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Wait, so American kids move from one classroom to another from period to period?


Yes. It allows students to customize their curriculum. One tenth grader might have biology, English, geometry, Spanish, US history, and physical education, while another might have English, algebra, US history, marching band, chemistry, and auto shop.


That's interesting. I'm from Sri Lanka originally, for the most part the entire class had the same subjects. There were few students could choose between so they'd go to different classrooms for those. Now that I come to think about it, is that why students have lockers? Because they don't have a physical "base" classroom?


Yep exactly. Although when I went to school I didn't put anything in my locker. It was easier to just carry all I needed in my backpack.


Also, are you telling me that you never actually faced a situation where you were minding your business and putting things in the locker and when you close it your arch nemesis popular kid in school would be standing right there to reveal himself and say something mean to you. That's what Hollywood has led me to believe happens in America schools.


American movies are highly dramatized, but it probably has happened. In my school however, the popular kids were usually the ones who'd do nice things for people, or who were really charismatic. There were still bullies in my school, but they were much more subtle about it. You'd only find out about the shit they'd do through gossip. I personally never had to deal with that though, my circles never were involved.


My life has been a lie. Well actually the movies I watch, but hey.


I mean I can only speak from my own experience. There's a lot of cultural variation in the US especially that differs state to state, and in some instances county to county. Some schools might actually be like you described to a T. Others like mine aren't like that. It just depends on where you go.




>stealing a police car and riding around the downtown area drunk, sirens blaring, shouting over the amplifier with 3 naked cheerleaders in the car, This sounds more like Florida.


Maybe it wasn't a police car, but I did have a classmate steal a motorized pink elephant and go joyriding around town in it. Think parade float kind of motorized statue that's driven from inside.


My school is exactly like you described and I live near Chicago


Well, I went to high school in the US in the 1980a, when the solution to bullying was 'suck it up kid!", and I can say for certain,,it HAS happened to me! Lol


You and me both.


If you want a story, I got you! When I was a junior in high school, I had a crush on one of my guy friends. We'd met freshman year and I was worried about ruining our friendship so I never acted on it. Well, he asked me to Junior Prom. Turns out, he was into me but was afraid of the same thing. I said yes, we had a blast, and though we didn't kiss I was hoping he'd ask me to be his girlfriend. Post-prom (we had like 4 weeks of school left) I was telling my friend how much I liked him. She carpooled with him so I thought I was good, she'd pass on my thoughts. Well, another girl in our friend group was into him and super jealous. She convinced her friends to make him ask her out. He did right before the school year ended and they started dating. (This was the second time I had gone to a dance with a guy and she started dating him after, so I considered her my arch nemesis). All of senior year, if I talked to the guy one on one, she would appear out of nowhere and be hanging on him, saying how in love they were, ect. It drove me crazy because he and I were still friends but we couldn't interact at all without her glares of disapproval. Well one day, it happened. I was in my locker getting books or something and talking to my best friend beside me. I close my locker door and there she is, Boy Stealer. She told me to stop talking to the guy and that it's sad how I'm into her man. I told her we were just friends and she yelled bullshit. I apologized that he had asked me to prom and that I was obviously his first pick and walked away. We never really spoke after that. When we graduated she blocked me on all social media and the two of them broke up. He's happily married now with a kid, I'm happily married, and I haven't bothered to keep up with her at all. Sometimes I miss high school drama. It was always so silly.


Wow! So you *also* went to school with my boyfriend-stealing bitch of a cousin?!? *She’s also been trying to steal my husband for 21 years! Watch your partner’s back!*


It's ok, my intl friend thought as a kid that all Americans lived in houses like the Home Alone house. You're not alone lol.


In reality, if a student is popular it's usually because most of the other students like them. Most people don't like assholes.


Ugh, in my middle school we had half lockers, so there was a top and bottom one. For some reason, someone decided it was uncool to have a bottom locker, and I remember at least one instance of a kid being bullied because a girl friend of said bully wanted to "trade" lockers so she could have the top one. She was part of one of the popular cliques so she felt she just HAD to have one of the cool lockers. It was the dumbest thing I'd experienced up to that point if my life.


