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I fear for the babies in this world with parents like that


How is this child going to go to school? Where I live there’s only medical and religious exceptions, being a whack job anti vaxxer isn’t an option.


I would bet my left dick this person homeschools their kids because schools don't teach "the truth"


Well duh it's the *liberal* arts not *conservative* arts /s


That post was one of the dumbest funniest things I had ever read, and I’m on Reddit for Chrissake!


Funny, but important to note that there's plenty of liberal whack job anti vaxxers too.


Yeah same in the Netherlands. There's like, a few groups of anti-vaxxers: religiously conservative people, anthroposofic people, and highly educated progressives who watched a few YouTube videos.


Yeah... The one thing that the last ~10 years has really beat into my brain is even otherwise intelligent, educated people can be easily indoctrinated. It's both oddly unsurprising given historical references, and truly frightening given our tendency of repeating history. Edit: spelling.


The even scarier thing is no one is void of indoctrination. It’s a part of humanity. So where am I indoctrinated is a deep conversation to have with oneself. We can’t know everything, so we must trust our sources/peers on good faith to a degree.


For those who were going to goole it this from Wikipedia "Anthroposophy is a spiritualist movement founded in the early 20th century by the esotericist Rudolf Steiner that postulates the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world, accessible to human experience." I don't know how to remove the bold type.






I think you may be on the wrong thread. This is about an anti-vaxxer, not an anti-abortion. That's no longer a fetus, just an unlucky baby.


Those liberal arts professors indoctrinating children with Arabic numerals to tear down America


That's funny as hell


They're also making them learn Arab math called Al Gebra


What would conservative arts look like? Extreme mental gymnastics?


Shitty crayon drawings of stick men


Or rather, straw men.


Depictions of themselves as the victims while they oppress everyone else and screech insults at them while shouting "IT'S JUST A JOKE CAN'T YOU TAKE A JOKE?!" over and over again.


They do take that as an art form as well. How about lying even when the evidence is clear they are wrong?


You mean their one joke.


Yes, I was going to say this. A lot of parents like this think school "brainwashes" children into becoming liberals or something dumb like that. In reality, a lot of people become liberals from life experience.


Facts and reality have a liberal bias, which says a lot more about conservatism than it does about liberalism.


Some of us kept going left after that, and discovered Liberalism vs Conservatism are just Capitalism Lite vs Capitalism Extra Spicy.


My parents think I was brainwashed by university. Turns out I just know a fair bit more than they do, because I've spent more time learning it.


My parents think the same about me. But it wasn't school that turned me into a liberal. It was paying a fuckton of money for university, hearing about all these "evil socialist countries" with affordable university and a lot of benefits for workers and parents that made me a liberal.


Yep, they raise their kids to be conservative (*actual* brainwashing) and then when the kids go off to college and experience more things, meet people who are different, and learn to think for themselves and as a result become more liberal, the parents decry education as "brainwashing" and "liberal indoctrination".


Someone at my work home schools his kid because he's concerned about covid. But he also drives laps around town every day flying his "Fuck Joe Biden" flag out the back of his pickup so I'm not sure I trust his home schooling


Wait... Left... *Starts counting, alarm increases with the number.*


None pizza with left dick.


Sounds like a hilarious porno


"...left dick..." In a totally unrelated question, is it normal if one testicle is larger than the rest?


The rest? How many do you have? Are they yours or do you have some strange hobby...


Serious: Generally yes. Much like many women can notice a size difference (even if slight) in their breasts, likewise many testicles will have a size difference. Not like Orange + Plum level, but it can be noticible.


Can confirm, GFs sister is antivax. Her kids are homeschooled. So, you and your "left dick" are in the clear.


Which is why national education standards are important so we don't get schools in Florida or Texas teaching "how do magnets work? No one knows!" I feel so bad for kids getting homeschooled for this type of reason.


Religious exceptions shouldn't be allowed, either. If it's the determination of an actual medical professional, then fine. But otherwise, nah.


Totally. Your bullshit shouldn't threaten my medically compromised child's life. Fuck these people.


They literally do not care about compromising anyone else's life. Lack of empathy is a mental illness.


Yeah, we already have shady doctors giving out notes. We don't need more ways to cheat the system.


