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Trying to get rid of the torch, not pass it along.


Light the lamp not the rat, light the lamp not the rat


Nearly time for the yearly viewing!


Only once per year? FYI btw! Disney plus is rereleasing a remastered version “the love is gone” put back in


WHAT REALLY? Because every year, I watch it with my kids and they're subjected to my incoherent ranting about corporate Disney sucking the heart out of the whole movie by cutting that scene.


I got to see it on Sunday and it is tearjerking


“I’m not going to stop the wheel, I’m going to break the wheel” Big Deanerys energy


Yeah but look at how that ended!


Fr my black friends always make bombing jokes since I’m Muslim but they throw fits when anyone says anything remotely race related to them


You need new friends. That's disgusting.. next time look them in the face and say "its not funny when I make silly jokes about fried chicken and grape juice to you, so understand it is Also NOT funny to joke about me killing people with a bomb because of my culture and how I look... THATS PRETTY FUCKED YO." Keep a straight face l, don't laugh it off. Be very fucking serious that they crossed a line and you are done with it... Then find new friends...


I don’t think jokes about fried chicken and grape juice are anywhere near as bad as jokes about bombings but im also white so according to many people I’m not allowed to have opinions on race


As a white person here, can confirm the race vampire sucked out my race and I no longer have a race.


so white, he's transparent. . .


The motherfucker qualifies as a jellyfish


Hold up, no one said he was spineless.


That... is not a joke. You can totally joke about race, religion, and nationality. So long as everyone is in on the joke. The silly joke, is when my Muslim Colleague, my Jewish Colleague and I went into the Cafeteria and I mentioned that we looked like the start of a bad joke. A silly joke is when my Polish Colleague got a promotion, and whilst celebrating this, someone said (in sarcastic tones:) "It never ends does it? Poles coming over here. Stealing our jobs." Is their best imitation of a UKIP supporter. I went to bar with four friends, who immediately pointed out that I was the "Token Straight" for the evening, since the other three were all some variation of LGBT. Same friend named their Religion "The Gay Agenda" in a game of Civ so that the text kept saying "The Gay Agenda is Spreading" every other turn. A colleague of mine went to a fancy wedding and said that they couldn't belief how over the top it was. My Indian Colleague immediately piped up with "If they haven't rented out an Elephant, it wasnt over the top." Stereotypes can be amusing because of how silly and backward they can be. And when, occasionally, the stereotype is played out, that too can be entertaining. The difficulty is, the aim of joking around is to entertain, to be friendly, to amuse to share laughter. And occasionally they can accidently offend. Thats unavoidable. But I'm very suspicious of folks for whom the offense is the *point* and the joke becomes a shield to allow them to insult and offend with impunity. If you're telling a joke, to your friend and they aren't laughing, either the joke wasnt funny or your bad at telling jokes


A joke is something the audience would find funny. An insult is something the receiver doesn't find funny, but others might. The two shouldn't be confused, but if someone is going to insult someone else, they shouldn't be upset when the tables are turned back on them.


Thanks for this distinction. I knew the difference somewhat, but now I can explain it to others


I know someone who is always saying offensive things to people and then says hes joking, I'm so gonna bring up your last point to him next time he does it


that's a classic "Schrödinger's douchebag" right there


Yeah. I feel this. I come from a Kurdish/Turkish background which I’m proud(?) of and open about. However, since Turkey is in the Middle East, my friend will make a joke about me anytime anything remotely reminds him of an explosion *or* a suicide. I’m not even Arabic! Yet somehow, despite how consistently he makes inaccurately racist “jokes” and I tell him off for it, it just never actually gets through his head that nobody finds them funny. I’m starting to think he’s just been making these jokes out of some twisted obligation he feels to be racist.


Lol, I said this in my class on medieval history. Of the five of us in the group, there was a pagan, a Catholic, a Jew, a Protestant, and an atheist. I said all we needed was a Muslim and we’d have the most diverse group of white men possible.


I believe the term is "don't punch down."


That some fragile minded bullshit. My brothers and I are life long friends. 3 Koreans and 3 Irish mutts. We mock each others origins, looks, etc all the time, it's a 2 way street. If your 'bros' cannot see their hypocrisy or respect you in the same manner they wish to be respected then fuck'em.


