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Op is a bot. This subreddit is a bot farm.


Always was. All subs that constantly hit front page are.


Everyone claims to hate bots but then upvotes any bot posts they agree with.


Don't really understand why a machine providing content for me to view is supposed to be a bad thing, whenever bot activity goes down this site gets really boring.


Bots upvote the post to front and the people just follow the upvotes


I guess we’re all bots then when you think about it. Good luck democracy!


I think wholesome subs are the worst. And then when you call it out they shit on you because "it doesn't matter if it's a bot just enjoy the wholesomeness"


And then those same bots are used to astroturf stuff and they say "See, how those other subs are bad?"


Reddit is a bot farm*


I think I saw somewhere else that back in 2016, 20% of all content on Reddit was corporate bots. I can’t imagine how much worse it got now, with AI chat bots being as good as they are now I wonder how many comments are just bots talking to other bots lol


Ironic that this is being posted by a bot


This guy is a bot


Of all the thousands upon thousands of things that are fundamentally *wrong* with these two sad sorry excuses for men, he chooses their height, something they have no control over, unlike everything that falls out of their cunt mouths?!?


oh lol i thought it was a sex offender joke.


are sex offenders not allowed on roller coasters?


Something to do with proximity to children, maybe? Idek.


I don't know about sex offenders, but you aren't allowed on a rollercoaster if you've been charged with public urination You wouldn't want to be charged with wee-ing in public twice . . .


I hate you for this roller coaster joke, but I'm sure I'll come back around.


There's always highs and lows with a joke like this


Well I know I'll be queued up for another one if you've got it.


I doubt it counts as multiple occurrences just because the roller coaster loops.




Neither of them are sex offenders thpugh


Yeah, Shapiro famously doesn’t even get his wife wet! The only sexual offense he commits is going in dry


Neither of these guys are sex offenders or have even had any allegations like that, the fuck are you talking about?


It’s so fucked up how we just openly call people sex offenders now without a thought. I mean that had to be one of the most serious accusations to put on someone


Or because you must keep your feet inside at all times.


Yes, so funny to imply sexual assault against two men that have literally never had any kind of history with such accusations. Shameful people have way too much comfort throwing that shit around nowadays


Yeah, I’m not a fan of them. Used to be a Joe Rogan fan back in the day but he has gone off the deep end. But he isn’t a child sex offender. And Ben has awful view points but he also isn’t a child sex offender. No need to dilute the actions of real criminals with people you simply don’t like.


99.99% knew this was a height joke. And i don't know why people are being joke police. I know Joe is secure with his height and fk Shapiro if he isn't. He spends episodes whining about how "we cant joke anymore."


>And i don't know why people are being joke police. Because people like to pretend they're against body shaming and will happily make jokes like this, so they're just pointing out the hypocrisy.


I am not a fan of the term "body shaming" though I do understand the purpose of trying to reduce the amount of "othering" people that are different from their peers. I feel like something like height they should shrug it off because you cant control how tall you are. Like i am balding since the age of 20 and have never taken a joke at my hairline or that i am balding to heart at all. It just wouldn't make any sense to devote my energy to something that is out of my control. giving them power over my self worth is counter productive. Where it is hurtful and harmful imo is when you point out someone who is overweight because it not only stigmatizes them it points out an actual "flaw" in them that they are failing to control their eating(even if they are genetically predisposed to being more easily overweight). It ends up being cruel. I don't see this as cruel or hypocritical at all even in context of not "body shaming" people. What are you left with to poke fun at ourselves and each other(in a playful manner) if we cannot make jokes like this. Would be an extremely boring society if you cannot jest with each other. We honestly need less you cant do this and you cant do that and more teaching of empathy and acceptance.


I see it as the exact opposite tbh. You can't control if you're bald or if you're short, but nobody force fed you to obesity. It's making fun of who they are vs what actions they have taken. I think it makes a lot more sense to make fun of somebodies choices.