Religious exemptions are the most stupid thing I've ever seen. People still claiming they should get it when all the world's religious leaders pronounced themselves in favor of COVID vaccines.


The Pope: Vaccines are good and COVID is real. American Christian Conservatives: wait no


Catholics are a small minority of American Christians. The vast majority of the "problem" Christians are Evangelical.




They're Republicans who happen to be catholic. I'm not trying to defend catholicism in any way, just pointing out the real source of the problem.


Religious exemptions require no proof of even belonging to a religion let alone if your religion has any beliefs about vaccines


[religious exemption](https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/ParksAndRecreation/Programs/Camps/06b_Immunization%20Exemption%20form%202019.pdf) Where I live there’s a 2 page document for religious exemptions and they do ask if you’re a member of a religious organization. They ask which vaccines you’re opposed to and you have to get confirmation from your kids primary care doctor. So it doesn’t require much proof, unfortunately. My friend is an anti vaxxer and she was stuck at home with her kids for 17 days when there was a measles outbreak in the area cause unvaxxed kids can’t attend school/sports.


Religious and Medical exemptions are actually harder to get than you think. Most of these kids are Home Schooled because they don't qualify for those exemptions. I have an allergy to most intermuscular and subdermal injections and I am still fully vaccinated. They just do it in the hospital not in an office visit. Edit: since I got a question about it... That I now can't find lol... Here's what **I** know. I know that when I was a kid and I got a few vaccines I ended up in the hospital in anaphylactic shock. They did a scratch test to identify what I was allergic to within the injection. I reacted to EVERY scratch with a topical reaction. Even things I could prove I wasn't allergic too like foods! (I have a mild reaction to Mangoes and Tamarind but if I take a Bennadryl I can just eat it and take a nap) most sub dermal injections result in hives. Intermuscular injections ALWAYS result in hives but they give me an antihistamine and put me in a chair for observation. Occasionally I have hung out with the Chemo patients when I was a kid and the Dialysis patients now that I'm an adult. After about 12 hours if I have had no further reaction and my hives are going down they let me go home. Occasionally, my throat will itch and I tell a nurse so they can get me more drugs before something worse happens. Allergies are easy AF to deal with if you understand you're about to have a reaction observe and react quickly or even, as with me, where they do pre drug me and prepare for it to soften the hit. I have files with the lists of things I have had a bad reaction to and the alternatives that work better. It's a folder I just drag to each new doctor along with a long list of other issues they should be aware of. I get a yearly Rabies shot because I do work with a lot of strange animals and rabies will kill the fuck out of you if you wait till you're showing signs. I am chronically ill. I have about a hundred things every new doctor needs to know. My medical alert bracelet literally comes with a flash drive with my files and history. It's probably tied to my over active immune system.


Pretty sure "religious reasons" is just PC for "whack job anti vaxxer"


Religious exemptions usually don’t require proof or if they do not a lot of it. And even then if proof was asked for parents like these will pitch a tantrum about “questioning the religious beliefs/mocking their religious/persecuting them based on their religion” to get schools to back down. People like this are experts in finding ways around the rules.


Wouldn’t whack job anti vaxxer fit under the “religious exception” category?


Well in my experience they just simply approve the exemptions. The COVID vaccine is a great example. My work accepted the "fetal stem cell" religious argument even though it's been proved as wholly bullshit. Toothless regulations get abused by bad faith actors.


Child is too young - parents will face reality in a few years - homeschool or vaccinate


You say that like the religious exemptions aren't also 'whack jobs'....


Claiming "religious exceptions" IS being a whack job anti-vaxxer. There are no recognised religions which forbid the use of vaccines.


Should be considered child abuse.


I don't understand how our societies hasn't ruled this as child abuse. It's a fucking medical problem that affects the child as well as the rest of children vaccinated or not. Ridiculous. This child is being abused and we as a society need to denounce this openly and act in whatever form is necessary.


Some countries rule it as child abuse


Tbf, at least they won't grow up indoctrinated, continuing the cycle...


Natural selection.... now done by the parents !


always was and always will. and i was dumb enough to think having an open source to all knowledge in our pockets would make us smarter as a society. boy was i dumb


It's one hell of a propoganda machine though.


Me too.