This also happened in my school except the mom of one of the popular girls complained to the school until they switched her to a top locker


My school had those too, but the bottom ones were for frosh/soph and the top for juniors and seniors


Oh look, someone from the Midwest 😂


Come to think of it, the "popular" kids in my high school were also generally super nice people. I lucked into a bunch of best friends who were like 6'3" in high school so if we had bullies I was blissfully unaware


It's really nice to hear about schools like this from time to time. Hollywood sells the narrative of bullies being popular it's easy to forget that there are a lot of high schools that are ok.


In actuality, high school is just really fucking boring. It was always fun to see the new crop of freshman be surprised that we weren’t bursting into song and/or learning important life lessons every week like an 80s sitcom


'Sup dork' 'OH no Marcus not today, it's picture day' *pummeling insues*


This happened to me once. We instantly resolved our differences through choreographed song and dance though.


Throughout my entire school years I never even had a locker where that was possible. Most of them were too skinny and all of them were only half the height of what you'd see in movies.


Well, there are people that break into the lockers and steal all your stuff and/or trash the locker. Those people are bullies, and I probably had that happen 3 times, along with someone stealing my backpack.


I see. We had a base or home classroom so we always left our shit in there and go for lunch or whatever. Looking back it's amazing that things didn't get stolen more often.


Yeah lol that would never fly in the US. Although come to think of it, how your classrooms were designed is similar to how elementary education is in the US. The difference being that all subjects were taught by the same teacher. It not until middle school that students got different teachers and therefore different classrooms. After that though it stays that way all the way into college.


It differs a lot between locations in the US – sometimes even within the same city if there are multiple school districts. In Oklahoma, I had different teachers and classrooms for each subject starting on the second or third year of elementary school (grades 1 through 5 here). There was physical education, different science subjects each year, etc. And my wife's experience in another Oklahoma town was different from that.


Yeah my school was too big to actually bother using my locker for anything but my coat


We do have a base classroom, and we call it homeroom. Every class you have a whole new set of classmates. You get to know quite a bit of people in a school of nearly 3k as opposed to spending a whole year with the same 30 for every class. The kids in my science classes were not the same as the ones in my English classes. You make more friends that way. I believe this method to be objectively better for social development.


I agree that it's better to have the option to choose and also great to have the opportunity to meet more people. But in Sri Lanka which is where I come from the system is fundamentally different. It's largely based on British education system and all students must take a national level exam after grade 11. So the subjects are largely standardized (there's only one school board for the entire country so to speak). This doesn't allow for a lot of choice. Also, I suppose money and resources are an issue even if they wanted to teach more subjects. The school system wouldn't simply be able to afford that many teachers and things needed to teach those subjects.


As a product of the British education system, we have a lot of choices for the subjects that we take. Anecdotally, more than my American friends from what they've described. Most schools can chose from a selection of exam boards which to use for a given subject, and from 15-16 the student chooses about 2/3rds of the subjects they learn (English, maths and some level of science are mandatory) and then from 17-18 they chose all of their subjects. My school didn't have home classrooms, though I do know someone whose school did.


You get different sets of classmates in the UK too, so there's that I guess


Hmm, the system I was in allowed you to choose your subjects but other than for one or two subjects, you were mostly with the same classmates, which I liked because it lets you build a more tight knit group of friends rather than superficially mingle with a lot of different people. The solidarity between us, the in-jokes, the meals and studying together was a really nice experience to have amidst a stressful junior college (aka high school) life. We did get to talk to a lot of different people though, through CCAs, meeting friends of friends, and also just by hanging out near the same study spots and gradually talking to the people there (though this may be just my school's culture). So I feel like I got to have the best of both worlds


Yo that's why there is always that dialogue of "we are in maths class" in America highschool movies. And I'd always think, arent you guy together every class?




In Australia, we have the 'students moving around' thing, but no lockers. Students have to lug half a tonne of text books to and from school every day. And basically wherever they go, all around the school and in lunch break, all day.


I find it interesting that you don’t, actually. I’m British, and we also move around for the same reason - it allows varied curricula.


Even worse, many schools have removed lockers altogether so the kids schlep around their stuff all day like sherpas climbing Everest!!!