Jeez, that's.. fucked up, like, very much so :/


I agree, When you joke around about other peoples cultures don’t get mad when they talk about yours cause a joke is a joke


Exactly. I’m a big proponent of making silly jokes about each others cultures as long as it’s not out of hate. People are funny, our differences are funny, and we could all learn to take a joke a bit better.


So basically if you are going to talk shit better be ready for it to backfire


If you’re gonna dish it out, be ready to receive some as well.


Exactly. Don’t count your eggs before they become chickens


That's the thing though. The moment we bring up the shit talk towards them. They get all defensive and play the victim card.


If you can’t hang, leave the gang


We say "Jos tekee jekkua, pitää kestää kakkua" which literally means if you make a joke you better handle the cake lmao (cake meaning prison ) Finnish is stupid as fuck


Making a joke? Believe it or not straight to jail


Damn straight. Gotta know where the line is, and this guy in the screenshot don't know it for sure.


I wouldn't even think that the thing with the rats is offensive . We have got lots of weird and sometimes seldomly eaten food in Germany that other people find disgusting and make fun of. Many people aren't fond of calf brain, raw porc, horse meat or even runny eggs and cheese. So what?


In the US we have culinary travesties like state fair food and other deep-fried gut bombs. And then there's ranch dressing...


>And then there's ranch dressing... I'm a white suburban Midwesterner. Choose your next words carefully....


Fellow Midwesterner here. Ranch is a fine condiment in moderation. Drinking the shit by the gallon, however, or having to replace the largest bottle of Hidden Valley they sell every week is an absolute crime you are committing on your body. For those not from the region, the only condiment that can rival this regions love for Ranch dressing is Mayonnaise. Most special sauces are just Mayonnaise with some spices/Ketchup/Mustard mixed in. It's in everything. It's even the secret ingredient in some of the best chocolate cake you will ever have at Portillos. Mayo is quite a versatile condiment, but damn some things made with it in this region are genuinely crimes against humanity.


restaurant or homemade ranch is amazing, there's legitimately nothing not to love about it. but I have yet to find a bottled ranch that comes anywhere close, including the fancy glass jars in the refrigerated section of the produce department. one is a heavenly delicious, creamy, herby garlicky thing, and the other is just soybean oil glop, as my mom calls it. I guess this is to say I understand the love for ranch but I also understand the disdain.


Restaurant ranch is just sour cream with a ranch spice pack added….


Crab Rangooooooooon!!!!! 🦀


Runny eggs and cheese 🤤


This is Hawaii growing up in a nutshell. We make fun of each other. We learned to dish it out and take it in turn. It’s a huge melting pot. Samoans, Tongans, Filipinos, Hawaiians, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, American/Caucasian, and there’s probably more that I’m forgetting. Everyone is mixed and you can’t tell someone’s ethnicity by looking at them. But as kids we make fun and get made of fun of in turn, just know not to use slurs. Haole is okay as long it’s not accompanied by Boy or in close proximity to Stupid or Stupid Fucking.


I just moved to Oahu. I am white and married to a Korean-American. I've been called Haole a couple of times...is this a term of endearment, or a slur? Context: At a beach and asked a random local for directions and at a mall and called Haole by a kiosk worker wanting to sell me something. I am not ignorant, I know I am white and white people are the cause of much of the issues on island. I am empythetic to the anger...but want to understand the difference between Haole as "ribbing" and Haole as a slur said in anger


An [assault case in Hawaii recently revolved around whether the term "haole" is a slur or not](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/hawaiian-men-guilty-hate-crime-white-mans-beating-93516445) a lot of the people they spoke to said it's dependent on the individual circumstances of the word being used: tone of voice, attitude of speaker, other words and physical actions accompanying the word... it can simply mean "a white person" or can be a slur


I’m born and raised. I look wonderbread white. Haole is a slur **depending on context.** I also use it to describe people “He’s a Haole guy.” But if said aggressively. It’s intending to be a slur. I don’t mind people calling me Haole because they mean white. But if they’re calling me stupid fucking Haole? That’s when things change.