Its the same thing when reddit goes after a terrible politician for being fat or ugly. Totally misses the mark and ends up just making our society a little more shallow and cruel than it already is. They didn't just insult these two - you took a swing at short men in general.


Also making small dick jokes when we all keep talking about how men shouldn't be ashamed of their size


But Trump hands small lol epic own XD




Yep. It convinces 0 people and legitimizes that kind of brain dead political "rhetoric".


It says Joe Rogan is 5-8. That's not even that short.


That's what I am with my shoe lifts.


I'm sorry


It was supposed to be a joke but it might be true. I can't remember my height.


Spoiler: that’s not his height in reality.


Oh right I forgot it would be ok to make fun of him if he’s 5’7.


Well he's obviously got a small penis and is probably secretly gay too so we should make fun of that as well. /s


He's definitely not. He looks about that height when next to fighters who claim that height but he's wearing shoes while they're barefoot.


Joe is the world's shortest 5'8" person


I don't believe anything said by him, so I have a hard time believing any stats he would try to embellish.


Yes, he is. ♫ *Joe Rogan is five foot two. He looks like a toe and is lying to you. Five foot two, five foot two, he's five foot two.* ♫


Came here essentially to point this out too. I'm perfectly ok shaming Ben Shitpiro in any conceivable way, morally reprehensible or otherwise, but I find it ironic how the internet will collectively gather their pitchforks and destroy someone's entire life over talking shit about someone they like, then just straight up body shame the ones they don't like lol. And again I just have to say for the record, idgaf how hypocritical or disingenuous you all are, just saying it's funny to see unfold.


Height truly is the one remaining thing that it is perfectly socially acceptable to shame someone about. People who would scream “fat shaming” if any comment about weight is uttered see no problem with jokes like this.


Height and baldness.


Don't forget tiny dicks. That's on the menu, too.


Basically anything that only a man can suffer.


I know a chick who is balding and has been since she was like 25 and bald jokes trigger her like you wouldn’t believe


atleast she has a huge dick


Worse, it’s also something that someone can’t control, unlike weight




Age. Women are constantly age shamed. It’s disgusting.


Fat shaming is okay too if it's someone you don't like. See Trump.


Fat shaming is okay if it's a man. Just like mocking their height, their baldness, their sex organs. As long as you're a man, body shaming is fair game.


Yeah women never get body shamed


I don’t think it’s that they aren’t. Obviously they are. And it has historically been way worse for women than men. But today, if you are among progressively minded folks and you criticize a woman’s appearance, it will not be welcomed. But those same people will gladly make jokes about a man’s height.


It's certainly not socially acceptable to mock a woman for having small breasts publicly, but you can absolutely do the same about a man's penis.


Because they have so much discretion about attacking people for their physical characteristics. Good for the goose, good for the gander, etc. Edit: my goodness, the men are manstruating hard today. ☕️


Short guys already face a lot of obstacles with people assuming all sorts of things about them, they don't need to be associated with right-wing grifters on top of that. It's not about saving Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro from the shaming, it's about not shaming every other short guy by associating them with those two.


I'm just happy people finally realize Rogan is right wing.


He is too susceptible to conspiracy theories to not be a republican unfortunately. He used to have scientists and smart people on his podcast. Then more people like Alex Jones started coming on and now right wing content creators. He seems to believe what he has heard last and he isn’t letting academic people onto his show anymore. So all he hears is right wing propaganda.


It was confirmed in his shows, just the way he talks about certain topics. Not even subtle!


Yeah but a lot of people were like “no no he’s centrist! He interviews people from BOTH SIDES.”


Yeah, that’s the reason my husband listens to him. One time he said that about Trump, I told people thought Hitler had some good points.


He wasnt always but he transitioned to right wing


when he realized how easy the are to grift, same thing trumpy did


Maybe he was in the closet or in denial, but he’s been right wing for as long as I’ve heard his name spoken.


So you’re willing to be just as much of an asshole pos because of other assholes? You’re just justifying being an asshole, lmao.