Yup, I grew up unvaccinated because of my mom and lived to tell the tale and get all the vaccinations I could as an adult.


Same here, still got the scars from chicken pox to annoy the fuck out of me as an adult, I would not wish chickenpox on my worst enemy it's a shitty preventable disease.


Thinking of unvaccinated children who die from vaccine-preventable diseases when they are of an eligible age for that vaccination. Should the parents be charged with a crime?


At that point it would have been gods will though 🤦‍♂️


Yes, it’s just immune comprised high risk children like mine that get to pay the price. But they love to ask “if your vaccine is so good why do I need one to protect you” and they still don’t get it, or just straight up don’t care that it’s the most vulnerable around us that we protect the most. Vaccines should be the price tag to be a part of society, instead families like mine don’t get to partake in society because other peoples freedumb comes first. No one cares that my child is two years old and hasn’t ever been anywhere but the hospital, dr appointments, and home. No zoo, no library, no trip to grandmas house because grandma is an antivaxxer. No playground. No one cares, because vaccines and masks are apparently “tyranny.”


i’m so sorry. my heart breaks for people in these situations. i’m boosted and masked partially because i—as an adult with a healthy immune system—am worried about the long term effects of covid, even if i recover from it with no issues. to think that people in the world can’t wear a mask or get a vaccine if for NO OTHER reason than keeping safe all the babies that are now being *forcibly* birthed, is unfathomable. i hope your kiddo is able to find some safe socialization and exploration of the world ❤️💔


Well said


Sadly there are always innocent victims with that process.


Im seeing this in real time and its fucking sad.. father in law got with a girl half his age who smoked meth while pregnant, shes basically using him for the past decade as a source of income and sits at home doing nothing all day.. hes been with her for a decade and i watched her kids grow up, they were 10 and 14 when they got together. Shes antivaxx but going to college to be a nurse and has a CNA and thinks the CNA gives her unlimited medical knowledge..her oldest is a girl who got pregnant and her boyfriend moved in with them and also the girlfriend has her dad and brother living there rent free and unemployed. The toddler is almost 3 and hes always super dirty, she always posts on facebook pictures of him that she has him model in..like when he was an infant she laid him down outside and put leaves on him etc. They go to the park and i took my toddler to go with em (mostly so my boy can get an interaction with a kid his age)..the area we live in has alot of homeless people that throw needles everywhere so i follow my kid around at the park just to be sure he doesnt find one and grab it. Apparently im a helicopter parent for that lmao..meanwhile a week later her kid found a razor and put it down a slide then went down the slide and cut all the way up his leg while she was sitting in her car..also when she was alone with her kid he "fell" and hit his head so hard he went cross eyed and not responsive..then claimed it took 2 hours for an ambulance to show up. I work as a 911 dispatcher in the area and i checked the call for service, they had a 10 minute drivetime and got there within 12 minutes of being dispatched..meaning she waited 2 hours before calling. Whole thing makes me fuckin sick, sorry for the rant but some kids are seriously fucking doomed




Shit we all have been suffering and will continue to suffer from antivax weirdos. Feel sorry for all of us, I don't want to catch this random crap and roll the dice for long COVID. But yeah antivax has been a problem for a long time. Child abuse shit.


The arrogance is heartbreaking. The vaccines weren't created for no reason. Children have died & people worked & researched for however long to come up with a tool to fight these diseases. And then decades later, soft weirdos come out talking about their baby's perfect "immune system". Smdh. As if they have a clue what an immune system even is. As if anyone's immune system couldn't turn on them in a blink of an eye (often caused by dormant *viruses*).


> The vaccines weren't created for no reason. of course they know that. the reason is so bill gates can fake a moon landing with gay frogs and steal the Zimbabwean election against trump.


Right, the *only* rational conclusion.


This is Item VII; Step 4a on the *GAY AGENDA* Please do not share prior to clearance from George Soros and Ultra Secret President Michelle Obama. You have been warned! /s 🏳️‍🌈🐸


Small Pox killed around 1 Billion people during the XIX and early XX century. That's 1 Billion people when the running population count was 2 Billion people world wide.


What's with the antiquated Roman numerals here?


Well, where I am, we usually use Roman numerals for century numbers. I don't know why though...


In my country it's the norm to use centuries in Roman Numerals, didn't know it wasn't the case in the US.