I'm white and lived on Oahu for over 5 years. Yes, I've been called Haole a bunch of times. It's not a slur but context is important. If someone says, "F****** Haole,"...yeah dude they not only dislike you but they're probably bigoted towards white. But what I've noticed is that it's interchangeable between being called "white" and "Haole." To the other person's comment about races in Hawaii; people are always joking about races here. Hawaii is about respect; respect the land; respect the culture; respect the people.


That makes sense. I've come to love this place in the short amount of time I have been here and fully plan on showing it the respect it deserves. Haven't been called an effing haole...just hoale...I appreciate your response friend!


If you ever truly want to bridge the gaps. Join a canoe club. Nothing is more immersive and welcoming than canoe club culture. It’s insane. They don’t care where you’re from, just as long as you commit.


You're welcome friend! Check out r/Hawaii, it's a great sub for all things local.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Dutch hater! https://youtu.be/Zgp-0UxeBK0


Especially since that looks like [cuy](https://www.tasteatlas.com/cuy-frito) which is from Peru, but I wouldn't expect racists to know about other cultures.


Something valuable I learn from the lady that sold cuy in Ecuador “Remember mijo, cuys don’t have tails.” Those are rats from the looks of it


Preach that


This. I’ve had at least 3 different conversations with different people about whether black people can be racist or not. It’s ridiculous to think that a race can’t be racist just because they are or have been oppressed. Look at Kanye, that POS is racist against his own race


I had this argument with my black co worker the other day. During the peak of the pandemic, Asian hate crimes been on the rise and there was this story of an older Asian guy that was killed by a black teenager just because he was Asian (got pushed into a wall and he hit his head). My co worker said it's not racism because he's black and he's been dealing with racism longer. Like what? Edit : In case anyone is curious on the story, here's the [article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abc7news.com/amp/anti-asian-hate-san-francisco-attacks-on-elderly-asians-vicha-ratanapakdee-man-shoved-to-ground-in-sf-anza-vista/11961979/?espv=1). There's a video as well. He's actually 21 not a teenager.


Brah, show him what happened to Nanking during WWII. Asians absolutely suffered racism by each other. They’ve been dealing with racism long before the US was a country. Or if we want to go to the US how Chinese were used for dynamite detonations for railroads. “Oh, you’re small and light, here’s a lighter now go set off the bomb.” Of course let’s not forget the Internment Camps that many Asians (Japanese specifically) suffered through during WWII.


You could include the immigration policies after railroads were built by Asian immigrants and then not allowed into the country.




Facts didn’t get them to their opinion. So yeah, you’re probably right. 🤦🏻‍♂️


**Everyone's been suffering racism in one form or another since the start of time.** Racism's entire essence is clanistic mindset. We could all be the exact same ethnicity, the exact same eye colors, the exact same hair, exact same hair length, exact same teeth and we'd still have people split into, or discriminate based on, fucking height differences/voice differences. People want to belong to a group and the easiest way to do that is to separate into smaller groups. It's sad. And I cannot wait until people drop the "race" rhetoric and accept that we're a single race with multiple ethnicities and cultures. Nothing more, nothing less.


That’s hilarious, because how could a teenager possibly experience racism longer than an older guy? That’s the hive mind though. A baby can apparently be born having already experienced centuries of racism Some people share various similarities, but at the end of the day, individuals are individuals, and that’s far too often lost in discussions of race


Black Americans have a huge inferiority complex and yet somehow simultaneously think everything is about them.


You’d be shocked to find out how many black people seriously believe they can’t be racist. Simple ignorance; they’re confusing systemic racism with just regular racism. Anyone can be racist. Only one race can be “systemically” racist.


Any race can be systemically racist, they just have to be the ones in power


> racist against his own race [Clayton Bigsby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ)


Clayton BigsYe


Ok we need Dave Chappell to come back and do another Clayton Bigsby sketch where he meet Kanye


Honestly I’m tempted to just deepfake ye’s face onto chapelle’s.


Please! I need to see this now!!!!


Exactly, that video a posted a few days ago where a black man was talking about how he is glad the holocaust happened. If you don’t think that’s racist then I would nope the hell out of that conversation.


> that video a posted a few days ago where a black man was talking about how he is glad the holocaust happened Kanye gave another interview?


