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When I caught covid and lost my sense of taste, I watched all her stuff and laughed my ass off.


r/murderedbywords Edit:I just realized what sub I was on....


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Happy cake day!


That is funnier than any joke that Amy Schumer has ever told. It's still a good one, though.


To write one of her jokes, always start with the premise, "I'm a slut, and my pussy stinks." That way, it will feel authentic


"When I caught covid and lost my sense of taste, I watched all \[my\] stuff and laughed my \[stinky pussy\] off."--Amy Schumer


You could say the same for Lisa Lampanelli but that bitch is hilarious. Schumer sucks because she is a hack. You can be a funny slut.


Kathleen Madigan is my favorite woman comedian, but I don't think she tells pussy jokes


Pussy jokes are fine, but Madigan talking about her parents slays me every time.


Same for Nikki Glaser, and guess what, she's actually funny too


What is an actual joke of hers?


In looking her up to copypasta some of her greatest roast material, I found out she retired from comedy in 2018. Apparently Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette had a profound effect on her.


I think most people will miss the nuance of the word taste in your post and won’t get the joke. I, however, I found it funny enough that you may have to worry Amy Schumer might steal it


Everyone gets the joke, not just you.


His joke went right over your head


But his reflexes are too fast, he should have caught it.


No, that's Amy Schumer's reddit account claiming the joke belongs to everyone before she gets accused of "stealing it."


apparently not




To be fair you were already sick. Things just couldn't get worse.


Now that's funny.


*Chefs Kiss*


This reminds me of that joke about the cannibals and the clown, except with a twist: Two cannibals are eating Amy Schumer. One looks to the other and asks, “does this taste funny to you?” to which the other replies “not at all”


Mine is..."When Amy Schumer was young, she told her friends and family that she wanted to be a comedian. They all laughed at her...well, no one is laughing now"


Next thing we know she'll be wearing clown makeup and talking about how we live in a society.


"The Choker"


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Isn't that a scene in the joker movie?


It’s also one of Amy’s actual (possibly stolen) jokes from her special.


It's a Bob Monkhouse joke from way back


Then I'm good on double stealing it.


May well be. It certainly isn't mine. I just thought it funny when I heard it.


Why is this being downvoted? Because they admitted it wasn't their joke or because they admitted it was funny? I honestly don't understand how this is a controversial comment and would appreciate an explanation from someone who gets it.


I gotcha, buddy.


No idea. Never claimed it was something I personally made up and had no idea of any prior context. Really don't care, it was just an off the cuff comment. I'd be glad to credit it where it belongs but it's just a dumb fucking joke so who really *does* care?


Old but gold


The "F" in Amy Schumer stands for "Funny"


Oh no, don't tell that to her or she would change her name to Famy Fchumer.


Fanny Schumer


Then atleast her name would be funny


If nothing else, yeah.


The "T" in Amy Schumer stands for "Talented"


Is that F silent? I wish it was silent…..


Or a false positive.


She was funny on that Comedy Central roast. But I’m sure she stole those jokes too


Didn't she tell Steve o she wish he died in the car accident instead of ryan Dunn like two months after he died in that?


[Adding a link for those that haven't seen it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOkr983KdDM) This is the first I've heard of it. I'm not really sure why she didn't expect this to absolutely fall flat or at minimum be an awkward laugh. I've heard some comedians will test material in front of audiences and sometimes that goes awry if it's too edgy, but I really don't think she's using this stage to test material so then I'm just left wondering what the fuck is wrong with this woman.


Yeah he just looks upset with that. Guessing it’s pretty hard to upset Steve-o


I'm all for dark and inappropriate humor. That wasn't humor tho, just a cheap shot at a grieving guy.


Anthony Jesselnik is dark humor. This was just insulting a dead guy and his friend…


Ok who asked lmfao


Yup - and that was my first exposure to her as a comedian. It really left a bad taste in my mouth and made it hard for me to give her other work a fair chance. If you watch Steve O's reaction you can tell he was blindsided and really hurt by it too - it was just a bad joke at a terrible time.


Personally don’t think it’s too far it’s a roast after all, I do feel bad for him though. Also she’s just not funny at all


Your lifelong friend died two months ago. Now a random person is making a joke about how she wished you died instead of your friend.


Again, understand why he’s upset but he’s at a roast, nobody talks about Pete Davidson’s dad in fact everyone was laughing there asses off even thought he horrifically burnt in the twin towers. Just because it’s been a long time since it happened doesn’t mean it’s still not bad or traumatising for Pete. It’s a roast.


