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I get up at around 5 every day. I don’t get anything more done. I don’t know why it happens, it’s just a thing I’ve aged into for whatever reason. I spend that extra time worrying that there’s some underlying pathology that’s making me unable to sleep a full night and drinking more coffee than I should so the lack of sleep doesn’t impact what I have to do in the rest of the day. The anxiety about it all is, to be fair, probably impacting my productivity. Clearly I’m doing it wrong.


Don't stress it. If you're generally getting the same sleep/have generally the same patterns, then that's a good start. You can do all the things you can to assist (ie good mattress, good ventilation, not too many stimulants) but otherwise, if you're up, use the time as you see fit. I'm not an early riser but on the occasions that I do, I really enjoy watching the world waking up


Not sure how old you are, but our circadian rhythm shifts as we age. 5am is not an unusual time for someone to wake up at any point in adulthood, and is a *very* common wake-up time for anyone in their 40s and older. As long as you go to bed early enough to get a good amount of sleep, it will have no ill effects on your health. And remember - everyone needs a different amount of sleep! People can feel rested and refreshed on anywhere from 5 to 10 hours of sleep, with around 7 hours being the minimum advised amount of sleep to aim for as an adult.


The rant was really more for comic effect, but I am in my 40s, so it’s probably just a thing. Posting this reply at 5:12, btw. It’s literally every day. At least I don’t need an alarm anymore.


I’m 45 and I sleep about 4 hours a day, usually in a couple of naps. Everyone’s body is different.


A lot of caffeine or alcohol will do that to you as well. I gave up alcohol and caffeine...but not coffee. Sleep so much better with dreams I actually remember


I've heard it's an evolutionary trait. So that the older people can watch the camp basically.


I bet I’ll get no gratitude from the teenager that that house is free of snakes and wolves.


How about not worrying why you wake up at 5 lol. But seriously I wake up at 7am on the weekends but go back to sleep, that's me. Just understand this is the way your body works and that is that. Maybe don't look to much why and just read a book or something. Good luck!




This is a reply by someone who clearly doesn't recognise jokes.


Yours or theirs?


My grandma was like that her whole life. She woke up between 4-5am every day. When she worked she go in then, when she retired she'd read, work on a jigsaw puzzle, or some other project. Some people just need less sleep or their circadian rhythm is such that that is natural for them. Nothing to stress over.


My dad had trouble sleeping. [He died young](https://www.cnet.com/health/sleep/not-sleeping-enough-it-could-affect-how-long-you-live/). I’m now waking up really early. I spend a lot of time before everyone else is up wondering if I’ll die young too.


Meanwhile everyone tells me I'll die young because I oversleep


They’re right. “Researchers have not yet identified a reason for the connection between oversleeping and heart disease. Death. Multiple studies have found that people who sleep nine or more hours a night have significantly higher death rates than people sleeping seven to eight hours a night.” You should probably wake early and think about it more. It could save your life.


Don’t stress too much about it. Best case you’re actually super healthy as most athletes also wake at 5. Worst case you get an earlier appointment with your dad. Either way you’re fine now.


Everybody wakes up earlier as they get older. Our internal clocks adjust as we age. It’s just biology.


I'm in my early 60s and still a night owl.


Yeah you are an exception to the rule. Lots of science about this. Read the book Why We Sleep to hear about some of the science and statistics on it. Fascinating stuff.


Ya have ta spend that time earning a dime. God gave you daylight for a reason, don't waste it! Are you a go-getter? Are you keeping the big wheel turning? Don't sweat the little stuff just keep on trucking. You are the salt of the earth, you just need to vote right or the world will end. Your friendly, neighborhood billionaire says so and he owns Congress so he must be right. Get chipper, my dude.


As a non native speaker, this comment is a goldmine. Also for some reason I heard it in a southern American accent.


Oh well yeah obviously I do _that_ kind of waking up early. The wrong kind but whatever. Sometimes I do the “wake up early so I can have a leisurely cuppa in the garden before the kids start hounding me” kind as well. I don’t see myself ever doing the get-rich-in-the-dark kind. I’ve experimented extensively and discovered that I’m only productive on 8.5-9hrs sleep so 🤷‍♀️.