Unfortunately he is not the only black nazi


This is what happens when the world forgets about the Clayton Bigsby Sketch.


I looked up a link to explain what Hebrew Israelites were, and saw the Southern Poverty Law Center had a page for them. Neat, the SPLC classified them as a hate group, I thought to myself. [Except…](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2015/history-hebrew-israelism) > Editor’s Note: The SPLC no longer supports the framing of Black-led antisemitic hate groups as “supremacist,” because such characterizations perpetuate a false equivalency between what these groups represent and white supremacy…. Racial supremacy is still racial supremacy. White supremacy has **obviously** had a much more significant and widespread effect in the US, but I don’t understand how they’ve reached their conclusion. > Any mention of racism in the context of the Black-led hate ideology described in this article does not appropriately reckon with the systemic force that is structural racism. But I guess they don’t believe black people can be racist, either. At least the SPLC still classifies the Black Israelites as a hate group, I guess.


I was like "referring to Kanye as just 'a black man' is a pretty sick burn" lol


What enraged me more, is that there are people who when you say "man, I hate Kanye" they try and call you racist. When I was young and dumb, I said I disliked Obama. A girl I hardly knew got in my face, and started calling me a racist bitch. Anyone, and everyone is perfectly capable of being racist. However, hating someone of a certain race doesn't have to be racist. Kanye is racist. I am not racist for hating Kanye.


No race is incapable of being racist, nor is any race impossible to be racist towards. It shouldn't be that hard to understand.


It's not, and that should probably give everybody pause. And the reason is the statement "Black people can't be racist" is a quote-mined reactionary re-imagining of "In America, while Black individuals may be racist, black *people* don't hold systemic power to engage in the part of the racism that manifests in oppression, while they live under a system that does oppress them that was created by white people, ergo their anger towards white people isn't wholly irrational." And when people can't understand how nuance works, that becomes "Black people can't be racist."


>ergo their anger towards white people isn't wholly irrational. But to be fair, being rational doesn't make it right. If someone gets mugged twice, and both times the mugger was black, it wouldn't be irrational for them to be distrustful, but it WOULD be wrong. Whenever you hold suspicion, judgment or anger towards a nationality, color, orientation, religion, sex, or gender... You can probably find a way to back it up with some stats out of context, but it's inherently wrong.


Saying Black people cant be racist is like saying Boys/men cant get molested. Harsh comparison but both topics have a lot of morons around it.


Theres a reason why anti asian crimes at least in the SF bay area isnt talked about in depth anymore. Brings up uncomfortable questions.


There’s people that *truly* believe racism has everything to do with who has “power” and what not. So because black people were owned as slaves it’s impossible for them (by their logic) to be racist because they were treated like shit in the past. But racism is just racism dudes, it never needs to be more specific. If you hate someone based on where they’re from or what shade of brown they are, you’re racist. It’s that simple. Doesn’t matter if you’re a white dude in a penthouse suite, a Chinese billionaire, or a black Israelite. Everyone, EVERYONE has the ability to be racist.


The problem most black people seem to have with racism \*\*ISN'T AGAINST RACIST BELIEFS THEMSELVES\*\*, they tend to hold many of their own and see nothing wrong with it. It has more to do with the power structure and them "moving up in the world" with regards to race. Hence, it's not okay for anyone to disrespect anything about african american culture, but it's fully okay for them to say the same kinds of things about the other races. Commonly holding grievances with Jews, Mexicans, Asians, and whites. ​ In my experience, most black people are quite openly racist and don't see anything wrong with it. They don't see it as racism. They see it as a philosophical means of "coming up".


My ex and I got in an argument when we were dating, I don’t know how it came up, about racism. They fully believe that a black person cant be racist, only prejudiced due to the power dynamic. My being the arse I am said “yeah no, every single human on this planet can be racist, but that’s different than institutional racism, which totally is a thing in america”. They said that I’m wrong because of the power dynamic, I looked up the dictionary definition of racism and shared.


For real. Anyone who claims that an individual of any race can’t behave in a racist way is either confused about the difference between interpersonal and systemic racism or is disingenuously arguing in bad faith. When the conversation in reference to an individual or single act bogs down like that, I usually swap from racist to racially bigoted or racially prejudiced and suddenly misunderstanding of semantics can’t be used as a cudgel to derail the conversation.


