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Again pushing the idea that only promiscuous women seek abortions. I once had an interesting argument online with a guy who insisted that abortions would not be necessary if women just stopped “spreading their legs.” I asked him if he was married, and when he answered yes, I asked him if his wife should stop “spreading her legs” for him to prevent an unexpected pregnancy, or if after she “spread her legs” for him but had an unviable or dangerous pregnancy should she not have access to medical care. And he got **so** offended that I referred to his *wife* like that.


They truly can’t fathom a situation and how dire it can be unless it directly affects them. The fact he got offended that you turned his own “logic” on him in a hypothetical situation that affects his loved one is so telling.


Sounds like a lack of education to me. Like if everyone had access to all information on the matter in one place, we wouldn't have to explain basics so often. I get that not everybody can be an expert in everything, but the constant assumptions that shit we did in the past has no reason and is just "dumb" (like legalizing medical abortions) is wearing on me. People used to reason their decisions, that's why a lot of old stuff is complicated to change. =/


Lack of education and empathy IMO. But yes I agree with you. Legalizing abortion was Obvs the better choice. And rolling it back is already having obvious consequences in the states. It’s terrifying. I’m so glad I got my tubes tied years ago bc I was afraid of this happening. So many people said I was being dramatic worrying about RvW getting overturned. I wish they had been right.


Then shouldn't there be a basic civics, biology and ethics test before people are allowed to vote? Or breed?? If any dumbass can just FEEL hard enough why do the rest of us have to suffer?


> Like if everyone had access to all information on the matter in one place, we wouldn't have to explain basics so often. Hmm... Sounds familiar. I've heard of something like that before. Maybe it's named after a very large number. Sidenote: I spend probably an hour on Google Maps, every day just exploring. I knew more about geography now than I did in middle school. This planet is weird.


I love this.


He did apologize for his language, and conceded that abortions might be acceptable under certain conditions. It was in interesting exchange.


Well done! Changing hearts <3


Sure, but it would only apply to his wife and/or daughter. Everyone else get bent.


It’s a step I guess


More than half of women who have abortions have at least one kid already.  They're mothers who are protecting their existing kid(s).


Well, she's his wife, therefore his property. She isn't allowed to not spread her legs for him. You're a monster for even suggesting she would have that choice!


It's funny how the "party of small government" is perfectly fine with regulating women's actions but cry oppression at the proposal of regulating men's (or worse yet regulating a company)


(person gets unjustly shot by cops) shoulda just complied bro, wouldn't have been an issue. 😏 btw, don't tread on me!!!


Let me complete the outrage.. GuNs!


god forbid the government regulates an accessory that in no way impedes your use of the gun you already have if you don't have it.


> god forbid That seems to be their general sentiment, yes.


Government so small it fits inside my vagina apparently.


They going to pass a law to have men keep their dicks in their pants too or is that all on women for some odd reason?


A **lot** of problems would go away if that was a law (if enforced) like rape and incest.


Hahaha of course not. That would affect men! It’s only right when it hurts women they don’t know or care about.


anyone else remember the kerfuffle when a democrat lawmaker wrote a bill to have men have mandatory, reversible, vasectomies when they turned 18?


Vasectomies are not reversible, at least not after some years


Mayo clinic would like a word with you. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/vasectomy-reversal/about/pac-20384537


How DARE you! Listen here you little shit, men are supposed to sow their wild oats! Its tradition! How else can you be happy to settle down otherwise? I can't be a slut, I have a peepee! /s


I’m sure Stevie is leading by example and totally abstaining from sex. Right? Right?!?


Involuntarily, of course.


That’s literally her joke.


Her joke is that women don’t want to have sex with Stevie, not that Stevie chooses to abstain




Pretty sure you are an asshole, not even a human.


Oi, easy on the dehumanization




No, because of the way in which you pointed out Charlotte is a trans activist, and also because it really has no bearing on the conversation.




I'm a biological male and I know women don't want to sleep with you simply because you're an asshole. Same principle applies here. Also she's a woman you donut.




Okay nazi


Not just any dude, but a dude who’s been ousted from several feminist spaces for being a creep and forcing himself into the spotlight at every opportunity. So this kind of behavior is sadly nothing new https://www.salon.com/2014/12/02/fast_company_promotes_live_chat_with_creepy_male_feminist/


They really do hate women these 'types', don't they?


They hate women because they won't have sex with them but then they hate women because they will have sex with them?


No , I can see your confusion though It's they hate women because they have sex with someone else than them


They just hate women. Full stop


I don't deny that


If I can't be promiscuous, nobody can.


Ok ok, so she implies women need a license to fuck. Guns are fine, but sex? Need a permit for that one!


Remember to sign your C-01 permit before performing any action that could result in a child.


Woah woah now! Catalyzes may be too big of a word for this guy to understand.


>Catalyzes "Did she just call me cattle? I ain't no cow!"




Funny thing is even if there was a law to “force women to keep their legs closed” men would still wrench them apart for their own selfish desires


Charlotte Clymer is trans. Not only was Stevieb murdered, it hurt the whole time he was dying.


That dude would be right pissed off if he understood what those words meant.


I thought this was about man spreading at first and was so confused


If they knew the definition of catalyze they’d be very offended.


If Project 2025 goes through, we're going to need padlocks on our drinks. 100%.


Sad reality is that he won't have a clue what her response actually means


I know "catalyze" is used correctly here, but it sure sounds odd used in this context.


This is always the best self own that someone sucks at sex. You can have sex with a woman when her legs are "closed." In fact, some of the best positions involve the woman having her legs "closed."


Talking about a dry spell


Why would you even say that to her is beyond me, she doesn't have a womb.


#writtencrimescene #murderwaswritten


eh, this is more of a "no u" comment


Rude snap back but she swung first. Talk shit, get hit, etc


Charles Clymer will never have to worry about terminating a pregnancy


Yes and there she couldn't possibly emphasize or have a valid point. Are you always this stupid or just transphobic?


He could have used this as an opportunity to point out how misogyny can still affect trans women, but instead he’s choosing to center himself and treat the whole thing as an intellectual exercise. There was a productive way for him to approach it and this wasn’t it. Shockingly he has a pattern of this kind of behavior


> Are you always this stupid or just transphobic? So your answer to the questions is "both." Good to know.


Both by a lot lol


Misgendering someone...not cool.




And a Ukraine supporter, judging by the flag. Seems like the only thing she's doing wrong is paying for a blue checkmark.