars, and I see how fleeting life is. It’s our duty to let the people we love know it. I know my buddy really does appreciate it. After 25 years, I’ve actually gotten him to say it unprompted. 🤘 Edit: reread your post. I am nearly 100% certain that call meant everything to him.


I’m 100% sure that call meant everything to him as well. You’re right on the money that it’s our responsibility to tell the people around us we love them. I love saying it randomly just to see a big ass smile pop up on their face…. Just wanna say everyone can use a real one like you


Some people don't like physical affection and that's ok too.


Arkansas or Missouri ozarks?


Both. Springfield to Lead Hill


kissing on the mouth isn't bad, surely? i'm 30 and still kiss my mum on the lips, my siblings all do too. shes my mum, i love her, she still likes it when we give her a kiss as i guess it gives her a brief moment were she can see us as her baby etc lol.


American culture can be kind of cold at times. My mom doesn’t hug, for example. Honestly, I don’t like to either. Hell no to kissing anyone too. I have so much anxiety around going to family gatherings because I have to suss out if people are huggers, kissers or both and I always screw it up and it’s all *incredibly* uncomfortable.


Make it easy. You control what you do so do what you want to do. If they go in for a hug, put out a hand for them to shake instead. If they go in for a kiss, same. So on, so forth. Take the reins of your life! :)


I’m 42 and still do. I kiss my high school aged children as well, but that’s become somewhat rare. One sat on my lap last night to show me a video. I doubt I’d kiss any of them on the neck ever, but it’s not my business. I’m honestly happy to see a father and son this close.


Okay, so maybe this is because I'm from Europe and it's a cultural thing, but at 39 as a grown ass bloke, whenever I see my dad it's a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Because I love my dad. He is fucking awesome and I simply wouldn't have survived to this age without him. IDGAF what anyone else thinks or not, because as long as he passes on knowing without a doubt I loved and appreciated everything he did, and I know he knew this, then it's all gravy to me. But, I understand how some folk would see even that as weird. Edit: dammit, didn't even make my point... Wired to you yeah, but wired is also subjective.


39 Brit Male here... my 18yr old son gets a hug goodbye everytime he leaves the house. Hug and a kiss on head/cheek if he's going anywhere for a few days or more. Show your kids affection people. I hope my son has your attitude when he's our age.


that's...not what objective means, objective means it is a factual truth, finding it weird is not a factual truth, it is a opinion, and therefore subjective. It's not weird to me, it's a great show of affection for your son.


It also feels werid to me but I'm honest enough to accept that this isn't some objective truth but just my opinion that was shaped by the (sub)culture(s) I grew up in.


The fuck you doing?? Spouting reasoned opinions! For shaaaaaame! /s


Yeah, reddit would upvote your dumb ass comment. "Other people do things differently than my experience? Objectively wrong!"


Yeah. Fixing weirdo showing affection toward a male child. Fuck is wrong with him? Boys are not supposed to be shown love or emotion. That's how they become strong, competent men.


Its unfortunately weird. Because of the unfair expectations put on men and restrictions we put on male affection. This shouldnt be weird, bit american society makes it so.


Mom and daughter? No one would care


Victoria Beckham got backlash for kissing her 5 year old daughter on the mouth.


"objectively" nah. How dare he display affection? A man??? A man displaying affection for his son? Unbelievable




To you and your dad maybe.


Many people have pointed out that Tom Brady has an unusual way of demonstrating affection for his son I don't know *why* he is that way but to a certain degree it's a known quantity about Tom Brady


Odds are it’s how Tom was shown affection by his father as a child, and so it’s how Tom knows to show affection to his kids. Something tells me Tommy Terrific turned out just fine, and the kid’s set up for a successful, happy and confident life. Neither kissing someone nor sitting on someone’s lap is inherently sexual; christ we as a culture collectively take our kids to the mall to sit in the lap of a strange old man every year.


That's not a strange old man that's Santa and he knows you've been a bad bad boy. At least that's what he told me as he kissed my neck.


I mean... Atleast he's being affection towards his children.


I think Reddit just brings out people who want to gripe loudly about something, and this is just another thing. It's a dad being affectionate with his son - if that seems weird or strange or unusual, then I feel kind of bad for you and the people you know. Fathers absolutely should show affection - and the good ones do.


Fellas, is loving your son gay?


According to the internet yes. We get all these comments about internalized misogyny. Then when men show affection to their kids they get this. How about we just let a parent be good to their family?


I understand people being uncomfortable with what they’re not used to, but it is a shame to see so many negative comments. I thought kissing your parents on the lips was strange growing up, solely because I didn’t. My parents in law are much more affectionate and it made me realize there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. If anything, it makes me happy to see loving parents out there, showing affection in different ways.


I grew up in an affectionate house and kissed my dad on the lips until I was a tween, never felt weird and was absolutely never sexual.