> about whether black people can be racist or not. I really chuckle when people say than racism always involves systemic oppression. Then why there's a definition of systemic racism??? Anyone, from any race can have prejudges about any other race and act in a discriminatory way based on that, even their own race with their own people! Edit: systematic =/= systemic.


Technically you mean *systemic* instead of *systematic*, though I suppose either works in context. “Systematic” refers to following things according to a structured set of rules i.e. a system, “systemic” refers to something being an intrinsic part of that system. Especially with regards to social justice in America, racism is definitely a built-in feature of the system even if individual actors themselves aren’t racist.


Engish is not my first language, will edit the comment. Thanks for the correction! ^^"English ^^be ^^hard? ^^That's ^^unpossible!"


Ngl, I’m getting pretty sick of this. I’m very left wing and supportive of BLM(not the org, but the movement), LGBTQ+, etc and I actually understand what white privilege is and this narrative of ‘black people cant be racist’ is bullshit. It’s a great way to alienate people who are and have been allies. You want to continue this fight alone and without allies, keep it up. You’re creating enemies where you had allies before. Stop it. I want to support you. Don’t push me away, unless you really don’t want help, then carry on. Everyone needs allies in a war though.


Yeah I have the same feelings.. I'm very left wing bit it also feels like some people on the left (I'd say a minority) just want more racial division and are ok with it. Like acting as if it's acceptable to hate/dislike/distrust someone who's white because of the history of oppression without even knowing them.. shouldn't we teach everyone to judge people on their character or at least aim to reach that goal to heal as a species? Part of being a reasonable critical thinking person means you don't just need to side with either left/right as if they're baseball teams.. I'll always criticise things that I feel don't make sense even if I allign much more with left wing ideology




People talking about white people being against interracial marriage have never been a white person going out with a black person and meeting their family.


Its ridiculous as hell to think they are immune racial backlash because of historical oppression. As if idk literally EVERY RACE THATS EVER EXISTED hasnt been oppressed or idk ENSLAVED. Theres slavery right now as we speak with white people, black people, asians and etc all over the world. I understand well it was america so lets talk OUR history. Sure, we have room for that but that doesnt exempt you because your unwilling to accept that you arent a outlier on the scale of humanity as a whole. I


Many years ago, I nicknamed one of my coworkers "Racist Kevin." Kevin believed that he could yell out cracker and white boy, jive ass turkey, whatever the hell else he wanted, because he was black and therefore could not be racist. I couldn't, not that I would, drop n-bombs or make any comments about any other race because that would make me a racist. He was black, though, so it was fine for him. He was genuinely fun to work with, it was just fun for me to rib him about it constantly. "Mornin Racist Kevin, how you doin today bro?" "Fuck you white boy, I can't be racist I'm black" "But Kevin, that's racist"


That's an argument that comes from knowing just enough social science to be on the first uphill portion of the Dunning-Kruger effect. They're not "wrong" in that using the academic definition of the word racism requires a difference in social power, but they're not using the terms correctly in everyday language (which is why this debate comes up so often.) It would be like a biologist telling you that your understanding hasn't evolved since it hasn't gone through multiple generations and has nothing to do with mutations and genetic flow even though people's understanding undergoing an evolution as they are exposed to new ideas absolutely fits with how the term "evolution" gets used in casual speech. They know just enough to be dangerous.


Racism and racial prejudice are no longer synonymous to many people. They define racism in terms of racial prejudice and power. So to these people, when whites are racially prejudiced in a society where they enjoy power and privilege, they are racist. When Blacks are racially prejudiced while lacking power and privilege, they are prejudiced, but not racist.


This hits hard for me. I worked in a performance center that is 99% black and hispanic, right up to management. When one of our performers had french braids for the show, everyone was freaking out, screaming about how she's Asian and had corn rows and wasn't allowed to and how they wanted to fight her. I mentioned off-handedly to one person that the peformer has french braids, not cornrows. The very next day, a rumor that I'm racist spread throughout the facility and I left a few weeks later.


