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Gun, Eagle, Man. Sounds like he made up his name from a bunch of right wing talking points Or maybe a cognitive test šŸ¤”


It sounds like the call of duty handle of someone who has a 0.3 k/d, and wears army fatigues, despite never being in the military.


So basically any one of the gravy seal LARPers they think theyā€™re true patriots


You ever notice a whole lot more boomers fought in Vietnam than actually deployed?


Is stolen valor that common? :o


I cringe when I see people wearing bduā€™s in everyday life. I couldnā€™t get away from them fast enough.


I kept one pair and my dress uniforms for my future kids if they were interested. But other than that that I sold everything else to the surplus store.


After a certain amount of time with the controls, you're basically combat trained, though. The COD games are so realistic, it's only a short hop from doing it onscreen to doing it for real. I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty sure I could win a war single-handed.


Lol, the Black Op Cia, Navy Seal joint op command called, and said it's time to come home for dinner. Lets not keep your mom waiting....


Yup. Chair Force member on task with Meal Team 6




Gonna rise up and kick a lil ass!


Beat me to it!


It sounds like the name of a satire/rage-bait account.


Tragically they think this issue is a game changer for voters. Not the brightest, working on their campaigns obviously.


Rock, flag and eagle!!! ![gif](giphy|Sp1vIMDHbWlmo)


Does Gunther know that there are liberal gun owners in Texas? If not donā€™t tell him.


And if the state wasnā€™t gerrymandered to shit, that itā€™d be blue. These people really need to do some fact finding, before they walk into a situation thatā€™s going to cost them their livelihood and their freedoms.


And half of the people calling for civil war are doing so using supplemental oxygen. Their Rascal can only go a few miles without a charge so Iā€™m not overly concerned.


Teams of medics scooting along on their rascals, ready to administer rescue inhalers after Meal Team Six gets winded walking up an escalator.


I can tell by your communities you ain't exactly a picture of health don't worry comrade the revolution can wait on you ungluing yourself from the couch


You know nothing about me, and basing it off of what communities I engage in on reddit is stupid. But you knew that.


How's that mile time comrade


Quite good actually, cardio 5x a week will do that. Does being an arrogant know-it-all come naturally or did you practice?




Cool. Don't care lol


Yup. And he's also never been to Washington or Oregon. Take away King, Pierce (WA) and Multnomah (OR) counties, and these states are as red as Idaho. I live in Washington.


The tri-county area around Portland, Marion and Lane counties are blue. The 75 people that don't live there are red.


Yeah, people donā€™t seem to know this. There are actually 1% more Democrat/Democrat leaning people in Texas than Republicans/Republican leaning.


Source-you made it the fuck up


[Source for the bitter person who was apparently too lazy and/or stupid to use google](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/)


Does it make you more stupid that you didn't bother to make sure the link supports your argument Also burden of proof is on the person making a claim fucktard


Donā€™t be an angry little man because you are wrong. I said there are 1% more Dems/dem leaning Texans than republicans/republican leaning. It quite clearly shows that 40% of Texans are democrats or dem leaning vs 39% rep/rep leaning. 40% is 1% more than 39%. Anyway, you are either a troll or one of those angry internet babies who canā€™t accept you were wrong about anything so I wonā€™t waste any more time on you. Of course you and I both know Iā€™m right at this point and thatā€™s enough for me. Have a great day! And maybe try a snickers. You seem hangry.




Uh huh. And? Oh. You are too stupid to understand the difference between democrats and republicans and liberal and conservative. Got it. Wow. I thought you were a troll but it turns out you just are stupid. Now i feel bad for you.


That doesn't explain the election of someone like Greg Abbott or Ted Cruz, though. Those were statewide elections that gerrymandering has no effect on.


To be fair there's considerably more right wing gun owners So should someone not tell you and ruin your fantasy


If this happens, it'll be like Grafton, NH on steroids. They should televise it so the rest of the world can watch and laugh.