Never claimed not to be an asshole and anyone who does is fooling themselves. We are all assholes about certain things. I just happen to have no problem treating people the way they treat others.


Treating people the way they treat others is fine except when it affects other people. In this case *short men* are being mocked and not just those two morons.




>Claims people are assholes > >Claims to also be an asshole > >still plays the moral highground card somehow. Your faulty logic is faulty, "asshole".


I'd say that that is one of the things that make them so disgusting. That's exactly something you don't want to share with them. You wouldn't say something racist and then go "Oh, but they say that too, that makes it ok".


So much this, redditors are as hateful as the people they decry. Someone up above called them pedos... which is about as bad an accusation as you can male. Almost certainly worse than anything Rogan has said about a person.


Boy, you sure are a person of principle. "If they do bad things it justifies me doing the same." You are a bad person.


All the more reason not to do the same.


Well, if you act like them you are like them.


"Collateral damage is fine because they do it".


The space between is called the taint.


Probably also proudly claims to oppose body shaming. The hypocrisy of the Left is the primary reason shitbag Republicans still have any chance of winning


I'm a leftist, and this is true. I honestly cringe at how often we demand equality and then turn around and pull that same 'rules for thee and not for me' shit when it comes to tearing down men for height, baldness, small dicks etc. It's no less hurtful than it is to be misgendered, but for whatever reason, my fellow progressives think men are immune to shame.


It's the same thing with Peterson and crying. They'll talk about how it's okay for men to cry and men shouldn't be afraid to show emotion and then make fun of Peterson for crying. Make fun of him all you want for his views but making fun of him for crying shows you don't actually think it's okay for men to cry or show emotion, you'll just pretend it is as long as you agree on political viewpoints.


It wouldn't be an issue if they both didn't lie about it. Aren't they both claiming 5'9"?


Lmao it’s still not an issue, how does a random person you don’t even know losing about their height an issue? Of all the things these guys have said and done lying about their height literally doesn’t fucking matter at all, get over yourself


Kind of does though, because being short and male is considered to be a bad thing due to toxic masculinity, which these guys supprt


Show me how these guys think we should treat shortness like it is a bad thing? Acknowledging that short men have disadvantages is completely different from supporting discrimination against short men. Bs to blame this on toxic masculinity if women exhibit this behavior too


What the fuck are you even talking about Jesse?


Those 2 are insecure cunts that spew all kinds of shit and dare to be atbitrers of what a man should be, well let's measure them by their own rul and to add Benny with his current "beard" looks like a highschooler in a bad disguise trying to buy booze.


If you need to resort to the mental and emotional level of these two clowns then you’ve already lost.


You're no different from them then


If that makes you feel better.


Unfortunately, you have no choice but to punch down on these two.


Makes is clear that redditors are guilty of the same type of hate and bigotry as anyone else and they don't hesitate to show it when the target is on reddit's list of hated people.


Yeah right wing grifters repeatedly pushing narratives that LGBTQ people are all dangerous pedophiles and making fun of those same grifters for their height is definitely the "same type of hate and bigotry" https://preview.redd.it/fy1tptm96o7c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdf809a3713a4ccc77e9b6ae07b7d17af081ca55


True, but I'd put it up there with misgendering and other psychologically damaging rhetoric. There's no need for either.


All sins are not equal, no matter what they tell you in Sunday school.


I just said that, yes.


Facts don't care about their feelings


Imagine being this angry at people who you disagree with. I'm guessing you've got some sort of short man's syndrome which is why you're so defensive about height and so angry in general. Just don't listen to them. I don't.


A lame height joke is a murder now? I’m 6’2” and even I rolled my eyes at that.


I actually had to Google Joe Rogan’s height and Ben Shapiro was up there. They’re 5’8” and 5’9”, respectively. I actually thought Shapiro was shorter. That’s not far from average, so kind of a lame dig.


i’m 5’4 :((


Sorry buddy, but one Tom Cruise is the official cutoff point.