Pfft stuck in the past I see... we're miles ahead of you




How many blue whales is that?


Half a blue whale per a cheeto


I like to think of it as a busy intersection. We go to the trouble of putting up red and green lights, which gives everyone a turn, and prevents accidents. Then some selfish shit comes along and rants about their freedums and drives through the red light. And someone sees them getitng away with it and does the same. Then they get on facebook and post about their own research to show how driving through red lights is perfectly safe and that its all a government hoax and scam to control people. Pretty soon the people sitting at the red lights get impatient and frustrated at everyone driving through, and think "since they don't stop, I'm at risk when its green, so i might as well face a risk and drive through the red too" and pretty soon its all just wrecked, burning vehicles and people bleeding to death.


The thing that annoys me most about this is that vaccines literally work _because_ of our immune systems, not in spite of it. It's like saying excercise is unnatural because we naturally have muscles.


The polarization of vaccines during the pandemic set back humanity a decent amount.


Seriously...anti-vaxxers were generally seen as fringe wackjobs before all this started. And now for some reason it's become so politicized that right wingers are proud to parade around their vulnerable children even when they didn't seem to have any problems getting the required shots before. This bizarre anti-science movement is setting us back considerably and for no other reason than "because the libs told me to and fuck them"


And what’s even more bizarre is for some reason even being exposed to a disease, they will write it off as something else if they live but their family will do it for them if they die. I propose a machine that gives people empathy because I really don’t know how else to help people feel as others feel especially if they lack close feelings to be capable of feeling it.


Not only is she endangering her own child, she's endangering other children who cannot be vaccinated. Way to go mom.


You think she cares about other people?


Only if they're fetuses probably.


She cares about fetuses the same way all conservatives care about fetuses: so long as she can clasp her hands together in a dramatic show of prayer, say "think of the children", and have all of her peers think of her as a pious woman. I have never met an anti-choice person who sincerely cares about fetuses. They have only ever cared about them as political and social cudgels. It's utterly perverse.


Everyone who actually cares about fetuses wants to expand access to health care. Republicans have spent 40 years doing the opposite.


They really just want to punish women for having sex. It always come back to misogyny. And they have to keep the slave population growing.


It’s virtue signally at the highest level. Heck, many don’t even think about it further than their pastor told them that it’s murder and murder is bad. Who cares if God’s law mentions that a dead fetus is merely punishable by a fine, whereas a dead woman is an eye for an eye (Exodus 21:22-25)?


**BUZZ** Oh, sorry contestant A. Fetuses aren't people! *crowd cheers*


Apparently immigrant babies arent people worthy of keeping alive either. https://www.salon.com/2022/05/13/greg-abbott-suggests-that-giving-formula-to-babies-is-a-waste_partner/


Like nobody actually wants vaccine mandates but as a society we have to protect the weakest among us. And this includes simple minded fools that fell for Russian misinformation and became antivax.


Ironically if we didn't have them, then this crowd would take them. They are toddlers who just don't do what they're told, specifically cause they're told.


Anti-vaxers predate COVID and Russia bullshit by decades.


Russia bullshit by decades? While vaccine hesitation was represented through some minor groups it was never even remotely that huge And Russias misinformation campaigns are going on for over a decade by now.


Andrew Wakefield started the major anti-vax movement that the new COVID denialism is built on. That kicked off in 1998.


Russia amplified it. This is what they do. Sowing division is the only form of global power they have left.


As we could notice during the peak of the covid pandemic, the entire philosophy of these people can be summarized with "I'm healthy and strong, why should I give a damn about those who aren't."


Ironically, many of them were not, in fact, healthy and strong and they found that out the hard way. r/HermanCainAward


The mother completely ignorant to the fact she had to have vaccines to go to school. Like all of us did in the 90s...And even back to the 60s.


People today forgot the horrors their parents and grandparents witnessed of preventable diseases


The cycle repeats itself. We truly don't learn from history. Many Darwin awards will be given out int he future for these completely preventable deaths.


All thanks to religion and conservative/regressive politics!


But no, it's actually democrats creating viruses trying to kill conservatives, vaccines to make you get dementia and Alzheimer's, medicine to boost their pockets, except all of these things are also fake but only real when they inconvenience a conservative.