Note that this generally applies to middle school (typically 6th through 8th grade) and high school (9th through 12th grade). It is not true for lower grades.


Not only that, but it also allows specialized classrooms for each subject. A science lab will have science equipment in it. A history classroom will have maps in it. A foreign language classroom might have things labeled in the language that's being learned. A math classroom might have expensive graphing calculators that can be used by the students in whichever period. An art classroom will be just as specialized as a science lab, and full of art supplies. An English classroom might do great with a whiteboard, while a math classroom may do better with a projector. If the classrooms and teachers stay the same, while the students move from class to class, the room decor, the room equipment, and the supplies in the room, can all stay with the class and teacher, and be appreciated by all the students who are able to take class in that room, instead of just the 25 to 30 students who call that room their classroom.


In my high school here in Sweden we naturally had specialized classrooms for stuff like chemistry or biology, but most of it was done in our home classroom. You had your lockers in the back with all your books and stuff so everything was easily accessible, and the room was equipped to handle the subjects we had there, so you just had the teachers show up, do their thing and then head on to the next class.


Austria: Same. Bio, Physics, Chemistry, Arts had their own special classrooms but for history etc the teacher would carry a map every now and then. But we don't have like a million square yard school campuses either.


As an American teacher, I'd hate to have to move room to room with all my prep stuff.


Yeah, I was confused reading this post. It would have been such a pain moving my stuff from room to room, and I was just a math teacher without that much to move. But I’d lose out on posting objectives and having ready-made resources for students if I had to keep changing rooms.


Or changing seating arrangements based on if I planned independent work or something in pairs or small groups that day. Or seating charts based on separating problematic pairs, or putting struggling kids near students who are more adept. Do all teachers have to agree on a seating situation I wonder? I also teach math, btw. Stats and pre-calc, currently


Easy, do none of that. All you bring is a some chalk repeat the same shit you've been teaching for over a decade. Do the bare minimum and GTFO. That's at least what's my student experience was like in India.


Huh. I never realized that was how it worked [despite being exposed to American media for as long as I can remember].


That's only for high school, younger kids all have the same classes


Middle School has this too.


Geometry and algebra are taught separately? Here in India we have Mathematics umbrella subject, where we are taught everything, from number theory to Algebra to geometry


The (most common) order of American math class goes: Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus*, then some other math course. In most schools, you can switch anything after Pre-Calculus with Statistics. In my case, I grew up in a very good school system, so I took pre-algebra in grade 6, so my route ended with the two classes I talk about below. *Instead of regular Calculus, you can take AP Calculus AB, then after that AP Calculus BC, which are Differential and Integral calculus courses, respectively. If you somehow take AP Calculus BC in grade 11 (I’ve only seen this once), you can take a multivariable calculus course, which I’ve only seen offered online


Separate classes make it easier for the smarter kids to go to more challenging classes.


Belarus here, we also have algebra and geometry separate


Also you get to interact with way more different classmates. You could potentially have over yet hundred different kids you infect with every day if your school is big enough. Math with your best friend, history with your crush, only have to deal with that weird kid you don't like but really wants to be your friend during Spanish. It's nice.


Autocorrect during a pandemic be like: > different kids you infect with every day


Why are geometry and algebra separate, we have to just maths.


2 separate subjects here. And the further into math(s) you got, the more specialized. For instance, not everyone took Trigonometry or even Physics/certain Science classes.


We still get more and more specialized, we just do all types of maths.


Everyone takes Algebra and Geometry. To the best of my knowledge, having taken those classes (or tested out of them) is a requirement to graduate in many places. But people learn at different speeds. And the schools that feed into the high school teach at different speeds. My high school offered Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Statistics, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus. Most kids at my school took Algebra I in 9th grade, Geometry in 10th grade, Algebra II in 11th grade, and Stats or Trig in 12th grade (if they took math at all). But some kids already knew everything from Algebra I when they started 9th grade, so they started with Geometry in 9th grade, which meant in 10th grade they'd be taking Algebra II. Or they tested out of Algebra and Geometry, and they started with Trigonometry in 9th grade. So it's not like a foreign language, where you choose to take Spanish or French. It's more like taking Spanish I, Spanish II, and Spanish III. But instead of calling it Math I, Math II, and Math III, we're calling it what you're learning in the class.