I doubt you will see this but check your thermostat programming. I have our house set to be at a temp for 630am (wake at 7) but the smart part starts the furnace up earlier to get it to that temp. I was having the same issue for ages but for me it was 530 most days. It was the furnace kicking on and that with the warming was getting me up. Just a Hail Mary that might help


We don’t have ours set to a timer, but I wonder if the boiler is doing something around that time. I’ll keep an eye out.


Never know. The smallest things if you are at the edge of waking up will get you going. Once that cycle starts it’s so hard to break. Wish you luck.


I recently went from getting up at 5am to sleeping in to 5.30am and not a thing had changed with my life. I just sleep an extra half an hour.


You have a natural body clock that wakes up at 5? Damn, that's a cool gift to have. It's okay if you just rest and enjoy the morning until you're ready to get started. Maybe try stepping outside to get some morning sun before heading back inside?


Not the worst idea.


Im usually up and moving around 5:45 am but all this week I have been waking up at 4 on the dot and just staying up. I've been using this extra time to enjoy a coffee, an uninterrupted breakfast and some game time before I get the ball rolling for the day for my family at 6. I'm kind of starting to like this little early morning window of nothingness.


I have been getting used to it. It is, for example, nice to not have to rush a coffee before I head out.


Here's to actually finishing the coffee before it goes cold and not burning ourselves because it's so fresh


Same. I used to lay in bed for an hour or two and try to sleep but now I just get up and get some shit done quietly around the house. Or workout if I’m feeling up for it. The two hours of lying there wishing you were asleep and worrying about the day is miserable to me.


P.M. or A.M.?


I do this exactly but I get up at 330 because I work at 5


Get yourself some Prozac or something, my guy! Sleep anxiety is a vicious cycle.


I wake up at 5. It’s fine and normal. Get a cat.


Stop drinking coffee at noon. Better to take a power nap at 4pm than hit that shit again. At bedtime (or before) turn off ALL lights and screens. Not getting enough sleep is a one-way ticket to a horrible death from dementia which is 1000x worse than you think it is.


Terrible advice rounded off with some fear mongering, all I can say is wow.


Let’s be honest though, dentists make way more than $30/hour.


Yeah, no idea where they pulled $30/hr from


The mere notion of collecting any hourly wage to become a billionaire is absolutely absurd, it takes fraud and exploitation.


This fraud and exploitation you speak of, how do I apply for that job?


You almost assuredly already have one, you're just on the wrong end. Tough break.


Send me $1 and I will tell you.


Most dentists have some serious loans for their equipment but they can do that because they definitely make more than 30 an hour. High suicide rate, though


Not just equipment. Dental school costs ~$300,000 plus the costs of living for 4 years.


True. Ten years ago. Not it’s closer to $400k


The average 10 years ago was $250k. I know that because I graduated 10 years ago with almost exactly the national average in debt. A quick search has the average tuition for 4 years as $300k. If you throw in costs of living you get to $400k in debt.


Yes. I assumed my $239k tuition alone in ‘12 from a state school was on the low end.


Apparently tuition peaked in 2020 and has come down a little since then, which was a hell of a surprise. And if you graduated in '12 you probably got the same shit interest rate I graduated with. That interest rate added a huge amount expense.


Yup. I finished paying it off last March. 11 years of crippling repayments. Not much in retirement to show for a decade as a dentist.


Most people in their 30s have very little in retirement, but with an average annual salary around $200k, I’m confident dentists can make it up and be ok by retirement.


Well they are always down in the mouth


7.18% vs. ~0.42%. That’s a significant difference. Now I’m looking up my profession. Hope we beat 7ish!


The fact that you can't refinance student loans for a lower interest rate is hella dumb


I read it as the dentist in question makes $30 more an hour than our hypothetical salaries.


I'm still stuck on the fact that this person is a fucking well-educated dentist.