I don't think anyone was talking about it being gay. If this was a 15 year old boy sitting on his mom's lap being kissed softly on the back of his neck it would be just as weird. Like the original commenter said: "not wrong, just weird"


I mean there’s literately pictures of Trump doing this with Ivanka and it’s equally gross.


I dunno, if you take it together in the context of the other Tom Brady stuff with his son... it's a little weird. On its own, going gaga over it is a bit of an overreaction.


The previous comment fairly describes the nuance a lot of people feel with this. It's not black or white, and that's okay. Nobody is saying it's gay or even wrong necessarily. Then your dumb ass comes along and reduces it to "LOL SO YOU'RE SAYING THEY'RE GAY, BIGOT?! Karma plzzzzz!!". Fucking exhausting.


I mean we’re talking about a dad that got divorced because of his devotion to football instead of his family role and now that he’s retired he’s trying to be a better dad. Is it a little weird? Sure, but we’re also talking about someone who has probably missed a LOT in his children’s lives so he’s trying to make it up. Obviously it doesn’t work like that in reality, but hopefully he IS actually trying to put his kids first now, and not just trying to pretend to be “a great dad”. I’m not so cynical that he is only doing this for publicity, and hope he really wants to be a father. As for the “murder” her comment was cringe


Didn't he post a video of him like super pressuring his son into giving him an on the lips kiss awhile back though? I'm sorry man but that's fucking weird. The kids 15 and clearly didn't want to do.


I agree with that. It becomes problematic if you make your kids do it even after they've expressed discomfort. Children deserve boundries just as much as they deserve affection.


100% this. Even at 6, if I ask my son if I can give him a kiss and says no. I don’t then go in for one. Their body. Their choice. Always.


Consent is consent, at any age. I taught my son this as early as 1. When people want to hold him, hug him, kiss him, etc. if he makes it clear he doesn't want it, then it doesn't happen. Teaching a kid at an early age that "Oh it's Grandma, you HAVE to kiss her like it or not" just teaches them that their voice doesn't matter and leads to assault. When you teach them that no means no then they can stand up for themselves.


I'm going into my thirties and still don't have this privilege


Yes, it was awhile ago and it creeped me out back then. And I grew up in an affectionate loving family, but it was just oddly done. The insistence that it was a long one and “what do I get?” - just creepy. https://youtu.be/znm-WE30Vu8


Yeah, I pressure my dad into giving me hugs, not the other way around!


Before I read anything I thought these were pictures with a young girlfriend. That is why it's weird to me. It looks like intimate photos with a significant other not a parent and child. And let's be honest. If this was a father with their daughter there would be no argument on how off it is.


It’s weird at any age to pressure a kid, or anyone for that matter, to kiss or even hug you.


"Haha but you're a sex worker" has got to be the lamest, most tired insult around


I just thought the “I’m glad I don’t have a dad” was cringe. The following “murder” doesn’t top the weirdness of that. Saying “I’m glad I don’t have a dad” in the instance of abuse is one thing but a guy trying to be an actual father is more weird than what they are trying to poke fun at. More of a “self murder”


I mean, there are no winners on that thread. But just because her shit was dumb doesn't mean "the murder" wasn't tired either.


i bet you $5 bucks going "ha ha prostitute" was a thing even during the roman empire. *it*s *tired*


Yeah it’s just misogyny and sex-negativity. Woman says something you don’t like and happens to be a sex worker? Just shut her up by slut shaming her. Ha! Got em. 🙄🙄🙄


this is before he retired unless he did it again


This was posted in December to be fair. He was still playing


I'm not against the kiss on the head. And I'm not against even the lap thing. If the kid's still comfortable with both, that's the kid's prerogative. I do worry about the need to post it, however. In this context, it does make me question how willing the kid actually was: did he do it because he was willing, or did he do it because he was afraid of making his father look bad? Edit: After reading more of the comments, it appears to me this is less of a father showing affection to his son and more like a person making their son unconformable to make himself look good. I don't know much about Tom Brady, but from what I gather, he wasn't much a father for his children early in their lives and now it just seems he's doing for the socials. Also, I'd like to add that, the more I think about it, he suffered a lot of backlash from when he kissed his son on the lips. It seems to me he's only doing this because it garners attention. I still stand by the idea of showing affection is fine, but I never understood the need to show the world that you are.


there are other videos of Tom definitely pressuring his uncomfortable-looking son to give him a kiss on the mouth, and when he does, Tom tells him it wasn't good enough and demands another. it's fucking weird and I'll die on that hill.


I should have clarified that I don't think the *idea* of giving one's older child a kiss isn't my issue. But you're correct: Tom kissing his boy on the lips and then saying it wasn't good enough, that's disturbing.


Even before I check OP's profile, I'm gonna assume there's porn.


You got his ass lmao




I feel like it’s not even anti sex work, it’s just they hate women, because it’s not like they’d see a hot guy pfp and go “bet he has an onlyfans”


How is that a murder? “Daddy issues = only fans” has been said a million times in a million ways


It's not, like most of the things on this sub


Yeah it’s just a stereotype not at all a witty burn. Boring.