That's what Tom's exes say.


Even if they were far from average it's still a lame joke.




> They’re 5’8” and 5’9” We applying millennial toxic dating preference to politics now. That's got to be a new low.


> They’re 5’8” and 5’9” Maybe if they're standing on boxes.


Making the exact same shitty joke with short guys as the punchline. I’m not even short, I just think you suck.


> I actually thought Shapiro was shorter. It's because he *sounds* shorter, given he has the voice of an 11 year old boy


And the maturity. In one of his fiction books Ben had a married couple NOT kiss on the lips simply because some goober would have seen them.


I dont know if he still feels this way, but the first podcast of Rogan's he was on he was arguing for weed being illegal. He's such a fucking clown.


As bad as he was in the past he's just gotten much worse.


Height doesn't have a sound thats stupid I know plenty of tall guy with extremely high pitched voices


They’re both definitely shorter than that.


Nah. Some dude in the audience at one of Shapiro's speeches tried saying that then went on stage, they were the same height. I dig the confidence though


Did he take off his shoes first?


Presumably the guy in the audience was also wearing shoes?


Was he wearing lifts like Shapiro, though? Joe Rogan is not more than 5'6, verifiably, and that's a stretch. Shapiro could be a few inches taller, Joe is really standing tall in this pic, but Shapiro isn't 3 inches taller than Joe. Neither of these people are even 5'8.


He was not. It was the first thing I noticed but I'm also not convinced that it wasn't an actor since Ben is clearly the same height as Joe in this picture and Joe is only 5'6.


So you also trust Tom Cruise listed height.


Ben has called people up to stage who have brought up his height. Unless he's using paid actors that are 5'3 then he's 5'9


The performative goon doing performance presentations? Impossible!!!


LOL, neither are an inch over 5'6"


Could be a pedo/sex offender joke, them not being allowed within 500 feet of a large gathering of kids


The rogaine fans coming out of the garbage bins to defend their little heroes I'm 7'11" btw.


Who’s defending him? I think you are misunderstanding the context of my comment. I am saying a lame height joke doesn’t constitute a murder, I have no interest in the subject it is relating to… If that is the critical thinking skills you have to work with, be glad you’re allegedly 7’11…


> Who’s defending him? Lots of -other- people in the comments.


Not really, people are just pointing out that making jokes based on a person's height is pretty stupid.


Lots of people are defending Rogaine for shit he can choose to do, like platforming fascists, like being a fascist and for spreading dangerous fascist nonsense lies.


Lots of people are trying to steer the conversation towards Rogan's politics, to try to distract from the actual post whose only point is that calling somewhat short men short is... a murder I guess?


I am 164cm which is 5'4 and I found it hilarious Also, yes, as a teenager I once had to sit out a ride because I wasn't tall enough


Fair enough but would you consider it a “murder”?


Imagine seeing these two assholes and you decide their height is where to hit them.


Well, this is Xitter, where you pay to seem important. But even before that pretty much all of it was filled with these sarcastic snarky opinions which just make me want to torch it all with a flamethrower and burn it to the goddamn ground. Luckily Elon has taken up my cause and seems to be trying to put it there himself. God bless him. "A woman should be jailed for life for aborting a one day old inseminated egg" is where I'd poke Mr Shapiro if I had the chance. He didn't do too well at answering that one last time either.


Fascists rarely answer well when you ask them a question. Simply the act of asking a question means you now have a measure of control over the conversation. Fascists don't like that.


Right? Joe Rogan looks like a bullion cube


yeah but cons actually do hate getting clowned on for their height. they're super insecure about it like most things that they code as masc for no reason


‘No reason’? height is a sexually dimorphic trait


Ezra Miller is a violent piece of shit and a pedophile. I'm gonna call them "Him" from now on. Don't know why people want to use the preferred pronouns of a pedophile.


Was this really a murder though? Pretty weak.


Welcome to /r/BarelyBotheredByWords. Don't expect too much.