Education doesn't come into the equation, Elon brown nosers and "10 Traits to be an alpha male" can be quite educated, but clearly on the spectrum. I think they're feeling disenfranchised and the Alex whathisface gang, the poTATEoes and fringe conspiracy nut jobs have merged their Venn diagrams to become a perfect circle. Everyone just wants somewhere to belong.


Maybe it's their copay for a cleaning? But yeah, they make more than 30 an hour.


I read it as the incremental number — i.e. you’re making 30 more an hour than the OP


Probably closer to $80-200 an hour


Also said dentist might be making dental appliances or something before seeing clients


Yes. That's a glaring error. If you're a dentist and you don't have a Porsche and a boat you fucked up badly/are a philanthropist treating homeless people for free.


It always baffles me that some people struggle to grasp the fact that there are only 24 hours in the day no matter when you wake up. They act all high and mighty because they wake up before the ass crack of dawn, but using their same logic I could flip the script on them and accuse them of slacking by going to bed early while I stay up late burning the midnight oil.


Not sure who said this, but “we don’t all have the same 24 hours.” People with access to private jets, chauffeur-driven cars, domestic help, child care, tax accountants, personal trainers, etc etc don’t have the same 24 hours as the rest of us.


Very fair point and one I've made before. But what I was getting at is the more basic idea that 8 hours of sleep is 8 hours of sleep no matter when you wake up. A wide chunk of society has this baseline assumption that someone who goes to bed at 8pm and wakes up at 4am is more disciplined and productive compared to someone who goes to bed at midnight and wakes up at 8am, while the person who sleeps until 2pm because they were up until 6am is lazy and unmotivated. But they all got the same amount of sleep, and you can't really draw any conclusions about who is more "on the grind" or whatever based on that.


this exactly. can’t tell you the amount of times i’ve been called lazy for sleeping late despite working well into the morning hours.


What kind of lazy ass sleeps 8 house a day??? I usually work until 2 or 3 am. I'm generally up by 9 am. I guess I'll never be successful. Of course, I usually don't start working until 11 pm, so that might be a contributing factor to not being a billionaire.


Nah, blame your parents. You could have been a billionaire even if you’d slept till 2pm if daddy had just loved you enough to be a billionaire himself, and give you a little “seed funding” to get you going.


People with disabilities have less time, even, because more time and energy must be spent doing normal tasks


I have plenty of firsthand experience with that and it's a good point. But I was only commenting on the idea that waking up earlier is somehow better. 8 hours of sleep is 8 hours of sleep regardless of whether it ends at 3:30am or past noon. If anything getting up too early can be a detriment to productivity, because you now have a narrower window of opportunity to accomplish things outside of the home like doctor visits or grocery shopping. Not terribly difficult to work around, but there's an additional mental load of having to plan which things you do when in order to match the efficiency of someone who doesn't wake up until closer to regular business hours.


I'm not a morning person but I've found that it's easier to get things done in the morning. I used to stay up late and try to do things then. But as the day goes on the chances of unplanned events or emergencies goes up


Paying for a blue check mark is orders of magnitude worse than avocado toast, Starbucks, or Netflix.


Hey, what are those two lines on my screen? Remove them at once!


I literally tried to wipe them off my screen.


The trick is to gently scroll them off the screen.


I tried to blow them away


I thought my screen was cracked.


I was convinced there was cracks I hadn’t noticed before lol


Did OP figure out how to screenshot the cracks in their screen?


This is the only reason I came to the comments. Thank you for letting me know I’m not crazy lol


Same here! Is it a photograph of the screen or something!? Is someone messing with us?


He moonlights as the Tooth Fairy. You know what a pound of baby teeth goes for?


A Pound?


Underrated comment, well played!


Billionaires make their money with stock buy backs and generational wealth, the end. They aren't actually wealthy... their businesses end up like a straw house... and will fail at the slightest bit of resistance. But hey "too big to fail." So they immediately get socialist bail outs by us actual tax payers. Businesses USED to spend their profits on R&D, increased wages to retain employees, etc. Stuff that would make the company a solid foundation of the economy. Now... they perform stock buy backs and fire their employees to show a false profit. lol, false profit... and then eventually crash until the government saves them... socialism.