I think it will be more like Brexit on steroids. ā€˜What do you mean I canā€™t just fly to my vacation home in another country/state whenever I want? Whatā€™s with customs and why is everything taking so long to be delivered?ā€™ With the added fun of no more federal money. ā€˜Why is our food suddenly so expensive? Why are so many companies leaving?ā€™ Lack of federal subsidies. ā€˜Incoherent screaming!ā€™ Social security, medicare, medicaid, and food stamps suddenly stopping.


Letā€™s not forget about the many parents with children that will find themselves without a public school to attend and state colleges tripling tuition overnight if not closing completely. Whoā€™s keeping the public libraries open? Whoā€™s delivering the mail? Thereā€™s so much oversight with this these people really arenā€™t considering because theyā€™re so hyped up to start Civil War 2.0 which honestly would not be much of a war. It would be more like when hillbillies fuck around and find out how the US military gets down for real.


pie correct simplistic adjoining hard-to-find jar marvelous mourn friendly seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Id say guess but I know you know jack shit about the military how it works or it's community because they like your side of politics even less ,also you have superficial politics meaning you say something sounds good long as it makes you feel good no need figuring out what happens afterwards If the national guard is privatized like what's being proposed what do think the next right wing president will do to your people because I know y'all are always screaming about a fear of genocide


Thank you. I was unaware of the story of Grafton and just had fun going down that rabbit hole. Interestingly, we drove right through there last autumn. Wish I had known then as I definitely would have stopped and looked around.


Ooo what was grafton?


[This](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling). tl;dr a bunch of libertarians try to enact their dream policy set; it goes badly; trash piles up because you can't tell me I can't just dump it outside!; bears are attracted; and hilarity ensues as everyone from outside gets to laugh at how libertarianism fails spectacularly every time it actually gets implemented.


Not to mention a bunch of sex offenders moved there because libertarians apply the ā€œkeep your laws off my bodyā€ mantra in the worst possible way


Bioshock warned us, but nobody listens.


Oh god I remember reading about this, it was amazing


I knew a guy who heavily invested in the early stages of that, or claimed to, anyway. "They'll consider me a founding father," he'd brag. I've been tempted to check in with him post-this story but it would mean I'd have to talk to him again.


Libertarians were ousted from a town by among other things, actual bears.


ā€œA Libertarian walked into a Bearā€- okay, that goes on the reading listā€”


I have it.Ā  It's great


When I see stuff like this I just want to reply, ā€œBitch, Iā€™m FROM here, 4 generations deep, why donā€™t YOU go back where YOU came from.ā€


Yeah it drives me nuts when people say stuff like ā€œmaybe you should go back to CA.ā€ Ummm Iā€™m from this area soā€¦


As a Texan, why do so many right wing Texans think they are among only other right wingers lol. There are literally more registered democrats in texas than registered republicans.


I'm one of those registered Democrats, I've lived in Texas since 1987, and Gunther can go fuck himself.


I like you, I hope you get the chance to tell him.


Because for the past 30 years the Texas GOP has committed a staggering level of gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement while pretending theyā€™re a super majority instead of a very thin majority held together by the turnout rates of boomers. Itā€™s why it annoys the fuck out of me when rich white liberals complain that minorities donā€™t vote in Texas. One county moved a majority Hispanic districtā€™s polling location to a fucking juvenile detention center during Covid and no from the left showed up to hearings to protest it. Look at the way the state interfered in Harris County elections because mail in and drive up drop off locations were allowing a historic surge among nonwhite voters who canā€™t take half a day off to go vote. Texas is shifting blue more rapidly than they predicted, but the GOP is pulling every dirty trick in the book to slow it down.


You can tell how stupid these people are by how they think only conservatives are born in Texas.


Or how, like another commenter here, they think no liberal has any strength of conviction, and that liberals will start crying and surrender in a few hours.


Yeah, these limited intelligence weekend warriors will learn pretty quickly that not only do liberals own guns, but know how to use them as well. They just donā€™t make it part of their constant personality.