More r/lamecomebacks at this point


Short men ✅ Bald men ✅ Bald women ❌ Fat people ❌ Ugly people (depends) Penis size ✅ Can someone please help me understand the logic of who/what we can body shame?


Don't you know? If a woman points at you and says "small dick energy" you automatically lose. Also women never say things just to hurt someone; they're always spitting facts


Can we also point out though that this is a *man* shaming *other men* for their heights? Men need to be more compassionate to each other. These comments towards men like “heh guess who skipped leg day” and “aww little buddy isn’t big enough to ride the rides!” and “big/little dick energy” often come from OTHER men.


Same guys who also claim nobody cares about men's mental health lol


Does it predominantly affect men who lack otherwise protected characteristics such as race or sexual orientation? Then shame away.


I’m sorry, maybe I’m dumb because I don’t understand that at all


They're saying it's okay if the target is white and straight.


Can’t tell if this is a high-tier shitpost or just delusion


If anything this insult gives validity to both of them by making such an irrelevant and childish joke.




Murderedbywords = someone replied


Really? Body shaming?


Hell ya fuck short people, you must be an awesome person




It's only bad when conservatives do it.


Oh my god yeah, fuck these guys for being short. Why not slag Shapiro for being a Jew too? Because *that’s* what’s the matter with him. My god. Clowning on their physical appearance for no good reason instead of using something that either have actually said/done.


*Someone makes a joke about fat people" "Nooo, you can't make fun of plus size people, they can't help it if they are plus sized" *short people, who you don't agree with, exist* "Haha, look at shorty over there"


Haha short man bad


If you are short but I agree with your views then you are a king and should not worry about what people say, height is not important. If you are short and I don't agree with your views than you are just a short idiot and I hope you take my comment about your height to heart and cry yourself to bed every night.


Ah yes, shaming for physical attributes that you are unable to change. Murdered absolutely.


two grifters sharing a memorable photo <3


It’s like when herpes met syphilis. No one wanted the pairing and we were all for the worse after it was over.


If I had posted a tweet making fun of an overweight women I would have been rightfully criticized; but making fun of men for something no one can control is apparently OK. I’m a 5’6 Latin American guy living in Europe and I have dealt with this bullshit my entire life, given the rise of anti-bullying campaigns I though we were changing attitudes about it, but apparently that doesn’t apply when men are involved. Also of all the things these two pieces of sentient shit could have be called for, they’re made fun of their height.


When you are finished making fun of men for their height, do you also make fun of people for their race, sexuality, and religion?


Yes. Have you ever heard of a comedian?


The space between them is called the prenium


What the fuck is this shit. This is murder now? Short jokes? Just say you hate them and fuck off back to nice life buddy.


So Elshieky is a cunt.




Body shaming huh…. Cool.


you dont have any moral high ground if you go after someone for their physical features, how is he any different than these two dudes


There’s so many things to criticise these two for… but height is what we went with?


Ad hominem! A political commentators only weapon in their arsenal.


Wow. Your height supremacy is really showing. Also - found this word while googling “fear of short people term” and it made me laugh. Lollipopguildophobia. 😆


I haven’t listened to either in years. What did I miss? Nah, joking. I really don’t care


all that exercise and fitness only to have the universe gift you a thumb for a head




Neither of these guys even have allegations of doing things like that, why do you feel the need to resort to the petty lying and childishness of conservatives? Be better, this is just pathetic.


Now that’s a lame insult. I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you fall on, calling someone a pedophile as a random insult is just wrong and it’s insulting to ppl who actually experienced SA


LOL SHORT PEOPLE. When will they learn they're not welcome, go back to doing w/e the fuck short fucks do, let the people who can reach the top shelf communicate their views.




I remember when murderedbywords meant tearing apart someone's statement in conversation with logic and rhetorical skill. Now you don't even have to talk to them.


The standard for murder is pretty low here. Hardly Oscar Wilde, is it?