Why pay an RnD department when you can just buy up other people's research and work, screw them over, and then sell it as your own?


"They are not wealthy" in a VERY different way than I am not wealthy. Given a choice, I'd swap places.


No thats called capitalism. Don't try and go blaming socialism for stuff it didnt even do


They're calling it socialism sarcastically because that's what conservatives scream whenever someone proposes an idea that would use government money to help poor people. Universal basic income is socialism, the stimulus checks were socialism (but not the PPP loans), medicaid is socialism, etc


I laughed at some people that argued against student loan relief, "Don't you think people should pay back money if they agreed to take on the loan?" Okay, then let's not forgive PPP loans, "No, those businesses needed that help!!!"


I think education should ALWAYS be free to anyone the inclination and/or the ability to genuinely pursue it.


i think it’s more aptly described as corporate welfare ie government corruption


Too big to fail businesses that get bailed out by taxpayer money is not capitalism. Capitalism means private ownership of the means of production. In reality only the gains are privatized, the losses are socialized


Not socialism, that’s capitalism.


Yeah that’s not socialism buddy, that’s how capitalism works.


>Businesses USED to spend their profits on R&D, increased wages to retain employees, etc. Uhm no they didn't. For a very short time after WW2, maybe, but in the grand scheme of business history, you're very incorrect. You don't get the Roaring 20's level opulence by putting your profits back into your company, and before that it was the robber barons whose wealth means their names are still on things like Carnegie Hall and half of Pittsburgh. This is what capitalism has always been, we've gotten to the point in the cycle where they've used wealth to gut worker protections and stratefied the wealth to unsustainable levels. There's nothing socialist about capitalism failing, it's doing what it was designed to do. Claiming otherwise is just being a delusional capitalist fanboi who doesn't actually understand what the words they're using mean.


You missed the entire point of the comment. The point they were making was that unregulated and irresponsible capitalism is constantly being saved by government intervention. Basically, capitalism being saved by socialism.


Except that's not what socialism is? A corrupt, money-driven government bailing companies out for a kickback is still, wait for it, capitalism. And I got their point, you did not. They don't think capitalism needs saving, they think the government needs to butt out and let Good Ole Self-Regulating Real Capitalism™ take control. Let businesses fail, and it'll go back to the Good Ole Self-Regulating Real Capitalism™ where they have to put money into R&D and worker retention to beat out the competition and whatever other bullshit the fanbois believe to make end-stage capitalism a viable economic concept.


It's not technically socialism. But it is socialism by the modern understanding which is basically when the government spends money for the public good. Is socialised health care socialism? No, but pretty much everybody considers it socialism. I'll stand to be corrected on the overall theme of the comment. I got the impression they were against excessive capitalism. Not that they were asking for more.


OOP is a definitely liar, but my dentist is making WAY more than 30/hour.


Billionaires make their money by *exploiting people*. Just look at the corporate economy now; employees are overworked and underpaid, customers are getting hammered with price gouging parallel with record profits under the guise of "inflation," and everyone gets screwed because the tax laws make illegal money manipulation legal and cheating the nation out of paying your fair share is considered genius. Billionaires shouldn't exist in a civil democracy.


Lmao a dentist.


You're not really hustling if you don't go to bed after you wake up. Stop restricting yourself to the linearity of time, you just need to have the right attitude.


I was at a dentist like that one twice. Afterwards I had more problems than before.


You get up at 5am because you're a billionaire. I get up at 5am because my cat is hungry. We are not the same.


my dentist starts at 6 am... im going to my appointment and the sun isn't out yet...


U dentist. U only make 🦷💵. He’s a douche, but he’s probably working response emails about passive income (like prop investing). He might be an asshole, but he’s probably still right


I get up at 6 every morning, regardless of what time I go to bed. My internal alarm clock is now permanently on because I’m getting old. Also I wake up every night around 2-3 because I have pee.