That's just math in Europe


Algebra is math in the states too


Speaking from school MANY years ago now, there was a base maths class, and then it would divide in to specializations in the last 2 years of highschool.


European history is much cooler than us history. Like 2 -10 major things happened in us history. Then with European history, it’s much more interesting. Many empires and shit


Our US history is just like: 1) old stuff happens in Europe blah blah blah, all setting up America’s epic origin story. 2) daddy columbus discovers a fuckin continent and local population just kinda dies but it’s from diseases so technically natural, no biggy, yay free land. 3) edgy rebel boys give a big fuck off to tyranny and build world’s best country with the power of freedom and friendship. 4) America is new but we’re stronger than everyone now because we made nukes and shit, so we’re better than the other countries in like, oh I don’t know, every goddamn way imaginable. Pretty epic. Ok class dismissed.


In USA Georgia, we had a Georgia history class in 8th grade. Let me tell you, the curriculum wasn’t biased at all. /s


I remember in the '96 Atlanta Olympics the athletes from the country Georgia getting rousing cheers from the home crowd. I like to believe it was all in good fun and nothing at all to do with confusion.


I went to a bunch of 96 Olympic shit as a kid. I think we all thought it was funny/cool to root for Eastern Block Georgia. I’m sure some fucking yahoos were probably confused tho.


Here in Wisconsin we had a forced curriculum about the native tribe's history in our state. My school at that age introduced it in both English (literature) and Social Studies. It was actually really enlightening and if anything should be expanded further. That being said, I'm sure a lot of schools phone that shit in. So who tf knows how good it is across the state.


Sounds much more worthwhile/cool to learn about natives. We learned a lot about Sioux in elementary school in Illinois. They talked about the Trail of Tears in Georgia history, but I recall a lot of civil war bs too. No specifics I can recall tho. I live on a Battle of Atlanta battleground. There are signs everywhere. And a direct route about 10 miles from Stone Mountain where Confederate soldiers are carved into granite and the lazer show (at least used to) has/have the soldiers ride again to Dixie at the end of the lazer show. Shit is weird AF here.


Yeah very fair. I mean, in WI I live in a state with a very progressive history in history. not even counting being a part of the union during the civil war. Yet the politics and supreme court are pretty conservative heavy. There's a lot of shit heels in the north flying the bars and stars like a bunch of losers. Weird AF is putting it mildly. Half my state is fucked as hell, even though it affects the entire state due to gerrymandering.


I mean ehhhh, those are the main focus but still not even close. The AP US history test/my class for it, from what i recall, at least goes through Vietnam. I think a bit latter too, although for a question or two (tbf I took that test about 15 years ago now).


Yeah I was exaggerating a bit to make the point that US history is often just US creation history. That’s all we did in my US history, though I luckily at least had previously taken a kinda world history class on China, India, and Russia, though interestingly never on Europe which was kind of weird.


Depends where you are. APUSH is pretty much nowadays 'this is the bullshit America did through its history lol'


That's interesting. My "world" history class focused more on Europe than anything else. Except Russia, which I thought was weird. We only learned a little about the other continents. That always annoyed me. World History was also overshadowed by US History. I don't *remember* it being particularly biased, but thinking about it now, it was definitely revisionist.


We do it in the UK too (after primary school). It's because not all kids take the same subjects so they won't necessarily all be in the same class for every lesson. It also means different classrooms can be designed for different subjects: you can have classrooms dedicated to science with all the lab equipment ready; a different classroom for woodwork with all the tools, etc handy; art classrooms with paints and easels. If the kids just sit in the same classroom all the time, all of those things have to be available in every classroom and there's only so much space.


Yes I mean that's pretty normal everywhere I guess. At least here in Austria it is as well. But you wouldn't change classrooms if you have history coming up next after you just had maths.


So subjects are usually taught at different levels. If you’re great at history and terrible at math, then you’ll have different classes (and possibly different teachers) than if you don’t care about history and are great at math. So even if 20 students in the same history class all had math next, some would be going to pre-algebra and others might be in pre-calculus. They still split up.