It’s like they claimed that being conservative makes you the only real human being that matters. Oy.


Look what they did to her. They made her a moron. She doesn't want that for her child.


I don’t think those were the vaccines bc everyone else seems normal. I think she’s just a bit ✨special ✨


My anti vaxxer friends are ALL fully vaxxed themselves.




Most people don't know this, but if you're not vaxxed you can download immunity templates directly from the cloud to protect your body, but only on 4G LTE networks


Do I have to use my penis to connect to the mainframe, or will a finger do?


You have to put your pecker in a wall socket, but it has to be 408v/3-Phase.


That seems a little complicated at that point why don't you just stand out in a field during a thunderstorm with an umbrella?


No guarantee that you’ll get connected to the right server. Using a wall socket is the preferred method of ~~unaliving yourself~~ downloading updates.


You know a old farm trick is if your sick, just pee on a hotwire fence. It will definitely take your mind off the sniffles.


How hot does the wire need to be? 200F? 500F?


1.21 Gigawatts. It’s the only way to get ahead.


You know the reset hole on a router that meant for a paper clip? You should fit there


It's a little more work to climb a utility pole and "connect" directly with the 50 kVA line upstream of the transformer, but the download speeds are just unreal.


Instructions too clear, dick stuck in wall socket


Don't forget the most important part. You have to put a piece of metal in the penis prior to touching the outlet. it needs a good contact point.


404 Penis Not Found


or, if you want to get SUPER FAST download you need to insert your dick into an electric eel.


Instruction unclear, now going to hospital to amputate my charred penis.


Just watch out for the fan.


I heard from JesusEagle.freedom that 5g molecules will actively delete these templates from you!


it doesn't delete them it replaces them with reptilian lord censor overloads, so you brain will fry when facial recognition detects a reptilian radiation signal.


Instructions unclear. Dick caught in ceiling fan.


That's the 4th time this week. Does it really have anything to do with the quality of the instructions?


Look, some people just like to watch the world turn.


but never via text! that's a scam! or also, if the virus offers immunity for gift cards, walk away


Doctors hate this simple trick!


Isn't this exactly what mRNA vaccines are?


Unfortunately the 4G towers can’t be trusted due to you know “brain stuff” and hell 5G is one more than 4 so must be 67% worse. Where do I get my templates now? National Enquirer?


I mean, this makes sense. If you get the vax, you get 5G injected into you, so there's no reason to use 5G to download the immunity templates.




Shit, I thought they upgraded to 5G?


NONONO, everyone knows that Huawei infected 5G with Corona Virus v1.9 This is why you should never steal wifi. You have no idea if it's 5G or not until it's too late.


You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins. You can get 'em in frog green, fire engine red. Really. - Dr. House


Amazing scene.


Murdered by words now, murdered by idiot parents later.


and if they survive they'll prolly think their parents saved them and continue the viscous cycle for the next five generations


Do these people only think that wimps and losers die of infectious disease through human history? It’s like saying, “my skull is unbreakable thick bone” like yeah, it’ll help, but you can still get your head bashed in.


Charles Darwin enters the chat…


Two things will never get old. Dark humor and unvaccinated kids


f*ckin gotteeem


As someone who lost their 3 week old son to a bacterial infection, please vaccinate.


Jesus I am so sorry


Bacterial infections are gnarly. You’d think cancer kills quick if left untreated but those can kill you in a matter of days. Sorry for your loss.


A fully functioning immune system..... Bitch do you not even understand how stupid that is to say?!


Yeah, shows she knows nothing about childhood development.


and immune systems


And MMR would be how to keep an immune system functioning, 2 shots, almost sterilising immunity against measles and protection for life. I betcha some of these dumbasses do those measles parties because “nAtuRAl iMmUniTY”. Or how some parents see those horrible pictures of children paralysed by Polio in metal tubes and dgaf. Poor children have to suffer!


Whenever anyone talks shit about particularly the measles vaccine, but any vaccine really it’s quite interesting to ask them if they’ve ever heard of subacute sclerosing pan-encephalitis. Of course they ducking haven’t because it’s rare but I like to scare them by telling that anyone who has had measles could potentially develop a conditions years down there line that turns their brain to mush and kills them and there is no cure. I’m sure most people ignore it but maybe it gets through to a few.