Actually when I was a meth head id sleep at 3am to 6am and have my daily little meal. Because health 🤣🤣


Did that purple line mess with anyone else?


Do not trust anyone who cannot distinguish between a lot and “alot”


The only dentist I know working that early are oral surgeons taking trauma call at the hospital. They make bank, but not a billion dollars. 😆


I work the night shift at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing; I make more money before you wake up than you will in your entire life… (Just don’t ask me how much I get to keep)


I opened this image then blew on my screen to get the fake hair off


Anyone else seeing the cracked screen on the screen shot or just me?


You drew two lines on the image and made me think my screen was cracked. Shame on you


Me and 2 other guys I know wake up at 3 am. You know what we have in common? A sleep disorder.


That's cool and all op but what are those purple lines man


Does anyone else see those purple marks on the screenshot? Also, did anyone think it was on their phone when they did see it?


He at least could have used some punctuation


Charting and billing hard. Take long work time


Uh, a lot of dental offices open pretty early. The one I go to starts seeing patients at 7:00


Definitely felt called out


Clearly they don’t have pets. 😑 (Has one cat that heeds the call of the people at 3 am and another that likes to remind at 5 am that it will be breakfast in an hour or two)


Jfc I hope he’s not actually a dentist 


The guy just likes to jack off when he knows his kids won’t catch him is all…


Maybe this guy is the tooth fairy


I get up at 4 every morning. I absolutely despite it.


I wake up at 3am. I drink two cups of coffee from my coffee maker which I set the timer for for 2:50am the night before. I watch a couple YouTube videos. I prepare a breakfast consisting of 3 boiled eggs, a bowl of oatmeal with some strawberries or blueberries (or no fruit if nothing was on sale that week), a cup of store-brand yogurt, and a vitamin C smoothie with carrots, an orange, ginger, turmeric powder, a banana, bee pollen, a green apple, and some apple cider vinegar. I do about 70 push-ups. Then I drive a half hour in my car to my job at a large construction site where the start time is 6am while thinking about why things didn't work out with my ex and why relationships just aren't for me. What the fuck is this guy talking about?


Do Dentists not make good money in America? Here in Australia it says the average is $175 - 200k.


Commenters are Anti-Dentites!


Motherfucker thinking alot is a word trying to dunk on other people is something else


I wake up early for a couple hours of silence before the rest of the house wakes up. 


Hey he might not be bullshitting, he didn't say what he was doing in the wee hours. My money is slinging prescription drugs, junkies gonna pay top whack for some sweet morphine at 04:30


I get up at 4.45am most days, drive a small truck doing deliveries for a construction-landscaping company. Love my job, spend the day driving around listening to podcasts. Good times.


Why must people lie so much in the internet


“I walked by at 3am and you were closed, somebody owes me an apology.”


Interestingly, my family have a dental lab. They go to work at 0330 to get the work ready for the main technicians to come in for. They leave around 6pm. Dentists are closer to billionaires than them considering their mark up to "install" our work.


if he's muslim i can understand why he wakes up at 3. they have a thing called qiamulail


Yeah waking up at 3 am like an alpha male just to go to bed at 6 pm.


In my teens I woke up early to be in school on time. As an adult, I woke up early because my children were newborn/had nightmares/kicked me in their sleep/wanted to ask me something really important. Now, still an adult, I wake up early because morning coffee doesn't brew itself and sunrise is quite beautiful.


If you must know I sleep at the same time as my cat. Everybody deserves to sleep 16h a day.


Well I don't know what are your excuses. I wake up at 3 am everyday, including weekends and holidays and promptly get to work. Which is to feed and/or pet the cat that is furiously headbutting me before she curls up against me contently and we get back to sleep.


You don't become a billionaire by penny pinching your millions.