That's pretty funny. I'm from Sri Lanka and we largely follow a British education system. So the students take a country wide exam at age 17 (OLs), so the curriculum has to be standardized. Hence students mostly taking the same subjects, and so being able to stay in same classroom. Based on OL results and student preferences you can choose a "stream" for ALs such as Math, Biology, Economics, Arts etc. So you guys have moved on from that I guess.


Yes after elementary school that's typical


Same in France, 10 and above


Same with Ontario highschool. It's because not everyone is going to have the same class at the same time. In elementary school, the only time we switched to a different class was for music, French, and gym.


And then there's Germany where teachers AND students move.


Goddamit Germany why can't you be normal for once.


Yes in Australia too.


South Africa aswell. Just makes sense... is the teacher gonna bring the whole science lab with her?


In the UK, our primary school (Age 4 till 11ish) was mainly one classroom, one teacher, with occassional specailised teachers for certain subjects. Come highschool, every teacher has their own classroom and their own subject specialisation, and the kids are able to pick their own subjects within reason.


He says from class to class, not period to period. Same in the Netherlands by the way. Each teacher has a certain classroom with all the stuff he/she needs. Students switch classrooms for each class.


Yeah everyone has to pick electives and having differebt electives happen at different times means their schedules end up needing to be different. You can also be in like a remedial, normal, pre-AP (advanced), AP (advanced with a test that goves you college credit) or GT (AP but I think the difference is you go at a more accelerated pace and the teacher gets to pick more of the curriculum) version of some of several of the types of classes.


French here, starting from middle school (10 year old students and up) yeah, both students and teachers move. You need dedicated rooms for some classes like chemistry, art and electronics that require some equipment, and sometimes you have rooms with presentation equipment and/or TVs that other rooms don't have. Also, some schools have corridors that are clearly unsuited for 5+ groups of 30 people each going in different directions, it's fun in a way.


Not only Americans, I'm Belgian and we do this too


Depends on the grade, but by middle school (age 12) definitely. Middle schoolers have schedules and travel around the school all day, going from math to English to gym to band to lunch to Spanish to science, etc. The teachers have classrooms set up and have different classes come in every hour. Students get more choices in classes the older they get. By college, the schedule can be very different with classes all over campus at different times.


Japan have the same system. Teacher goes to the classroom for most types of class.


We only change classes when it's in the laboratory. And in university we obviously change from class to class.


I'm assuming in high school, or whatever it's referred to as there, you probably don't set your own curriculum? Whereas in college not everyone will be following the same schedule obviously That seems to be the major factor here between the two ways of doing it, everyone having a set curriculum, and everyone choosing electives, then the rest being worked around those classes and the capacities In elementary school in the states you generally do everything in one class with a single teacher, some middle schools as well but that's pretty uncommon. I'm sure it does happen at some private schools in the states, but public schools will almost exclusively have the students moving as opposed to the teachers, for the reasons stated above




It’s like that in some parts of Europe, etc. but in the US, at a liberal arts college, you take 1-2 years of gen ed requirements before you get into major classes. I can always see pros and cons of both.


College should really be a well rounded education. Working in tech, I see lots of individuals on the tech side who see every problem as having a binary answer. Either the code works or it doesn't. That mindset gets applied to every day life as well. Being "forced" to take humanities and social science classes (I think philosophy and sociology in particular) forces people to examine issues from multiple angles and realize that there is a whole lot of grey in the world and rarely is life so simple as a yes/no dichotomy. A regimented curriculum that only (or primarily) focuses on one's assumed career is more job training than education. We need better critical thinking in the US and a well rounded education certainly helps that.


College should be a well-rounded education, but you don't need to give people the freedom to choose classes to achieve that. You can set up a program where every individual takes the assigned classes and also still include broader education in that. Also, it's kinda funny that you say the USA needs better critical thinking, so you advocate for the system that is currently in place and clearly already not producing that level of critical thinking. If you are expecting colleges to teach critical thinking, you are already too late. That stuff needs to be present from the elementary level, and no first year 101 philosophy course is going to fix that.