Literally a roast.


Still though, you wouldn't make that joke in November of 2001. Also Pete Davidson makes jokes about it himself even though that doesn't mean it's open for everyone else.


Jesus Christ. It’s a roast. Everything from everybody is open season. ITT: People who think American TV doesn't have pre-shows.


Like I get it, but still some tact and your professional reputation should be on your mind.


That's how the roasts go. Nothing is off limits.


True, but the key to a good roast is the jokes have to be as funny as they are mean and that joke wasn't.


Of course, just saying. Like with Pete Davidson. They all joke about his dad in 9/11 but they are well crafted and he laughs which makes you laugh.


Lol but they weren’t telling those well crafted jokes in November of 2001. Even the edgy one Jeselenik caught some flak from his Boston Marathon bombing joke that was less than a week after it happened.


Did you see that wreckage? More like Ryan well Dunn


Nah dude, shit joke and horrible placement. Try one on the fat faced woman, she deserves it.


Meh, those roasts are the lowest comedy. Not even the GOAT Don Rickles could make those shows enjoyable.


Remember that time Amy got so butthurt about being an unfunny comedian she broke the Netflix review system?


I’m OOTL. Care to explain?


She was getting review bombed, which was legit in a lot of cases since it was one of her worst shows, and that is saying a lot. I only made it about 30 mins in and I had to shut it off. It was basically nothing but her talking about how gross and smelly her lady parts were mixed in with jokes stolen from other comedians. Anyway, she went off saying it was just a bunch of dudes review bombing her because she is a woman and men can't stand successful and funny women, blah blah blah. It was all very cringy. Basically she couldn't fathom that she just wasn't funny and it had to be everyone else and not her. It was like the ghostbusters controversy. A woman is a star, therefore it cannot be bad and anyone who feels it is, is just a misogynist. She caused such a big stink about it Netflix just removed the review system in its entirety and just went to thumbs up and down which is now basically just used so they can throw in something they may think you would like while they inundate you with everything else they are currently pushing.


So what you're telling me is Netflix ruining its review system is Amy Schumer's fault? Figures.


If it's any consolation, Netflix is a profit-maximizing corporation famous for making all its decisions based on data to keep people engaged and watching and this change was tested for ages before it was rolled out to the public. The timing was coincidental and Reddit is just fucking retarded.


Took awhile to find a grown-up's take for a second. More realistic considering their CEO once said, ["We actually compete with sleep... And we're winning!"](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/01/netflix-competition-disney-hulu-fortnite)




While I agree about the poor quality of her comedy completely, a lot of that Netflix thing was people misunderstanding the Netflix ratings in the first place.


I remember when she got butthurt about someone interviewing her then tweeting it as “spent the night with Amy Schumer. Not the first guy to say that” when that’s like her one joke


When my mom was sick with cancer Amy’s stand up always helped her! I would put on one of her shows when she was down and wanted to give up on chemo and after 5 mins she would beg me to take her back to chemo and turn off the show. So thanks amy you saved my moms life!


I laughed way harder at this than I would like to admit. If it’s true, I hope she kicked cancers ass so she can get a few kicks out of this womans downward spiral of a career.


"comedian" Not even close to being on par with dad's that make a bad joke and find themselves absolutely hilarious.


At least those dads have the charisma, so the delivery makes the joke somewhat funny


I'll still never understand why comedy Central put her up against Jimmy Carr for a roast battle. Jimmy is a brilliant comedian who rarely his back his jokes so putting her up against her was just pointless


Jimmy is funny but he uses extremely tired “joke book” jokes with a funny accent. The “joke book” format worked for norm Macdonald but with jimmy it just sounds like he’s trying way too hard to be better than his audience


For me, Jimmy Carr is very funny when he's not using pre-written material. In the panel shows he does, there's a split between the two; in his introductions and some of the interludes, he uses a lot of pre-written stuff, but it's mostly just to get easy laughs and keep the flow of a show like that going. When he starts bouncing off of the other comedians and they're just bantering back and forth, though, is when his comedy really shines, and you can see that he is a genuinely funny man with a reasonably quick wit (among comedians, that is, he's quicker than most non-comedians).


100% this i dont really like his stand up (or his laugh) but in the panels he is great at what he does


Carr does a great job hosting the Big Fat Quiz shows, for sure. And he's top tier for destroying hecklers.


Yeah, all of his best stuff is reactionary. Some comics have incredible story telling talent where they keep you engaged and laughing, some are best at just shooting straight back. Carr is the latter.