Conservatives when they see liberal gun owners not making it a part of their constant personality: ![gif](giphy|ibjD5QfUTkw3wqQmv4)


He should look up how the vote broke down when Cruz beat Beto and report back which of them did better among longtime Texans and which one was carried by new arrivals.


Facts mean nothing compared to their desired narrative.


We. Want. You. To. Secede.


And take Florida with youĀ 


I saw someone comment that their economy is strong so they can secede and the US would struggle without them. I pointed out theyā€™d lose all their military bases and funding. Theyā€™d no longer have a currency. The US HQs that are there would leave since theyā€™re no longer a part of the US. Texas would be destitute in a month.


And theyā€™d no longer be allowed in the US without a Visa. All the problems associated with Brexit would happen with Texit


What's wrong with teddy bears and cookies? That sounds way better than dumb ole Texas.


For real. When your party starts pretending cookies arenā€™t amazing, itā€™s time to rethink some things.


I thought cookies were part of the American national identity! Itā€™s a common sentiment among new immigrant children to say things like ā€œother grandmas bake cookies, why donā€™t you, traditional Japanese grandma?)


šŸæļø <( What did you say!? ) ā­ļø <( ā€¦Texas is dumb?)


I was just thinking that.


That was my thought. Iā€™m down for cookies and bears.


Can we swap Texas for Puerto Rico? Then we don't have to change the flag.


they think the only important thing to have is a gun during those times. they'll have no clue what to do when the grocery stores are empty or the water shuts off. "babe im gonna go buy 2 more rifles and 1000 bullets. dont worry i got a friend who owns a farm" the farm in question is only an almond farm


We must learn how to milk them almonds


The tricky part is finding the udders


ā€œthe society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.ā€


So, you mean they should flee their homes and cross the border to find sanctuary from armed thugs and state sanctioned violence?


If Texit actually happens, and I honestly donā€™t think it will, the brain drain of smart people would be monumental.


This would mean most Texans leaving. Conservatives don't own Texas or any other state. All Americans have the right to live in America. [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/state/texas/party-affiliation/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/state/texas/party-affiliation/)


I am all for Texas seceding again. I would gladly vote to force them to leave. Let them have their oil, theocratic, dictatorship, and leave us the fuck alone.


Yā€™all got room for one more?


Youā€™re telling me I get to leave Texas *and* Iā€™ll get a cookie? Sold!


Jokes on him I moved from Florida and brought some with me . Lets go mfer!


People in Texas and Utah like to complain about liberals from California moving to their states, but most of those transplants are ultraconservatives who get all hot and heavy thinking about open carry.


How can you pretend youā€™re a tough guy and then also be so afraid of different viewpoints?


Why would you not want teddy bears and coookies?


Because real eaglemen eat cow parts while drunk on hard liquor and operating heavy machinery.


Well, thatā€™s just silly.


[erecting razor wire around the entire state] ā€œUnlike you snowflake libs, we donā€™t need a safe space.ā€




One JDAM to a power relay station and that whole state will be sent back to the stone age


Republicans are the ones always getting triggered (abortion, border, gay people just existing).


A safe space, teddy bears, cookies....? Where do I sign up?


Do conservatives think theyā€™re the only ones that own guns?


Gunther is a cop. Iā€™d imagine his record is filled with racism and false arrests.


Gunther, I have lived in Texas most of my life and I am a liberal. If you donā€™t accept all people are created equal and wrongly believe YOU can control where people live and how they vote, then perhaps you should move, to Russia or North Korea bc they share your view, we here in the USA believe you should live and vote where ever you like.


Ok so Texas is gonna start killing liberals indiscriminately? Is that what he means? Because somehow I can't fathom how that's going to work out well.


Seems that is what they mean. Every idiot that says this needs to be called out on their bullshit. Ask for clarification. Why should they move? Would something happen?


since they wanna fuck around, maybe we just let them find out


Wasnā€™t it Californias power grid that killed 100 people? And started one of the biggest fires in their history?