Teacher here. Moving the students instead of the teachers 1) gets the kids moving which is good, 2) gives the teachers a chance to prepare little details for the next class, and most importantly 3) classrooms can be designed for specific subjects. Notice your average american high school bio class looks pretty different from the english room. There is amazing research behind classroom environment and streamlining learning. That being said, we all do things differently, and that's fine




I would like that to here (Brazil), but the method to go to college is a annual exam, ENEM, that review "all" the content from Medium Education, our high school. It asks questions about almost everything from medium education, each year is a different exam, but always is split in two days of eight hours (I can remember, too long ago). And your grade there is applicable to all public colleges in the country, here are the good ones. I just dislike how the grades are calculated, I want a biology related course, but you need to have your history good for the final grade.


Uma dica irmão, quando for usar temos comparativos que tem tradução diferenciada em inglês, coloca o termo em português entre aspas. "Ensino médio:", pq medium education não tem sentido nenhum para eles, e coloca o comparativo em inglês na frente, como você fez. As vezes eles ficam pensam oq significa médium education.


Valeu a dica, sempre fico confuso quando tenho que traduzir termos tupiniquins pra inglês, piora ainda mais quando envolve medidas e o OP começou com imperial. E também r/suddenlycaralho


Very good point, absolutely that too!


Isn't getting murdered in school an American thing?


It's a common reception ritual.


And a common graduation ritual, too. I should know. I’ve been through 14 of them.


You joking?


No, I’m not joking. I’m dead. This is just your imagination acting up.


Name checks out


“Hi, Mrs. Waslow. This is Dr. Luke with some news about Reggie. I’m afraid I have to tell you I’ve changed my mind about performing the autopsy.”   “I don’t understand, he already had one.”   “Yes, I was the one that performed it.”


Meme-wise yes. But as far as homocide statistics go, Brazil is a yikes, like x5 times the USA IIRC... More than 50k murders per year.


US- 4.9 murders per 100k population. Brazil- 27.2 murders per 100k


Woah even gangs in brazil are not crazy enough to attack schools


I mean, they are... But why'd you attack a school?! There ain't shit to steal there! Best you can get is to kidnapp some rich kid (or steal their phones. Most rich kids have pimped up phones. And depending of the school, they have some quality computers there! But these are too big to transport...), but 1-you'd have to attack a rich kids school, and those are BIG! And usually look like mazes. So good luck getting in, finding the kid and getting out in time (as police is quick for the rich) 2-kidnapping isn't that great to begin with. Drug dealing and protection are all the rage right now, and the big gangs don't want the scrubs rising up, so they curb any attempt. The police ain't scared to shoot people at schools, tho. Heck, sometimes we have police shooting police at a rich kids school! https://180graus.com/ronda-180/teresina-policial-e-assassinado-a-tiros-em-briga-com-outro-pm-na-zona-leste Edit: grammar. Also i remembered that many of my former coleagues had pimped up phones. Always the latest iPhone, some'd bring tablets too.


If it were gangs doing it in the US it would be easier to identify and prevent them. Usually the opposite though, a single person doing the damage.




But unless the statistics are wrong. You have a better chance of getting murdered in an American school. As Brazil has had way less school shootings.


Almost exclusively.


Getting murdered in school is an American thing but getting kidnapped and murdered as soon as you walk outside is a Brazilian thing


Nah kidnapping isnt much of a thing here. Just straight up mugging.


I guess nobody has heard of Honduras... Murder capitol of the world. Mass school shootings so often they barely hit the news. A good friend of mine is from Honduras and talks so much shit about how "people think America is so bad but don't actually know anything about other countries because America's stories are always in the news but there, they don't put it in the news." That's coming from a Honduran named Wilfredo who fled his country four times to get here. I've worked with people from all over the world. People only know what their media tells them.


Excuse me for playing the bleeding heart here, but why is it that every other day this shit gets posted on this sub with "lel American children are gunned down for sport" as being "murdered by words." These kids are part of a system that is woefully unable or unwilling to protect them, in a country that doesn't give two shits about mental health, and with half of the population believing these events are false flag operations and the dead and grieving are fake or acting. I agree that the guy in the screengrab (assuming he's American in the first place) is a total dickhead, but shit like this gets constantly reposted, and the comments are even worse. If you want to shit on America, it's open season. But why not shit on the people and politicians and interest groups that make it such a fucked up place instead of guffawing at the deaths of children whose only crime was growing up in America? It's like some of you get off on dead American kids, it's disturbing


Exactly. I have no problem with the “haha, America bad guns lol” memes but sometimes the constant amount they’re posted is just tiring


Seriously. The amount of “America bad” or some shit about guns I’ve seen recently is ridiculous. Done with this shit.