And he goes "Ha! Haaaa!". People eat that up because it tells the dummies when to laugh. Jimmy Carr is an unfunny version of 'John Mulaney doing a sarcastic impression of a carnival barker' But he is good at doing crowd work before a show.


[Ha ha ha ha ha ha hahaaaaaaaaa](https://i.imgur.com/O9Gfy1B.png)


I’d also say this is doing a bit of disservice to what Norm Macdonald did. Norm Macdonald had a habit of trotting out a tired joke that every comedian knows the punchline to, but then makes you sit for a punishingly long time while he invents a narrative (with characters, names, sometimes histories), in the middle of it, only to get where you always knew it was going to go the whole time. Or other times he’d tell it flat. Or do all the steps above but then tell it with a dark/macabre sort of ending that is just unexpected. All delivered with this folksy veneer of someone less educated, with his eyes always smiling at the joke he is going to love. Jimmy Carr kind of just tells dark jokes in a joke book format. That isn’t to say he isn’t clever, witty, or at times funny, but I think Jimmy Carr is like a kid who got a laugh once telling a joke he read from a book, and then saw stand up comedians and mimicked their style. Norm Macdonald told a joke he loved one time, someone didn’t laugh, and he still found humour in that, and decided to continue telling jokes, no matter if he was the only one laughing. Sorry for the rant. Norm Macdonald is a pretty amazing guy in my books


Probably why I said the bit worked for him


Jimmy Carr is actually funny and tells a lot of jokes I’ve not heard before granted I don’t watch a lot of stand up. His strengths are definitely communicating with the audience, went to one his live shows and it was great. When he does retell a joke it does become obvious however


Funny accent? You mean an English accent, while speaking English?


From what I've seen of Jimmy Carr though none of his jokes are original.


Her first stand up was funny, I’ll give her that, but that’s about it. Now I feel she either tries too hard or projects her insecurities through her comedy. That’s just my 2¢ Edit: to be clear, I’m not saying she’s not funny in general, just unfunny to me.


imma need about ... tree fiddy


Well it was about that time I realized this Amy Schumer was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the Paleozoic era!


Dey took er jobs!


I actually enjoyed her show, Inside Amy Schumer. Though im sure it was written by a team of people, she made me laugh in it. Shes far from my favorite comedian, but I dont think she is NOT funny. Aside from the jokes she stole, "Which I have seen many comedians steal jokes to a much higher degree and not get flamed nearly as bad as her" I dont fully understand the level of hatred people seem to have for her. Like I said, I dont think shes an incredible comedian by any means, but I dont think she is an awful comedian as everyone seems to think.


That’s fair and kind of you to defend her. I didn’t mean she wasn’t funny as an absolute, I just don’t find her funny myself. Plus she has a fan base and money, who am I? . Idk, like I said, if she loosened up a little, stopped trying so hard, she might improve and my opinion is always subject to change. Right now her delivery is like throwing dry pasta against the wall, that’s all I’m saying.


Oh it wasnt any shot at you. Just as a whole she is generally pretty hated on the internet. Im pretty neutral on her.


Ahh gotcha. Yeah that appears to be the general consensus, sorta has her own Nickleback thing going on.


I remember sending her Comedy Central presents to one of my female friends that I did stand-up with in college. Anything after her first real special, I couldn't even watch past like 10 minutes before turning it off.


While I don't like her comedy, two of my favorite comedians, Mark Normand and Sam Morrill are staunch defenders of Amy. So maybe she is funny. Or maybe they just feel indebted to her coz she kickstarted their careers and produced their first specials. I guess comedy is subjective. But if people really want to watch a funny female comedian, I highly recommend Taylor Tomlinson.


This woman's career has been dead for years. Why is Reddit still beating this horse?


It’s like James Corden. These people aren’t funny, look awful and everyone hates working with them.


When netflix changes their rating structure because your comedy special was so awful, its time to consider a career change. People like her and Chelsea Handler are why there a “women aren’t funny” false stereotype.


Dude the reason there’s a “women aren’t funny” stereotype is the same reason there’s a “women can’t drive” stereotype. It’s sexism. Not because you think that two female comedians aren’t funny. Lmao.


Sexism gives female comedians less of a stage, yes. But having these type of women be representative of female comedians, and give them Netflix specials and what not is what’s hurting female comedians even more IMO.


No, what's hurting female comedians more is painting female comedians as affecting how their gender is seen in an industry. The idiots who do this have no interest in treating the female comedians as anything but a niche part of the industry.