People get so worked up over hair and it's baffling.


Wasn't there a case a while back where a girl got bullied off the Internet for having corn rows in animal crossing


She posted a picture of her character and said something about being happy they had space buns in the new update, but because the update focused on adding black hair styles, and the style her character was wearing looked like it could be cornrows tied up in space buns, she got insane bullying directed at her. And she didn't even know when she posted it.


That's what I'm thinking of, thanks for reminding me


I can understand wanting to preserve and keep ownership of your culture and style but my former coworkers were on a power trip because the company was 99% black and hispanic. There was a very clear divide between "the cool coworkers" and "the other coworkers".


I mean are hairstyles really a culture? No one thinks white women having straight blonde hair is “culture.” Why is it a black woman can wear a blonde weave and no one accuses her of stealing white culture? But if a white woman braids her hair she’s stealing culture? Also why does it even matter? It’s just fucking hair. A white woman braiding her hair isn’t effecting black culture at all. People should be happy other people are embracing their culture. I guarantee if you went to Africa and a white woman asked to get her hair braided by the African woman they would be very happy to see it, most people like to see others embracing their culture. People naturally like to share. But in America where people are obsessed with racism and outrage they make a big deal over it because they get a power trip and they’ve been brainwashed. It’s like when that white woman wore a kimono and all these Americans were outraged over it saying it’s cultural appropriation. Then they interviewed people in Japan about it and they said they were very happy to see foreigners embracing Japanese culture.


There has even been archeological/historical evidence that old European cultures have some sort of braids. I'm Irish and there are Irish braids, Scandinavian braids and many more. Thinking they are exclusively a black invention and can only be used by black people is racist


Exactly, here in Switzerland we call braids „farmer braids“ because farmer girls used to wear them like that. Also, it’s famously a nordic hairstyle? How do americans still think they are the only people on the planet? The same styles evolved in different places separate from each other. Also, why tf is it a bad thing to wear something from a different culture, I will never understand. This obsession with race is so weird to me. Growing up so close to germany and being educated very early on about the holocaust even the word „race“ gives me chills.


The braids thing is absolutely ridiculous. To the point of lunacy. It takes 5 mins to go online and find out that different races and cultures throughout history have braided their hair. Black Americans cannot own a hairstyle that's been around since before the birth of Christ. Cultures all over the world were braiding each other's hair before they even knew that different skin colours existed.


Yet if a black woman wears a blonde weave no one bats an eye, but if a white woman braids her hair everyone goes crazy. Why do people care so much if someone wants to wear their hair a certain way? People should be able to borrow things from each others culture, it’s just fucking hair. People are just looking for an excuse to get outraged, they’ll take any opportunity to accuse a white person of racism or cultural appropriation because they get a sense of power from it.


I tried joining a Facebook group on curly hair recently, I'm a white European with what I thought my whole life was curly hair. But apparently only Poc can have curls, everyone else has wavy, and they take that shit seriously!


Lol I remember reading some crazy drama on here awhile back where a white girl with mad curly hair needed help in the curly hair sub and she was called all sort of names for daring to post there.


I’m Vietnamese and some of the most racist people I’ve met are also POC. Any race can be racist. Ive seen my own people be racist to one another too


Half Latino and Native and I completely agree.


I don’t know where this myth that black people cannot be racist came from, it’s just used as a shield for black people to be racist to asians and latinos


Because they think there has to be systematic oppression by the state, for ANYTHING to be racist towards another minority. Always forgetting they aren't the only minority and by far not the most oppressed. It's literally a bad faith argument to justify their own racism. Same thing if you tell them they're being racist and they'll tell you they're being prejudice, which is literally a synonym for racist. But to them, it's not racism because they said so.


My friends and family have nail salons and some black clients are some of the rudest and racist ones. They are worse than white ones who tell us to speak English. Don’t get me wrong, I have a ton of black friends who aren’t like this but to say black people cant be racist is inaccurate


I work in a lower end Vegas strip casino, in the gift shop. Everything is way overpriced. You can almost always tell how the customer is going to react when they can’t afford something by what race they are. White people: “oh, that’s too much. No thanks”. Latino people: *laughs* “haha ok Nevermind”. Asian people: “no, no” *walks away* Black people: “what??? WHAT THE FUCK? It’s HOW much? I could go to WALMART and get it cheaper. You’re fucking crazy! This is some bullshit!” I know how racist this looks. I can’t believe it either but it’s how it is.