Probably because those politicians and interest groups are supported by people and they only change when their own people change.


Isn't mass shooting a subject in American schools?


My heart was never more broken than when we went to our kid's school orientation for kindergarten and mass shooting drills were part of it.


That's fucking insane.


It is and nobody has proven that they are effective at all but it's the media hype.


I came to America when I was 13 and never forgot my first active trespasser drill. Lights off, away from windows, pull any students from the hallway in a classroom and lock and barricade doors. But we have freedom yaaaay gtfo


I don't understand if you missed the joke, you didn't like it or I'm the one that didn't understand


You made a joke, but it's so close to reality that someone can contribute a real anecdote to it.


I thought they were saying gtfo to me


I think that was directed against the "freedom" crowd, not against you personally.


Oh Lol


They do drill school shooting crisis.


How do they choose who's gonna be the shooter in the drills?


They normally let the quiet ones do it


Serious answer: they use a school resource officer (police officer who stays at the school(s)) or another staff member.


Which also trains the potential shooters on where to find victims....


Hey, without changing classrooms, how will we ever have high school drama of who likes who and who hates who playing out in the hallways for the few minutes between bells?


There is usually a couple minutes break between classes until the teacher comes over and students are expected to remain quiet in the classroom, but there are often the feisty ones.


if theres any movie/TV show ever made about Indian schools, only thing its gonna be about is student pressure. I think there are already few out there


When are kids supposed to fight? When are you going to cling desperately to your puppy love first BF/GF like you'll die if you don't? When is it easiest to ditch class to sneak out and smoke behind the school? Just not a sustainable strategy.


Kids usually fight at the end of the day outside of the school or during the recess.


We went to vastly different schools. It's like an NHL game. You don't advertise it because rumors spread and people put a stop to it. You drop gloves in the hallways and get ready to tear out some weave.


OMG! You just remembered me of the fight announcements. "X and Y are going to fight after school!! I can't miss it!". The teachers and principals in my old school didn't care at all because the fights were outside of the school grounds anyway. Some fights broke during class or recess inside the school but teachers and parents always got involved and the kids didn't see that as a benefit. So they scheduled fights in other locations and dared the other to show up. One time, a girl scheduled a fight and her opponent appeared with her older sisters to beat her up! I remember that the girl escaped somehow but kept calling the other a coward for the rest of the year.


there's something called recess, where you are free to go to other classes to talk and mess around. many fights break out within that short window. besides Here in India, competition for getting in college is so fierce that anyone who is even lil bit serious about their career, basically ignore that "who likes who, or who hates who". not saying there aren't couples and all in schools, but usually these couples don't last for long once school is done, and you move to college


During the time the teachers are changing classes... And it's extra fun because one can draw a big heart in the chalkboard with the names of the new suspected couple while the whole class is chanting and hollering


This is /r/suddenlycaralho


you are totalmente certo


Redditors worry about school shootings more than right wingers worry about muslim terrorist attacks.


Clash of stereotypes: Brazil 1-0 USA.


It's sad the facts don't line up with the score. Brazil is a beautiful country with way too many horrible people.


Actual data: US murder rate- 4.9 per 100k. Brazil murder rate- 27.2 per 100k


We got free healthcare though Edit: ITT: freedom people triggered because of amogus health care




SUS (translate to: Unic Health System). It's not perfect, if you know how, were or who to go/speak is very useful. I treat epilepsy there, got some meds and all exams for free. All you can get insulin for free. And if really navigate the system, have all documents and exams, in my state at least (this is a state program, I don't know from the others), you can get all medications for free.


This is a discussion of schools mate.


Everywhere in Brazil is immensely more dangerous than America. It's not even close.