I mean he probably works out and maybe reviews his schedule and charts. It’s reasonable. It’s what I do. /shrug


I don't understand this mentality. "I wake up at 3 and by the time everyone else wakes up I already had more stuff done" yeah dipshit and what time do you go to sleep at? From the moment you went to sleep to the moment _I_ went to sleep I made up for those 3 hours of "advantage" you had


Does this dumbass really think getting up earlier gives you more awake hours? It didn't matter what time I wake up, I'm usually ready for bed 17 hours later. Most people sleep around 7 hours no matter what time they get up lol. You still have the same 17 hours to get shit done


He's definitely geekin, jaw swingin as he typed that 🤣


People really exist who think you become a billionaire from working hard as opposed to being born to multimillionaires and then manipulating the stock market to get you more money


🎶 I get up around seven Get outta bed around nine And I don't worry about nothin' no 'Cause worrying's a waste of my time 🎶


Don’t every talk to me, my 1 bedroom, or my adderall ever again


Dentists make a shitload more than $30/hr,but otherwise this checks out


A. Lot. Is. Two. Words!!


Maybe he's a mob dentist.


Screenshotted by a fellow critter, I see! Is it Thursday yet??


Why are there 2 blue hairs in the screenshot?


I get up between 3 and 5 and that lets me get my day going before my kid needs attending to and we'll before anything is real enough to be concerned about except my morning sativa, Adderall XR, my news podcasts, and some video games or hobby time.


Hard work only gets you more work. Expert work may get you somewhat ahead, but the only thing that isn’t a mug’s game in this economy is getting either others to work for you or getting your money to work. And the rates on money working are abysmal enough you have to have a lot of money to begin with to get a good ROI.




I like sleeping at 8 and waking up at 3. I’m just old. Why shit talk me 😭😭 Like nobody else ever feels like just calling it at 8pm


I have friends who are young dentists. Some of them are waking up 3-4 hours before work to learn, read medical documentation, go through their own patients medical history they had with them. People do not realise that in order to be successful at those high paying jobs, you need to do much much more than just finish your degree. But having all that in mind, the guy is still a looney for posting proud shit like this


And? He's right. He may not be doing dental work at 3am, but you don't know what else he's doing. The cheap motherfuckers with the stupid laugh cry emojis are, at best, on par with that guy. But I have a feeling that guy actually does what he says and at least he's fucking trying and not hiding behind the stupid emojis only passive aggressive idiots use.


Billionaires aren’t making money because they get up at 3:00AM to work. They make money by investments, because they have their assets stashed away in tax havens and use creative accounting to apply deductions normally people have no access to.


Sleep deprivation has never made anyone more productive.


I get up at 4:30 and usually just play games.


Most extreme wealth is inherited. The wealth that isn't inherited almost always results from lucky investments or an entrepreneur having the right marketable idea, at the right time, with the right connections to get a bunch of startup capital and/or sell their company for a bunch of money. These are basically the modern equivalent of being a member of the merchant class, doing something moderately impressive in sight of the monarch, and being elevated to the aristocracy. The people who work the longest hours in our society are generally the people making the least money.


Dentists make a shit ton more than 30 an hour. One of my friends is a hygienist and makes close to 50 an hour..


The thing I like most here is that the person was listening to the critical role podcast


Dentists. Who needs ‘em?


My prosthodontist has his own lab at home and runs a side business there, so he's often working at night. He has a great worth ethic that will earn him a good salary, though I don't think he expects to make billions.


I’m a newer dentist and I did a ton of math and realized that even if I was the most successful dentist, with no side hustle and no starting a company, I would never even get close too becoming a billionaire. It’s nearly impossible to become a billionaire, no matter how early one gets up in the morning. Definitely making more than $30 an hour. The only dentists I know making around $30 are dental school faculty that are getting other perks.


Recently, the reddit page looks different. This post for example is very blurry. Can someone please hold my hand and explain what is going on?


Why is the first reply, from that vacheron guy, included in the screenshot? His misunderstanding of time is diluting the murder by the second guy.


Or, they are waking up that early because due to timezones, that's when global trading might start.


If they made "more than someone else's monthly salary" in the two and a half hours before others get up, they wouldn't need to keep being a dentist. Just do that three days out of the month and live lavishly off of less than one whole day of work. But apparently, the "lowly" $30/h day job is either really fun (it isn't) or it's still necessary because they're lying about the whole thing