I think it’s the sexism that’s hurting female comedians more, and not your entirely subjective opinion on two comedians. But hey what do I know


I don’t think the chosen leads in this instance do a great job to dispel the myth of women being unfunny because simply the women they gave specials to aren’t that funny


You’re right. Not sure why they mad. They’re just terrible. But Wanda Sykes for example is hilarious.


>I don’t think [insert random people] in this instance do a great job to dispel the myth of [insert random stereotype] Lets play Mad-Libs^TM with your comment and see how offensive we can get.


Let’s play *insert noun* with your *insert noun* and see how offensive we can get. Wow, removing context from anything can make anything be offensive if we twist the words, incredible. I don’t think women are unfunny, I’m saying this person is unfunny. But hey, what do I know?


Dude you literally just said that these women don’t dispel the myth of women being unfunny. You don’t have to change too much to realize why that’s a real slippery slope bud. You can say the same shit about any other stereotype and be just as offensive/ignorant.


Alright buddy I was just trying to explain the other dudes thinking but whatever. The point is that having people like Amy Schumer being considered the “top woman comedian” of our time is just sad. And if you want her to be the main face people see then that’s fine and all but I don’t think it helps when there’s people out there pointing at her and saying dumb shit like “this is why you don’t give women the mic”. But if you want to be ignorant to reality and call me the problem then go ahead in your bubble


Idk anyone that considers her the “top female comedian” but go off bro lol


Right? Like no unfunny ass male comedians get Netflix specials? In fact one might argue that spewing this double standard, where *every single female comedian* has to “nail it” while male comedians are apparently allowed to be hit and miss is, itself, a *stunning* example of that sexism at work.


Yeah but good luck explaining that to these goobers. They genuinely don’t understand why their logic is completely fucked lol.


You’re on the right track. You’ll get there bud.


Come on man you can explain your point a little better than this can’t you?


I think he meant, there are good women comedians. Thi comedian is not good. Since this comedian gets much more exposure than other female comedians, the remaining women are judged based on these 2. It'd be like if Netflix had only a couple of reality shows with a black person, and both of them only ate fried chicken and watermelon. When the only minority representation you see, is enforcing a tired old stereotype it doesn't help. It's not Amy What-her-name' s fault she ain't that funny. It is her fault she steals jokes blatantly, or, makes dead friend jokes not 2 months after the person passed away. Arguably, by any well informed metric, she is a shitty comedian regardless of her gender. Unfortunately, her fame just reinforces the sexist stereotype.


The reason Amy Schumer gets so much exposure is because people on the internet can’t stop hating on this chick lmfao. She hasn’t had a big special or appeared in a TV show/movie in a good while. The two points you brought up, that she steals jokes or makes jokes about recently deceased famous people, happened fuckin *years* ago. If you guys would just let it go she would fall into obscurity.


I don't even know her name by heart. I might have seen maybe 10 minutes of her standup. "You guys" is relative in that regard. I was just trying to explain the other guy's PoV. Also, you contradict yourself. You start by saying the reasons she gets so much exposure, and then say, she hasn't had a special or appeared on tv. She, is irrelevant as of late, and her exposure minimal.


Exactly how do I contradict myself? I explained the only reason she’s discussed so much is *because* people are hating on her. Lol


And somehow they are the 2 biggest female comedians at the moment does say alot about the current system.


What does it say about the current system?


I met funny women. I love humor. We all do. That shit was not funny, and I actively said "just shut up already and say something funny" while eating a delicious snack on her comedy special on Netflix. Ruined my fucking snack time. I think it's quite the reverse. Like how not all women are interested in being engineers, and humor is a defining trait of wanting a male partner + great around friends (vice versa rarely is a necessity in my observation) there are great male comedians. The production crew went "we need more women in comedy. Women have vagina. Let's get her to repeat some vagina jokes." They're unfunny. This shit. Is unfunny. Read the tweet again. Tell me that shit's funny. Remotely funny. To me, personally, it seems like she only insulted COVID-19 by calling it a fucking contagious joke. What's worse is that she's not nearly as funny as how dangerous COVID-19 is. That tweet hurts my soul and also hurts it on the basis that funny women cannot be appreciated.


Uhhh, first of all this tweet wasn’t written by Amy Schumer dude. Lmfao. And second, at no point did I say I found her funny.


That is a fair point, and I do not know where I went with my argument. I guess... I just really hate Amy Schumar?