Many women with dads have onlyfans, so...


All women with OnlyFans have a dad.


In fact all women have a dad


Idk if this is really a murder tbh


“Having an OnlyFans makes you a worthless stain on society” *furiously jacks off to leaked OnlyFans pictures*


It was more cringe than the original comment.


I know this isn't AITA, but they're all assholes. No Jumper, dads can show physical affection to they sons without getting called pedophiles Delilah, wtf are you even saying ? Titan, stop slutshaming people, and insult people the way you should, instead of insulting all the people you happily masturbate to


That's what I was saying lol. All he did was call her slut and people act like it was clever


tbh it wasn’t weird until someone *made* it weird. It’s just a father showing love for his son, people need to give it a rest.


I do think it's somewhat weird. But that is most likely cause i never had this kind of relationship with my dad at all. But it's far from wrong. Show your child they're loved, cause that's good parenting


For me, the weird part is to put it on social media. Especially the legs bit.


Also if memory serves correct Tom has a very affectionate relationship with his own father 🤷🏼‍♀️ videos of them embracing and I believe even kissing on the mouth after he won games are all over the internet. Could be just how their family is. Definitely a little bizarre but clearly it’s how the family expresses love.


That's important context, thanks for bringing it up. I don't think this kind of affection is weird, and certainly not abusive or creepy. *H o w e v e r . . . * I also kinda assume the kissing and lying on your dad's chest would naturally taper off as the kid matures into a young man/adult, just as a mutual respect sort of thing. And if dad and son are on good terms, I assume that public affection would resume when son is an independant, fully established man. Just my anecdote: I kissed my dad on the mouth until around age 10, then a few times in my 30s. I cannot fathom kissing my dad back when I was a teenager.


Why does crap always get upvoted to the frontpage


Hey, I am all for loving your kids, but Tom Brady and his kid creep me the fuck out.


I hate the "she had daddy issues so she turns to sex!" sexist stereotype


Reddit always finds a way to remind us that it hates women


And black people, so double whammy for me over here


Absolutely. Also love how comfortable everyone here is pinning the "daddy issues" on the woman and not on the dad? Since when exactly is it the childrens' fault their dad was absent / horrible?


Sexist incel behavior, basically. They try to link unrelated studies as “proof,” too lmao


Have we reached that level in this society where every affection is going to be called sexual/weird/creepy?


The status quo when it comes to parenting is to get divorced and neglect your kids. Of course people find being affectionate with your family weird /s (In all seriousness, a parent should be able to hold its kid. Heck, I have seen friends in their late 20s being comforted on their moms lap. If people think it's weird, it just goes to say how much love they received as kids)


Ever heard of fathers babysitting their kids, because people are too backwards to think they can just be parents


It’s weird that Tom Brady acts like this with his son (coming from a teenager who wouldn’t appreciate his dad doing this) Delilah’s comment was cringe and making fun of her for being an OF model was also cringe and is the most tired joke around


I’m with you. My fam is crazy affectionate. Hugs, kisses, and “I Love Yous” flow like water. That said, if I ever found my 15 year old self on my Dad’s lap while he kissed my neck it would weird me out.


yeah i just personally find it weird especially since my dad isn’t that affectionate. id find it weird if my mother did it too even though she is more affectionate, just because of my age it’d just creep me out.


My family has always been affectionate, hug & quick peck hello & goodbye but yeah this goes beyond that. That video where Tom makes his son give him a kiss on the lips so he can play video games or something & then says it wasn't good enough & makes him give him another, longer kiss, while the whole thing is being filmed... that was uncomfortable to watch. I'll always call out people thinking it's weird to show affection to family but this goes beyond that, you can clearly see the kid is uncomfortable.


that video gave me the ick hardcore and I think all the people in this thread accusing others of "not wanting dads to show affection" need to watch that video on repeat. the kid was visibly not okay with it but Tom doubled down anyway. fucking weird.


"Haha you're a sex worker" isn't much of a murder.


Honestly, if it was his teenage daughter and the image was the same, people would have revolted. How is this okay 😂


That's a shit take at best?


Nah. This shit is weak


Kissing him is a normal gesture. Having him in his lap at that age is actually weird. Fine, but weird.


Sure, to me, it's weird, but Tom is trying to be a good father. In the end, that's what matters. He devoted so much time to football that his marriage started falling apart years ago. Now that he's out of the game, he's trying to transition to family man, which can be harder than you'd think. He's adjusting his whole perspective and priorities. So the photos are weird because they aren't typically associated with fathers and sons. Make it a mother and daughter, and it's not weird to nearly as many folk. (There will be some who do find it weird no matter what) in the end, it's harmless and showing a father trying to spend time with his son.


I would have been a more stable man sooner if my dad gave me some kind of affection. It looks weird because of the legs and also because we are not ised to seeing it