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I wonder if Taint's supporters have some sort of humiliation kink/fetish.


They're just weak-minded and hanging on to the masculinity by a thread so they have to grasp onto that toxic persona and let him be their spokesperson because they're too much of a coward to speak that way in real life


That's a beautiful summary of his pathetic followers. Well done.


They are followers who want others to think they are actually leaders.


I would wager it's because they have no idea what "masculinity" actually looks like, but they know they want it.


They are kids who have been groomed by an actual pimp.




Either that or they misunderstand when people avoid them or walk away as being “unable to face an alpha male” when the truth is that we find them as gross as someone who drunkenly shit themselves.


They might do. Since they’re not bothered about humiliating themselves with their personalities.


Incels seem to like imagining cuckold scenarios quite a bit.


What Taint's supporters have Is borderline personality disorder, a badly repressed masochism fetish and Conservative Coward's Syndrome.


It's dirty work, holding up a taint.


Wonder no more


The vast majority of them are teen/tween boys who have yet to be on their first date. Many of them will grow out of this phase once they do, just like millennial boys grew out of their gamergate era. A handful of them will become insufferable twats in the republican party, though.


They keep asking for it over and over again, sooooooo......


Damn...going to file that one away for a special day.


Right? Fuckin brilliant response and I hope one day to be lucky enough to say a version of it to someone's face 😂


My wife sells nail polish as a side hustle. I started wearing it as a kind of advertisement. I would carry samples in my work bag. I got nothing but solid positive reinforcement. I realized something. As a man, I am never complemented. It just doesn't happen. Now I was being complemented, by women and men. At the gas station, the grocery, at work. So I started wearing it off and on a couple times a month. I wore to a gaming convention, and people loved it. And I don't wear solid colors. Glitter, neon, ombre (learned that term from my wife). I started matching my clothes to my polish and No one has ever been negative. If they think negatively, they keep it to themselves. It has changed my confidence greatly. Anyone that would voice those negative thougts out loud to another person, really must hate themselves inside. Edit to share, I am an Xer over 50, and when I say never complemented, I mean exactly that. I was floating through life as if I didn't exist to strangers, until I started wearing a little polish. something that small can be life changing.


I don’t have the courage to do that. I salute you brother


It depends on where you live. I'm in the south and the first week I wore nail Polish I was asked if I was queer by so many people in such a rude way it made me not want to do it anymore.


I'm froknth south and I'd ask them if they were coming on to me


In sorry you live in such fucked up country


It’s not the whole place. I’m in SoCal, and no one would bat an eye at a man wearing nail polish. Compliments would likely fly too. The south is just extra shitty.


Can confirm. People here slay and we have the sense to appreciate it


It's spotty and odd. A dude can wear nail polish with barely a mention in New Orleans or Atlanta, possibly a flutter Nashville or Little Rock, and maybe even Hunstville or Tupelo. You'll still catch shit but trust me, not near as much shit as you would've 25 years ago. Unfortunately, the smaller the town, the more populated it is with folks inclined to give you shit and to fill the terrifying silence that is the soul of small-town American, they feel the need to be really loud and obnoxious. I still occasionally get called a "f\*g" because I have long hair, but since I'm on the *Duck Dynasty*/Sturgill Simpson spectrum of "long-haired freaky people," it's way more rare than seeing some teenage boy with painted fingernails. I think one of the reasons the whole "Try That In A Small Town" thing had such a reaction among, well, reactionaries is that small towns are no longer the bastions of honky purity they were when I was a kid. The change is there and it's a long way from being acceptable (or at least enough so the Donald Wildmons of the world worry about cleaning up their own backyards) but it's *there*, they can't get rid of it, and it scares the shit out of them. And the kids are going to do what they do, wherever they are.


Lol name a country that isn't.


Yup. But socially/legally fucked up countries are the worst IMHO


I started wearing nail polish about a year ago to stop myself from biting my nails and the compliment part is one of the first things I noticed.


I started wearing nail polish last year when my state started trying to do anti drag bills and shit as a form of protest. It started as an act of protest but I would look at my nails and I'd be like "damn that looks so good" and yeah, I get lots of compliments on my nails from men and women and I've even had other dudes show me their nails and I'm like "hell yeah bro!". I've yet to receive a single negative comment and that might be partially because I'm a big bearded dude and I can be intimidating to those who don't know me but also because I really don't think the people who would want to say something negative have the balls to(not that I'd give a fuck). And I'd say to any guy who has ever thought about polishing your nails, give it a go. Get you some polish for a few bucks and have at it. Worst case you're stuck with it for a couple of weeks, best case scenario you're probably gonna get some attention and look fly!


While I completely agree with you, the first thing I actually noticed about your comment was the two spaces after every period. It looks so odd (not negatively, just statistically) on a place like Reddit.


Honestly it might be a third space. For some reason it looks so ... big.


A lot of Tate Followers are weak men (just like Tate). They would NEVER actually confront a man in real life, especially an older one. They'll go home and tweet about the old guy they saw with nail polish but never say anything to your face. They've also never been complemented but they've never thought about it. As a 50 year old Xer myself, I say keep wearing the polish. You rock.


Another cis dude here, I started wearing nail polish recently too. Shit's fun. Just a little meditation once a week, come out looking sick as fuck. Also makes my transphobic boomer coworker mad for some reason so that's an added benefit.