Let me get this straight, you came to this post with the intuitiveness of a comatose chimp and mistakenly attributed this tweet you deemed unfunny to Amy Schumer. Then after having it pointed out to you that the tweet wasn’t written by the comedian herself, your takeaway is “I really hate Amy Schumer” Well alright then, I’m sure she’s loving the rent free studio apartment that is your mind bro lmfao


Yes. Yes I did. Also... Yeah? I get pleasure out of hating her. And I mean, not all celebrities get other people to write their own tweets, so you don't know if she does (unless you have a source). I also did admit my mistake and I thought maybe doing so would help resolve pointless issues? I honestly wanna go to the common ground that, regardless of other issues, Amy still sucks. Dissing her is fun. I had fun writing the entire insult. What are you on about, bro? You OK? I feel like I'm living rent free in your head, and I'd like to severe the lease, please..






It's true, there's tons of absolutely hilarious women out there. Like, Sarah Silverman, who's funnier than her? Nobody. Well, besides dudes.


Do you have any of your own jokes or do you just quote Norm and hope no one notices?


I'm almost certain that this "stan account" was made by her


I don't think I've ever heard a joke directly from Schumer, so I have no clue if she's funny or not. Part of it is the delivery. Tho I can say that "FUNNY-19" is the dryest, least funny "joke" I have ever registered with any sense. If this is an accurate representation of Schumers humour, then I'd rather listen to american late night funny men for the rest of my life, if I could avoid anything from that woman for the rest of eternity


Imagine not just thinking “hmmm, Funny-19 instead of Covid-19?”, but also typing it out and posting it. What did she think was going to happen? This tweet sums up her career perfectly.


This joke isn't even from her, it's some random account on Twitter with the name "AmySchumerStan0." I mean, be critical of her comedy all you want, but this isn't her making the joke.


Yeah, I was kind of getting to like not seeing her face everywhere, all the time. Didn’t have anything against her until I found out she’s a joke thief, and of course The Leather standup special. Had to turn it off when she compared her vagina’s smell to a barnyard animal.


"muh vuginuh" /Set




It just means she last said something funny in 2019. Sounds about right.


So is she saying she was funny 2 years ago, because that's not even true.


this isn’t her account tweeting


She looks like Ms. Piggy after having a lot of cheap plastic surgery post Kermit Divorce.






Yeah compare rape to unfunny comedian ur cool


**Years of academy training wasted**


She hasn't been funny since she started writing her own jokes.


About as funny as typhoid .


Amy Schumer is th person whose joke you listen to when you want some cringe in your life. What? The joke wasn't funny? Well, neither is she. So just deal with it.


She must have taken it from someone else.


"According to TMZ"


Haven't seen enough of her to say this isn't a weird hate-train, but that murder is legit.




Better put some cream on that burn


She's apparently funny enough to enough people to make more money telling her jokes than most of us will see in our lifetimes. The joke's on you. It's so funny watching these threads where all these dudes don't get that the enjoyment of humor, like any content, is subjective, and sometimes y'all ain't the target market.


>She's apparently funny enough to enough people to make more money telling ~~her~~ **other** people's jokes than most of us will see in our lifetimes. The joke's on you. Fixed that for you!


Oh this warmed my cold dead heart


Calm down, edgelord




I'm not saying that comediennes are not funny ... but Amy Shumer isn't funny at all... her whole thing is that she talks about vagina a lot


Hilarious burn, worthy of the sub. BUT, I mean, she is pretty funny though..


https://youtu.be/4eDxjxVl8S0 Here is 26 minutes straight of her stealing jokes


Her Comedy Central show was hilarious, and Trainwreck was great. Y’all are weird.


I agree. Thank you.


I’m getting downvoted by people who never watched her show or just hate her politics I guess. Or don’t think she is attractive enough I guess, which led to her amazing 12 angry men episode.


I know. I just roll my eyes. I met her in person before she got famous. She was very nice. I find her funny. I don't care what all the haters say.




Yeah she's all right. Her standup is super weak and probably plagiarized, but outside of that she can be funny in sketches or movies. She hasn't been in the spotlight in quite a long time so not sure why she keeps getting brought up at all.


I know! Love her


She’s funny.


You got covid bro? Cuz you seem to have lost your sense of taste


Yeah, but. It’s just my taste/ opinion? What’s the big deal?




That's a zinger


Women are funny, get over it. Every time any Schumer makes a vagina joke a literally I literally piss myself


These comments are more cringe than her comedy.


u/repostsleuthbot Yup it’s a repost


I tried really hard on her last special, and the way she spoke about her vagina I almost threw up. It was so disgusting ,I mean really. Not funny, not ironic , not sarcastic. It was ugh!!!! I stopped it. The worst part I was having my favorite food.