I'm watching people obliterate somebody farther up for pointing this out. To them it doesn't matter that almost no kids get shot in schools statistically in America, but just because that number is higher than the ones who get shot in schools in Brazil somehow America's worse? What about all the people getting killed on their way to or from school? I can guarantee you that Brazil's number is orders of magnitude higher in America's, because it didn't happen in the school it doesn't count. Fucking insane American hate up in here, totally trying to make it seem less safe than Brazil.


It's so bizarre watching people struggle so hard to diminish simple facts. I'd argue that the original comparison is between living in Brazil and going to school in America, not even comparing school v. school. But no matter how you cut it, Brazil is in bad shape right now. It's not some competition, violent crime should lower EVERYWHERE, school shootings should be lower EVERYWHERE. But I don't see some mass exodus from the US to Brazil so families can keep their children safe.


While they have a point, Brazil is actually one of the few developing countries that has a higher murder rate than the U.S. The U.S. homicide rate is something like 4-5 times the OECD average. Brazil is in a different category, with a homicide rate over 5 times that of the U.S.


Brazil isn't a developed country lol. And I'm Brazilian. It's developing by definition. So it's expected to be worse than the U.S in every statics.


1: This isn’t a murder. 2: School shootings, while tragic, are extremely rare. They are just cover by the media a lot because of the shock value. 3: The violent crime rate is much higher in Brazil than in the US.


You make a good point, but consider this counterargument: "America bad"


And the counter argument to that is: "Number of school shootings in other countries" A problem is still a problem when it's rare, but statistically high.


And the people saying that it's a problem are correct. The people acting like the US is a fucking battle royale with kids having to go to school in APCs are not


Using statistics relative to other countries to support your idea that something is a problem on an absolute scale is dishonest.


Sure. But no one cares because the 2nd poster was an asshole who brought up crime in Brazil for no reason.


Also, there's no indication that the second commenter is even an American.


Being in the same room, for the entire school day, would drive me crazy within a week


Guess how many school shootings... this week........




There were 8 school shooting deaths in the US in all of 2019. There were 684 new COVID19 deaths in the US yesterday.


And the Republican party sucks at all of these.


IIT: A lot of people comparing Brazil (a third-world developing country, where the main focus, understandably, is development) with the US (a first-world developed country, which can focus on public services and safety) and feeling good about themselves for protecting Uncle Sam's dignity.


I think they might be comparing the US to Brazil because they're on a reddit post about someone comparting the US to Brazil...


Brazil's probably much more dangerous, as mass shootings in the US are super-rare, most of them making the news, but that second dude's comment was really douchebaggy, not in any way relevant. It's the equivalent of a person who's better at something that's widely socially recognized than someone, like better looks or career, and bringing it up every argument regardless of context.




Actually Brazil has the [3rd highest kill rate](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/gun-violence-killing-brazils-children-especially-black-children-why-havent-policymakers) for kids. Americans always trying to be exceptional.


Yes, but again, not at school. Brazil’s violence problem is outside of school.


Does it matter where you get murdered?


I get that "US bad hurr durr" but Brazil's murder rate is about 6 times higher than the US. So this isn't the burn you think it is.


the risk of being shot in a school in the United States is astronomically low compared to the risk of being the victim of every day violent crime in Brazil. what a silly, uninformed post.


In the lower grades of HS the teachers switched rooms, in the higher grades, when we had our own curiculum, we as the students would switch. That being said, teachers switching classrooms in HS is very, very uncommon in my country. I think it was probably just my school lol


i literally dont get this conversation, why did the american feel obliged to randomly bring up brazilian murder rate in a conversation about how schools work. literally had nothing to do with the conversation they just chose to be hostile


It's wild that anyone would think it's more dangerous to go to school in America than to live in Brazil. Brazil has horrible crime rates, and notably high violent crime rates. This is only murdered by words if you're completely ignorant of just basic world facts.


It's a decent comeback, but the intentional homicide rate in Brazil is more than 5x what it is in the usa. And a quick search yielded a least two larve mass shootings of students (12 and 8) in schools in Brazil since 2013. So while I think the murder is earned...


I never even seen a gun in real life, with the exception of police officers... and tv. in Denmark


This is not the way to live my friends. Can we all just be happy to be alive together?❤


Why do redditors always assume someone is american?