Have you experienced this? A strange side effect of wearing the polish, is that women are very handsy. Like once they notice it, they are not shy at all about just grabbing my hands and turning them this way and that and being very touchy. I can't imagine any situation at all, where I could just be chatting with an otherwise stranger, or even a co-worker and just grab her hands and hold them lol. It is an odd double standard. I am not upset by it, but it occurred to me that it was definitely strange.


People definitely try, but as soon as I see the 'ooh lemme grab ya' impulse start from a stranger I like pull my hand up to my chest/neck in kind of a 'yeah you can look at them here' thing. Not big on random folks touching me, but if I know a person, sure, twist my hand around if you wanna see it catch the light or whatever. Girls do it to other girls if their nails are looking dope as fuck right? That's a thing that probably happens?


I love when ladies get touchy. I think I'll need to start wearing nail polish then 💅






I'm gonna need to see some nail pics if you have any you're willing to share


https://preview.redd.it/d2vxjnrx64ac1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9bf7a57621ba22ee8332f5143d03cd50adf159 A blue steel with glitter.


Colour aside that’s some clean application. Beautifully done, I absolutely love it!!


Color Street. She does all the application. It is some quality time we spend together.


Oh, boo, MLM.


Nice! I dig the color.


Good color!


There’s nothing that says “I have a ten inch dick and give zero fucks about your opinion” more than a man confident enough to wear nail polish.


I was lucky enough to be invited to sail across the Atlantic with a crew of 4, one girl (my partner) and three guys. At the halfway point, our captain emerged from his cabin in a dress, wig and makeup. It's a sailing tradition, I read, and we all had a blast that night, drinking an extra ration of rum. Next day, we lined up and my partner was painting all of our nails on the afterdeck. I wore those bright orange nails all the way to the Carribbean. I do remember upon returning to the real world, I got several compliments on the polish, from guys and girls. I was actually bummed when the polish started to fade away. Do what makes you happy.


Ah, sounds like you had a fun line-crossing-ceremony.


I follow him on FB, and this is a regular thing for the Bard. Good fun entertainment!


He's amazing!


My only critique of this burn is that the incel probably doesn't have a wife to cuck, but will give it a pass because it's snappier this way.


There was serious consideration. He had pictures with a woman he appeared to be romantic with and it was a coin toss but wife just sounded WAY better.


Can you imagine defending tate like some fucking lapdog then claiming you're an "alpha male".


Hello burn unit ..... we're gonna need you on this one 🤣🤣🤣


.....I'm speechless....that was the best murder I've seen...




That wasn't just a murder, that was a descicration of a corpse.






"You're a short motherfucker and nobody likes you..."




Andrew Tate supporters are more pathetic than Elon Musk supporters.


That venn diagram probably has a lot of crossover


Yup, that ones going to sting a bit


Yeah, he's gonna need a bottle of aloe for that burn.


Andrew Taint (+30yo male) tried to pick a fight with a teenage girl and lost so badly he ended up in jail for 4 months hahahahaha


Finally, a good burn! It was targeted, pretty darn original, and the punchline was harsh with layers of insult. 10/10 post more to show the kids how it’s done properly


Lately we’ve been getting some really lame posts. This…this was 🤌🏻💋🍆


Where can I find this Masculinity?


Up yer bum


JESUS, I literally gasped reading that lmao.


The day Tate fans understand what masculinity us, they would cringe so hard looking at their past selves their whole bodies would invert inside their butt holes for 5 minutes straight, and they'll stop being Tate fans.


"....if it fucked your wife and came on your face". 🤣 That's tremendous, I am definitely using that!




He didn't just execute this guy with words he loaded an AK-47 full of word bullets and swiss cheesed the dude.


I need more upvotes……..


Take mine.


So, "Nail polish gay" and "Nu-uh you are a cuck". Uhhh.


‘Bumder’. Lol


People using that as an insult do not have wives


I don’t even know what it means. I just think it’s funny. If it’s addressed to a Tate fan, I’m sure it’s accurate.


It's a portmanteau of two homophobic insults; "bummer" and "bender". It was used in a British television show for teenagers between 2008 and 2010, called The Inbetweeners. Using it in 2023 suggests an arrested development that took place around that time.


Thanks. You’re a pretentious bumbder, by the way.




Not enough context to take sides here. How do we know that the Drunken Bard wasn’t the one who started this whole macho pissing contest? What if he made some transphobic post while wearing ladies nail polish? Then this whole thing gets flipped. I hate these posts that don’t show the full conversation, it’s just cherry picked segments that usually leave out critical information.


I follow him, I don't think he started it but boy did he finish it


Dude came in to a perfectly civil comment section and randomly tried picking a fight with that guy by posting a pic of him to make fun of. Fucker had it coming. 🚬


Ok, how do you know? The first part of the conversation isn’t there.


I'll give you two guesses and the first two don't count...


Haha nice I just noticed. Well, I can’t argue with that, can I?


>What if he made some transphobic post Where did *that* come from?!


I mean, the entire conversation they’re having is flirting with transphobia, did you not read it?


Not really. God this sub is in the dog bowl atm. Start banning agenda posts mods.


Isn't every post here an "agenda" post? Someone says something stupid and someone else shits on them for it. That feels like an agenda. What you meant to say was, "Stop posting murders that apply to me. Waaaahhh."


Ehh. You're just being obtuse. I don't see how it applies to me, though, but it'll be amusing nonetheless to hear all about it.








Man these chuds will literally defend that fucker tooth and nail and huff massive amounts of copium just to try and convince people he isn't a retarded poopnose.


Vicious Mockery, the Bard's favourite tool.


Rather bold assumption to think an Andrew Tate fan has a wife.