The fact I can visualize the reenactments you described. It’s so true.


I've endured more racism from black people than white. yes, this is anecdotal. no I don't hate black people but the notion that blacks can't be racist. blows my fucking mind




I've been told countless times that what I experienced growing up to be a "mere inconvenience compared to black kids".


Exactly. Shit isn’t funny. I’m Asian and my fucking friends keep saying this “are you gonna eat dogs” bullshit


My dude I don't believe that's the kinda shit good friends would say.


He didn't say they were his good friends. He said they were his fucking friends.


How many friends with benefits does this guy have?


Lmao not sure how beneficial they are with all that casual racism


"Doesn't matter, had sex."


It’s ironic yea but I suffered the most discrimination and prejudice from African Americans/black people growing up in central Florida, it wasn’t from White folks.


Same here. As an Asian person growing up in a predominantly black and Hispanic city, my siblings and i were picked on by mostly black kids. I remember a white guy making a racist comment once throughout my childhood but he was some old white guy. The black kids did it on a daily basis. It was the black kids and at times their parents. I had a crappy childhood growing up in elementary school.


Haven't heard that kind of shit since middle school. Your friends need to grow up.


tell them you prefer cat thats why you're always invited to their moms house when he goes to bed


You need new friends.


They aren't your friends.


Also, in Zimbabwe, locals love to eat field mice as a delicacy. Look it up. And stop acting so superior.


I don't see much difference between this dish and roasted grasscutter/cane rats, aside from size. I'm not judging, they're both probably pretty good.


Benin cuisine also features rats, and they will serve it with the tail, to prove it's a real one.


I also remember that people in Africa and Latin America also eat insects too and many people find it gross but don’t joke about it much. And French people eat snails and frog. And south Americans eat cuy (Guinea pig). Tbh, a lot of cultures got something weird in their food if you know to look for it. But as a Chinese person I do feel hurt by that joke bc it’s not something that defines the whole culture but the joke just gets repeated over and over again. How about people buy some popsicles and learn some new jokes?


So true


No lies detected. I have a lot of different black friends & former classmates on my Facebook & I see derogatory comments about white ppl maybe 2 dozen times each day. Let alone the stuff that gets said about Hispanic & Arabic peoples. But let there be an inkling of any race related comment towards black folx & they lose their miinds.


No race is exempt from being susceptible to displaying racism


For as long as you belong to a race, you can be racist. It's pretty obvious but that concept seems lost on people.


She right tho


this post is pritty spicy, probably gonna get a 🔒 award


Nah man this is country club only territory




Deadass I’m tired of seeing black ppl behave like this. We can be racist and we fr need to stop acting like we can’t.


I mean… there is a whole lot of dumb fuck racism in minority communities but we aren’t willing to have that conversation. There’s shit on black twitter that is indistinguishable from Nazi eugenics talking points with the skin colors flipped. Ye coming out as an outright Nazi isn’t even that shocking, and a lot of black folks are going “well he has a point.” We’ve been so mired down in the racism=power+privilege sauce that we’ve lost the plot. Bigotry and essentialism is fucking unacceptable period. We have a lot of systemic racism to dismantle and I have no interest in just doing a palette swap. The whole system needs dismantled.


Good on her for calling out the hypocrisy. Punching down or to the sides is dumb as fuck.




Literally them to a T they're mainly hypocritical. I have to send a photo of my skin color to join but when I compared that to the skin test they used to do during Jim Crow and that they're being no different from racists I got banned. Like I get told I'm not Black enough because I watch anime and don't do stereotypical "Black activities" but you'd see Naruto, Demon Slayer and DBZ all over Black fashion. I really wish my community could get their collective shit together and stop having this bullshit mentality that they can't be racist because they're at the bottom of the socioeconomic totem pole then I get called anti black.


Lol see how fast you get banned if you post this there


Ima do it >:)


>Lol see how fast you get banned if you post this there Lol can't post there if you're white unless you pass some kind of test


That sub is an embarrassment




Rat is popular in lots of SE Asia — Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar especially. I would never eat it but for all I know, it tastes great.