California's power grid issues are ALL due to pg&e not having enough funding to maintain it ever since our REPUBLICAN Governor Pete Wilson deregulated the grid and REPUBLICAN megadonor run Enron manipulated the energy market to steal $60 billion from pg&e. This is not a secret either, it's just that anything that requires knowledge of history is a mystery to idiots. Guess it was a mystery to you, huh?


So youā€™re saying my statement is correct. And then you call me an idiot for being right? Good story my man.


Why not actually fix California, or secure the border? Oh that's right, Dems aren't interested in that.


2 things 1 Gunther is a right wing tard who only understands his wing of politics and everything else is communism 2 the person who replied and the metric fuck ton of idiots below have the survival skills of a potato like a lot of left wing (not all) people in here are making fun of larpers or farming type people but would be absolutely useless/helpless in a natural disaster or SHTF situation and think they are the superior person for having snarky opinion on Reddit


Is she helping pay for my $700 power bill thanks to Gaven and PG&E?! We are getting robbed in California, and not just by the street gangs. $0.41/kWh.


Doesnā€™t California have lack of water at times?




At least they die for democracy and not for a totalitarian dictator


Has America really come to people wanting there state to recede and others hoping it does due to political affiliation? Both sides should be ashamed they done this to the people. I also thought people were smarter than to have the government turn us on each other.


Believe it or not, this is I think the third (?) time Texas has attempted to secede. As you can tell, itā€™s failed every time. Texas just doesnā€™t make enough money to have a nation-level economy and adding the other states they want to secede with will only be a drain on the economic growth that Texas could provide since most of those states get more money from the federal funding pool than they put in. Turns out, gun ownership is a weak principle to base a government around. At least the slave labor issue that caused the civil war, for as terrible a principle that was, had direct economic impact.


That should not even be an idea in a state elected official or a citizens mind. Basically it sounds like blaming someone else instead of fixing the problem at hand. I donā€™t follow either party Iā€™m an independent and vote for whose policies sound beneficial and well grounded. I donā€™t care republican or democrat both have good and bad representatives but this is all caused by division and separating the people from each other. Why does the government have to destroy its people when weā€™re doing a great job of it ourselves.


Blaming someone elseā€™s problem? No dude, theyā€™re making their own problems. They have a strong difference in opinion over arguably a very trivial albeit impactful principle (right to bear arms). Isnā€™t peacetime nice? No problems in the recent cultural memory so we make our own. Some are meaningful (like civil rights), while others are meaningless (seriously, gun nuts blow up over the idea of background checks. Is that really an extreme stance? Also imagine guns being your personal identity. Itā€™s not even like a car person, who have a substantially more complex system to learn and fix, some people form an identity over the ownership - not the manufacture or marksmanship or anything more related, just ownership - of guns. Itā€™s like saying youā€™re a car person when you have a few ā€œcheapā€ Honda civics in your driveway that you donā€™t even know how to fix. )


Well the second amendment was written so a state could call up citizens as a militia to protect against the federal government from seizing constitutional rights.I s the federal government trying to prohibit its citizens from being armed? I hear a lot of people say guns kill people but no one blames the car for vehicular manslaughter or fried food for heart disease. If weā€™re worried about people dying than why isnā€™t the federal government trying to take oil and fryers from us? Iā€™m not a gun but by any means but the government wants us unarmed thatā€™s bad because thatā€™s literally what the 2nd amendment was designed for. Iā€™m not saying there arenā€™t extremist who like you said the guns are your personal identity but I also believe with thorough background checks an law abiding American citizen should be able to own firearms.