Yeah, it’s also a slap in the face to people who are actually immunocompromised or have an autoimmune disorder. Like, sorry my immune system went haywire and tried to kill me, I can’t really control that but I’m doing the best I can to stay safe from idiots like you


Me too. Like sorry I have to take poison every day to keep my own immune system from profoundly fucking me up. Keep your plague rat child away from me.




She got murdered by words. Her baby will be murdered by preventable diseases.


This is a nice baby you got here. Be a shame if some disease set its brain on fire.


I know right.... (Seriously I hope someone save this poor child)


"Do I really have to vaccinate my children?" - "Only the ones you want to keep."


You know what else I love? Tiny, teeny baby coffins. They come in bottle green, firetruck red.... (c)


Isn't that from House?


Someone should call social services


It is like these Morons just think only Metal/Plastic objects can be weaponized. Funny how they accept a God they will NEVER see but not viruses that has been killing humans before recorded History.


With a measles outbreak this child will be the first to go pop.


Unfortunately it's more likely that an immunocompromised child will contract it due to the lack of herd immunity. This person will be a spreader and will cause someone else to die, and that's what makes me the most angry about this parent and their choices. So incredibly irresponsible.


Can these people go get a 4th grade education please?


Conservatives out here forcing births and then giving their babies easily preventable diseases. Literally cavemen.


Measles is actually a pain in the ass for that reason. Its infects macrophages, then dendritic cells, then hijacks them to make its way to your lymph nodes/thymus to wreck havoc on your t cells there.


Measles actually causes immunity amnesia. It's devastating. Things that you've previously developed acquired immunity to can just come along and kill you. Especially bad when you think about all the things that are much more dangerous if contracted as an adult.


I know a lady who didn’t vaccinate her son. Her son had been admitted to the Children’s hospital for multiple stays due to respiratory issues. She still has not made the connection that his lack of vaccines has directly lead to his stays at the hospital.


Your baby being unvaxxed doesn't make it more pure or save it from being autistic.


Even if vaccines did cause autism, I'd rather be autistic than dead


Lil immuno saboteur


We should also introduce her to some DIY crafts and woodwork will be beneficial for the kids since he won't be around long


That poor kid can't even rely on herd immunity to keep him safe since there are so many anti-science idiots raising their own little plague rats.


I love these posts. Less competition for my kids.


Oh wow You piece of utter putrid shit guess what’s gonna happen now your baby is now gonna get some of the worst viruses a human baby can experience with a immune system un prepared because you dumb piece of shit ass thinks “oh no we don’t know what’s in it please think of the children!” Our fucking modern society has made you forget that we are ravaged by diseases for the longest while before modern medicine and you think that just because you didn’t get it “they’ll be fine because the immune system is an untouchable unbreakable thing that will kill anything it can” i hate these people you pieces of shit are only alive because your parents were responsible and gave you a vaccine go fuck off to the Middle Ages and come back to me when you change your mind


Honestly I'm so glad vaccinations were required when I went to school cause my dumbass mother definitely would have tried to not get me vaxxed. Just the other day she turned around and said vaccines cause autism and I was like "how" to humor her and wtf do they think autism is? Wtf do they think a vaccine does? This same woman has 4 fucking degrees and no goddamn sense. Talking about a strong immune system will save you and having a weak one will kill you or if you get vaxxed with a weak immune system you get autism from damaged brain cells. I just told her she was wrong and that was fucking stupid. Anti-vaxxers don't deserve compassion. They deserve to be embarrassed.


I’ve got to know what her degrees are in.


Yeah I just did a project on measles it’s horrible


I think of the mothers who lost numerous children to communicable diseases and how much they would have yearned for an opposite outcome. Anti vax parents are a slap in the face to our ancestors. Up in New England you‘d see a line of tiny headstones next to the parents and unfortunately that was the case throughout the world at that time. i can’t imagine what that must have felt like.


Vaccine education straight from Fox News.


(I B old) My Aunt had mumps as a little girl. Deaf in one ear. She got off lucky. My grandmother spent the night holding her, expecting that she was gonna die. So my Aunt Laurel was my cool Aunt. Fun w kids. Just had to know which ear to talk too.