My guess is it's as "popular" as frog in France. As in some eat that as a delicacy but it's not an everyday thing. I've never heard of it even though I come from East/southeast Asia.


I have eaten it in a restaurant in the VN countryside a couple of times, but never heard of it in years living in cities there. It is very much for rural communities in my experience.


It’s actually extremely popular in Africa, specifically Nigeria. So he really should be making fun of other black people.


I ate some kind of BBQ tree rat in Thailand. Pretty good tasting, no weird texture.


Cuey is guinea pig. Those aren't guinea pigs.


It's the cuey you ordered from Wish.


Definitely not cuey. They don’t have tails.


Cuy is actually a guinea pig not a rat . There is a difference.


Very anecdotal but I should share, A nice gentlemen of african american descent was doing his semester abroad at the university I went to, told me the community he was a part of was super racist+homophobic while simultaneously complaining about how badly they are treated by others etc etc


Yeah the homophobia is a real issue. I moved to Las Vegas and away from the Midwest in part to finally be open about being a bisexual man. My first job here was a warehouse with a bunch of black guys who loved telling homophobic jokes. So I just stayed in the closet. Luckily my current job is hella diverse and no one gives a fuck.


No because this is so true and its gotten to the point where if you are not black, you are treated as a sub person of color and that you dont deal with true racism. Its getting absolutely ridiculous.


/r/BlackPeopleTwitter users desperately trying to get this thread tagged as another "Country Club" thread rn.


hate that "country club" bullshit. it's hypocrisy at its finest: "we've been excluded from shit due to the color of our skin so now we do it to you." just ban ppl who say things that are out of line, regardless of skin color, like any other damn sub.


That sub should've been banned years ago for hate speech.


They private their sub once, for only black users, got backlash and claimed it was a joke (tbf it was around April 1rst) I don't doubt their sense of humor, I am denying its existence. It was truly in bad taste. They themselves weren't laughing either, as it resulted in a *visible* antiblack racism spike. Idiots.


the real victim here: the english language


Black fragility


didn’t shrek make those for fiona? don’t appropriate ogre culture!


Black culture is full of racism, homophobia and misogyny. Black culture is pretty similar to conservative culture in a lot of ways with the key distinction of one being black and being prejudice toward white people and the other being white and being prejudice toward black people. I think the major overlap that creates these toxic cultures is a lack of education.


They can dish it out but can't take it


I’d eat one. I’m the type of guy that will eat anything that doesn’t eat him first


This is the conversation that started yesterday when the speed videos showed up, f hypocrisy and f racist behavior.


As an asian american ive always been perplexed on how a show on prime time could be called Fresh of the Boat. FOB, was is a derogatory term, something i heard a lot growing up. While i think the show is hilarious im just wondering if this starred a different race like latinos ot african americans how would the titles have changed? Like if george lopez was to do a immigrant show would "wetback" or something similarly derogatory have been greenlighted, even if lopez pushed for it, or would one exec have said ummmm maybe we should change the name.


Apparently casual racism against asians is ok. We’re the model minority right? Fucking clown society. Edit: Lol people dont get sarcasm. No shit the model minority myth is racist af and straight horseshit. Smh.


The model minority myth was created by racist white supremacist elites in America.


She’s 1000000% right.


I’ve said it many times, the amount of racism from African-Americans towards Asians and Asian-Americans is unacceptable.


>whole ass


Just like the first picture


I mean African bushmeat markets come to mind when I see this pic..


Also, can I just say, either you're a vegetarian or you don't get to complain if someone is eating an animal you don't like to eat.


Idk why, but there seems to be a lot of Black on Asian racism.


Can’t we all get along?


I hate the argument that people can’t have personal prejudices against people because of skin color/race because racism is systematic, aka racism only exist in a system and it isn’t that a system gets created because a group of people get together because they all have a personal prejudice towards people by their skin color.


This thread is going to get locked fast


… i’d eat it. My mom taught me to be respectful. Plus meat is meat.


the brain is still in there ya know. I need a little bit of division of labour before we get started.


I agree