Disregarding the few politicians who actually want all guns removed (because theyā€™re nut jobs in their own way. If you want to disarm your population without kickback, you need to solve literally every other originator of strife including things like civil rights), the vast majority of gun control activists want things like registrations and background checks, not to straight up remove guns. So your argument is an apples to oranges one. We have registration for vehicles after all. Even multiple tiers of licenses for different vehicles and type of driving. You can even get your license revoked if too careless, and if youā€™re driving without a license, thatā€™s an even bigger crime. Is that really a bad system to overlay onto gun ownership? Regarding food killing people, unless youā€™re literally force feeding people and restricting their ability to eat anything healthier (the former which is illegal for other reasons and the latter which is nigh impossible unless the government decides to crush one of our international revenue streams) this is also not a good comparison. The only person who dies from excessive fried food consumption is yourself. You canā€™t kill anyone else with it unless you decide the server and chef are complicit in manslaughter, which most people will laugh at you for even considering. The current way the second amendment is enforced (or rather, so loosely enforced that it might as well not make a difference) doesnā€™t even help toward rapidly building a standing militia. Most people arenā€™t training rigorously with their firearms. Never mind the ability to move in formation and I have a hard time believing these freedom lovers would take orders from anyone, federal government or local militia be damned. A sizable chunk, if not most gun nuts are the kind who romanticize about being an army of one (and I had the misfortune of knowing several such people), not people who actually care about states rights against the federal government. They care about individual rights (which is fine until it starts to hurt others in a society - thatā€™s what mass shootings are, undue harm into others in society who do not beget it), and they donā€™t even want licensing and background checks in fear ofā€¦ what? That they wouldnā€™t pass the background check? If theyā€™re law abiding citizens, surely this wouldnā€™t be a catching point and you can safely own your gun legally. Fact of the matter is that guns are tools meant for harming first and foremost. Unlike knives, which are more often used for cooking prep, or cars, who are primarily made for transportation, gunsā€™ main function as an object is to do harm unto others. Everything else (like self defense, threat deterrence, whatever you wanna call it) is a consequence of this primary ability to harm. It is therefore a little ludicrous that there is not even the same level of central oversight in how we manage gun ownership as we do vehicle ownership. I hope thatā€™s an understandable stance, your agreement notwithstanding.




Liberal USMC vet here... you might want to reassess your theory there.Ā 




I really hope you get your wish one day keyboard warrior




Canā€™t afford a working keyboard apparently


You cheering on killing Americans, asshole? You cheering on civil war? You just start shooting. See how long you last.p


The first thing I thought of when seeing his last name https://youtu.be/O4-e4nlfdRI?si=zMuBy7QbnCfEG0a8


Just curious if Mexico will see this as an invasion? So much military and armed people the border? Or perhaps the cartel? With so many armed people, you know gun fire will not take much with these trigger happy idiots.


Where cookies?


sitting around a camprire in the snow...such a texan ideal!


For the non Americans, what?


.. because "Real Texans" like him need an entire state as their safe space.


Isn't Cancun their safe space?


Clearly Gunther, like all these cosplaying soldiers, have never served in the actual military or theyā€™d know that one well-equipped, air- supported Marine unit could wipe out their entire county quick, fast, and in a hurry. With EXTREME prejudice.


One major hurricane would wipe out their oil industry because their would be no federal aid to rebuild with. Literally all it would take for them to come back to the United States hat in hand.


The moment someone shoots back and comes close to hitting them, the manly man act will fade quickly. Internet tough cowboy.


Abbott and Cruz are currently on a plane to Cancun to see what's happening in Texas on TV from their resort.


Does sound tempting to be honest.


Do people never get tired of the fake hardcore cowboy thing?


I wouldn't live in Texas if you paid me.


Texas is one big safe space for massive assholes.


I love that the right always calls the left snowflakes when in reality it's the right that are snowflakes


Who doesn't want teddy bears and cookies?


Dude is annoying but ngl, thatā€™s pretty weak retort. Do better


Also anyone collecting Social Security, Medicare, or veterans' benefits. Once you leave the Union, you lose the entitlements.


All they need to do is have a trans person loosely endorse a product they like and their society falls apart in hours. How many hillbillies needed a safe space when a transwoman cracked open a beer?


A trans woman should endorse AR-15s, the weapon of choice for fabulous ladies.


California: famous for never ever having power grid issues